Maldens village voice december 16

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KT3’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide Dec ‘16 Issue 134



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Naturally Enriched Food & Drink

1st DEC to 31st DEC | TWO COURSES £25 | THREE COURSES £29 STARTERS Parsnip, apple and aromatic sage soup Smoked mackerel, beetroot, caper and watercress salad with super seeds Wild rabbit and date pâté with spiced pears Crunchy rainbow salad

MAINS Turkey saltimbocca, sprouts and chestnuts, heritage carrots and sweet potato fondant Seabream, warm quinoa salad, kholrabi and fennel slaw Venison sausages, sweet potato purée, sugar snaps and patty pan Salmon, carrot and courgette spaghetti, green tomato and herbs Mixed bean, chickpea and courgette falafel burger with squash and coleslaw Fillet steak, zucchini fries, portobello mushroom, bordelaise sauce* (*supplementary £7 extra if ordered as part of a two or three course meal)

DESSERTS Coconut & tonka bean brûlée | Walnut & prune tart Christmas pudding ice cream | Cheeses

BOOK NOW! 16 The Triangle Norbiton, Surrey KT1 3RT Tel 020 3034 2424 Email Web 1. We’d love to help organise your Christmas celebrations! Pop in, drop us a line or give us a call to start the ball rolling. We will help with all the boring bits, to make sure you have as little to do as possible. 2. Due to the busy time of year it’s important we know which parties are definitely confirmed, so unfortunately NO BOOKING OR RESERVATIONS ARE LOCKED IN UNTIL A DEPOSIT OF £10 PER PERSON IS RECEIVED advertise email or call 3. Please remember toTo bring your deposit receipt with you on the day – makes life a lot easier! 4. Sorry, deposits are non-refundable. 5. All prices are VAT included. 6. A discretionary service charge of 12.5% will be added to your bill, all of which goes to the team.

020 8336 2915


December Contents

History by Robin Gill 6 Patchwork and Quilting 10 Recipe Pepper And Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes 18 Christmas Services 20 New Malden Farmers’ Christmas Market 24 New Malden News 26 Sudokus 28 London Hospices choir 30 Quiz 36 What’s On 37 New Malden Residents’ Association 40 Gardening Gardening Gifts 42 Clubs 44 Not So Bad In New Malden 46 Kid’s play 52 Yoga & Mindfulness for our children 54+ A Photographer Dreams 58 Solutions 60 Royal British Legion Malden & Coombe Branch 61

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart 020 8336 2915 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. All advertisements are commercial and not indicative of any endorsement by the editor who accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any reader as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Malden Media Ltd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored on any retieval system, or transmitted in any form electronic, mechanical. recording, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission from the Publisher.


Welcome to Your Village Voice Having just got home, laden down with goodies, from a day at the enormous Christmas Ideal Homes exhibition at Olympia I’m already feeling the festive spirit and it’s still only November! So the December madness is about to begin and the weeks will no doubt fly by in a flurry of parties, nativies, last minute shopping and panic buying (remember to keep the receipt!) We’re off to Glasgow for a pre-Christmas wedding – very excited -, then staying put here for Christmas and a knees up Hogmanay. Whatever you’re up to I do hope it’s a happy time and let’s all try to spread a little happiness somewhere unexpected this year. Remember that the Village Voice is YOUR magazine so if you are helping to organise an event and would like some FREE publicity then please do email details. Likewise if you are part of an organisation that could benefit from attracting new local members next year then why not send in an article. Did you know that in order to deliver the magazine to most of the KT3 postcode, we split the distribution over a two month period. So if you have had this edition delivered you probably won’t get the January one. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, New Malden library, Tudor Willams and the Malden Centre but don’t forget that it is also published online - you can get the link from our website. So, until next month, best wishes

Jenny Jenny Stuart, Editor & publisher P.S. Please remember to mention the Village Voice when replying to adverts, and get in touch by 13th of December if you’d like your business, Club or event to feature in the January edition(s). Also publishing Worcester Park Life

Follow us on Facebook New Malden’s Village Voice Please remember to mention the Village Voice when youPark speak and Worcester Lifeto our advertisers

