Malaysian Games Frisbee Handbook

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Ultimate Frisbee

Rules and Regulation Team • A team must have a minimum of seven (7) players, including at least three (3) female players. • Each team will field a maximum of seven (7) players and a minimum of five (5) players each point. •No more than four (4) player of the same gender may be fielded at the same time. • The pulling (defensive) team must match the gender selection. Game • At the start of the game a toss decides which team either: • throw (defense) or receive (offense) the first pull; or • which end zone to start with. • The other team will be given the remaining choice. At the start of the second half, the initial selections are switched. • Games last sixty (60) minutes.

Rules and Regulation Pull • Each point starts with a throw-off from the goal line (“pull”). • All players must remain in their end zone until the pull is thrown. Once the disc is thrown, all players may move in any direction. • In an event any players are out of their respective end zone during a pull, ‘offside’ violation may be called and the pull is restarted. • If the pull lands outside of the playing field, the offensive thrower can either choose to start from the closest point of the side line from where disc landed or from the ‘brick’ mark closest to their end zone. • The thrower must indicate they are choosing the ‘brick’ option by raising their hands and calling ‘brick’.

Rules and Regulation Turnovers • A turnover occurs when • Offense fails to catch a pass. • An interception by the defensive team. • Disc is caught out of bounds. • Stall count reaches ten (10) before the disc was thrown. • The thrower catches their own throw without the disc contacting any other players. • A dropped pull catch. • • • • •

Fouls, Violations and Infractions A breach of rules involving marking (e.g. ‘double team’, ‘disc space’) and travel are infractions. Infractions does not stop play. A foul is the result of contact that is dangerous or affects the outcome of the play. All other breach of rules are violations. If opposing players catch the disc at the same time, the offensive player gets possession of the disc. Players are not allowed to block or screen the path of defensive players (‘pick’)

Rules and Regulation Making a Call • If you believe that you have been fouled by an opposing player has occurred, you may call “foul”. If the disc is still in the air, possession must be established by a pass or a turnover before play is stop immediately. • If a play is stopped, you will have to explain what the foul was and discuss with the opposing player involved. If there is a disagreement, the opposing player can call “contested” and the disc is return to the previous thrower. If the opposing player agrees, they can call “uncontested” and you will generally take possession of the disc. • Play is resumed with a ‘check’, the marker touches the thrower’s disc and calls “disc in”.

Rules and Regulation Stoppages • Injury stoppage • “Injury” may be called by injured players or by any players of the injured player’s team. • The injured player may choose to be substituted. If the injured player chose to leave the field, the opponent team may also choose to substitute one player. • Timeouts • Each team are allowed to two (2) timeouts per game and last two (2) minutes.

Rules and Regulation Scoring • One (1) point is awarded to the team that catches the disc in bound of their opponent’s end zone. • A game is finished and won by the first team to score fifteen (15) points. • Half time occurs when a team first reach eight (8) points and last for maximum of five (5) minutes. • If the max time limit is reached and points are at a draw, the game will continue until one team leads in points. Otherwise, game is finished and must be stop immediately.

Spirit of the Game • Ultimate is a non-contact, self-refereed sport. All players are responsible for administering and adhering to the rules. Ultimate relies upon a Spirit of the Game that places the responsibility for fair play on every player.

Draft Fixture

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