Worcester Park Life Issue 35 April 2011

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Worcester Park Life

free April 11 No 35

KT4’s independent community magazine

Inside this month... Shadbolt Park Pond WPark history by David Rymill Worcester Park Dramatic Society Safer Neighbourhood information Clubs, recipe, wine, puzzles, useful numbers and much more...


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St Raphael’s Hospice

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Sunday 22nd May 2011 Help to raise funds for St Raphael’s by joining us on this sight seeing sponsored walk along the River Thames, and enjoy one of the most famous city sky lines in the world. Amongst the many famous landmarks along the Thames, the route will pass St Paul’s Cathedral, The Tower of London, The Globe Theatre, Tower Bridge, Cleopatra’s Needle, Tate Modern and the Festival Hall. The walk starts and ends at The Victoria Embankment Gardens near to Embankment tube.

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Registered Charity Number : 1068661

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Welcome to April’s Worcester Park Life

from editor


Welcome to April’s packed edition of Worcester Park Life. The blossom is out, clocks have gone forward, so let’s hope that our longer days are filled with sunshine and not April showers! Either way April tends to bring a spring to our steps, colour in our gardens and hopefully the start of a beautiful summer. Expect Mother’s day cards, hot cross buns and chocolate eggs in shops and on shelves to be replaced by a wave of bunting and street party equipment – if you’ve not organised your street party yet then don’t worry, there’s still time – just check out the council website for more information. I for one am looking forward to plenty of time with family, friends and neighbours over the school and bank holidays, during which we will, with trepidation, be excavating our family tent from the shed and bravely (or stupidly) taking it camping - together with very warm clothing, wet weather equipment a repair kit and lots of duct tape. Our last camping experience (as some of you may remember) was not blessed with good weather, and after only 3 nights we were home defeated by howling gales and ripped tents. Think I may have muttered ‘never again’ a few times..... Thank you so much for all of the great articles that we’ve received this month – keep them coming, just please remember to get in touch first to make sure we’ll have space. Enjoy! Best wishes Jenny Stuart Editor and publisher The next edition will be available in the Libraries, Waitrose, John James, the Police office and other outlets from 5th May 2011 Next copy deadline: 15th April Published by Malden Media Limited 36 Rosebery Avenue, KT3 4JS E: jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk 020 8336 2915 www.wplife.co.uk Also publishing the Village Voice in New Malden


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7 History Parties and memorials 10 Ruth Jemmett Every home should have one 12 Events Old London Road Street Party and May Merrie 14 Places Shadbolt Park Pond Life 19 Wine alert 28 Clubs Auriol Bowling Club 31 Clubs The Worcester Park Dramatic Society 41 Recipe Warm Pear,Walnut and Blue Cheese Salad 59 Make ours a Safer Neighbourhood Doorstep traders & bogus callers

Local Information 36 Useful Information 42 Clubs 44 Toddler groups 50 Business Index


24 Codeword 29 Number Cruncher 38 Quick Quiz


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Group sessions will take place on Saturday14th May and Sunday 15th May every 30 minutes from 10.00 till 2.00     01737554939 FREE GOLF LESSO OW!!!


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Worcester Park Life This month I thought it would be appropriate to write two short articles on topical themes.


Parties and memorials by David Rymill

In view of the forthcoming royal wedding, a look back to 1981 and the wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales, which was marked by a street party in Ruskin Drive. Marion Byford recalls, “There were quite a few children in the street and we thought it would be nice to have a celebration, so a neighbour and I went round and asked people whether they’d be interested. A lot said yes, and people who were perhaps older asked if their grandchildren could come; then word spread to some other roads and people from roads that weren’t having parties asked if they could come: a couple came from Lindsay Road, some from Beverley Road, some from Morningside Road. We used to go out every week and collect a certain amount of money so that by the time we got to the party day we had enough to buy gifts for the children: we bought mugs, hats and flags.

when the children had had a good time, we had a netball match between the men and the women: the men had to dress up as women, and the women as men; we ended up, I think, as a draw. In the evening we had a disco; it went on till about 11 o’clock, and it was all very successful, everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves.” Thanks to Marion Byford and Brenda Faulkner for their memories and the photographs. If you are holding a street party to mark this month’s Royal Wedding, please get in touch – it would be good to be able to print some photographs in a future edition. u

“The Council allowed us to close off the road between Morningside Road and Beverley Road, so that the centre of Ruskin Drive was the part where we put the food out. We had a small committee, about six or eight of us: everybody did something towards it: we put long trestle tables down the street; an electrician rigged up lights and music. “It was the actual day of the Royal Wedding: we were able to watch it on television and then everybody was able to come out and take part. We had races for the kids, and prizes. We had fancy dress: my own two daughters, one went as Bertie Bassett, the liquorice allsorts man, and my younger daughter was dressed half as a bride and half as a soldier; there were fairies, there were people dressed as commemorative mugs. “The children sat down and had their drinks and the food: I think we had sandwiches and crisps, jellies, sausage rolls – things that were easy to put out and didn’t take a lot of getting ready, as we all wanted to watch the wedding in the morning. “I think it might have started to rain a bit and we went into the Wesley Hall at one time, but then it dried up so everybody came out again. Later on in the afternoon, To advertise in

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Parties and memorials continued from page 7 On another theme, many WPL readers will have been saddened by the recent accidental damage to the First World War memorial at St Philip’s Churchyard in Cheam Common Road. I thought it might be appropriate to look at the stories behind a few of the names on the memorial. Among them are Sgt Arthur Wilfred Golden and his brother Pte H V Golden, whose family kept a sweet shop at 33 Longfellow Road. Sgt Golden joined up in November 1914 and went over to France with the 11th Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment in March 1916. He was awarded the Military Medal at the Somme in that year, and the Distinguished Conduct Medal in the Flanders offensive the following

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year; he died of wounds received in action on 25 April 1918. His brother, in the 18th Battalion, Canadian Infantry (West Ontario Regiment), who won the MM at Vimy Ridge, was killed in action in October 1917.

