Multispecies Sensory Cookbook

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MULTISPECIES COOKBOOK An Introduction Separately or together, taste and smell connect us to a complex web of life. These

senses offer opportunities to consider who we rely on for sustenance, pleasure, and comfort, who is fed and who is eaten.

While food does sometimes play a part, these are not typical recipes. This

collection of sensory scores was generated through a research studio course

exploring ecology and contemporary art through taste, smell, sound, and touch. Each student chose a “companion species” to research and consider as a key ingredient, collaborator, or participant in a sensory score that might invite

us to think more deeply about our relationships with another organism.. We

organized these scores in the format of a traditional cookbook recipe: a set of clear instructions anyone can follow to achieve an experience, and looked to the sonic

meditations of Pauline Oliveros, the somatic poetry exercises of CA Conrad, and

the sometimes-edible artworks described in Filippo Tommoso Marinetti’s Futurist Cookbook. Each set of instructions was proposed, tested, and tweaked by our

team of creative researchers to change up your routine through actions that invite curiosity and collaboration with more-than-human species all around us. What

dish should you make for a goose picnic? Can humans make onions cry? How can we savor flavors like a housefly?

The recipes that follow are an invitation to return to the senses as a way to reconnect, surprise, and wonder. Enjoy!

~ Christa Donner and the Students of Research Studio II: EcoSensory, 2022


OYSTER MUSHROOMS were the first kind of mushrooms I learned to identify when I started foraging a few years ago. I was blessed to live in Oregon last year which is a motherland for an array of mushroom species, and a plethora of edible ones. But oysters will always be my first edible mycological love. They initiated my curiosity and heart-felt passion for these organisms that are more closely related to us than plants, and I have many fo n d m e m o r i e s of s n e a k i ly t re k k i n g t h ro u g h p r i vat e p ro p e rt y, hitting oyster mushroom jackpot with various friends over the seasons. OYSTER MUSHROOMS are one of the most cultivated mushrooms t o d ay, a n d t h e re a re m a ny t y p e s of oys t e rs t h at ex i s t w i t h i n t h e o v e r a rc h i n g t i t l e o f t h e oy s t e r. I h av e re a d t h at t h e re a re 4 0 types, but I have also read that there are up to 202 kinds, all of which are edible. Along with being highly accessible and easy to cultivate and cook with, they pose some health benefits, one of which is strengthening the immune system. Oyster mushrooms contain a beta-glucan fiber called pleuran, which has been shown to have immune-boosting properties. The beta-glucans help you fight against both short and long term sickness. They have many other antioxidants that assist in immunity and other health benefits. This immune-boosting quality is the inspiration fo r t h e re c i p e b e l ow, a n e l i x i r c re at e d t h at b o t h i n c l u d e s t h e m u s h ro o m , b u t a l s o e n h a n c e s t h i s q u a l i t y. W I t h t h e c o m b i n at i o n of all of these ingredients, it poses a lovely option for boosting immune health or assisting in fighting off a cold. It also allows for a heightened sensory experience, as a lot of these ingredients are very pungent by nature.

The majority of these ingredients contain either immune supporting or anti-viral properties. (all of these measurements are suggested and can be changed to your liking. It is also not imperative that each is included if not everything is accessible or cost friendly) Oyster mushroom - immune boosting Lemon - Vitamin C to alleviate cold symptoms and boost the immune system Turmeric - anti-inflammatory, also increases mucus so can flush out clogged respiratory tract Garlic - Antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Garlic is a huge support in fighting sickness Cayenne -immune boosting and powerful antioxidant Ginger - immune boosting and anti-inflammatory Honey- soothing to coughs, but mostly included to help with the intensity of flavor Coconut oil- immune boosting and antimicrobial

Z o e


M c C a f f e r t y

w a l k s

( E L I X I R ) I m m u n i t y

a n d

E l i x i r t h e


C o l d

I n s p i r e d

O y s t e r


R e m e d y b y

M u s h r o o m

INGREDIENTS 1 Tbsp Oyster Mushroom, Extract or Powder 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil 1/2 Tbsp Honey or as much as you desire 1-2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar Ginger - a small portion fresh / generous sprinkle dried Turmeric - a small portion fresh / generous sprinkle dried Cayenne - a generous sprinkle + 1-2 Cups of Water Juice of 1/4 Lemon

