Smart Course File System

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Smart Course File System (SCFS) Haider Ali Husain


A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelors of Software Engineering September 2018

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Smart Course File System (SCFS) ABSTRACT Smart Course Folder System or Smart Course File System (SCFS) is an educational tool used nowadays in every academic institution. This tool plays an important role in the process of designing, assessing and improving curriculum delivery. In addition, it became an essential tool for quality assurance checking and in many cases an obligation for obtaining ministry educational program certification.

However, the task of preparing, managing, and archiving these course folders manually is troublesome for both instructors and management. Instructors need to print, puncture and file hundreds of related documents which is both resources and time to consume. Instructors often accidentally forget to include some certain items which require the department to spend time for quality checking.

In this project, we aim at simplifying the course folder process. This will be achieved by providing an application which allows the instructors not only create, manage, and archive but also check the completeness of their course folders in an easy way. In addition, the application will provide many new novel features which will make the instructor life way easier.

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Table of Contents Chapter 6



1.1 Background 1.2 Aims and Objectives Chapter 2 Literature Review

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2.1 What is Course Files System?


2.2 Electronic Document Management System


Chapter 3 System Requirements


3.1 Requirement Elicitation


3.2 Online Survey & summary


3.3 Project Methodology


3.4 Project Schedule 3.5 Functional Requirement

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3.6 Nonfunctional Requirement


3.7 Use Case Diagram (UML)


3.8 Use Cases Description


3.9 Sequence Diagrams


Chapter 4 Early System Design


4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram


Chapter 5 Conclusion


5.1 Conclusion


References Appendices

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Appendix Case Tools Used


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LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19

TITTLE The System Parts diagram The System Flowchart RAD Model Use Case Diagram User Login Sequence Diagram Administrator Add new member Sequence Diagram Administrator provide Access Sequence Diagram Instructor Add new Course File Sequence Diagram QA Review and Comment Sequence Diagram Administrator and Instructor Delete Course File Sequence Diagram Instructor File upload to Course File Sequence Diagram QA Finalize Course File Sequence Diagram Accreditation Committees Views Sequence Diagram User Update Username Password Sequence Diagram Instructor Update File Details Sequence Diagram Entity Relationship Diagram Online Questioner Online Questioner Project schedule

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List of Abbreviation SDLC

Software Development Life Cycle


Rapid application Development


Unified Modeling Language


Use Case


Entity Relationship Diagram

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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction: -

With the objective of United Arab Emirates to build a knowledge-based economy, it is essential to build an education system of the highest quality. Due to globalization of higher education and increased student mobility between institutions and nations, students need to be assured that their qualifications are of a high standard and are recognized and respected across borders. The above are only few reasons why the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR), offering CAA accredited programs, demands from the Educational Institutions to comply to several policies in order to get their offered programmed to be licensed by MOHESR. One of these policies and requirement and in accordance with the standards and policies set by the CAA (Commission for Academic Accreditation) responsible for higher educational programs licensure by the MOHESR, each higher educational institution is required to establish a course file system [2]. The course file system should maintain updated files for each course of 5 | Page

instruction. Each file must contain sufficient information on each presentation of the course so that the faculty or other persons who assess program effectiveness can determine whether the course is meeting its learning outcomes, and whether changes to the course are appropriate. This information can be kept in electronic format or hard copy archives. It worth mentioning that many educational institutions don’t have an electronic file system to manage these course files. The majority of the educational institutions depend on a hard copy file system which requires lots of paperwork and space for archiving. All universities give high importance for maintaining an updated and complete file course system as it is a key factor for obtaining CAA accreditation. However, many challenges are associated with creating, managing, and auditing the course file system. The process of creating and checking the quality of the course file system, in particular, is a tedious work. From the instructor perspective, the instructor must create a course file for each course he/she is teaching. This includes at least 8 required file sections as will be shown in section 2.1 of Chapter 2. Most instructors postponed this process till the last weeks of the course as it requires gathering, printing and filing so many papers and documents. Academic management on the other side need to check the completeness of these course folders which requires lots of work going through every folder and inspecting the presence and the correctness of the expected course folder element. In many cases some instructors might accidentally forget inserting a certain course folder element. Furthermore, instructors delivering the course at different campuses need to coordinate the similar the file contents. All these tasks have to be done in a few days after the course file exam and completion date which makes this process troublesome.