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the staff at Keys Residential

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New Malden History Happy Christmas (War Is Over) by Robin Gill

The Christmases during the First World War were obviously sombre occasions. Most families were badly affected by their loved ones being called up to fight in the conflict. During 1914-1915 Britain had relied on what was called the Volunteer Army. More than one million men had joined up voluntarily by January 1915, but during the course of 1915 the numbers were falling fast. So much so, that the National Registration Act was introduced half way through the year, followed by conscription in January 1916 involving single men between the ages of 18 and 41. Married men of the same age were covered in May that year. The upper age limit was raised to 56 in 1918. Fighting in their own way There were some men who worked in essential occupations, and were not liable for conscription. Most of these were in farming, mining, or the iron and steel industry which was regarded as vital to

the war effort. Clergymen, doctors, and teachers were also exempt, together with conscientious objectors, those of poor health, or those who felt conscription would damage their businesses, or put an impossible strain on their family. These last four groups had to convince a tribunal of their cases. Some of those who were unable to fight formed themselves into a company of the Athletes Volunteer Force (AVF) under the command of Charles William Kirk of Mount Road. These men were trained in drill, undertook route marches, and appeared in organised parades, but would have ready to defend their country. Well attended church services in the early part of the war, took on familiar themes such as “Your King And Country Need You”, and by the end of 1914 over 160 men who had been educated at Christ Church School




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had joined up. The Boy Scouts held an annual concert at the Congregational Church (URC) to help poor children, and the church made this an annual event under the organist and choirmaster Mr Lunn. While at Christ Church the mothers were entertained at a Christmas Tea. Charity begins at home The children of the Band Of Mercy celebrated its anniversary at the Baptist schoolroom where around seventy enjoyed a “substantial tea”, before Santa Claus’s daughter arrived to distribute sweets in muslin bags decorated with a Union Jack. The children then sang carols, and took part in a concert, before being told about the important job horses were doing at the battlefront. The children at Burlington School had donated their pennies, half pennies, and farthings to help combat families in distress. Clothes mended by the girls were presented for relief of the Belgians, and Christmas Puddings sent to the Expeditionary Force. An annual Christmas event which also took place at Burlington Schools was a party for the children of the men away fighting. These gatherings could number 1000 youngsters who were fed, and watered.

Then followed the singing of the national anthem (including the second verse). This was followed by entertainment including music, marionettes, conjuring, and shadowgraphy. Each child received some chocolate, and from Mr Walton of Alric Avenue, an apple, orange and banana. A similar event also took place at the Cinema Hall in Coombe Road. A telegram was sent to the King assuring him “of their loyal devotion”, to which the King replied with thanks much to the children’s delight. Individuals also presented gifts to the needy over the cold months. Charles Davis (lived at Cazabon opposite Cromwell Avenue) distributed large quantities of coal to the poor, together with a number of pairs of warm boots. The National Carol League; an idea sent to St Dunstans on behalf of soldiers who had been blinded in the war, required every town or village to form a group of singers

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who would call door to door singing carols. The organisation raised over £6000 during Christmas 1915, and New Malden played its part, with over 100 singers touring the village and Old Malden for three nights leading up to Christmas, raising over £90 that year, and continuing to perform at Christmas well past the end of the War. Individuals also knitted and donated items to the East Surreys (Malden’s Local Regiment), for instance Gladys Ovenden of Rodney Road who made three body belts and a pair of mittens. Gladys ended up marrying Gilbert Newland a corporal in the Dragoon Guards in 1917 at Christ Church. Fortunately, both survived the war ending their days (hopefully happily) on the Isle Of Wight. A gift that “went the other way” was a present to Christ Church by the Misses Arnold (Alice and Fanny) who were teachers at the school in Sandal Road. The donation was a white linen cloth to be used on the communion table complete with lace edging sewn by the ladies themselves. The local Temperance Society (CETS) which met at St John’s Church, preached that Christmas could be enjoyed even in war time without the need of alcohol. Patients from the newly opened Red Cross Hospital in Kingston Road (now Springfield Place etc.) were invited to the Parish Hall for tea and a concert with songs and recitations. The hospital also received a donation from the boys of Christ Church School in Elm Road of 2 guineas (£2 10pence). The hospital which was home to Australian and New Zealand troops as well as British soldiers also received three large cakes weighing around 150lbs made by girls from the schools in Kingston. Carols were sung outside the various blocks of the hospital by members of Christ Church choir each Christmas morning. Later during the war the wounded soldiers received a number of visits from amateur “concert parties”. Entertainers who would sing, dance, play instruments, or tell stories or jokes. The Children’s Homes in Kingston Road (recently Roselands Clinic, now derelict awaiting conversion into possible bed and breakfast accommodation) had a visit from Santa Claus on Christmas Eve leaving presents for the boys and girls, and a roast dinner was provided on Christmas Day. 8