At least two of the men named on this memorial are also commemorated on other local memorials: 2nd Lt William Thomas Everett is also named on the Ewell Boys’ School memorial, now in Bourne Hall Museum. He had lived in Ewell (in Kingston Road) until 1912 when the family moved to Worcester Park, where they lived at Craven Villas in Cheam Common Road (near Huntingdon Gardens). Originally he served as a Sergeant in the London Regiment, later moving to the Royal West Surrey Regiment as a 2nd Lieutenant. It is particularly poignant that he was killed, near the Belgian border, on 6 November 1918, only five days before the Armistice. More information about him is included in an online guide to the First World War memorials of Epsom and Ewell, compiled by Clive Gilbert and others, building on research by Alec Bennett: w w w. e p s o m a n d e w e l l h i s t o r y e x p l o r e r. o r g . u k / WarMemorials.html Signalman Percy James Wilmot is named on the Cheam Common memorial, and also on the memorial inside St Mary’s Church, The Avenue, Cuddington, which gives the additional information that he served on HMS Ardent and died at Jutland on 1 June 1916, aged 21. The memorial also provides a reminder that it was not only men who risked their lives in the First World War: one woman’s name was included, that of Eliza Bailey. She was a munitions worker, and was killed in an accident on 14 November 1916 at the factory in Gander Green Lane, North Cheam, run by Brocks’, better known for their production of fireworks in peacetime. She was 25 years old, and was a member of the Bailey family of 88 Longfellow Road. She is commemorated, with four other munitions workers, on a memorial in Sutton Cemetery. David Rymill david.rymill@hants.gov.uk 020 8330 6563 WPLife


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Every home should have one

Yes, of course I could have done something supremely sensible and boring with the money, but my heart ruled my head.

by Ruth Jemmett

Ruth Jemmett explains the joy of owning a summerhouse It sometimes seems that our senses are being assaulted from every angle. Modern technical devices were designed to make our lives less stressful, but it often seems that the noises and demands of our ‘phones, domestic appliances, computers and the like conspire to give us constant anxiety. Like many other people, I live my life in Worcester Park, tending to my family’s needs, whilst juggling with the hubbub created by “so called” progress. Occasionally I get that “Hey! Stop the world – I want to get off!” moment. Then, a few years ago I found the perfect prescription for escaping – albeit only temporarily – away from everyone and everything’s seemingly endless need for my attention.

A few weeks later I stood in my garden, heart racing with excitement, as I viewed the workmen piecing together my big girl’s new toy. When I was at last alone with the summerhouse I stood inside it luxuriating in its newness and sense of potential. I now had my own little sanctuary,and thanks to the kindness of my late Aunt Barbara, (who, in my mind, had now risen to the status of sainthood!) I could furnish it to my liking. Over the following weeks, I arranged for the walls of my new acquisition to be insulated and lined. I then had electricity installed and carpet tiles laid. Bamboo furniture completed my paradise. Most importantly my sanctuary didn’t have a ‘phone! (I figured that if I was


I bought a summerhouse.

I desperately wanted that summerhouse. As I viewed its honey-coloured timber walls and excitedly planned how I could furnish it, the sensible part of my brain reminded me of the small fact that I simply couldn’t afford to buy the object of my affections. Undaunted, I somehow persuaded my husband that IF we bought such an extravagant thing I could disappear into it at regular intervals and give him a bit of peace. That really swung it! Soon I was standing in the sales office making a deposit and wondering how on earth I could afford to pay for the rest of it. Then fate stepped in. An elderly aunt , with whom I had corresponded for many years, died and left me a small legacy.


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One day, I was wandering through a large garden centre with my family, when I suddenly saw the solution to my need for a bolthole. It sat there in all its 12’ x 8’ glory with its sparkly new windows winking at me in the warm sunshine of a late spring afternoon. I swear I heard it whisper to me enticingly “Buy me ..... buy me!” I stepped inside the answer to my prayers and was immediately hooked by its heady woody smell and atmosphere of isolation and privacy.

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Worcester Park Life REALLY needed in the house my family would soon drag me back!)


When I escape to my special place (which I named, not surprisingly, ‘HEAVEN’) the only sound to be heard is the ticking of a wall clock mingling with the occasional patter of little feet as squirrels scamper over the roof. A mixture of birdsong from the garden and my contented sighs completes my happiness. I have filled my special room - which is a good 100’ away from the house – with dried lavender from the garden and bowls of pot pourri. Ornaments and mementos with countryside themes give the finishing touch. I entertain friends in the summerhouse throughout the year. Its insulated walls and the presence of a fan heater that blows either hot or cold ensures that we can socialise in comfort. Over the years it has been amazing how many people have confided their deepest secrets to me in that quiet and fragrant place. (In case you were wondering - yes, I am very discreet and trustworthy!) My summerhouse has been filled with much laughter and sometimes just a few tears when people want to share a sadness with me. Most of all it has been a place

email info@wplife.co.uk of tranquillity and somewhere to reflect on life when everything seems to crowd in. Even when snatching a mere half hour or so in my special place I can almost feel my blood pressure going down. The next time that you feel you are going to explode with the worries in your life, don’t rush off to a doctor or psychiatrist. Buy a summerhouse. Every home should have one. They could save marriages (they are a fantastic place to sulk in), cure hypertension and generally chill out the nation. Anway, my dear Worcester Park friends, you will now have to excuse me as I have to take my leave of you. I’m just going up to ‘HEAVEN’. Ruth Jemmett Copyright 13th March 2011 Member of The Society fo Authors WPLife