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1.2 Aims and objectives: Problem Statement The process of creating a course file is hard, time and resource consuming process. Furthermore, it is hard for management to check its completeness. Proposed Solution We propose solving this problem by introducing the Smart Course File System SCFS. Smart Course File System is a computer bases systems that will allow the instructors to manage his/her course in a way that would significantly save time and effort. SCFS is a web-based application which allows the faculty to easily create, modify, and upload his/her files in PDF and MS word formats. It will be capable of automatically checking the completeness of the course file system items. The following is a list of the key features and advantages of the SCFS: 1-

Provides a user friendly interface for making the process of creating the course file simpler,

faster and more accurate. 2-

Helps instructors to prepare their course file from the first day of their course start and

gradually completing it, instead of waiting until the end of the course. 3- Provides a central point for archiving all course files securely and in an organized way allowing easy retrieval and review. 4-

Simplify the cooperation between instructors of the same course in the different campuses

by providing several features not possible with manual hardcopy course file system such as: a. ensuring identical course folder elements if needed (e.g. Same final and midterm exam assessment tool sample)

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Allows multiple instructors in the same campus to elaborate creating the course folder by providing manageable access to the same course file. c. Provides a platform for managing and coordinating the course delivery process across the campuses by integrating the meeting minutes directly with the course file.


Provides a central access point for accreditation committee members to easily access and

assess the course file system from their computers instead of tens of folders of hard copy papers. 6-

QA members can check the completeness and assess the quality of prepared course folders

from anywhere with online access easily. 7-

It helps QA members to leave notes and comments if needed with option of automatically

notifying the responsible instructor via email or SMS. 8- Can automatically generate a completeness report and kindly reminds course folder instructors about the percentage of their course file completeness. As previously mentioned, SCFS is a web based system and will require a web and database servers. SCFS will be implemented using the standard internet computing technologies such as PHP, MYSQL, HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPTS, AJAX, etc.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review 2. Literature Review In this chapter we provide backgrounds and shed a light on the necessary previous works related to our proposed course file system.

2.1 What is Course Files System?

According to the standards and policies set by the CAA (Commission for Academic Accreditation) responsible for higher educational programs licensure by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, each higher education institution is required to establish a course file system [2]. The course file system should maintain updated files for each course of instruction. Each file must contain sufficient information on each presentation of the course so that the faculty or other persons who assess program effectiveness can determine 9 | Page

whether the course is meeting its learning outcomes, and whether changes to the course are appropriate. According to CAA, each University or College in the United Arab Emirates must include the following information: 1. Syllabi for the current and previous offerings of the course 2. Copies of all instructor teaching materials. 3. Copies of all assessment instruments; 4. Instructor worked answers and marking schemes for all assessment instruments; 5. Examples from across the range of student performance of graded responses to all assessment Instruments 6. A comprehensive instructor review of the presentation of the course, covering: a. appropriateness of the course learning outcomes b. extent to which the syllabus was covered c. extent to which learning outcomes were met (with evidence)

d. appropriateness of textbooks and other learning resources e. appropriateness of assessment instruments in relation to learning outcomes f. appropriateness of the balance of assessment g. appropriateness of prerequisites h. general comments on any problems encountered with the course 7. Quantitative analysis of student performance during the course presentation (e.g., grade distributions)

8. Summary of student feedback on the evaluation of the course.

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This information can be kept in electronic format or hard copy for later auditing by the CAA members. It worth mentioning that most institution doesn’t have an electronic file system to manage these course files. Majority depends on a hard copy file system which requires lots of paperwork and archiving.

2.2 Previous work

Although there are many similar software systems for file management such like Course file management [1] and electronic management system which manages the creation, capture, storage, retrieval and disposition of information. our system will also provide completeness, simplifying cooperation between instructors of the same course and help QA members to leave notes and comments if needed. Applications similar to our project are expensive.

