Research Zine Bioplastic Packaging Bag By Kim Sinke

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By Kim Sinke

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Table Of Contents Introduction 03 The Project 05 Initiatives From Others 09 Inspiration 12 Tested Recipes 14 Requirements 21 Transportation Test 23 Material Test 29 Project Outcome 32

Kim Sinke

Reframing Moments 34 The Process In Pictures 36 Final Product 46 The Agar Agar Recipe 52 How To Make A Bag 54 Bag To Earth 59 Trial Of Evidence 62 References 68

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Intro Do you love receiving your online order as much as I do? I always wait for my online order in full excitement and when it arrives I only have eyes for the product I ordered, not for the packaging materials. I can’t even remember how the last packaging materials I got looked like and how I threw them away. Is that packaging even necessary you might think? Well it is, without the plastic packaging bag your freshly received product could not be looking so fresh and brand new. But what can we do with this useless piece of plastic? Make it biologically absorbable and reusable! In the past ten weeks I’ve been researching the perfect recipe to make biologically absorbable and reusable ‘plastic’ packaging bags. The result is an Agar Agar algae based transparant and sealable packaging bag that can be home-composted.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Project I focus my research on making the perfect bioplastic clothing bag. During my time working in several clothing warehouses with duties as a packer and labelling I noticed that the clothing industry uses a lot of plastic clothing bags. They use it for transport and protection of the clothes. Every clothing item made in a factory will be packed in a separate plastic bag, which will be sent out to a smaller store or a different store warehouse. In these stores and warehouses the clothes will be repacked in different and sometimes store related plastic packaging bags and then sent out to the costumer. The costumer unpacks and often sees no use in the plastic bag, so they will throw it away. This also counts for clothing warehouses and stores.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020


Plastic bags at MSMode, 2020, By K. Sinke


The Project If you look at the pictures you’ll see how much bags are being used at a clothing warehouse like MSMode in the Netherlands:

Plastic bags at MSMode, 2020, By K. Sinke Kim Sinke

Plastic bags at MSMode, 2020, By K. Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020


Packaging at MSMode, 2020, By K. Sinke 6

The Project Sustainable paper options Some companies do try to work with sustainable, recyclable and reusable packaging materials. The sustainable packagings you see the most nowadays are paper packagings. Companies like Intimissimi pack and send their clothes in paper bags, but paper has a different unboxing experience than plastic bags.

There are environment and sustainable packaging options like JASA’s environment friendly packaging. Those packaging materials are made from recyclable cardboard and paper, but they don’t give you the plastic vibe. And we all know humans are a fan of plastic because it’s see-through, feels smooth and is strong.

Intimissimi paper packaging materials

JASA’S bag-2-paper packaging method

Intimissimi order, 2020, By K. Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

JASA production, 2020, Reference 2 p.66 22-06-2020


The Project The Unboxing Experience There is a huge difference between the unboxing experience with paper/cardboard material and plastic material. I prefer plastic packaging materials, because it gives a clean and more smooth feeling than paper/cardboard materials. The most important differences between these two options is that plastic materials are seethrough and easier to work with. If you use plastic materials you can see what you pack and receive. So you don’t have to open the packaging to see what’s inside of it. I think that’s a huge advantage of plastic packaging materials. There are also a lot of different plastic clothing packaging bags, which also give a different unboxing experience. The pictures show a few examples of plastic bags.

Different plastic bags, 2020, By Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Initiatives From Others Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Initiatives From Others There are a few examples of initiatives that make or sell bioplastic packaging bags: Alpagro packaging sells bioplastic fruits and vegetable packaging bags and shipping bags. The bags are mostly eco-friendly and are not really biologically absorbable. But it’s a good start for bigger companies to order their packaging materials here. For smaller biological companies it’s less easy, because you need to order big amount of bags.

Alpagro packaging, 2020, Reference 3 p. 66

Bio-eco is based in Thailand and sells packaging that is 100% composable. They mainly sell paper packaging, but they also have bioplastics cups and lids. Bio-Eco Thailand, 2020, Reference 4 p. 66 Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Initiatives From Others Some researchers make their own bioplastic bags and packagings like Clara Davis and Margarita Follert. These ladies have put so much time and energy in creating the perfect bags and packagings. The results are amazing! But not very commercial and for sale yet.