PROCESS As you work through each step, take time to close your eyes and breathe in the aroma of what you have just added to the mix. Boil water on the stove and once it is hot, pour it into a mug. Squeeze lemon into the water. Add the garlic, but first peel the skin and crush it. (Crushing garlic releases an enzyme called alliinase which in turn forms a variety of healthful and smell sensory compounds) Add the remaining ingredients- Cayenne, ginger, apple cider vinegar, honey, coconut oil, and oyster

2-3 Cloves of Garlic

mushroom powder. Stir all together, take a whiff of the final creation, let cool to a reasonable drinking temperature and enjoy! Notice the tastes and how these ingredients feel in your mouth, throat, and overall body. Do you feel any notable differences after one sip? After a whole cup? If so, what are they? How do the smells of these ingredients compare to the taste?


H o w d o y o u e x p l a i n t h e s m e l l o f g r e e n t e a ? H o w m u c h t i m e w i l l Yo u spend with tea before drinking it? The leaves used to make green tea comes from Camellia sinensis which is a species of evergreen shrubs in t h e f a m i l y o f T h e a c e a e ( “ G r e e n Te a ” ) . A tea tree needs four to five years to grow before its fresh sprouts are picked three times a year and being steamed, rubbed, and dried for preservation and consumption (Moran). As famous as black tea which was widely distributed west into Europe, green tea was mostly distributed in China, Japan, and Korea. Like its personified quality of gentle, mild, and polite lauded by ancient Chinese scholars, Camellia sinesis had never been criticized as ‘invasive’ during its migration in Eastern Asia and the rest of the world. It grows in the wet atmosphere, nourished by the pure rainfall, stroked by the soft wind across the mountain, and silently tested by time. To a t t a i n a n d e n j o y g r e e n t e a r e q u i r e s c a r e a n d p a t i e n c e w h i c h i s a l m o s t disappearing in the modern fast-food diet. The complex process of brewing and serving tea only remains in some specific activities like the Japanese tea ceremony which is attentive to the etiquette but less fo c u s e d o n t h e s m e l l o f t e a . S m e l l i n g, I t h i n k , i s goo d r e s p e c t b e fo r e bringing something into our mouth as it maintains distance and requires time. B y go i n g t h ro u g h t h e p ro c e s s o f m a k i n g a g re e n t e a f ra g ra n c e , w e a re go i n g t o s p e n d t i m e w i t h t h e s m e l l o f g re e n t e a t h ro u g h o u t t h e e n t i re p r o c e s s . We m a y w a i t , j u s t l i k e t h e g r e e n t e a t r e e w a i t s i n t h e m o u n t a i n rain before our first encounter.

Y i l a n


Z h a n g



INGREDIENTS 3g ( 1 t sp) d r y gre e n t e a l e av e s 3 0g (2.5 T bsp) 7 0 % I s o p ro p yl Al co h o l 2 sma l l g l a ss co n t ai n e rs w i t h l i d s

PROCESS Smell carefully the dry green tea leaves before you do anything in the instruction. Clean and dry the containers and their lids. Soak 3g dry green tea leaves into 30g alcohol. Seal the container. Gently shake it to fully soak the floating leaves. Soak 5~10 hours. Longer is better. Wait and see the color change in the container over time. Can you still remember the smell

you sniffed in the first step? Pour the liquid into another container. You may filter it if you mind the impurities inside, but I recommend not to. You can see some tiny little hair floating in the greenish liquid under the light. How gentle are they? Apply a drop of the liquid to the back of your hand. Don’t hurry! Wipe it for a while. Wait until the alcohol fully evaporates and no moisture can be felt. Get really close, and take a shallow breath. What can you smell? Is it transient? Will it permanently linger in your memory?

allow 5-10 hours

SOURCES “ G r e e n Te a . ” W i k i p e d i a , W i k i m e d i a Fo u n d a t i o n , 2 4 M a r . 2 0 2 2 , h t t p s : / / Green_tea. M o r a n , M a g g i e . “ H o w t o G r o w a Te a Plant.” WikiHow, WikiHow, 3 Jan. 2021, https:// G r o w - a - Te a - P l a n t