In [1], At Tabuk University in Saudi Arabia a course file management system was developed by Zayed Shaaban. The software developed helped in preparing a course file system electronically. The system has an option for faculty members to upload a course file system through a web application. It also allows the accreditation committee members to review the file and write a feed back to the faculty member, who will then get an SMS message to remind them if something is missing or needs change. The benefits of this software system includes better communication between the committee and faculty, organizing a course file, increasing efficiency and decreasing money spent on paper and ink. This system was implemented by using C# (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008), (SQL Server 2005) and HTML

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The work done in [3] is to replace a paper based system and turn it into a digital system. Their model will be using electronic document sharing, electronic document management and electronic document generation.

Figure 1: The System Parts diagram

Figure 2: The System Flowchart

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2.3 Tools and developments kits

As previously discussed, one of the main objective of this project is to make the process of managing the file course colder easy. In order to do that, there should be an easy way of uploading and downloading files from campus and off-campus. In order to do that, the easiest way is to design and develop the application through web access to provide access from anywhere with internet connection (in campus and off-campus). However, this indicate a challenging task as we have to perform both front-end, back-end development.


Front-End ( User interface designing )

In the front-end designing we need to create sites applications utilizing web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Graphic designing and JavaScript which run locally in the client web browser. We must ensure best user experience through easy and modern user interface. Note that, we need to pay attention about how the website looks like in different browsers and screens such as Google-chrome and Microsoft-Edge, Firefox ‌etc. Apart from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, front-end development may also require Bootstrap, Jquery, and frameworks. Front end programming languages are easier and client side only. Front end development doesn’t deal with server side scripts and functionalities.

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Back-End (Server Side development )

Backend Development involves working with the database and provides smooth and correct data handling for the web application. It involves working with core programming languages like ASP.NET, PHP, C#, and Python etc. to develop scripts, plugins, and functionalities that involve data parsing, database connection, session handling and algorithm control. In our project, we choose PHP for the backend scripting framework and MySQL database management and Apache web server. These three developments and web services are Open source and free licensed applications. It worth mentioning that many other libraries and tools will be also used. I particular iText or any other library which help converting HTML pages into PDF files. Also, some libraries which can provide drang and drop features for uploading assessment files.

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Chapter 3 System Requirements 3.1 Requirement Elicitation:Requirement is the most important part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). There are many ways to get the requirement from the user such as interview, online survey and JAD session, etc. In our project, we gained much important information from Dr. Tarik Elamsy who has experience with the course fold as both instructor and part of the college quality assurance committee. Based on his feedback, we setup a set of questionnaire questions to survey other instructor opinion in both our university as well as other universities. In order to do that in short time, we uploaded our questionnaire on Google documents and sent emails to many faculty contacts via email.

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3.2 Survey summary: The conducted questionnaire includes several questions regarding the difficulties encountered with the manual course file system. The purpose of the questionnaire is both to assess the need of an automated smart course file management system (SCFS) and to get suggestions about what features or tools the electronic course file system should include. A sample copy of the questionnaire with all questions is presented in AppendixI. The questionnaire was filled online by 29 instructors at several higher education institution including HCT and AAU using google forms (see Figures number 17,18). 50% of the surveyed people have used the electronic file system (using shared folder) and the other 60% used the manual course file system and 10% of them are using both. It was not surprising that over 95% believe that the manually course file system is time and resource consuming. Moreover, 30% agreed that they often forget one or more course element such as a Key answer document or a student sample answer while 40% stated that they do forget to include some CLO occasionally. It is worth mentioning that majority shown interest of having a tool which can check the completeness of a finished course file. Finally, a summary of surveyed people suggestions on what features an electronic file system should include were the following features: ● user friendly ● reliable ● secure ● regularly updated in accordance with the university rules

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Figure 18-Questionair

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3.3 Project Methodology: Rapid application development model or RAD, is an incremental style model. This methodology helps in user’s feedback on planning and requirements by making prototypes for the user and getting their feedback to use and improving them on every version until they meet their criteria.

Figure 3 – RAD Model

We chose this Methodology because it is incremental. We can easily go-back to the previous phase to correct our mistake and make a better design before going to final implantation for it. RAD is used when there is a need to create a system that can be modularized in 2-3 months.

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3.4 Project Schedule: our project was divided to tasks, see in figure 21 which shows the time and date taken for each task performed from beginning to end.

