1 minute read
Michelle Rowland
from BN 06 Sept 2021
by Design2Pro
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Michelle Rowland MP
Level 1, Suite 101C, 130 Main Street, Blacktown PO Box 8525, Blacktown NSW 2148 (02) 9671 4780 Michelle.Rowland.MP@aph.gov.au MRowlandMP www.michellerowland.com.au
The online forum conduced by Michelle Rowland.
We acknowledge business sacrifi ce
ON Tuesday night last week, I held a forum for small businesses in Greenway that are seeking guidance and clarity in the grip of this third wave.
I was joined by Steve Kamper, the NSW Shadow Minister for small business, Trevor Oldfi eld, the President of the Blacktown Chamber of Commerce, and a variety of business owners.
Steve Kamper MP initiated the forum with an expression of gratitude to our businesses, and an acknowledgement of the sacrifi ces they have made for the health and safety of our entire community.
There are over 5,000 small businesses in Greenway. Many of them are taking on more debt and foregoing revenue than ever before.
As Steve said, it is a big ask to forego your revenue, hold on to your business and still maintain costs at home. Small businesses are facing complex regulations, that often change overnight without notifi cation.
I want to acknowledge our local small businesses for their patience, resilience and sacrifi ce.
As a result of these very sacrifi ces, everyone, including our most vulnerable community members, are safer.
Beyond words, our small and medium businesses must be better supported, and in a more timely manner.
Amidst this time of ever-changing circumstances, I will continue to advocate for clarity and direction from the Government in whatever capacity I can.
Michelle Rowland is Federal Member for Greenway.