C. Davis packaging, 2020, Reference 5 p. 66

M. Follert packaging, 2020, Reference 6 p. 66 Kim Sinke Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

What I miss the most with these initiatives is that the recipes and methods are not open-source, except for the recipes of Clara and Margarita. But those recipes are hard to find. I think that there is a possibility to let companies and costumers become more aware that there are packaging materials which are biological absorbable and easy to make, recycle and reuse by your self or your company. It should be more known and out in the open! That’s why I want to research the best recipe for a bioplastic clothing bag and make it opensource. I’’ll show my proces and recipes via an open-source platform called Gitbook. And I will make it likeable for companies, stores and costumers to make, use and return (to earth) these bioplastic clothing bags.



Inspiration Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Inspiration The recipes I used as inspiration for my final recipe come from the online book called: Biofabricating Materials from Cecilia Raspanti for Fabricacadamy class 29 Oct 2019, which you can find here: file/d/1Lm147nvWkxxmPf5Oh2wU5a8eonpqHCVc/view&sa=D&ust=1591284586496000&usg=AFQjCNHPKefOQ7G-EkEcCNBEd4nnY2fHmA

You can find the Agar Agar recipes I used on the next pages. Digital Material book, 2019, Reference 9 p. 66

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Tested Recipes Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Rceipes Recipe testing During my research I have tested a lot of recipes. The Agar recipes which worked best can be found on the sheet. I also tested the recipe of Clara Davis and ran some tests. You can find my research and more tested recipes here: Digital Material book, 2019, Reference 9 p. 66

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Rceipes BIO-PLASTIC 1 The thin layer of the Agar Bio foil worked out great, but in a thicker form the Bioplastic will create some gray on the top. This is the result of high moisture quantity in the recipe. Therefore the material is too sticky and fragile for a bag.

Pictures Bio-plastic 1, 2020, by Kim Sinke

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Rceipes Stretch BIO-FOIL This recipe is a little tricky. The first time I tried this recipe there was almost nothing left of it after a few days. That recipe was made with 400 ml water. Maybe it shrunk so much because of the water? So I tested the same recipe, this time with 200 ml water. The result was suprisingly good. The material feels soft and rough at the same time. It’s really flexible and strong. The sheet is heavy and the structure is not smooth enough for a bag.

Pictures Stretch BIO-FOIL, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Rceipes Clara Davis Recipe You can find Clara her recipes and methods here: Davis, C. (z.d.). CLARA DAVIS / looking for a durable design. 4 mei 2020, van

After one week of drying the Clara bag material looked really good.The material can be folded a little, but not much further than shown on the picture. I don’t think it’s suitable for clothing packaging, because the material is too rigid.

The Bags from Clara looked really interesting! So I wanted to give them a try. Gelatine is not the material I prefer because of it’s use of animal tissue and its smell. I followed the instructions of Clara and started to mix the water with gelatine before heating it. It already became very foamy! It didn’t get better after I heated it up and cooked the recipe. There was almost only foam! So I just let it cool of for a few minutes and got a spoon to remove the foam from the top of the liquid. Pictures Clara Davis recipe, 2020, by Kim Sinke

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Rceipes Flexibe Bio-foil The first time I tried this recipe I put Vaseline on the borders of the dish, because I was scared that the sheet wouln’t come off. But it was not necessary and I ruined the sheet and made it really sticky and fragile. So I tried the recipe again, this time without Vaseline, and I got a completely opposite result. It was a flexible and strong material. I love this recipe.

I changed the recipe for more flexibility New recipe: • 5 gram Agar Agar • 20 gram Glycerine • 250 ml water Pictures Flexible Bio-foil, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Rceipes BIO-PLASTIC 2 I cooked this recipe for 15 minutes long and made sure the water never really reached the boiling point, so the temperature would stay between 80 to 90 degrees. The agar dissapeared very smoothly. I like the smoothness of this material. It’s still sticky, but I hope that dissapears after I let it dry a few days more. Its flexible and strong, but feels smooth and soft.