Feeding each other There was no shortage of Christmas produce for sale in the Malden Road shops. Wood and Hill at 23 (corner of Grafton Road) could supply your fruit for cooking together with wines and spirits. Ernest Horwood at number 35 would supply your turkey, goose, or pheasant (now Hair Salon). Jewellery could be obtained from William Brooker at number 31 (now an Indian restaurant). Charlie How was the place for menswear next to Barclays Bank (now part of the bank building). Of course, the newly opened Tudor Williams store on the corner of Cambridge Road was your supplier of hats and curtains. They gradually expanded their range and by 1919 were offering llama finished hosiery at 2/6 (12½ pence) a pair. But the scarcity of labour meant that from the beginning of 1917 local bakers would only bake bread in the shape of Coburgs or tin loaves. The shops also closed for three successive days during the Christmas week, after Christmas Eve. There were also two National Kitchens in New Malden during the war, one in Elm Road (opened in 1916) and another opened in June 1918. These were not a charity, but offered cheap and healthy meals for all. Customers purchased a ticket which they exchanged for their food, and sat on long communal benches to eat. By the end of the war there were over 360 National Kitchens throughout Britain, but the number fell to 240 within six months, and practically all had closed within a year. There were also various promotional schemes such as the League Of National Safety to get the most out of your rations, heavily promoted by WH Smith and Son. After the war, it didn’t take long for the Council to start to deliberate on more mundane matters: Whether teams playing football in Beverley Park should be expected to remove their goalposts at the end of the match. Also, should members of the fire brigade be summoned to duty by the firing of a maroon, or the sounding of a siren (this would happen maybe four times a year). Mundane they may have been, but in some way, it was comforting that the Board were not still making decisions about more weighty matters. Illustrations 1) Advert for Tudor Williams 2) Advert for a piano shop in Malden! 3) Advert for League of National Safety

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FESTIVE LIGHTING Let us help you with your outdoor and indoor Christmas lighting. We can put the lights up safely for you so that you and your family can enjoy the wonderful festive season in style. Adam Hart Electric 020 8330 0140 07946 320365

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Hobbies New Patchwork and Quilting group in New Malden New Malden is about to get it’s very own patchwork and quilting group. The inaugural meeting of the New Malden Quilter’s Association is on 5th Jan. We will meet at St John’s Church hall on Kingston Road (opposite Homebase) at 7.30pm until about 9.30pm. We are still in the planning stage for the content of the meetings but plan some exciting speakers and workshops covering a wide range of patchwork, quilting and associated crafts. Also members show and tell, retail experts with product news and group and individual challenges. The initial membership has come from the Patchwork and Quilting classes held at the Malden Centre. The students wanted more and wanted to include people who might not be able to attend day time events. We are a very friendly, supportive and welcoming group, and invite you to come along and join us for chat, quilty stuff and cake.

There will be a small charge of £3.00 for members and £6.00 for non members (to cover the cost of the hall). For more information please call Sue on 07578 578 072 or Pauline on 07786 607 218.

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Looking for fast access to a GP at a time that suits you? Contact the Private GP service at Spire St Anthony’s Hospital We provide a full, in depth consultation with an experienced and understanding GP. You don’t need private medical insurance to book a private GP appointment.