S u n n y

K r i s h n a s w a m y

A M E R I C A N 4



INGREDIENTS 3 ramp leaves (or substitute 3 cloves minced garlic) 3 slices skinned ginger (¼”) 2 chopped green chilis 1 teaspoon black mustard seeds 2 large cut up tomatoes ¼ teaspoon turmeric 3 curry leaves 15 oz can pinto beans 15 oz canned corn 15 oz butternut squash or any other winter squash * Feel free to substitute beans, corn, and squash with any local vegetable

PROCESS Peel and cube squash Steam squash in boiling water for 8-10 minutes or until firm Saute ramps/garlic, chilis, ginger, turmeric, mustard seeds, and curry leaves in oil until fragrant, around 2 minutes Add all ingredients in a separate pan along with salt to taste Cover with lid and steam at medium heat until saucy (around 15-20 minutes) Thank you to Jennifer and Sanjay Krishnaswamy for writing down the original recipe and helping me edit it.

In my rework of their own reworked recipe, I wish to turn the unconscious practice of adaptation into focus. I have worked 4 native plants into this recipe: Chicago’s namesake, the ramp, which used to be plentiful along the river before urbanization, as well as the Three Sisters (squash, corn, and beans), farmed together by indiginous people for millennia. Chilis, tomatoes, and the aforementioned 4 ingredients can all easily be grown in the US, so if possible, homegrown vegetables are recommended.

T O M A T O E S & C H I L I P E P P E R S

Immigration is not just about bringing one’s practice over to a foreign environment, but also adapting to said environment. Looking back to the recipes my grandparents from India wrote, many of them opt for ingredients native to the americas, like tomatoes and chilis, rather than South Asia.




S C E N T 1

This experience includes the sense of smell. There are multiple ingredients involved in this experience, but their function is to support the smell of my companion species, which i s VA N I L L A . V a n i l l a c o m e s f r o m Mexico, which is a place for g r o w i n g Va n i l l a s i n c e t h e 1 5 t h c e n t u r y . Va n i l l a h a d b e c o m e t h e main herb used in traditional hot chocolate during the Aztec period, Aztecs called it the “black flower ”(Lee). The Spanish conquerer bring this special herb back to Europe. After that, an apothecary for England’s Queen Elizabeth called Hugh Morgan decided to add this herb to various products, such as alcohol, tobacco and perfumes (Lee). The use of vanilla is various, nowadays people use it as a flavoring agent inside drinks and food, also p e r f u m e s ( “ Va n i l l a F u n F a c t s ” ) . Besides these food use, vanilla also comes handy in industrial use. Such as cover the strong smell of the rubber tires, paint a n d c l e a n i n g p r o d u c t s ( “ Va n i l l a Fu n Fa c t s ” ) . The connection between food and vanilla is represented in this recipe. There is a connection between me and vanilla, and that is one of the reasons why I choose it as my companion species. When I was a small child, my connection with vanilla is through ice cream, cake, and drinks. At that time, I thought vanilla





should have a sweet taste, and it had become my favorite flavor. But when I grow up, I noticed that real vanilla tasted different, the taste of vanilla in food is made up of sugar and other food chemicals. So in this experience, there is a real smell of vanilla but also with other sweet ingredients, which could bring the audience into a superreality where the smell of vanilla becomes unfamiliar and unreal.

INGREDIENTS 2 Va n i l l a B e a n P o d s (s e e d s s c r a p e d o u t) 2 tsp Syrup 4 tsp Cane Ssugar 5 0 g (3 /4 c u p) F l a ke C o c o n u t 150 ml (2/3 cup) Soy Milk

PROCESS Gather all materials which is listed in t h e “ i n g re d i e nt ” l i s t . Yo u w i l l a l s o n e e d a microwave, a bowl and a spoon. Pour soy milk into the bowl. Add syrup into the bowl. Add flake coconut into the bowl. Add cane sugar into the bowl. Add vanilla seeds into the bowl.

Use spoon to stir in the bowl, keep stirring until all the material is mixed t o g et h e r. Ta k e t h e b o w l t o a m i c r o w a v e , s e t t h e timer to 1 minute on high. After 1 minute, take the bowl out and start smelling. Enjoy!