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• From repairs to renewals

   • Flat roofs   • Tiling and slating      • All lead work      • Guttering      

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Call Andrew Hendry on 07776462453 e-mail: ahendryroofing@hotmail.co.uk

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Old London Road Street Party & May Merrie Old London Road Street Party Saturday 23rd April 11am-4pm Join the businesses and residents of Kingston’s Old London Road on Saturday 23rd April for a St George’s Day and Easter Celebration! Head behind the tumbling telephone boxes to find a street filled with unique and quirky shops, and to enjoy a day of live music and entertainment. Browse through the street market, try your hand at mosaic making, or join in with the Jumpin’ Jive team. The official mayoral opening is at midday, with entertainment and activities running from 11am to 4pm.


VillageWorcester Voice Park Life May Merrie Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May 11am-4pm Come and celebrate spring this May bank holiday at Kingston’s May Merrie. Kingston town centre will be filled with plenty of activities and attractions to keep the whole family entertained.

Visit the Local Talent Showcase in the Ancient Market Place and at the Kingston University Stage on Clarence Street- remember where you saw them first! All Saints Church hosts a craft fair and music from local choirs. Outside on the lawn enjoy jazz sounds or traditional Punch and Judy shows, and don’t miss the live falconry displays in the Market Place. Memorial Gardens is home to the Kid’s Kingdom, complete with visiting Children’s Farm. Full programme will be available from the Kingstonfirst website in late April. For more information contact Kingstonfirst on 020 8547 1221 or visit Kingstonfirst.co.uk WPLife

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Street Party Saturday 23 April

Easter Saturday & St George's Day 11am - 4pm

Meet the Street • Live Music & Dance • Street Market • Special Offers Mosaic Workshops • Prize Draw • Mayoral Opening at 12 noon

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13 Live Music & Free Family Entertainment

Bank Holiday Monday, 11am - 4pm

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Worcester Park Life

email jenny@wplife.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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The frogs, newts & bugs arrive! by Carol Williams It is now 7 months since Shadbolt Park pond was restored, and 5 months since we created a bog garden adjoining it. A slightly anxious time followed, as we waited for the rain to fill it, and we all got very excited when it became a muddy puddle that gradually expanded, and the water stayed there! After years of watching it leak away and strand our wildlife, this was a joy to behold. On 14 February (I kid you not!) frogs came and courted and laid their spawn. They chose to adorn the water lily with it and, in the sunshine, entertained us with their antics. People exercising their dogs in the park stopped to admire. “Isn’t Nature wonderful?” one lady remarked. I couldn’t agree more. We have since seen newts in the water and some interesting beetles, and small birds bathing in the shallows. Life abounds, as we hoped it would. Some of us are to be found at the site on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10.30 to 11.30 am, so if anyone would care to pop along to see what we have done and chat about the project, we’d be pleased to see you. We very much hope to increase the biodiversity in the park by providing this body of water, and by allowing some of the grass to grow long and planting wildflowers. All this will encourage insects, which are vital to the life cycles of amphibians, bats and birds. We have added a couple of water lilies to enhance the appearance of the pond and to give the animals somewhere to hide, and we have also put in a small amount of native hornwort, both to oxygenate the water and to provide some vegetation for newts to lay their eggs on, but Ideally we wish it to be colonised by the creatures and plants already a part of the park’s ecology, so we will now not be adding anything else. Fish would eat the tadpoles, rather defeating the object of creating a wildlife pond! We also need to be very careful not to introduce invasive plants, viruses and non-native animals to the ecosystem. We very much hope that everyone will enjoy the new pond and respect the wildlife which uses it. We also hope it will inspire people to provide space for wild creatures in gardens, parks, churchyards, school grounds and anywhere else they can think of! With so much land covered by


VillageWorcester Voice Park Life


housing and roads, many species are in trouble, so any small help they can get would make a difference to their survival in urban areas. There is plenty of information on the internet about wildlife gardening, so please do check it out and have a go. Help and advice can also be obtained from the Surrey Wildlife Trust at School Lane, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey, GU24 OJN and this year’s BBC Springwatch programme will most likely, as usual, give us excellent ideas for improving wildlife habitat in our neighbourhoods.

We have commissioned a stunning display board from the Day Centre workshop at St Ebba’s, which we hope to erect on the site in the course of the next month or so. Thankyou to everyone who helped create the new pond. Please do come and visit us soon! Carol Williams, Friends of Shadbolt Park (Pond Group). WPLife

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Worcester Park Life

email jenny@wplife.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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VillageWorcester Voice Park Life   


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I have no idea where my love of wine comes from. I didn’t grow up in a household full of ‘wine and merrymaking.’ Merrymaking yes, but my mums’ limit is one glass, after which she reverts to her native Nigerian and my dad is teetotal. I was really excited recently, when I managed to persuade him to try a sip of a more unusual red wine, which he subsequently described as tasting “like rain water collected at the bottom of an old red brick wall.” Scant praise indeed!

by Aret Kapetanovic of the Vin Bin its tedious jargon of aroma and palate, not to mention a certain amount of ridiculous posturing. It is at first a little intimidating, that is until you realise that no one can argue with your description. The beauty of it is, that the sheer number of styles of wine and grape variety offers too great a range of interpretation!