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Smart Phoneys: Beware the Bad Apps

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Smartphone apps are brilliant things, but unfortunately there are bad apps out there too. Apple and Google do their best to keep offenders out of their app stores, but there are still some tricks to watch out for. One common ruse is to make a convincing fake of an app such as Instagram or Pokemon. Such fakes are notorious for malicious acts such as automatically running up huge phone or text bills, so it’s crucial to stick to the official app stores Apple, Amazon or Google, depending on your device - and double-check the manufacturer name and the reviews. Watch out for in-app purchases (IAPs) too, especially in kids’ apps. Unscrupulous developers like to hook kids with free games that need serious money to work properly. You can disable in-app purchases in your smartphone’s settings, but it’s best not to install IAP-heavy apps in the first place.

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Based in central New Malden, we offer a supportive and confidential space for you to explore your difficulties and feelings. FOR INFORMATION & APPOINTMENTS: t: 020 8287 0900 e: w: a: 49 High St, New Malden (at rear of New Malden Methodist Church)

Christmas Postal Dates LAST RECOMMENDED SERVICE POSTING DATES INTERNATIONAL STANDARD (formerly Airmail) Saturday 3rd December Wednesday 7th December

Africa, Middle East Asia, Cyprus, Far East (including Japan), Eastern Europe Thursday 8th December Caribbean, Central & South America Saturday 10th December Australia, Greece, New Zealand Wednesday 14th December Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland Thursday 15th December Canada, Finland, Sweden, USA


Friday 16th December

Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland

Saturday 17th December

Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg


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Make your health your choice We believe you should be involved in your healthcare every step of the way, so we offer consultations and treatments with little or no waiting and with the consultant of your choice. With over 300 of London’s most experienced consultants, cutting-edge treatment facilities and attentive nursing professionals, we aim to provide the highest standard of patient-focused care and expertise to help get you back to normal as quickly as possible.

We wish you and your family good health this Christmas and a prosperous New Year

To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


Recipe Pepper And Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes This is a tasty and healthy post-Christmas day family supper and a great way to use up leftover roast turkey. Serves 4 Ready in 1 hour 15 minutes 4 medium-sized sweet potatoes, scrubbed 2tbsp olive oil 1 red onion, peeled and chopped 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced 225g cooked turkey breast, diced 1 x 230g tub fresh tomato salsa Salt and freshly ground black pepper 100g Cheddar cheese, grated Chopped avocado, lime wedges and freshly chopped parsley, to serve

1 Preheat the oven to 200C, Fan 180C, Gas Mark 6. Prick the potatoes all over with a fork and place on a baking tray. Bake in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes or until tender. 2 Just before the potatoes are ready, heat half the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion for 6-7 minutes until tender, adding the garlic after 5 minutes. Add the peppers and turkey and fry for a further 2-3 minutes. Stir in 2 tbsp of the tomato salsa and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. 3 Halve the baked sweet potatoes and roughly mash up the flesh with a fork. Season lightly and drizzle over half the remaining oil, then pile the turkey and pepper mixture on top of the halves. Scatter over the cheese and drizzle over the rest of the oil. Return to the oven for 10-12 minutes until the cheese has melted. 4 Serve with chopped avocado and lime wedges and sprinkled with freshly chopped parsley. Spoon the rest of the salsa into a small bowl and serve on the side.

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Christmas Services Churches Together in Malden wish you & your household a HAPPY CHRISTMAS Come and celebrate Christ’s Birth Christ Church New Malden Church of England Coombe Road Vicar: Rev Stephen Kuhrt Tel 020 8942 0915 Sunday 18th December 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight Sunday 24th December 11pm Midnight Communion Sunday 25th December 10am Christmas Day Service St John the Divine Church of England Kingston Road (opposite Homebase) Tel 020 8942 0915 Associate Vicar: Rev Helen Durant-Stevensen Sunday 18th December 10.30am Scratch Nativity Sunday 18th December 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight Sunday 24th December 5.00pm Christingle Saturday 24th December 11.00pm Christmas Eve, Holy Communion Sunday 25th December 10.30am All Age Christmas Service London New Centre Church (Korean) Meets in St John’s, Kingston Road Pastor Hwang Tel 07790553317 / 020 8949 3692 Please contact Pastor Hwang for details of Services this Christmas St James’ New Malden Church of England Malden Road Rev Lorenzo Fernandez-Vicente Tel 020 8942 1860 Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Advent Carols Sunday 4th December 4.00pm Christingle Sunday 18th December 6.30pm Nine Lessons & Carols Saturday 24th December 11.30pm Midnight Mass with Carols Sunday25th December 10.00am Christmas Day Family Service