Figure 19 – Project Schedule

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3.5 Functional Requirement: -

functional requirement shows the desired end function of a system. 3.5 show the interface between the user and the system and how the operation works.

No of R.E

Describe the requirement


The system shall allow the user to login into Smart Course File System


The system shall allow the user to change their password/email.


The system shall allow the user to log out into Smart Course File System


The system shall allow the Instructor to Create New Course File


The system shall allow the Instructor to upload files into Course File


The system shall allow the Instructor to update files into Course File


The system shall allow the Instructor & administrator to delete Course File


The system shall allow the Quality Assurance to review the all Course Files and add comment.


The system shall allow the Quality Assurance to finalize the Course File after reviewing


The System shall allow the Accreditation Committees to view the all Course File only


The system shall allow the administrator to give access for users


The system shall allow the administrator to Create Account for new user

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3.6 Nonfunctional Requirement: non-functional requirement shows how the system will work internally in the system such as the response time and creating a new course .3.6 shows the non-functional requirements of our system.

No of R.E

Describe the requirement



The system response time should take less than 5 seconds



The creation New Course file should take less than 1 minutes



The system should run on the web application



The system must be available 24 hours and 7 days in a week unless maintenance



The system shall provide easy to use the graphical interface



The system must be clear with any error message show to user


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3.7 Use Case Diagram (UML):-

Figure 4: Use Case Diagram

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Use Cases Description: -

1. Use Case Description of “Log in to a System” Use Case Name: Login To Main System

ID: UC-1

Importance Level: High

Actors: Users (Administrator, Instructor, Quality Assurance, Accreditation Committees.)

Briefly Description: The above use case diagram presents how user will log in to the system and perform operations.

Trigger: User press login button Type: External.

Preconditions: ● Access to the Smart Course File System. ● Go to Login Page.

Normal Flow of Events: ● ● ● ●

The User will do the following process: User input Username. User input Password. User click login button. System will verifies username and password.

Post conditions: ● The system will redirects the user to their profile page. Alternate/Exceptional Flows: ● If user inputs wrong email/username and password system will generate error message.

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2. Use Case Description of “Administrator Add New User” Use Case Name: User add new user

ID: UC-2

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Administrator) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will add new user to the system.

Trigger: Add New User Type: External.

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User access the Add New User Page

Normal Flow of Events: The User will do the following process: ●

User input Username.

User input Password.

User selects the role of the user.

User provides the access to the users.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate a confirmation popup message. ●

Redirect the User to add new user page.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows: ● If User inputs wrong details system will generate error message.

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3. Use Case Description of “Administrator Give Access to the User” Use Case Name: User give access to the user

ID: UC-3

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Administrator)

Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will provide access to the user.

Trigger: User Click “Allow Access” Button Type: External.

Preconditions: ●

User access to the Smart Course File System.

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User redirect to profile home page

User Selects “User Access Control Page”.

Normal Flow of Events: The user will do the following process ●

User selects the page to be access by the user.

User provides the access to the users.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message.

Redirect the User to the User Access Control Page.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows: ● If User did not select access, then the system will not give access to user.

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4. Use Case Description of “Instructor to Create New Course File” Use Case Name: User Create New Course File

ID: UC-4

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Instructor) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will create new course file.

Trigger: User Click “Create File” Button Type: External.

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User redirect to profile home page

User Selects Add New Course File Page from navigation.

Normal Flow of Events: ● ● ●

The User will do the following process: All the courses list will appear and have one button “Add New Course File” The instructor will enter the course number for the course file to be created. The instructor will be prompted to enter the course lecture times and date, office hours’ time and date.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message. ● The system will create the 8 folder for course file ● The instructor can click on the course file element that he/she wants to add when needed ● Redirect the User to the Course File list Page. Alternate/Exceptional Flows: ● If User does not fill all details then system will generate message. ● If course number wrong will be rejected.

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5. User Case Description of Instructor Upload Files to Course Files Use Case Name: User upload Files To Course File

ID: UC-5

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Instructor)

Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will add new files in course file folders.

Trigger: User Click “Upload File” Button. Type: External

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

User accesses the Course File list Page.

User Selects “Add Files In To Courses”

Normal Flow of Events: ●

The User will do the following process: User selects Course File Code from Dropdown List of the course files.