I truly believe that there has never been a better time to decide to become a wine connoisseur. When I say connoisseur, I simply mean an enthusiast, someone with a passion for wine, without the snobbery. With the enormous number of wines on the market, choosing a good wine can feel like an ordeal. But, fear not, I am discovering that it doesn’t have to be complicated. Two decades ago, it was virtually impossible to gain an extensive knowledge of wine, unless you were in the wine trade itself. Today, there are literally hundreds of websites like decanter.com dedicated to the wine enthusiast, as well as magazines, books, blogs and even TV shows. The lower price of travel now means that more and more people have the opportunity to visit the wineries that they read about and taste those wines first hand. Despite its wonderful accessibility, there is still a fear of the snobbery that surrounds the tasting of wine with



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An encyclopedic knowledge of wine does indeed require years of reading, tasting and travel, but just remember that you don’t need to become an expert to be a wine connoisseur. How do we define being a connoisseur Vs being a snob? A wine connoisseur is willing to try new wines from new regions, being always open to new sensory experiences whereas a wine snob will insist that only traditional Chateaux can produce fine wine. I’d rather judge a wine by what's in the glass and not what's on the label! VVoice




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Auriol Bowling Club Open Day 2011 On Sunday 15th May, between 11.00 am and 4.00 pm, Auriol Bowling Club is holding its Open Day at the club’s bowling green in Auriol Park, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park. People of all ages are invited, whether you have bowled before or not.You can come along at any time during that day, and there’s no need to wear any special clothing other than flat-soled shoes or trainers. Equipment and coaching will all be provided free of charge. The new 2011 season is an important one in the club’s history, as – at the end of 2010 – the ladies of Auriol Park Ladies Bowling Club and the men belonging to Auriol Bowling Club voted to come together to form a single, mixed club. In a vote conducted across all its members, Lionel Sellers was elected President of the newly-merged club. That he

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should become President at this particular moment in the club’s history is particularly apt, as he was a founder member when the club was originally formed in 1967, and he now leads it forward into a new stage in the club’s life. If you can’t make it to the club’s Open Day on Sunday 15th May, why not come along to one of the informal ‘roll-up’ sessions, held on Monday mornings, and Tuesday and Thursday mornings and afternoons each week during the season, which starts this year on 23 April.

For further information please contact David Regan on 020 8337 8919 (email: clubsecretary@auriolbowlingclub.com), or visit the club’s website at www.auriolbowlingclub.com . Did you know.... Auriol Bowling Club was established in 1967, and plays on the 6-rink bowling green attached to the pavilion in Auriol Park, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park. It is a mixed club of around 45 men and 25 women, who play outdoors from April to September, with a busy fixture list of league and friendly matches against other clubs, as well as internal club competitions. For further information please contact the club Secretary, David Regan, on 020 8337 8919 (email:clubsecretary@ auriolbowlingclub.com), or visit the website at www. auriolbowlingclub.com. WPLife


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“3D or not 3D?..that is the question: by Vernon Hamblin @Unilet

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the headaches and double vision...” So, here we are with, for many of you, a most vexed question indeed. We shall start with the technology. At the film making stage, the process to capture a 3D image can require multiple cameras and lenses viewing the same scene from a variety of angles. These elements are then combined into one frame. There are 24 frames making up every second of film!......You do the maths. Expensive? Yes, but the film companies currently believe it is yet another way to get bums in seats at the cinema. Add to this the fact that it is impossible to illegally photograph a 3D movie at the cinema, the anti-piracy benefits are absolute. Have you ever tried to watch a 3D movie without the appropriate glasses? It’s a blurry mess! Broadcast 3D is a slightly different process, but equally expensive which is why there isn’t much of it other than a few selected sports events from Sky. Actually broadcasting 3D content is also expensive, but believe it or not, the silicon required to decode a 3D Blu-ray or TV broadcast is relatively inexpensive. Which would explain why all of the principle TV manufacturing companies appear to have adopted the 3D format so quickly. So, I hear you ask dear reader, what am I getting if I buy a 3D TV? Whilst the silicon required may be inexpensive, the 3D option is currently found only on top-of-the-range screens. However, what this does mean is that the picture quality is always of the highest standard, whether you are watching Standard and HD broadcasts, Blu-ray or DVD. It’s easier to think of the ‘3D Ready’ status as you would an expensive sports car. You know what it’s capable of even though it is unlikely that you would use it to its full potential. As usual with any new technology, there is the inevitable format war to deal with. There are four methods of viewing 3D content, but luckily, only two apply to TV’s (lucky us!). The next question we have to deal with is “Would sir/madam like to interact passively or actively with your new TV?” Some manufacturers have adopted the “Passive” system and some, the “Active”. Both systems require you to wear glasses for all 3D viewing. The Passive System a) The glasses are polarised /tinted and generally similar to the cheap throwaways you get at most commercial cinemas. The older ‘Anaglyph’ system of using Red and Blue/Green tinted glasses is generally the 3D system that most people remember but would rather forget. This ‘stigma’ was so bad that it has discouraged many from re-visiting 3D, which is a crying shame because the technology has advanced so much more since then. Luckily, anaglyph is now a thing of the past and is now relegated to giving added value to the odd issue of ‘The Beano’.