SOURCES L e e , V i v i e n . “ T h e S e c r e t l y I n s a n e S t o r y o f Va n i l l a . ” T h r i l l i s t , 1 8 S e p t . 2 0 1 7 , w w w . “ Va n i l l a F u n F a c t s . ” R o d e l l e K i t c h e n , r o d e l l e k i t c h e n . c o m / r e s o u r c e s / l e a r n i n g / v a n i l l a - f u n facts/.

Y a o



D o n g

W I N D 1




INGREDIENTS 1/8 Cup Dry Osmanthus 1 /4 C u p C r ys t a l S u g a r o r Ho n ey 1 Egg White 1/2 Cup Milk


E A S I E S T WAY: Mix honey and dry osmanthus together Wait more than 10 mins

R E C O M M E N D E D WAY: Melt the crystal sugar in pot over medium-low heat. When the sugar is melted, add dry osmanthus into it and mix. PLEASE SMELL!!! When the heat in the pot further stimulates the sweet scent of osmanthus, this hot breeze with the scent of osmanthus is like the

autumn in Hangzhou, warm and sweet.

Mix milk and egg white in the b ow l t o g et h e r. Seal the bowl with plastic wrap and poke a few small holes in the wrap. Boil a pot of boiling water and steam the mixture in the bowl in the pot for 20 minutes. Remove the bowl from the pot and let it cool for a while. Apply the sweet osmanthus, and enjoy! To n o t i c e t h e t ex t u re a n d temperature of steamed milk, and what does this taste reminds you of? Any place, we at h e r, c l i m at e o r s p e c i f i c memories? What does the sweet osmanthus taste like? How is the sweet osmanthus composed with steamed milk?


OSMANTHUS represents the autumn in Hangzhou, and it is added to the diet of the locals. In traditional Chinese medicine, osmanthus is believed to tonifying the stomach and promoting fluid and is also used to the treatment of irregular menstruation (Osmanthus fragrans-Medicinal). Sweet osmanthus has a nice flavor and can be preserved for a long time. While traditional sweet osmanthus requires a bee-brewed mixture of sugar and dried osmanthus flowers, this recipe introduces an easy way to make osmanthus honey for a s i n g l e s e r v i n g, w h i c h c a n a l s o create the smell of Hangzhou’s Autumn. Dry osmanthus can be bought easily in Chinatown and it is usually on the shelf where the tea leaves are kept. It could be added into sweet soup, sweet dumplings and tea. Highly recommend to have a try!

“Osmanthus fragrans-Medicinal.” Wikipedia,, accessed 21 March 2022.x

S o p h

S c h i a v o n e


L U N C H 1


INGREDIENTS 1 Tu l i p Bu l b 2- 3 Cu ps of Wa te r A Fe w Sma l l Bone s, f i nge r - si z e d or sma l ler (I sou r ce d my b one s f rom a n opossu m ca r cas s I fou nd i n th e fore st pa r k a re a a t th e e nd of the b l u e l i ne , b u t you cou l d a l so u se a ny a ni m al b one s f rom cook i ng a s l ong a s th e y a re ra w and u ncook e d )

PROCESS At any time during mid morning to late afternoon, or any time the sun is shining, take yourself, your tulip bulb, and your bag of bones, for a walk.

Cover the items with about an inch of soil. Soak the ground around your tulip and bones thoroughly.

Find a sunny spot with soil that you can dig in, preferably somewhere someone would not typically plant a tulip.

Try and establish a connection with this organism that you just planted. When you can, try to visit to see if it has made any progress in growth, if it has a bud, or has bloomed. This is your plant now, it’s lovely to see it change.

Make three little holes and one large one in the center, all at least 2” deep. Place one bone in each little hole and then your bulb in the largest one. Ensure that these holes are relatively close to each other in order for the tulip to receive the nutrients from the decomposing bone.

Remember, tulips are perennials, so if the bulb remains undisturbed, it will come back spring after spring!


