22 « SEPTEMBER 17, 2021
U.S. bishops relaunch ‘Civilize It’ initiative
uring the last presidential election cycle, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) launched a new initiative entitled “Civilize It.” The purpose of the initiative was to ensure that focus during the election cycle was given not only to the issues and candidates being debated, but also to how to engage in civil and charitable dialogue on what are often controversial political matters. In short, the U.S. bishops wanted to make sure Catholics were equipped to be and act as Christians in the public square, a place where noise and division too often abound. While the initiative’s resources were few, it was nevertheless important, impactful and insightful. It provided the basic tools that any person should have when discussing any topic, most especially politics. It underscored the importance of listening to understand those you are speaking with – especially your political “opponents” – and from this
Faithful, Watchful Citizens
place of listening to be able to delve more deeply and authentically into the issues. As we prepare for the midterm election cycle, the USCCB is relaunching their “Civilize It” initiative. As stated in its promotional materials, “As a Church and a nation, we are polarized and divided. Pope Francis challenges us to respond to building a ‘better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common’ (Fratelli Tutti, no. 154). We are called to overcome division, promote encounters with our neighbors, and seek the truth.” It is the desire of the U.S. bishops “to assist Catholics to counter polarization and division in Church and society by following the example of the Good Samaritan, who challenges us to ‘become neighbors to all’ (Fratelli Tutti, no. 80).” Our political discourse is rife with toxic exchanges. Vile exchanges of communication
in the context of politics are an age-old problem, one that has only been exacerbated by social media. But there is no reason this must be the norm – there is always hope and redemption. “Civilize It” seeks to flip this dynamic by calling on Catholics to be leaven in the culture. “Civilize It” invites us to enter into the fray of political discourse and to reveal a “better kind of politics,” a politics that respects the other person and does not seek to vilify them or their sincerely held beliefs. “Civilize It” seeks to charitably meet people where they are, create a culture of human encounter between persons, and from that position strive toward a mutual understanding of the truth and how we can best strive for the common good. If you, like me, have the tendency to be quick to judge or cast aspersions on your political “enemies” and find it difficult to be civil and charitable in how you conduct yourself during political debates and discussions, then I think you would do well to visit CivilizeIt.org and give some of the resources a look. Take them to prayer, give
Civilize It: A Better Kind of Politics is a nonpartisan initiative that seeks to assist Catholics to counter polarization and division in Church and society by following the example of the Good Samaritan, who challenges us to “become neighbors to all” (Fratelli Tutti, no. 80). Respond to Pope Francis’ call to build “a better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good” (Fratelli Tutti, no. 154) by pledging:
CHARITY CLARITY CREATIVITY Learn more and commit to #ABetterKindofPolitics at civilizeit.org.
A promotional flyer for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Civilize It” initiative encourages Catholics to visit the CivilizeIt. org website. them a read and periodically return to them over the next year as our nation enters, once again, into the fray of election politics. As always, share them with family, friends, parishioners, political friends
and adversaries, and anybody else in need. Tom Venzor is executive director of the Nebraska Catholic Conference. Email him at tvenzor@necatholic.org.
Health education standards postponed – for now
espite overwhelming opposition, the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) dragged Nebraskans into another month of debate about their proposed Nebraska Health Education Standards. State Board of Education meetings have become dramatic, as board members tussle over procedural matters, citizens take the mic for public comment to expose a dysfunctional system, and two drafts of deeply flawed ideological content are scrutinized. None of this need to have happened; the NDE chose to pursue this work. More incredibly, they have prioritized it during the pandemic as families and schools are in crisis. Unfortunately, Nebraska is not immune to a wellfunded national movement to sexualize children, infringe on parent rights and normalize contraception and abortion. Local and state school boards around the country have become epicenters in the battle over a simple question: Who are the principal educators of children? As people of faith, we know there’s no debate. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is clear: Parents and guardians are the primary
Faithful, Watchful Citizens JEREMY EKELER
educators of their children (no. 2223), and we demand the government honor this. It is no surprise that from day one, the Nebraska Catholic Conference (NCC) has strongly opposed the comprehensive sex and sexuality education (CSE) sections embedded in the first two drafts of the proposed health standards. At the NCC’s website, necatholic.org, you can find a breakdown of the troubling content from March’s first draft. It included topics like gender fluidity in first grade, sexual orientation in third grade, hormone blockers in fifth grade, anal and oral sex in seventh grade, contraceptives in eighth grade, and much more. Despite significant cuts, the second draft released in July still contained CSE. For instance, seventh graders are taught that “sex and gender identity may or may not differ”; multiple obfuscations regarding sexually transmitted infections and “healthcare facilities” more than hint at Planned Parenthood involvement; and puberty blockers are barely hidden behind weak smokescreens
beginning in fourth grade (children are asked to consider how they can “manage” puberty). Our website also includes NCC feedback on this second draft. Fast-forward to the State Board of Education’s Sept. 3 meeting, where a proposal was made by the NDE’s Learning Committee to postpone all work on the health standards. Their empty rationale was that the health standards are distracting from COVID-related educational priorities. Recall that the NDE chose this work and forced the issue upon Nebraskans in the middle of the pandemic. This pause on the development of the health standards is not about COVID; it is about an ideological agenda that had hit a wall of prayer, parent voices and reason. In a show of their internal priorities, the board meeting was rife with board member pontification, the reading of internal emails detailing collusion with political activists, and debate that both displayed rifts within the board and critically questioned the accountability of the NDE to process and transparency. Ultimately, the board voted 5-1-1 (one absent) to postpone the work. Visit our website to see how your State Board of Education member voted.
The first two drafts of the Nebraska Department of Education’s proposed health standards contained sections on comprehensive sex and sexuality education, which the Nebraska Catholic Conference strongly opposed. While many celebrate this postponement as a victory for parental rights, we must remain vigilant. The health standards are shelved, not trashed. Board members, activists and the NDE will resume the health standards with a plan. Be on the lookout for updates and action items. Pay special attention to upcoming local elections. To conclude, I’d like to share some nuggets that have been exposed during this process. First, we know that the NDE actually began work on the health standards in the fall of 2019. This means they have placed energy and resources behind ideological CSE standards for two years, even as COVID has crippled schools. Secondly, the NDE has misled us: They initially claimed this work was not about CSE, but
now they and their supporters embrace it. Next, political activists like Women’s Fund of Omaha and Out Nebraska were invited to write and advise on the standards, while educators and experts who advocate for traditional marriage and abstinence were deliberately excluded. We all must demand more of the NDE and our State Board of Education. Transparency in process and content, as well as parent empowerment, are vital as we proceed. Finally, continue to pray for our children, our families, the NDE and the State Board of Education. Jeremy Ekeler is associate director of Education Policy for the Nebraska Catholic Conference. Email him at jekeler@ necatholic.org.