Pictures Bio-plastic 2, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Requirements Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Requirements Product Requirements The requirements for the end product are: - It must be heat resistent up to 30 degrees - It must be water resistant - It must be biodegradable - It must come close to the same look and feel as a normal plastic bag The purpose of the biodegradable organic plastic bag is that you can easily make, remake, use and return it to earth by composting it.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Transport Test Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Transport Test I also ran some tests to proof that the packaging bags won’t harm your products. I have sent four different recipes with the mail to see if it would survive the transport. I wrapped the different bio plastic sheets around different white cotton clothing pieces. The package with the materials came back in three days. The materials survived the transport and didn’t change. The materials didn’t affect the clothes.

Transport test pictures, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Transport Test Here is the link to the full test: andrei/kim/16-reframing-and-expo-prep/13-project-consumables

After 3 days I got my package back: All the recipes returned in the exact same state as they were send out. No stains on the clothing pieces, no extra stickyness and no meltings. Each of them survived the journey pefectly! So now it’s decision day. What do I want my plastic bags to be? Stong, flexible, not sticky, l ittle sticky? Which recipe will be closer to the final recipe?

Transport test pictures, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Transport Test Results: • Clara Davis This material really feels like plastic. But to be honest it’s way to strong and rigid to become a foil-ish bio plastic clothing packaging bag. The material is fine for a shopping bag. Big advantage: It’s the only one which is not sticky! • Agar flexible bio-foil 20g glycerine The recipe is great. You would expect that with the high amount of glycerine in the recipe, that it would be the stickiest. But it’s actually not that sticky. Agar bio-foil 2 is more sticky. This one has all the benefits, but is less sticky and feels more like a strong foil.

Transport test pictures, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Transport Test Results: • Agar flexible bio-foil 18g glycerine This recipe worked out great aswell! It’s strong but a little sticky. The material feels a bit bubbly, almost like real plastic foil. • Agar Bio-plastic 2 This material looks great! It’s see-through and clear. It’s also strong and flexible. Although it feels like a sticky balloon. It’s still a great start, but not the material I’m looking for.

Transport test pictures, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Transport Test Conclusion In the beginning of this project I was doubting between Gelatine and Agar Agar recipes. I have proven with this test that Agar is a go and gelatine is a no and not just because of the ingredients, but because of my end product goals. Agar recipes turned out to be more flexible and very close to plastic foil. I was afraid that Agar might melt or damage the clothing during transportation but this was not the case! From my experience and the proof I have: Agar can survive being sent to different locations and it can survive being stuck and sealed in a paper bag for a couple of days without material changes.

The recipe that I found most promising was the Flexible Bio foil 20. It’s a nice recipe and the material can stay in shape for a long time. It’s is less sticky than other recipes, feels comfortable, is see-through and looks like plastic foil.

The best recipe: • 5 gram Agar Agar • 20 gram Glycerine • 250 ml water

Best recipe, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Material Test Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Material Test Introduction For the material test I interviewed Monique Boontjes founder and owner of Moni-restyle. She is a successfull bohemian re-styler, who has an online platform on which she sells her re-styled products and her famous handmade dreamcatchers. Her products are made with great care and have to be transported with care. I would like to know what she thinks about my Agar Agar bioplastic packaging bag and if she would like to send her recycled fabric made dreamcatchers with the bioplastic bags, if they were easier to get. I’ll test with the bag that came best out of the transport test.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Material Test Outcome She found the material surprisingly good. It’s very soft and looks like a strong and a thicker kind of plastic packaging bag. The feeling is still a bit weird, mainly because the bag feels a little sticky. The bag is see-through so you can see what’s in the package. She would only pack her dreamcatchers in it if she knows for sure the transportation won’t take any longer than 2/3 days.

The best recipe: • 5 gram Agar Agar • 20 gram Glycerine • 250 ml water

Best recipe, 2020, by Kim Sinke

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Project Outcome Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Outcomes I prefer to use Agar Agar in my recipes, because this substance is generally easy to get at a local drug store, a biological store and in food warehouses (Holland&Berret and Sligro in The Netherlands). Agar Agar is a non-petrol-based alternative that is vegan.

The material is soluble in water at 80 degrees celsius and can withstand several hours of being exposed to 40 degrees Celsius. It’s a perfect bioplastic bag which you can use, reuse, recycle or throw away responsibly if the material it self is clean.

I have created an Agar Agar recipe that is strong, flexible, smooth and see-through. It has everything we love about plastic, but then without the plastic. Once the material has been cooked and reached a stable form (takes up to 3 to 4 days) it can be recycled and reused up to 3+ times. You just heat the substance up and pour it into something of your choice.