User selects the course file sub folder name i.e. Quiz , Mid Term Exams etc .

User click on upload button.

User finds and selects/drag and drop files to be uploading.

User uploads files with valid names.

User press “Upload File” button.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message. ●

Redirect the User to the Course File list Page.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows: ● If User does not follow format file (PDF, Word & Power Point) then the system will reject the file.

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6. Use Case Description of Instructor Update Course Files” Use Case Name: User update Course File

ID: UC- 6

Importance Level: High

Actors: Users (Instructor) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will update files in course file. Trigger: User selects the course file from the list to update and Click “Edit File” Button. Type: External

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

User accesses the Course File list Page.

User Selects “Update Course File”

Normal Flow of Events: The User will do the following: ●

User selects Course File Code from the List of the all course files.

User click on Edit button.

User makes modifications. (Optional) 1.

Delete File from files.


Replace file with files.


Change course file name.

User after modification action.

User press “Update Course File” button.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows: ● If User does not follow format file (PDF, Word & Power Point) then the system will reject the file.

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7. Use Case Description of “Administrator and Instructor Deletes Course Files” Use Case Name: User deletes the Course File

ID: UC- 7

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Administrator, Instructor) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will delete course files. Trigger: User selects the course file from the list to delete and Click “Delete” Button. Type: External

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

User accesses the Course File List Page.

User Selects “Delete Course File”

Normal Flow of Events: The User will do the following: ●

User selects Course File Code from the List of the all course files.

User click on Delete button.

User press “yes” button to delete the course file.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message. ●

Redirect the User to the Course File list Page.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

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8. Use Case Description of “Quality Assurance Review and Add Comments on Course Files” Use Case Name: User review and Adding Comment for the Course File

ID: UC-8

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Quality Assurance) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will user reviews and add comment for course files. Trigger: User selects the course file from the list review the course file. Type: External. Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

User accesses the Course File List Page.

User Selects “Review Course File”

Normal Flow of Events: The User will do the following: ●

User selects Course File Name/code from the List of the all new course files.

User click on comment button if he wants to add any comments.

User click “Submit” button to submit his recommendations.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message. ●

Redirect the User to the Course File list Page.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

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9. Use Case Description of “Quality Assurance Finalize On Course Files” Use Case Name: User Finalize Course File

ID: UC- 9

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Quality Assurance) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will Finalize course files.

Trigger: User selects the course file from the list to Finalize and Click “Finalize” Button. Type: External. Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

User accesses the Course File List Page.

User select “Finalize Course File” to approve course file.

Normal Flow of Events: The User will do the following: ● User selects new received Course File Name from the List of the all new course files. ●

After complete analysis of Course File User may select “Finalize Course” option from all dropdown of the actions options.

User press “Finalize” button to approve the course file.

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message. ●

Redirect the User to the Course File list Page.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

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10. Use Case Description of “Accreditation Committees View the Course Files” Use Case Name: User views the Course File

ID: UC-10

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Accreditation Committees) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will view the course files.

Trigger: User selects “View Button” the course file from the list to view Type: External.

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

User accesses the Course File List Page.

User select “view Course File” to view course file.

Normal Flow of Events: The User do the below in flow process: ● User selects Course File Name/Code from the List of the all new approved/Finalize course files. ●

User views the selected course file.

Post conditions: ● User Press “Close” buttons after view the course files. ●

Redirect the User to the Course File list Page.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

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11. Use Case Description of “User Wants to Update His/her Username and Password” Use Case Name: User update his/her profile details

ID: UC-11

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Administrator, Instructor, Quality Assurance, Accreditation Committees) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will Update his email and password.

Trigger: User selects “Update Profile Button” on profile update page. Type: External.

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

User selects “Profile Update Page”.

Normal Flow of Events: The User do the below in flow process: ● User input old email address and password to verify credentials. ●

When user input correct email and password then new password filed appear to input new password.

User press “Update” button to make change in the database

Post conditions: ● The system will generate the confirmation popup message. ●

Redirect the User to the Main Profile Page of the User.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows: ● If User inputs wrong details system will generate error message.

12. Use Case Description of “User Wants to Logout from His Profile” 34 | Page

Use Case Name: User Wants To Log Out.