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b) The original HD (1080 line) frame is split in to two standard definition frames and then merged, creating a final lower resolution picture. c) This is the system that Sky use. The Active System a) The glasses are slightly heavier as they utilize a battery operated active-shutter system that alternates from left-eye to right-eye. The extra benefit of their design is that they can be worn over existing eye wear. b) The advantage of having this technology built into the glasses as opposed to the TV means that the 3D presentation remains in Full HD quality for both TV and Blu-ray. c) This is the system that all 3D films made in the last 5 years are encoded with. d) Sky 3D broadcasts look better on this system even though they originate as ‘passive’. Conclusions? Headaches and Double-Vision are less likely with the ‘Active’ system because the picture is sharper and has a more accurate colour palette. “Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle toward my hand?... and the blade sticking out of the screen straight at the audience. Cheesy old Horror films and a couple of so-so Westerns. 3D films of the past were pretty torrid affairs in my opinion. In fact, I can’t think of one that stands out as a good film in its own right. Is that still the case with modern 3D films? Whilst Avatar was clearly a visual and sonic Tour de force, was it really a good film or merely Pocahontas remade? (It is called either ‘Abattoir’ or ‘Dances With Aliens’ in my house!). It’s worth noting that, when utilized correctly, 3D can offer so much more than the gimmicky effect of sharp objects flying toward the viewer at high speed. Images are given a palpable sense of depth that can appear to stretch on for miles in some cases. Foreground and background objects are realistically portrayed. Light years away from the earlier 3D system when foreground objects appeared to be cardboard cut-outs in front of an ‘out-of-focus’ backdrop. The recent remake of ‘A Christmas Carol’ was a delightful film and the tasteful use of 3D made it a joy to watch. The 3D presentation of ‘The Polar Express’ is another great watch. But both are good films anyway, 3D or not 3D. 3D Football is certainly interesting but a bad match is still a bad match, and here lies an obstacle for the 3D format to address... Content. The Action/Adventure genre could well be the benchmark for 3D presentations, but there are many other genres that have, as yet, been untapped. Could you imagine the next David Attenborough Wildlife documentary or the next season of Wonders of the Solar System presented in glorious 3D?...Trust me dear reader...it’s coming. Apparently, Hollywood is currently preparing 3D versions of many classic films for Blu-ray and theatrical re-release. It believes there is a future for 3D. The TV manufacturers believe likewise, because production of 3DTV’s is on the increase. You, the buying public are the only ones who really know. So in conclusion I shall end with another quote from The Bard... “What’s past is prologue...”. VVoice

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by Giuliana Slocombe


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Worcester Park Life The Worcester Park Dramatic Society is a local amateur drama group of long standing. We stage two major productions a year at the Adrian Mann Theatre in Ewell, in April and November.


The Worcester Park Dramatic Society by Peter Weisshuhn

We meet every Tuesday and most Fridays at 8.15 pm in the Elmcroft Community Centre in North Cheam, on the Sainsbury’s site. Apart from play readings, rehearsals and set construction, we have quiz nights and various social events. We also arrange group outings to amateur and professional theatre productions. Our next production is being held 14-16th April in the Adrian Mann Theatre, Ewell. You can read more about it in the synopsis opposite and advert below. We welcome new members to help us stage future productions, anyone willing to act or work backstage.

The latter includes stage management, set construction, sound and lighting. If interested, please contact our membership secretary, Joyce Cranfield, on 020 8337 3317. About the ‘The Militants’ This superb period drama is set in the fictitious Lancashire town of Metringham, near Manchester, in April 1908 at a time when the suffragette movement was becoming a force to be reckoned with in England and when Winston Churchill was standing for re-election to the safe seat of North Manchester. The action takes place in and outside the house of Alderman Josiah Malin, the Mayor-elect of Metringham and a leading figure in the community. He is adamant that the suffragette movement will not gain a hold ‘on his patch’ and determines to crack down hard at the first signs of any disturbances – perhaps easier said than done...... WPLife

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Worcester Park Life

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Worcester Park Life 


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new malden s

Useful Information

Schools Cheam Common Junior School 020 8337 1844 Cheam Common Infant School 020 8337 4152 Cuddington Community Primary School 020 8716 2677 Dorchester Primary School 020 8330 1144 Green Lane Primary School 020 8337 6976 Linden Bridge School 020 8330 3009 Malden Parochial Primary School 020 8337 4804 Councils Kingston Council 020 8547 5757 Sutton Council 0208 770 5070 Epsom & Ewell 01372 732 000 Police Worcester Park Police Office, 154 Central Road, 020 8649 3590 07843 065915 In an emergency dial 999

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Doctors Manor Drive Surgery 0844 4778795 Auriol Medical Centre 020 8337553 Pharmacies Plough Green Pharmacy 364 Malden Road, Worcester Park 020 83372083 Concept Chemist 127 Manor Drive North, New Malden 020 83374618 Ruxley Pharmacy 2 Ruxley Lane 020 83932094 Victoria Chemist 524 London Road, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8HWTel: 020 82874777 Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd 566 London Road, North Cheam 020 8641 6148 Nima Chemist 58 The Broadway, Stoneleigh 020 83932106 Patson Chemist 67 The Broadway, Stoneleigh 020 83932342 Alliance Pharmacy 322a Malden Road, North Cheam 020 86448139

Natural vision, whatever the distance.


159 Central Road, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 8DT

Tel 020 8337 2059 OPENING TIMES Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm, Saturday 9.00am to 2.00pm

Varilux Physio 2.0 The high resolution Varilux lens is now available at R Woodfall Opticians