United Reformed Church Malden Road Minister: Rev Peter Leslie Flint Tel 020 3754 0940 Minister: Rev Suk In Lee Tel 020 8949 2071 Sunday 27th November 10.30am Family Service on the 1st Sunday of Advent Sunday 4th December 10.30am Family Service, including Holy Communion & Christmas Lunch Thursday 8th December 6.30pm Toy and Parade Service Sunday 11th December 10.30am Junior Church Nativity Festival Tuesday 13th December 10.15 Sparkles Christmas Service Sunday 18th December 10.30am Korean Language Service Sunday 18th December 4.00pm Tea and Sandwiches Sunday 18th December 5.00pm Carols by Candlelight Service followed by coffee and mince pies Saturday 24th December 4.30pm Children’s Service including Christingle Sunday 25th December 10.30am Christmas Praise Saturday 31st December 11.30pm Watch Night Service Sunday 1st January 10.30am Holy Communion New Malden Korean Church (meeting at the United Reformed Church) Rev Jong Kwon Oh Tel 020 8286 1609 New Malden Baptist Church Kingston Rd Rev Johnny Pozzo Tel 020 8942 6912 Sunday 18th December 10.30am Family Nativity Service Sunday 18th December 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight Sunday 25th December 10.30am Christmas Day Celebration (3/4) New Malden Methodist Church High St Minister: Rev Sooncheol Choi: Tel 020 8942 1288 Sunday 11th December 5.00pm Nativity Service Sunday 18th December 6.30pm Lessons and Carols Saturday 24th December 5.00pm Christingle Service Saturday 24th December 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion Sunday 25th December 10.30am Christmas Family Service

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St Joseph’s Catholic Church Kingston Road / Montem Rd, KT3 3QW. Tel 020 8942 2602 Fr Uche Njoku For Confessions before Christmas, please see Bulletin, in addition to our regular Thursday 6.30pm & Saturday 10.30am and 5.15pm Confessions Masses at 7am (except Weds) and 10am every weekdey Monday 12th December 7pm Corpus Christi School Carol Service Sunday 18th December (4th Sunday of Advent) - Usual Sunday Mass times: Saturday (17th) 6pm; Sunday 9.30 & 11.30am, & 5.30pm Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve 10am Daily Mass 5.30pm Christmas Vigil Mass 11.30pm Office of Readings & Carols, leading into: Sunday 25th December Christmas Day Midnight Mass & Blessing of the Crib 9.30 & 11.30am Masses of Christmas Day & Carols NB. No 5.30pm Mass on Christmas Day 10am Mass every weekday continues, but no 7am Mass until Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

St Pius X Catholic Church The Triangle, Norbiton. KT1 3SB. Tel 020 8942 2178 Fr Julius Otoaye email: Sunday 18th December (4th Sunday of Advent) - Usual Sunday Mass times: Saturday (17th) 6pm; Sunday 10am & 5pm Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve 10am 6pm 11.30pm Sunday 25th December Christmas Day Midnight 8am 10am NB. No evening Mass on Christmas Day


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Events New Malden Farmers’ Christmas Market The Fountain Pub car park on 3rd Dec 9am-2pm The last Farmers Market of the year will be a special celebration of our achievements so far. We are in the mood to party! so to that affect we will be providing plenty of festive fun for all the family. Including entertainment from local theatre and music groups: St James Players, New MUG's (ukele band) and New Malden Voices Choir. Prizes for those brave enough to come along in fancy dress, a prize gift raffle. Plus free mulled wine and mince pies, activities for the kids to keep them busy while you browse and enjoy a few Christmas treats. You might ask yourself what have they got to be so happy about? 2016 was a terrible year! Well yes it has been an absolutely awful year for many; zero hours contracts, austerity measures, political and economic uncertainty and lets not even get started on the Fountain Roundabout!!! Whether you voted in or out, wanted the Fountain Roundabout or not. The active political landscape seeped into local attitudes and willingness to engage in local issues. Every month at the Market people came to