Specialities The bags are able to melt on each other by ironing the two sheets together. If you put a smaller sheet of baking paper in between the two layers you can create your own bag. Or you can make a bag with a different method, which I’ll explain on p. 55, How to make a bag. The bag is see-through, feels smooth and can last for 2 to 3 weeks if the bag is in a cool to normal and dry to normal situation.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Reframing Moments Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Reframing Moments For this project I wanted to test a lot of recipes. In the first weeks of the project I was mainly working with small and different plates, which resulted in having a lot of sheets in all different sizes and most of them were to small for a good bioplastic packaging clothing bag. So I needed to step up my game and try to produce bigger sheets. With bigger sheets I could make real packaging bags. So I tried to make my own molds with clay, but that didn’t work. It was such a shame that we couldn’t use the Makers Lab provided by our school AUAS during the Corona crisis. Because I would have made a mold with the 3D printer or the Laser cutter if we were allowed to go to school. But I had to do it with the equipment and space in my kitchen.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

After a few weeks I got a tip from one of my classmates, which said that Ikea still had large glass plates available, so I ordered one myself. I ordered a NORDLI glass plate which is 120 cm by 47 cm. With this glass plate I was finally able to make bigger sheets and try to make real bio plastic packaging clothing bags! After this reframing moment I was able to test the best recipes on a bigger scale. When the first big sheets were ready I made my first bioplastic clothing bag by ironing two sheets of bioplastic together. The Agar Agar recipe works great if you want to iron it together. With these steps I finally could bring my project to the next level and develop Agar Agar bio plastic packaging clothing bags.



The Process In Pictures Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

In the beginning I thought I needed a mold. So I made two molds from clay.

I cooked my first Agar Agar recipe and put it on a plate.

Here I wanted to make a gelatine mold, but that didn’t work out.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

The clay molds were not a success either. They melted when I poured the bio plastic liquid in it.

I tested some more recipes.

With the gelatine recipe I got a lot of foam. I wipped it off with a spoon.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

This Agar Agar recipe contained a lot of water, so it got some grays on it.

My first sheets were ready!

Tested the first alginate recipes. Always use an electronic mixer for mixing the alginate.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

Got some more oven dishes.

Tried out more recipes. Wanted to make this Agar Agar recipe less sticky.

The gelatine recipe from Clara Davis.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

Made an olive alginate recipe, but it didn’t feel natural.

A nice Agar Agar sheet!

First alginate sheet is ready. It’s a bit sticky.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

My first transport test with the four best recipes.

The Agar Agar recipe that came best out of the test.

The glass plate from Ikea.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

New double layer test with baking paper.

First big sheets are ready.

Sewed my first packaging bag together!

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

Testing a new sticking method. Ironing two sheets of Agar Agar bioplastic together with a lot of baking paper in between.

Ironing the two sheets together worked out pretty well!

My tiny double layer test also worked out. The mini bag has a clear opening and looks like a real plastic bag.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



The Process In Pictures

By the end of this project I was able to make bigger sheets! Look how beautiful.

I will test the double layer method on a bigger scale.

Testing how many times I can recycle the bioplastic bags.

Process pictures Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Final Product Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Final Product The final product pictures show a natural surrounded Agar Agar Bioplastic packaging bag. The bag is for the transportation of garments, but can also be used for the transportation of other products. Every bag is different and has a different size. On the next pages you will find the official product pictures of the Agar Agar Bioplastic packaging bags.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, by Kim 2020,Kim SinkeSinke Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

Foto 1 This bag contains a leopard printed Mango basics top. The bag is sealable with the extra long strip on the top of the bag. This bag is made with the ironing method.



Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, by Kim 2020,Kim SinkeSinke Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

Foto 2 This bag contains a blue Cotton Club ruffle short. This bag is sealable with the extra long strip on top of the bag. This bag is made with the layer method and has thick layers of Bioplastic.



Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, by Kim 2020,Kim SinkeSinke Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

Foto 3 This bag contains raw spaghetti strings. This bag is sealable with the extra long strip on top of the bag. This bag is made with the ironing method.



Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, by Kim 2020,Kim SinkeSinke Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

Foto 4 This bag contains a pastel pink top from Topshop. This bag is sealable with the extra long strip on top of the bag. This bag is made with the layer method and has thin layers of Bioplastic.