Wi t h t h e a r r i va l o f s p r i n g, w e a r e s e e i n g n e w g ro w t h a ro u n d the city. Grass is sprouting and flowers are pushing their way up through the soil. These organisms are awoken by the warmth and are fighting for their own quiet survival. In overwhelmingly urban environments this can be difficult. There is inadequate access to sunlight, consistent water, and nutritious soil. Providing these things can help feed a hungry growing plant. Help your tulip enjoy a nutritious snack in hopes of a long and reoccurring lifecycle!


The first time I witnessed this recipe in action, I was 7 years old. It was a professional development day and both my p a r e n t s w e r e w o r k i n g. I k n e w what days off meant… It meant M o r m o r * w a s co m i n g. I t w a s fa l l so the air was thin and cold. My little nose and throat had taken a b e a t i n g. W h e n g ra n d m a a r r i v e d , she sniffed out my sniffles and declared we needed a trip to the supermarket. We a r r i v e d b a c k f r o m t h e supermarket with a variety of spices and fruits, and she sat me on the kitchen counter and I watched her work. As she worked on this very special recipe, she told me the benefits of the most important ingredient, cloves. Cloves are the flowers from the clove tree, or the tree from the fa m i ly M y r t a c e a e , Sy z y gi u m aromaticum. They are proven to have a variety of medicinal properties such as helping with digestive health and muscle tension. They are also full of antioxidants, which help boost your immune system. Including this with apple cider vinegar and inhaling it can help clear nasal passages, sooth your throat and help with allergies. *Mormor: swedish translation of “Grandmother”



G R A N D M A ’ S P r o v e n

t o

b e

4 - 5

INGREDIENTS 2 Tbsp of whole cloves Cinnamon Sticks, to taste 2 tsp Nutmeg 6 Cups of Apple Cider 2 Cups of Apple Cider Vinegar Peels from 2 Oranges (a gallon pot and access to a stove top is necessary)

A l m o s t

R E M E D Y F o o l p r o o f


S I D E E F F E C T S M AY I N C L U D E - I M P R O V E D G E N E R A L W E L L- B E I N G - A D E E P E R A P P R E C I AT I O N F O R H E R B S -JOY

PROCESS Take a pot, (preferably a deeper pot) and fill with 6 cups of apple cider, and two cups of apple cider vinegar Place this mixture on the stove and let it lightly boil,then turn heat down to a simmer (I tend to lean over and take in the growing aromas, but whatever floats your boat) Take two teaspoons of nutmeg and stir into mix Take as many cinnamon sticks as your heart desires, and stir in Take two tablespoons of cloves, and mix in Add the orange peels of two oranges to the pot. Let all ingredients steep for about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally RECOMMENDED STEP FOR ALLERGY AND COLD RELIEF: After taking off the stovetop, put your head above the pot and cover your head with a towel, take deep breaths, and inhale the steam. take breaks when necessary, as the smell is potent. If you choose to drink it, you can strain the ingredients out, let cool, and enjoy :)

O N I O N Y E L L O W ONIONS are incorporated in many different types of fod. People consume onions raw and c o o k e d . P e o p l e c o n s u m e b u r n t , c a r a m e l i z e d , s a u t e e d , r o a s t e d , a n d f r i e d o n i o n s . Ye l l o w o n i o n s can be bought year round. They have nutritional value by providing us with fiber, vitamin B 6 , f o l a t e , a n d v i t a m i n c . Ye l l o w o n i o n s o r i g i n a t e i n A s i a . T h r o u g h c o l o n i z a t i o n a n d t r a v e l they spread across the world. They are able to grow in a lot of different climates so they c a n n o w g r o w a l l o v e r t h e g l o b e . O n e o f t h e o l d e s t v e g e t a b l e s w e k n o w o f i s t h e o n i o n . We believe it has been growing for over 5000 years. The versatility of onions allows them to c o n n e c t w i t h p e o p l e a l l a r o u n d t h e w o r l d . Ye t w e n e v e r s t o p t o t h i n k a b o u t h o w t h e o n i o n feels when we touch it, we never stop to think how it feels when we cook it, and we never stop to think how it feels when we burn it. Onions are one of the most common stinky they are. And sometimes we raw onion, if we are worried about m a k e u s t e a r w h e n w e c r y . Ye t w e c

foods and yet we are always complaining about how will choose not to eat something with onion, specifically the smell of our breath. Onions also have the ability to hoose to cut them up anyway.