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take part in face to face discussion and lively debate with community organisation leaders, local councillors and the MP James Berry. We learned that New Malden residents care deeply about the environment, local history, heritage and the future of our town. We also discovered that New Malden residents are immensely kind hearted. We have supported 18 different charitable organisations. Amounting to thousands of pounds in donations, sales, volunteer support and public awareness building on important issues. This generosity of spirit will be demonstrated once again on Dec 3rd when James Berry MP will present a cheque from NMFM to a local Homeless Charity. Despite difficult times at NMFM we are true optimists. We literally splash in the puddles and sing in the rain when the weather gets bad. Playfulness and spontaneity happens every month at the market thanks to the commitment and energy of the stallholders, entertainers and volunteers, who work hard to do their best for the community. Volunteers like Paul Wright. Unfortunately for us, we are having to say goodbye to Paul due to the fact that he is moving house. For 3 years Paul has done all he can to help us with the smooth running of the market. We will miss him a great deal and want to thank him for all his help and wish him luck in his move to the coast. Thanks Paul and Good Luck. Without more people like Paul we simply couldn't run the market and continue its valuable work in the community. So if you would like to help us or get involved as a stallholder or entertainer please contact us nmmarket@ or Call Danielle on 07402484845 See you on the 3rd December 9am-2pm The Fountain Pub Car Park. Burlington Road.


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TEL: 020 8288 8893 FAX: 020 8288 8894 l

164 Leatherhead Rd Chessington Surrey KT9 2HU l

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News Christmas Tree Festival The ever popular Christmas Tree Festival returns to New Malden Methodist Church starting on Saturday 10th December. Around 24 local organisations will be showing their artistic flair by decorating trees for their favourite charities. Last year saw entries from a host of local organisations including Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Tudor Williams, Rotary, Inner Wheel, Princess Alice Hospice, Groves Residential and various church groups. In excess of £1200 was raised for the charities so it would be great to top that this year. Entry is free so you can save your money to put in the box of your favourite tree, or there is a general collection box if you can’t decide. Please come and see this festive forest in both daylight and in the dark (on Saturdays 10th and 17th) when the twinkling lights create a magical display. You could have a break from Christmas shopping, stop for a coffee and a biscuit and take a look at the trees. Opening Times: Saturday 10th December 10.00am – 5.00pm All weekdays from 12th December until Christmas Day 10.00am – 2.00pm, when the coffee shop is open Saturday 17th December 10.00am – 5.00pm Saturday 24th December 10.00am – 2.00pm And at all services New Malden Methodist Church is right on the High Street, opposite Waitrose. erosity of the people of New Malden. We thank you.

Scout Christmas Post 1st Malden Scouts’ Christmas Post service will be back again this year, taking advantage of a special dispensation for registered charities to make a charge for delivering Christmas cards each December. We’ll deliver your cards to KT3 addresses in time for Christmas for 30p per item! (A second class stamp costs 55p) It’s a valuable exercise in community service for the youth members of our Scout Group, and a way for us to fundraise as well as saving you time and money.

This year we’ll have 3 post boxes in New Malden during the first 2 weeks of December. Our boxes close at 1pm on Wednesday 14th December and a team of Scouts will then sort and deliver your Christmas cards to KT3 addresses in time for Christmas. Simply post your cards and payment in the box and leave the rest to us. We’re very grateful to the support we get from local businesses and organisations who host our postboxes. This year you’ll find them in the Malden Centre, New Malden Methodist Church and Suttles of Malden. Thank you to everyone who supports the scheme and if it goes well, we’ll do it all again next year!