The Agar Agar Recipe Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Recipe Agar Agar The recipe and ingredients: Agar flexible bio foil 20 sheet 22 x 22 cm • 5 gr Agar Agar • 20 gr glycerine • 250 ml water 1. First you mix the water with glycerine. 2. Heat the mix in a pan. 3. If the the mix is heated you put the Agar Agar powder in the pan and mix it for 20 minutes. Don’t let the liquid boil. 4. After 20 minutes you can pour the liquid on a suitable plate. 5. The sheet will be dry within 4 to 5 days.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020


Agar Agar Bioplastic recipe picrues, 2020, by Kim Sinke


How To Make A Bag Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



How to make a Bag ? Production option 1 Double layer

If you as a company would love to produce more of the Agar bioplastic packaging bags you can follow these production steps:

Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke

Tips: - Make sure you can make big sheets on a flat and smooth surface, like glass or plexiglass. - I have tested the recipe till 2 liters and the outcome stays the same - Don’t let your sheets become too thin, you won’t be able to get the sheet of the glass easily. Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

1. Cook the bioplastic recipe at no more than 80 degrees, 30 minutes per liter. 2. Pour a first layer of the hot liquid on a flat surface and spread it equally. 3. Cut a slice of bio baking paper in a size you prefer. Don’t forget to add a little on the opening of the bag so the bag is openable. 4. When the first layer of liquid is a little dried up (After 10/15 minutes) you put the slices of baking paper on the first layer. Press it a little. 5. Pour the second layer of hot liquid with the same recipe over the first layer and the ba king paper. Make sure that the baking paper is covered. Don’t worry if it will be too thick, it will shrink a little. 6. Let it dry for 4 till 7 days.



How to make a Bag ? 7. 8. 9.

Cut out the bags and make sure you don’t cut to close to the baking paper. Let it dry for 1 or 2 more days, just to make sure the bag is fully dried. Now your bag is finished. And ready for the challenges ahead.

Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



How to make a Bag ? Production option 2 Ironing

5. Cut out another sheet in the same size. 6. Prepare your iron and make sure you have some baking paper as under ground. 7. Cut a sheet of baking paper in a smal les size than your bioplastic sheets. This is the surface that won’t melt. Don’t forget to add a little on the opening of the bag so the bag is Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke openable. 8. Place your first bio plastic sheet on the 1. Cook the bioplastic recipe at no more iron table. than 80 degrees, 30 minutes per liter. 9. Place the cut out baking paper on the 2. Pour a layer of the hot liquid on a flat first bio plastic sheet. Make sure the surface and try to spread it equally. edges are not covered with baking paper. 3. You wait for 5 to 7 days until the sheet 10. Place the second bioplastic sheet on gets dry and strong. the first layer and the baking paper. 4. You carefully cut the sheets out in a size of one bag layer. Make it easy for Make sure everything lays perfectly. you to transport the sheet. Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



How to make a Bag ? 11. Lay another layer of baking paper under your iron, instead of a towel and iron the edges of the bag. 12. Make sure that the edges are melted on eacht other. 13. Let the bag dry for one day. 14. If you won’t use the bag immediatly I should change the baking paper in the bag for normal paper and let it dry for one or two days, so the bag won’t become extra moisture.

Agar Agar Bioplastic clothing packaging bag for Minor Makerslab, 2020, by Kim Sinke

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Give Your Bag To Earth Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Bag to Earth Help the Earth a little by giving your received bag to the Earth. Composting is a simple way to do that. With composting you add nutrient-rich humus to your lawn or garden that fuels plant growth and restores vitality to depleted soil. It’s also free, easy to make, and good for the environment. How to composte the Agar bioplastic bags? Steps written by:

Cowan, S. (z.d.). Composting. Geraadpleegd op 17 juli 2020, van

The steps: 1. Start your compost pile on bare earth. This allows worms and other beneficial organisms to aerate the compost and be transported to your garden beds.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

2. Lay twigs or straw first, a few inches deep. This aids drainage and helps aerate the pile. 3. Add compost materials in layers, alternating moist and dry. Moist ingredients are food scraps, tea bags, seaweed, etc. Dry materials are straw, leaves, sawdust pellets and wood ashes. If you have wood ashes, sprinkle in thin layers, or they will clump together and be slow to break down. 4. Add manure, green manure (clover, buckwheat, wheatgrass, grass clippings) or any nitrogen source. This activates the compost pile and speeds the process along. 5. Keep compost moist. Water occasionally, or let rain do the job.



