Queens Community Newspapers | December 24, 2020

Page 6



The Other Good News from the 2020 Election By Ben Jealous (TriceEdneyWire.com) - While

In Florida, Nancy Metayer was

politicians who try to delegitimize

President Donald Trump continues

elected to the Coral Springs City

and disenfranchise Black voters.

to hog media attention with his dis-

Commission. An environmental

Our future belongs to Americans

honest “stolen election” claims, we

scientist and public health advocate,

who embrace our destiny as a di-

should devote some attention to the

Metayer is the first Black woman


good news that a diverse group of

and only the second Black person


young progressive leaders were

to serve on the commission in the

elected to office all across the coun-

city’s history.

We all know that everyone doesn’t share that vision. Some are

In North Carolina, Ricky Hur-

fighting it tooth and nail. One of the

tado became the first Latino Demo-

most harmful legacies of the Trump

Next Up Victory Fund supports

crat to be elected to the state legisla-

era is the way that he energized

young progressive candidates who

ture and Nida Allam was elected to

extremists and created a climate in

demonstrate leadership ability and

ed the city’s youngest mayor since

the Durham County Commission,

which people could feel comfort-

a commitment to making positive

1904. He was first elected to the city

making her the first Muslim woman

able expressing their bigotry.

change. Since 2017 we have helped

council in 2011 when he was just

elected to any office in the state.

more than 300 promising and ac-

27 years old—and he had already

Rebecca Mitchell was part of

so important that we invest in young

complished young progressives get

built a record of community service

the success story in Georgia this

people who have a clear sense of

elected to state and local office.

work. Next Up endorsed Scott in the

year. She was elected to House Dis-

where we are, where we need to

Those are all reasons why it is

This year, some of our endorsed

primary election based on his record

trict 106, unseating the powerful

go, and what it will take to get us

candidates were running for of-

of fighting for better schools, work-

Republican House Ways and Means

there. We can’t wait to see the great

fice for the first time. Some were

ing to end gun violence, and im-

Committee chairman.

things these young winners will ac-

running for reelection. Some were

proving opportunities and wages

stepping up to a position of great-

for working families.

In addition to the importance

Ben Jealous serves as president

Christian Menefee became the

ed people in office, the excitement

of People For the American Way

women and more than two-thirds

first Black person and the young-

generated by these candidates can

and People For the American Way

were Black, Indigenous, or people

est person ever elected as District

have “upballot” effects—boosting

Foundation. Jealous has decades

of color. Eighty-five of them will be

Attorney in Harris County, Texas.

congressional and presidential can-

of experience as a leader, coalition

serving their communities in public

Harris County’s population is great-

didates by increasing turnout. Ac-

builder, campaigner for social jus-

office next year, and some of them

er than the population of more than

cording to TIME, part of the story

tice and seasoned nonprofit execu-

will be helping to lead our nation in

half the states. Next Up endorsed

in Georgia this year, where Next Up

tive. In 2008, he was chosen as the

the years ahead.

Menefee as part of a slate of candi-

endorsed 17 candidates was “un-

youngest-ever president and CEO

Here are a few of the 2020 suc-

dates committed to stopping unjust

precedented youth voter turnout.”

of the NAACP. He is a graduate of

cess stories that can give us all hope

police killings of civilians and pro-

The success of so many young

Columbia University and Oxford,

tecting Black and Brown communi-

progressive leaders is a hopeful af-

where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and

ties through greater accountability

firmation that America’s future does

he has taught at Princeton and the

for law enforcement.

not belong to white supremacists or

University of Pennsylvania.

Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott was elect-

Vol. 25, No 52 December 24, 2020

complish in the years ahead.

of putting a diverse group of talent-

er responsibility. A majority were

for a brighter future.

Harlem Community Newspapers | December 24. 2020


People For the American Way’s

try this year.



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