B u n n y


L a u m a n n


PROCESS Heat a medium skillet over medium-high heat Grip an onion in your hand. How does it feel? Dice ¾ yellow onion (set remaining onion aside) Let the tears run down your face as the onion stings your eye Add 1 teaspoon olive oil into the skillet and add diced onion Add another teaspoon of oil to the onions. Then add salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and oregano. Mix the onions with the oil and spices until combined. Smell the mixture and notice how it has changed since before the spices were added. Cook the onions over medium high heat while stirring occasionally until they start to brown. Think about what this smell reminds you of. Once the onions start to brown, turn off the heat. Bend down and smell the onions. Take a bite. Can you taste your tears? Can the onion taste your tears? Turn the burner to high heat and let cook until they burn while stirring occasionally. Does it pain you to burn the onions, once you know they are done? How does seeing the colors change make you feel? How does the onion feel? Does it wish you never cut it up?


INGREDIENTS ¾ L a r ge Ye l l ow Onio n 2 tsp Oi l , d i vi d e d ½ tsp Sa l t ½ tsp Bl a ck Pe pper 1 tsp Ga r l i c Pow d er 1 tsp Ore ga no

Once the onions are burnt remove them from the heat and place them in a medium size cereal bowl. Do you want to eat them? Does your kitchen smell like burnt onions now? Do you like the smell? Eat one of the burnt onions. How does it taste? How do you feel? The onion was yellow and uncooked and you cried for it. You cooked it and the smell filled the room. Maybe it reminded you of your favorite meal. Maybe it didn’t. Sit and reflect on what you have done. Do you feel guilty? Should you? Do you appreciate the onion at every stage? How does the onion feel? How do you feel?


“Yellow Onions.”, produce/Yellow_Onions_689.php. Accessed 22 Mar. 2022. “Onion Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits.” Verywell Fit,

image: Xiaoyu Liu



Fo r t h i s p r o j e c t I w a n t t o translate the anatomical functions of the common housefly to humans. This score is based around the fact that flies can taste with their hands and feet. Almost using their hands as a form of utensil as well as a tasting mechanism. I thought this was wonderful and gave an explanation to why flies are rubbing their hands together. It is to taste food before eating it, and sadly not hatching a diabolical plan. I wanted for us humans to have the same tasting experience.

W i l l e m

K a s s e r o w - L a i r



P R O J E C T 1



INGREDIENTS t tsp Honey 1 tsp Salt PROCESS Once you have acquired ingredients it is very simple!

1 Box Raspberries 1 tsp Powdered Sugar or Sugar 1 tsp Cinnamon

Firstly wash your hands Th e n p o u r s m a l l a m o u nt s (d o e s n ot n e e d t o be exact) into five separate dishes. Then place a raspberry on your thumb Next slightly wet your first finger (pointer finger) and dip into cinnamon, covering the t i p o f y o u r f i n g e r c o m p l e t e l y. Fo r y o u r s e c o n d f i n g e r d i p i n h o n ey a n d cover the tip of your finger Fo r t h e t h i rd f i n g e r s l i g h t ly wet a n d c o v e r in salt And finally slightly wet and cover your fourth finger (pinky) with Powdered sugar o r s u g a r. Once you are done with this you can begin your feast! Ta k e s m a l l b i t e s a n d l i c k s f r o m e a c h f i n g e r, mixing and matching each flavor and seeing what combinations you like best!

SOURCES “ H o u s e f l y . ” W i k i p e d i a , W i k i m e d i a Fo u n d a t i o n , 1 4 J a n . 2022, Sanchez-Arroyo , Hussein, and John L. Capinera. House Fly - M u s c a D o m e s t i c a L i n n a e u s , h t t p s : / / e n t n e m d e p t . u f l . edu/creatures/urban/flies/house_fly.htm.


