Malcolm Payne
Black Drawings From the Penumbra Series 1980 - 1983 Caran d’ Ache aquarelles on black casein primed board Size: All works 1280 mm x 960 mm unless otherwise stated
Early rising plasma. 1980. 1000 mm x 315 mm.
Volcano du Bal. 1980.
Alexandra. 1981.
The drawings below are made with the assistance of soldered wire stencils made by the artist.
Pompei. 1981.
Stromboli. 1981.
Mombassa. 1983.
The Postman. 1982.
Luna tryst. 1981.
Occular eclipse. 1982.
Eau du Gaz/Vulva du Bal. 1981.
Sonar. 1982.
Mars. 1983.
Merlin. 1983.
Galileo. 1983.
Goliath. 1983.
Hercules. 1983.
Houdini. 1983.
Garbhasana. 1983.