www.rwoodfallopticians.co.uk 36

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Worcester Park Life n Jim and “The Gaffer” At the lower end of our allotment site lies the entrance to a secret garden. For most of the year, it’s hidden by greenery. But on a stark January day you can’t miss it. On a corner where the path sweeps round towards the car park, there’s a bird table where robins squabble for seeds. Below is a white sign bearing the inscription: The Jim Mansbridge Wildlife Area. Who was Jim, I wondered, and how did the area come to be created? “Go and talk to Jean”, was the advice I was given. “It was Jean’s project”. Jean Galsworthy is a surprising woman. Judging by her two and a half productive plots, you might think she was a lifelong allotment addict. You’d be wrong. “I just wanted somewhere to burn garden prunings”, she admitted. “In 1990, local residents got a council leaflet inviting them to take on a vacant plot. They assured us you didn’t have to do anything on it.” How times change! For the annual sum of £7, she was allocated a half plot : a wilderness with a damson tree –and no damsons. Some would have sprayed the lot with weed killer. Not Jean. Never keen on pesticides, she decided to go completely organic. In this she was ahead of the trend. Armed with only an old sickle and a fork, she cleared the plot and planted lettuces and a herb garden. Soon, she was hooked. In October, she took on the derelict other half, “to stop somebody else messing about on my plot!” Two more followed. But with many plots still unlet, something had to be done to prevent the site being grabbed by developers. So Jean set about recruiting a band of enthusiastic volunteers to “get things moving”. Her efforts paid off. Working parties gradually cleared neglected plots and Open Days drew in a dozen new tenants. Perhaps Jean’s biggest triumph was to persuade the AGM to accept her plans to turn a triangle of land roughly 160 x 90 feet into a wildlife area. Most of this was left as cover for birds, foxes and badgers. The remainder, often flooded in winter, was dug out to form a pond, drainage ditches, bog garden and meadow area. Jim Mansbridge, a retired policeman, was full of

Helping To Make Worcester Park A Nice Place To Live


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Crime and Punishment 1. A gang led by Bruce Reynolds committed which famous crime in the 1960s? 2. Who was described as “the Napoleon of crime” in the novel The Final Problem by Arthur Conan Doyle? 3. In 2010, there were 46 cases of capital punishment in the USA. Which method of execution was used for all but 2 of these cases? 4. Why was Stephen Gough arrested on a number of occasions when walking from Land's End to John o' Groats in 2003 and 2004? 5. In 1988, which famous singer was arrested after a high speed police chase and served three years in prison after being convicted of carrying an unlicensed gun, assaulting a police officer, and various drug-related and driving offences? 6. By what name is the Central Criminal Court in England more commonly known? 7. In 2001, 14 people, including 12 from Britain, were arrested in Kalamata in Greece and charged with espionage. What was their hobby? 8. Replaced by youth custody centres in 1982, what name was given to prisons for young offenders and was also the name of the village in Kent where the first of these institutions was established? 9. In England and Wales, how many jurors make up a jury on criminal cases? 10. In 1812, John Bellingham committed a particular crime that had never been committed before and has never been committed since. What did he do?

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1.The Great Train Robbery 2. Professor Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes' arch-enemy) 3. Lethal injection 4. He was naked (he was known as the Naked Rambler) 5. James Brown 6. The Old Bailey 7. Plane spotting 8. Borstals (named after the village of Borstal) 9. 12 (15 for Scotland) 10. He killed the British Prime Minister

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Social Style Ballroom and Latin Lesson followed by General dancing. Tuesday 8.30 - 10.30pm at Christchurch with St Philips Hall,

Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park, KT4 8LG

More info from John 07748 113 824


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This quick and easy warm salad can be served as a main meal or simple starter. If you like strong flavoured blue cheeses choose Stilton or Roquefort, but if you prefer something a little milder pick Danish blue or creamy Dolcelatte. 1 tbsp olive oil Small knob of butter 2 large firm pears, halved, cored & thickly sliced 55g (2oz) walnut halves, roughly chopped 1 large bag mixed rocket salad 115g (4oz) blue cheese, diced or crumbled DRESSING 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tsp caster sugar 5 tbsp olive oil Salt & freshly ground black pepper

Warm Pear, Walnut and Blue Cheese Salad Serves - 4 Ready in 15 minutes

Heat the oil and butter in a large non-stick frying pan. Add the pear slices and fry gently for 2-3 minutes on each side until tender and light golden. Add the walnuts to pan for the last 2 minutes of cooking time. Divide the salad leaves between four serving plates. Top with the warm pear slices and walnuts and scatter over the blue cheese. Place all the dressing ingredients in a jug and whisk until thoroughly blended. Adjust the seasoning to taste and pour the dressing into the frying pan. Heat gently for about 1 minute then pour over the salads. Season with a little more ground black pepper and serve immediately. WPLife


Learn to Bowl Free Coaching All Ages & Abilities Welcome Bar • Restaurant Social Events Large Car Park FUNCTION ROOM FOR ALL OCCASIONS 41

Jubilee Way, Chessington KT9 1TR

Tel: 020 8397 7025

Call us on: 020 8942 4137

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Clubs Do you enjoy listening to show tunes, big band music, jazz, light classics etc? Come along to an evening of live music played by top artistes. . We meet on the second Monday of each month at our Banstead venue BANSTEAD ORGAN & KEYBOARD CLUB Church Institute Hall, High Street, Banstead SM7 2NN Our next concerts are on 11th April – Penny Weedon 9th May – Byron Jones Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm start. (Visitors £7) Visitors & new members are always welcome to our concerts. Further details from 020 8330 5795, or visit www.bansteadorganclub.co.uk Quest was set up in 1987 to provide a meeting place for people with physical disabilities between the ages of 20 - 60. However, once a member there is no age cut off. The aim of the club is to provide a welcoming, caring atmosphere for the members and allow the carers to have a regular break. Everyone pays an annual subscription. and we all pay £2.50 for our lunch, which is cooked on the premises. We have various social activities and every second month we have a speaker, outings can be arranged if enough people wish to go. The venue is St. Philip Hall, Christchurch with St. Philip, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month from 12.45 to 4p.m Contact June Day, Club Secretary, on 02083301220 WORCESTER PARK RESIDENTS ASSOCAIATION When issues arise in our town or local council want to implement changes which could affect our daily way of life then as rate payers we need to voice our opinions. WPRA is the voice of the community. The more members we have the more our local council and MP will listen to our concerns. This in turn will help us to get what we want and not what someone outside our community wants us to have. Do you have concerns about issues such as: Central road traffic congestion Flooding of Beverley brookThriving as a community, Graffiti. Litter Help us to help you by becoming a member of WPRA It’s simple to join and only £4 per year per household. This subscription goes towards the cost of producing 3 or 4 newsletters you will receive each year, Sutton councils weekly planning application list ( by email only) postage costs and the hiring of halls for our meetings and the AGM. For an application form please call Tom on 8330 2299 who will drop a form into you. East Surrey Family History Society For those who are interested in finding out how to investigate their family history the Sutton Branch of the East Surrey Family History Society holds meetings on the first Thursday of the month at St Nicholas Church Hall, Robin Hood Lane. Most months we have a professional speaker. Further details of all our branch meetings, can be found at Our award winning website www.esfhs.org.uk