Sheep lost in New Malden

Can ewe help find them? Around 30 sheep have gone astray in the High Street and we need young detectives to seek them out and record their whereabouts. The (knitted) sheep come in a variety of styles and sizes (they are ewe-nique) but all are believed to be hiding in shops up and down the High Street. You might even be able to see some in shop windows if you look closely. Each sheep has a name tag around its neck so if you happen to spot any when you are out and about Christmas shopping, it would be great if you could make a note of their names and locations. The sheep will be in the shops from 26th November to Monday 19th December. Please collect an entry form from the Methodist Church anytime from 25th November at the Christmas Fair and start noting down names of sheep. Return the finished form to the church on Saturday 17th December 10am-5pm or at the Christingle service at 5pm on Christmas Eve. All completed forms will receive a small prize. Thank ewe for helping find our sheep.


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Fundraising London Hospices choir The Living Years by Debbie McCarthy

I jumped at the chance of being involved in making a song for Christmas to raise the profile and funding of hospices. The song is a cover of the Mike and The Mechanics Song “The Living Years”. The single features the original lead vocalist Paul Carrack. I love singing, from leading the songs at the end of St John’s Tots in Tow playgroup to being a member of The New MUGs (New Malden’s very own Ukulele band) I have worked as a nurse at the Royal Trinity Hospice based in Clapham for 8 years. Hospices provide excellent, vital care for people with life limiting illness, within in-patient units, day care centres and community services. They only receive 30% of their funding from the NHS, so rely on charitable donations to keep their services running. They offer symptom control, complementary therapies and respite care as well as end of life care and bereavement support. We were sent the music to practice the part we wanted to sing a few weeks before 300 people who were staff, volunteers, patients or supporters from different London hospices all came together in All Saints Church in Kingston. James Hawkins, the director magnificently transformed us into a choir, it was a very moving experience when we sang the whole song through at the end of the day’s rehearsal. It was here that I bumped into Anne- Marie Pallister a teacher at my children’s school, Christchurch New Malden. She is part of New Malden’s local hospice, The Princess Alice’s choir. Recording the song at the Abbey Rd studios was a fantastic experience; we were in the same recording studio where The Beatles recorded their Sgt Peppers Lonely Heart Club band Album. The filming of the video for the single took place in the grounds and in-patient unit of the Royal Trinity Hospice. The care patients receive in a hospice is very different to that in hospital, being a home from home, they can be visited at any time, loved ones


can stay overnight with them and even their pets are encouraged to visit. Staff who are highly skilled in delivering care, have the time and resources to give the families the care they need at a very difficult time of their lives. Please help this continue and improve by buying the single and helping it to get to number 1! The song will be officially released on 16th December but you can pre-order it nowAmazon (Digital) : Itunes: #Hospices4XmasNo1




Tel: 0208 949 3219 / 6937 email: 117-119 Kingston Road, New Malden KT3 3NX

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Let It Snow 1. Which author created the fictional land of Narnia, where it is always snowing, but never Christmas? 2. Which of the "big six" Hollywood film studios has a snow-covered mountain as its logo? 3. Which American state has a name that means "snow covered" in Spanish? 4. What liqueur is mixed with lemonade to make a snowball cocktail? 5. Which Disney film was loosely based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale The Snow Queen? 6. What name is given to a snow storm that lasts for at least three hours, has winds blowing at a speed of at least 35 miles per hour and reduces visibility to a quarter of a mile or less? 7. What type of animal is Snowball in George Orwell's book Animal Farm? 8. Of all the sports at the Winter Olympics, which is the only one with "snow" in its name? 9. Which mountain range is the Abominable Snowman said to inhabit? 10. In which 1990s film does the title character go in search of Snowflake, the missing mascot of the American football team the Miami Dolphins?