CANADIAN GEESE are fiesty birds. They are seasonal,


and pull on their mothers. Humans have a complicated

social, and territorial, spending their days grazing grass beds in flocks and mating for life. Honks and hisses are commonly heard in their pack and little goslings peck relationship with Canadian geese. They were a species that we tried and failed to domesticate, instead they live in the outskirts of our cities, forcibly dependent on our scraps. Many people enjoy feeding the local park geese some leftover bread, on a sunny afternoon. But this is a hurtful activity. We have conditioned the birds to be successful beggars, demanding of nutrient-less carbs that just make them sluggish. Some geese have even stopped migrating because of the food coming from over-crowded parks. I have always admired these beaked bands, and I have ignorantly fed them sweet bread rolls, simply wanting to get close. Now that I’ve learned how detrimental the human relationship is to geese, I want to make and share a healthy and vitalizing meal. By sharing a picnic, humans can repair the parasitic relationship we have with geese, filling both our bellies with warm food and support.

X i a


1 - 2


R a b u r n

F O R /



3 0



INGREDIENTS For the geese:

To make it more delicious for humans:


- 2 tbs of garlic - 3 tbs of fresh ground ginger - Salt and pepper to taste

4-6 cups of oats 5-6 cups of water (for oats) 2 cups of milk 2 cups of rice 2 ½ cups of water (for rice) ½ bag of frozen peas ½ bag of frozen sweet corn

PROCESS 1. In a large pot, heat the water for oats and milk until boiling. Add the oats to the pot, and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. In the meantime, heat the water for the rice until boiling. Add the rice, cover the pot, and lower heat to simmer for 8 minutes. 3. Once the rice and oats are cooked, combine them into one pot, keeping the heat on low. You might have to add a splash of milk if the mixture looks a bit dry. 4. Microwave or heat on the stove the peas and corn until they are unfrozen. Pour the peas and corn into the oat and rice mixture and stir to complete the porridge! 5. Once you have prepared the porridge, section off a bowl for yourself and add the garlic, ginger, salt, and pepper to your personal taste. It is important that you don’t feed the geese the human version. 6. Go to the lakefront, lay out the picnic blanket, and spread the porridge out to the surrounding geese. Use the cooking spoon to gently scoop about a tbs worth of porridge and toss it into the surrounding grass of your picnic blanket. Enjoy sharing a lovely and warm meal together with geese.

SOURCES Ca n a d a goo s e l i fe h i s t o r y , a l l a b o u t b i r d s , Co r n e l l Lab of Ornithology. , All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from lifehistory G l a t z , W. b y K . , A b o u t t h e A u t h o r K y l e G l a t z I a m a f r e e l a n c e r s p e c i a l i z i n g i n S E O co n t e n t w r i t i n g. I write in a variety of niches such as video games, Author, A. the, Glatz, K., & I am a freelancer s p e c i a l i z i n g i n S E O co n t e n t w r i t i n g. I w r i t e i n a variety of niches such as video games. (2021, December 15). What do Canadian geese eat? 20+ foods they prefer. AZ Animals. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from R i l e y , s a y s , E . L . I . S . A . B . E . T. H . S . M . I . T. H . , & S m i t h , E. (2021, June 10). What do wild geese eat? (the a n s w e r m i g h t s u r p r i s e y o u ) . Na t u re i n Fl i g h t . Retrieved March 21, 2022, from https://www.

X i a o y u

S T R A N G E 1

L i u



How do you feel about eating blue food? I chose purple cauliflower because it looks very strange. I saw few purple vegetables except eggplant and purple cabbage. When I was in China, I hardly saw purple cauliflower, so I was very curious about it. Purple cauliflower is a variant of cauliflower with purplish red bulb and other characteristics similar to cauliflower. Cauliflower is rich in anthocyanin, as a natural food coloring. Its protein, vitamin content is higher than broccoli, especially vitamin content, and because of its beautiful flower ball, solid in gift vegetables are popular. PROCESS Cook thoroughly cauliflower in water. Soften the spring roll sheet in hot water and remove. Chop the cauliflower and add the Soyaki. Wrap the roll and eat. What are you thinking about when you saw it become blue? Did blue food kill your appetite?