Bag to Earth 6. Cover with anything you have – wood, plastic sheeting, carpet scraps. Covering helps retain moisture and heat, two essentials for compost. Covering also prevents the compost from being over-watered by rain. The compost should be moist, but not soaked and sodden. 7. Turn. Every few weeks give the pile a quick turn with a pitchfork or shovel. This aerates the pile. Oxygen is required for the process to work, and turning “adds” oxygen. You can skip this step if you have a ready supply of coarse material like straw. Once you’ve established your compost pile, add new materials by mixing them in, rather than by adding them in layers. Mixing, or turning, the compost pile is key to aerating the composting materials and speeding the process to completion.

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

If you want to buy a composter, rather than build your own compost pile, you may consider a buying a rotating compost tumbler which makes it easy to mix the compost regularly.

Ceramic Compost Keeper by Eart Easy

Ceramic Compost Keeper. (z.d.). Geraadpleegd op 17 juni 2020, van



Trial Of Evidence Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Trial Of Evidence Order Trial of Evidence (TEO)

Week 12 - Insight Maker skills & attitude

Here you will find the Trial of Evidence findings which I found during the project. I think these TEOs were the most important ones and were the foundations for my project.

Week 12 - Insight

Making Biolpastics with a mold of clay won’t work. The mold will melt because of the heat of the Bioplastics.

! Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Trial Of Evidence Week 11 - Steps

Week 12 - Question

Design Research Skills

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning

Week 11- Step

Week 12 - Question

Week 13 - Steps

I’ll start with testing Agar Agar recipes for flexible, strong and smooth bags.

How can I let people give the bags to nature? Which option is the best option?

? Kim Sinke

Week 13 - Steps

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

From now on I’ll work with less glycerine in my recipes, to make the sheets less sticky.

? 22-06-2020


Trial Of Evidence Week 14 - Hack

Week 13 - Question

Week 16 - Research

Maker skills & attitude

Design Research Skills

Design Research Skills

Week 14 - Hack

Week 13 - Question

Week 16 - Research

I’ll use a clean glass plate to make big sheets with. I can cut the sheets out the way I want it when the sheets have been dried.

Can you melt two sheets of Agar Agar bioplastics together with heat ?

I’ll let the 4 best recipe sheets experience a 3 day trnasport to find out if they will survive it and won’t effect the clothes.



Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



Trial Of Evidence Week 16 - Insight

Week 16 - Insight

Collaborative learning

Maker skills & attitude

Design Research Skills

Week 16 - Insight

Week 16 - Insight

Week 19 - Insight

The flexible Agar bioplastic comes best out of the material test.

Tetsing how many times the bag can be recycled into a new bag by cooking it again your self.



The result of the test: the Agar Agar sheets won’t effect the clothes during the transport and the bags stay the same.

! Kim Sinke

Week 19 - Insight

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



References Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020




1. Intimissimi women’s underwear: bras, lingerie, briefs. (z.d.). Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2020, van 2. Hulshoff, S. (2019, 9 december). Milieuvriendelijke verpakkingen. Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2020, van 3. Shipping packaging. (z.d.). Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2020, van 4. Bio Clear Dome Lid 98 mm (For Plain Clear Cup) #2 - Bio-Eco Cup Lids - Categories. (z.d.). Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2020, van https://www. 5. Davis, C. (z.d.). CLARA DAVIS / looking for a durable design. Geraadpleegd op 4 mei 2020, van

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020

6. Follert, M. (z.d.). desarrollo — margaritatalep. Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2020, van 7. Barrett, H. &. (z.d.). Holland & Barrett - De specialist in gezondheid. Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2020, van 8. Onze producten - (z.d.). Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2020, van over-sligro/vier-kanten/onze-producten.htm 9. Bio Fabricating Material Book g=AFQjCNHPKefOQ7G-EkEcCNBEd4nnY2fHmA



By Kim Sinke Open Source page with my research and recipes: project-page-biodegradable-packaging-bags

Kim Sinke

Bioplastic Packaging Bag Minor Makerslab 2020



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