Social Dancing with “ GLITTERS” At Bourne Hall,

Spring Street, Ewell Village 8.30 pm – 11.00 pm Entrance £7.50 Over 18’s All standards Bar & Free parking & Professional D J We may not have Brucie but we do have a glitter ball! 1st & 15th April FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 07903 314276 Keep Fit Stay Fit every Wednesday 10.15-11.15am at Christ Church with St Philip, Ruskin Road. Come along and give it a try ! For more information please call Jo Hamilton on tel 020 8786 3444 The WORCESTER PARK DRAMATIC SOCIETY is a local amateur drama group of long standing. We stage two major productions a year at the Adrian Mann Theatre in Ewell, in April and November. We meet every Tuesday and most Fridays at 8.15 pm in the Elmcroft Community Centre in North Cheam, on the Sainsbury’s site. Apart from play readings, rehearsals and set construction, we have quiz nights and various social events. We also arrange group outings to amateur and professional theatre productions. We welcome new members to help us stage future productions, anyone willing to act or work backstage. The latter includes stage management, set construction, sound and lighting. If interested, please contact our membership secretary, Joyce Cranfield, on 020 8337 3317. AURIOL BOWLING CLUB was established in 1967, and plays on the 6-rink bowling green attached to the pavilion in Auriol Park, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park. It is a mixed club of around 45 men and 25 women, who play outdoors from April to September, with a busy fixture list of league and friendly matches against other clubs, as well as internal club competitions. For further information please contact the club Secretary, David Regan, on 020 8337 8919 (email:clubsecretary@ auriolbowlingclub.com), or visit the website at www. auriolbowlingclub.com. NHS RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Are you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10am -12 at Christ Church Hall, Christchurch Rd, Surbiton, KT5 8JJ. We have speakers, activities, coffee & a chat. Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. For more details please contact Lorna on 020 83374121 Worcester Park Life needs YOU!!! We are wanting to get information together for a Clubs page. So if you belong to a local club, group or organisation and want to attract new members please email: jenny@wplife.co.uk You may also want to write an article. Remember, if you’re not in it to make a profit then your listing is absolutely free. So what are you waiting for.... WPLife

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MADE TO MEASURE BLINDS At JKN Hanging we come to you with a free measuring and fitting service, so all we require of you is to choose from our wide range of fabrics with a little help from ourselves.


Roller blinds Vertical blinds Wooden venetian blinds Metal venetian blinds Pleated blinds Panel blinds Conservatory blinds Loft blinds Handmade Roman blinds (using customers own fabric)

We also have a wide range of blackout fabrics ideal for those early mornings in the summer when you don’t want to be woken by the sunrise. We also provide handmade curtains/ pelmets/curtain track and poles. 43 Please contact us on 0208 401 8603 or 07723 375 810. Alternatively you can email us on info@jknhanging.co.uk to arrange an appointment. To advertise in

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email jenny@wplife.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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Fun for the under 5s If your group isn’t featured please email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk Monday Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- a lively toddler group, where carers of any kind are welcome to attend and supervise their youngsters. Our age range is from young babies to 3-4 years. Sarah on 020 8393 7299 or email via the church’s website www.wpbc.org.uk Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group is a very welcoming and relaxed place to meet new friends for yourself and your toddlers. We are open to all Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers. We meet in the Church Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30 until 11.15am during term time Wednesday Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Thursday Epsom & Ewell Toy Library term time 9.30 to 12.30 at Riverview Children’s Centre, Riverview Primary School, West Ewell, which is just off of Ruxley Lane (at the ewell By

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Pass end). 0208 337 7310 Refreshments are available, so come along to play & have a cuppa and a chat! £3 to join/year, please bring 2 forms of ID Friday Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday St. Mary’s Parent and Toddler Group meets 10.00 - 11.30am in the Parish Centre. Families enjoy making new friends in a relaxed atmosphere, while their children play safely. Ladies from St. Mary’s Mothers’ Union serve refreshments during the morning for both adults and children. Feel free to pop in and check us out any Friday morning during term time; you can be sure of a warm welcome. For more information, please contact the Parish Office tel: 020 8337 4026 Saturday Men behaving Dadly, Grace Church - Saturday 19 March & every 3rd Saturday of the month, 9.30 to 11 am, at Green Lane Primary School. For Dads and their pre-school children (0-4). The kids get to play with the toys, the Dads get a bacon roll and coffee, and Mums might possibly get a lie-in... £3 on the door. For more information & contact details, www.gracechurchworcesterpark.org

fun, educational

music classes

for babies, toddlers & preschoolers


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with every kitchen ordered

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Worcester Park Life

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email jenny@wplife.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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VillageWorcester Voice Park Life

You are taking them WHERE? by Ian Duncan


Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

Worcester Park Life


We have had a recent incident in Worcester Park whereby a bogus caller (pretending to be a nearby neighbour) tried to convince a resident that there were serious troubles with the drains, and that their drains were connected. This being the case would the resident forward money as a deposit for the equipment to rectify the problem. In this incident the amount required was £5000. Luckily the resident in question was quick witted and strong and refused all their requests, despite receiving further badgering calls from so called engineers and even a solicitor threatening legal action against him. We often hear about similar, frankly amazing ways that these despicable individuals try to extract money from vulnerable people and it can happen anywhere at any time.

