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To mobilize resources in order to provide curative, preventive, research and support services to cancer patients and families, high-risk groups and the general public.



To pool and utilize all efforts, expertise and finance from all sectors of the society to fight cancer and reduce related pain, morbidity and the suffering that cancer patients undergo.


Tax Exemption


Dear friends,

Defeating cancer is not a journey for the faint of heart. It requires strength, perseverance, and an unwavering belief in the power of scientific progress and human compassion.

It demands that we challenge the status quo, question conventional wisdom, and explore uncharted territories. It urges us to relentlessly pursue advancements in cancer care, research and prevention strategies.

For us at MAKNA, we have faced our own fair share of setbacks and obstacles. We have witnessed the pain and suffering that cancer inflicts upon countless individuals and their loved ones.

But we cannot let these challenges deter us. Instead, it fuels our determination and deepens our resolve to eradicate cancer once and for all.

While the journey may be long, I am heartened by the remarkable progress we have already made. Cancer treatment and assistance are now more accessible, giving patients a better chance of overcoming the disease, including the underprivileged.

Breakthroughs in early detection methods, innovative treatments, and personalized medicine offer renewed hope for patients and their families. With every passing day, we inch closer to unraveling the mysteries of cancer and finding more effective ways to prevent, treat, and ultimately cure it.

Let us stand together as a united front, unwavering in our commitment, and steadfast in our belief that defeating cancer is not an impossible dream. Let us support one another, share knowledge, raise awareness, and contribute in whatever way we can to this noble cause.

By doing so, we can transform this long journey into a triumphant story of perseverance, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit.

Together, we can prevail.

MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER work, our Digital Mobile Mammogram Unit (DMMU) in Peninsular Malaysia finally made its move to serve the women community in the rural and urban areas. Meanwhile, our two latest DMMU units, each serving Sarawak and Sabah, started their operation during the first and third quarter in 2022 respectively. The team executed 5,072 mammogram screenings and 2,971 clinical breast examinations (CBE). We introduced ultrasound screening; for follow-ups on confirmed breast cancer results through mammogram screenings, which 301 women benefited from.

It is an understatement for me to say that the past years have been challenging. We have endured multiple lockdowns and restrictions, yet it never ceases to amaze me how our staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and the community have worked together from the start, up to this day.

Looking back, the COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique lesson to MAKNA that required careful understanding and strategies. As the vaccination program continued its effort to roll out booster shots in Malaysia, MAKNA collaborated with the The Health Ministry once again to help the nation further control and prevent the spread of the virus, thus accelerating the National Recovery Plan.

But 2022 was not all about COVID-19 and the pandemic response. Our Food Packs Assistance program was still ongoing to help flood victims – a humanitarian initiative started in 2021 to help cancer patients affected by floods with food supplies.

On a positive note, the year under review has been seen as successful. We managed to achieve some incredible things that you can read about in this report.

We supported 8,123 cancer cases, a 7% increase from the previous year. Our 7th Halfway House, Vila Arah MAKNA opened in Gombak for patients receiving treatment at Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL), while our Home Care Nursing team attended to 1,484 stage 3 and 4 cancer patients at home.

We resumed one of our annual programmes which was the MAKNA Continuous Education (MCE) Homestay – a 2-night stay at a cancer patient’s home. This programme was introduced by our President and Founder, Dato’ Farid Ariffin, to ensure all staff receive first-hand experience on what our cancer patients go through in their daily life.

The MAKNA Periwinkle Project, a hearttugging experience participated by 14,724 students and 3,620 teachers from Sekolah Kurang Murid (SKM) in rural areas of Malaysia was well received in all the states.

It aimed to raise awareness on cancer amongst school children by planting and caring for the Periwinkle flowers which is also a symbol of hope for cancer patients. I look forward to the year ahead, even if the road may seem winding. We will continue with the same zest, zeal and commitment to the cause of helping another human being.

Following two years of refurbishment

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