ID: UC- 12

Importance Level: High

Actors: User (Administrator, Instructor, Quality Assurance, Accreditation Committees) Briefly Description: The above use case diagram demonstrates how User will do logout. Trigger: User press “Logout Button” on profile Page. Type: External.

Preconditions: ● User access to the Smart Course File System. ●

User Login to the system by input username/email and password.

User accesses the Home Page of the profile.

Normal Flow of Events: The User will do the following: ● User press logout button to logout from any page. Post conditions: ● Redirect the User to the Main Login Page. Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

3.9 Sequence Diagram: 35 | Page

1. User Login Sequence Diagram

Figure 5: User Login Sequence Diagram

2. Administrator Add new member Sequence Diagram

Figure 6: Administrator Add new member Sequence Diagram

3. Administrator Provide Access Sequence Diagram 36 | Page

Figure 7: Administrator provide Access Sequence Diagram

4. Instructor Add New Course File Sequence Diagram

Figure 8: Instructor Add New Course File Sequence Diagram

5. QA Review and Comment Sequence Diagram 37 | Page

Figure 9: QA Review and Comment Sequence Diagram

6. Administrator and Instructor Delete Course File Sequence Diagram

Figure 10: Administrator and Instructor Delete Course File Sequence Diagram

7. Instructor File upload to Course File Sequence Diagram 38 | Page

Figure 11: Instructor File upload to Course File Sequence Diagram

8. QA Finalize Course File Sequence Diagram

Figure 12: QA Finalize Course File Sequence Diagram

9. Accreditation Committees Views Sequence Diagram 39 | Page

Figure 13: Accreditation Committees Views Sequence Diagram

10.User Update Username Password Sequence Diagram

Figure 14: User Update Username Password Sequence Diagram

11.Instructor Update File Details Sequence Diagram 40 | Page

Figure 15: Instructor Update File Details Sequence Diagram

Chapter 4 41 | Page

Early System Design 4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram: An entity relations ship diagram depicts a graphical representation of how the system works between users, objects, places and events with in the system. On our project we have Five tables as show on figure 16.

Figure 16: Entity Relationship Diagram

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4.2 Early Prototype: -

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Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion: We are in the digital age where the use of paper is becoming less and less because its more efficient for it to be digital, even the UAE is planning by the year 2022 to remove all paper receipt and make it digital. Smart Course File System will help reduce time wasted in organizing for doctors, help the environment, save money and increase productivity.

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[1] Zyad Shaaban, “Course File Management System�, International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 3, Issue 5, 2014. [2] Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, United Arab Emirates, Standards for Licensure and Accreditation, 2011 [3] Syed Mushhad Mustuzhar Gilani, Jamil Ahmed, Muhammad Azeem Abbas, Electronic Document Management: A Paperless University Model, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009. ICCSIT 2009.

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APPENDIX I Questionnaire on Course Files preparation process This is a short questionnaire about the academic course file system (Course folder). This questionnaire is intended to gather academic instructor’s feedback about current problems/difficulties they encounter in the process of preparing their course files. All information provided will be only used to develop an online system to overcome the current difficulties, and speed up the course folder preparation process. All information provided will be confidential and will not be used for any other purposes. Age: __________________________ (optional) Faculty: _________________________________________(optional) Institution: ______________________________________(optional) 1. Do you prepare your course file in an electronic form or hard copy? � Electronic form � Hard copy Note: please circle one answer, where 1 indicate strongly disagree & 10 strongly agree 1. You believe that the manual (paper based) Course File preparation is time and resources consuming process? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. You often forget to include one or more folder items (ex: Key answer /solution for a quiz, one or more student sample.etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Sometimes you accidentally forget to list the corresponding CLOs of some question. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. You believe that switching to an online / electronic file folder process will save both time and resources. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. You believe that it is very useful to have automated tool to provide Quality Check for completeness of your prepared course folder. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. Please write any suggestions or requirements you believe should be included in any online course folder system ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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Appendix II

Appendix: Case Tools Used: -

For designing Use Case Diagram: Greatly For designing Project Plan: Power Point For designing Sequence Diagrams: For designing Class Diagram: Greatly For designing Entity Relationship Diagram:

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