So what do you do? How do you deal with unknown and unexpected callers - including rogue builders? Our advice is: ‘If in doubt, keep them out’. Here’s a three step action plan for when/if you get a knock at your door: 1. STOP…. Are you expecting anyone? Look through the

Emerald Plastering pride ourselves on our excellent reputation, customer service, reliability and high standards of workmanship. Services include; • Skimming • Hardwall & Bonding • Plasterboard • Dot & Dab • Coving • Damage Repairs or Removing and Replacing • Full Public Liability Insurance

by PCSO Gary Weaving spy hole or window to see who it is. Only allow those people into your home who you know or expect, regardless of what excuses they give you in order to enter. 2. CHAIN…. Before you answer the door, put the chain or bar on first. 3. CHECK…. Always request and check identification. Most genuine callers won’t mind waiting while you check the phone book and call the company they say they are from. If you are suspicious of any callers then keep them shut out and call police on 999. Here’s another thing worth considering. Sutton’s crime prevention team run a ‘Nominated Neighbour Scheme’, where residents can get help from a neighbour when they get unexpected callers. Participating residents present callers with a card that contains the name and address of their Nominated Neighbour. Callers then contact the Nominated Neighbour, who would then verify that the caller is genuine. If the caller is genuine, the Nominated Neighbour would return with the caller to the resident’s home and stay until the visit had finished. By this time bogus callers may have given up and left. For further information call the Crime Prevention Team on 020 8649 0569. Sutton Council’s Trading Standards run a Safer Sutton Trader Scheme to help residents select a competent trader for work on their home. The scheme encourages businesses to demonstrate their commitment to fair, professional and honest trade. For information about the Safer Sutton Trader Scheme visit: www.sutton.gov.uk or telephone Customer Services on: 0208 770 5070. If you require any further information, you can obtain information leaflets about ‘Doorstep Traders’ from the ‘Worcester Park Police Office’, 154 Central Road, Worcester Park. Thank you. WPLife

Proud Members of: Trustatrader.com and Rated People

07884 328840 020 8641 7086 www.emeraldplastering.co.uk

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Doorstep traders & bogus callers

Worcester Park Life


Worcester Park Safer Neighbourhood Team, 020 8 649 3590 worcesterpark.snt@met.police.uk Nonsuch Safer Neighbourhood Team, 0208 721 2491 nonsuch.snt@met.police.uk 154 Central Road, Worcester Park In an emergency always dial 999.

email jenny@wplife.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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To advertise call 020 8336 2915 www.wplife.co.uk Beauty Fine Features 47 Children’s entertainment Baby Signing 44 Musical Steps 44 Care Services Home Instead 41 Car maintenance & repair Shannon Corner Service Centre 18 Cash Cash Exchange 5 Charities St Raphaels 3 Cleaning services Bits and Bobs 29 Crystal Clean Ovens 10 Driving Schools Roberts Driving School 32 Education & classes Linley House School 37 Malden Centre 33-35 Seaton House 17 The Study School 40 Drama & Theatre Stagecoach 45 Worcester Park Dramatic Society 31 Food & Drink Lake Thomas Cakes 32 Midas Touch 48 The Vin Bin 19 Home, gardening, decorating AC Gardening 19 A Hendry Roofing 11 2nd Nature Landscapes 7 Cypress (Garden Services 22 Eds Gardening 7 Elegant Curtains 15 Emerald Plastering 49


VillageWorcester Voice Park Life

Garden Plan 9 JKN Hanging 42 New view Building Services 15 Robinson & Son painters & decorators 14 RJ Trees 38 Insurance Injura 39 Kitchens, bathroom & plumbing Andy Reeve Plumber 20 Bathroom Refurbishment 32 Kitchen Wizard 31 Dreamdoors Kitchens 51 Platinum Kitchens 46 Smith & Byford 30 Top Drawer kitchens 21 Opticians Boots 16 R Woodfall 36 Printing Fresh Printing 39 Property Browns Residential 25 Freedom Property Investments 12 Neil Innes Inspection 22 Shopping Bentall Centre 2 Unilet Sound & Vision 23 Sport and Leisure Chipstead Golf Club 6 Gee-Force Dance 45 Hook Swim School 41 King George Indoor Bowls Club 41 Malden Centre 52 Star Dancing 38 Splish Splash 45 Taxis Oak Radio Cars 15

We endeavour to keep the magazine as varied as we can with lots of editorial content. If you’d like to write an article for the magazine, whether it’s a memory, gripe, thank you, investigation, bit of advice, challenge, something you feel passionately about, or an article about the club that you belong to, please get in touch.Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. All advertisements are commercial and not indicative of any endorsement by the editor who accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any reader as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Malden Media. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored on any retieval system, or transmitted in any form electronic, mechanical. recording, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission from the Publisher.


Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

Worcester Park Life



To advertise in

Worcester Park Life

email jenny@wplife.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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VillageWorcester Voice Park Life

A fun and social exercise club that will improve your health and fitness, designed specifically for women. Membership includes fitness, swimming, classes and five personalised training sessions to help you achieve your goals. Malden Centre, Blagdon Road, New Malden

020 8336 7788

* Terms and conditions apply. Facilities managed by DC Leisure in partnership with Kingston Council Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers




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