INGREDIENTS ¼ Purple Cauliflower 1 tsp Soyaki 1 Vietnamese Spring Roll Sheet


S u t t o n

T o e n i e s

C H A M O M I L E INGREDIENTS: HONEY LEMON CHAMOMILE CAKE 8 tbsp Unsalted butter (softened)

½ tsp Vanilla

*If you only have salted butter you can use that just

3 Chamomile Tea Bags

don’t put any salt in

2 tsp Lemon Juice


½ tsp Lemon Zest (optional but highly recommended)

¾ Cup Sugar

1½ Cup Flour

2 Eggs

1 tsp Baking Powder

½ Cup Milk

½ tsp Salt

¼ Cup Honey

Sprinkle of Powdered Sugar (optional)

PROCESS Decide whether you’re going to use the oven or the microwave. If you are using the oven, preheat it to 350 degrees. // If you are using the microwave you will be making a smaller cake and have extra batter left over.

If it doesn’t seem quite done, microwave it in 15 second intervals until fully cooked. Step 8 : While you wait, start boiling your water for your tea.

Step 2 : In a large bowl cream together the softened butter and the regular sugar.

Step 9 : Take it out of the oven or microwave and let it cool. (10+ minutes for the oven and 5 for the microwave)

Step 3 : Add your eggs and beat them in until well combined.

Step 10 : Pour your boiled water over a chamomile tea bag and add the honey. Let steep for 2 minutes then stir.

Step 4 : In a separate bowl combine milk, honey, vanilla, tea bags (you will need to cut these open and just add the herbs), lemon zest, and lemon juice. Mix this well.

Step 11 : Once your cake is cool you may add the dusting of powdered sugar on top.

Step 5 : Add the mixture with the chamomile to the sugar/egg/butter mixture you prepared earlier and mix well. Step 6 : Add flour, baking powder, and salt (if using). Mix this. Step 7 : OVEN : Grease a round cake pan and bake in your preheated oven for 30 minutes. // MICROWAVE : Pour about a ½ cup into a microwave safe mug or bowl and put in the microwave for about 2 minutes.

Step 12 : Take a slice of your cake from the pan, or a spoonful of your cake from your mug, and your tea and find somewhere comfortable to sit. Step 13 : Use your phone to scan the QR code on this page. Close your eyes, and press play. Enjoy your cake and your tea. Notice what memories or thoughts come to mind. Is it nostalgic for you too, or a new experience that will one day become nostalgia? Step 14 : Optional but if you could share a slice (or make another mug cake) and give it to a friend, I think it would really complete what chamomile does for me. Hope you enjoyed!


CHAMOMILE is one of my favorite teas and

has a lot of nostalgia for me. Whenever I couldn’t sleep, or was sick when I was a child my mom would throw a kettle on the stove and brew up a chamomile tea with honey for me. It always made me feel better no matter what. Also when I’d have a nightmare or couldn’t sleep or whatever she had this glittery s p ra y s h e go t f ro m a fa r m e r s m a r k e t way back when I was super little that was a lavender and chamomile blend called “Sweet Dreams Spray” that would knock me out like no other. I found the b o t t l e a fe w m o n t h s a go , a n d w h i l e i t ’ s quite likely past the expiration date it smells just the same and brought back such lovely sweet memories. Now whenever I’m sick or need that homey comfort I throw a kettle on the stove and brew up a chamomile tea with honey. I was scrolling through my social media one day probably a year o r t w o a go a n d fo u n d a re c i p e fo r a honey lemon chamomile cake. Of course I immediately had to make it, it has all of my favorite stuff, and it was a m a z i n g. I m a k e t h e s e c a k e s w h e n e v e r I’m feeling low or feeling happy and have made many for friends and family as a gesture of love, because the flavor reminds me of that care that I received. When enjoyed with a cup of honey sweetened chamomile tea on the side it is the most perfect spring and summer dessert. I’d like to share this recipe with you guys so you may be able to get a glimpse into how this makes me feel and the feeling of comfort it gives. I’d like you to make this recipe, and while you enjoy the taste, also listen to the short sound score I’ve created that brings a lot of nostalgia and feelings of comfort with sounds that were prominent in my childhood which bring the same feelings of warmth that chamomile does.

ALTERNATIVE EXPERIENCE If you don’t have the ingredients to make the cake you can just make the tea. I figured I’d add the cake because it’s my absolute favorite, but I know it’s a lot of ingredients and time to devote. But please make sure that when you consume the chamomile you listen to my audio while doing so!

INGREDIENTS: TEA 1 chamomile tea bag 8oz water 2 Tbsp honey (this is adjustable- I like my tea on the sweeter side)


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