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What’s On Give blood

Find out times an book an appointment by calling 0300 123 23 23 St James’s Church Hall, Bodley Road, New Malden 1st Feb A.F.C Wimbledon Football Club, Jack Goodchild Way, 422A Kingston Road KT1 3PB 8th March Raynes Park, Dundonald Church 577 Kingston Road, Raynes Park, SW20 8SA 21st Feb St Philip, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park KT4 8LG 29th Dec

Farmers Market

@ the carpark behind the Fountain pub 9am-2pm 1st saturday of each month


Music in New Malden 3 o’clock, 2nd Sunday in the month New Malden Methodist Church, High Street KT3 4BY an hour of music followed by tea and cake All concerts and programmes are subject to confirmation. Check the website for latest news. web: Festive Favourites from the award winning Friary Guildford Band Sunday 11th December 2016, 3-5pm St. James Church, Bodley Road, New Malden “An afternoon of light Christmas music by the Friary Guildford Band (, accompanied by light refreshments.” £12 Adults/£5 under 18’s Group discounts available For more details: T: 0208 942 5070 E: Saturday December 17th 2016 at 7.30p.m. St. Andrew’s Church, Surbiton. open Rehearsal 2.30p.m “A Light in the Stable”With Organist: William Vann Our Christmas concert features traditional carols for all to sing, alongside Alan Bullard’s festive cantata, A Light in the Stable and plenty of mince pies. Tickets: £13, £11 and £5. Book online at [booking fee applies] or telephone 020 8977 4802. Tickets available at the door. A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols 6.30pm, 18th December FREE - with light refreshments St. James Church, Bodley Road, New Malden

“A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is the yearly service performed by the choir of St. James. The service includes carols and readings from the Bible. The opening carol is always ‘Once in Royal David’s City’, and there is always a beautiful selection of music, from traditional to new works. Members of the public are warmly invited to join us for the service.” For more details: T: 0208 942 5070 E:

Christmas Fairs

Come along to our popular Sacred Heart School Christmas Fair with exciting rides, games, licensed bar, food, tombolas, raffle, entertainment and lots more. Entrance only £2 per adult, children free. Saturday 10th December 1-4pm. KT3 4ND Burlington Schools’ Christmas Fair Saturday 3rd December, 11am - 3pm Burlington Infant and Junior Schools, Burlington Road, New Malden, KT3 4LT Get into the Christmas spirit at Burlington’s fabulous Christmas Fair, a fun and festive day out for all the family. Come and try your luck on the tombolas, enter the Grand Raffle and bid on a dazzling array of prizes at the Silent Auction. You may take part in a ‘12 Days of Christmas’ family yoga session or join the Christmas dance workshop as well as watch performances by the talented infant and junior school choirs. Children can visit Santa’s Grotto and meet our very special guests Olaf and Marshall as well as create Christmas crafts, play festive games and choose and wrap a gift for someone special in the Secret Present Room. Hungry? Enjoy delicious international food, homemade cakes, seasonal hot and cold drinks, and don’t forget to visit the chocolate fountain! Admission is £1 for adults and free for children. See you there! 5 Day Gift Market at Bourne Hall Ewell 13th to 17 December Open 10 am to 5 pm ( 7 pm Tuesday & 4 pm Saturday ) Many Stalls specially selected for Originality, Quality, Great Value & Good Service Including Wine Stall with “tastings” Gift wrapped Chocolate stall & Culinary Stall offering a New Way of Cooking. Easy & cheap car Parking Free Entry

Christmas Tree Sale

Buy your real fir Christmas Tree on Saturday 3rd December at Malden Parochial Church of England Primary School on The Manor Drive. Non drop Nordman fir trees will be on sale between 11am-3pm from the school grounds. All sizes available from under 1.5m at £40 to over 2.5m at £65. Cash or cheques accepted, with a percentage of the profits going to the school. At the same time everyone is welcome to visit our annual Christmas Fair. Doors open at 11am, £1 entry and meet Father Christmas, enjoy lots of festive

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games along with a selection of stalls, a craft room, face painting and refreshments. Fun ends at 3pm.

Free ‘Fit as a Fiddle’ courses

for January 2017 Are you over 50, live in the borough of Kingston, and want to get fit, lose weight and improve your wellbeing? Why not join a free 6 week course ! Choose an activity that suits you from: Nordic walking: Richmond Park, Tuesday 3rd January,10.30am Aquacise: Kingfisher, Kingston, Wednesday 4th January, 11.30am Body Balance: New Malden Library, Thursday 5th January, 12.30pm Chair based exercise: Surbiton Baptist Church, Friday 6th January, 12.30pm These courses all include weight loss workshops To book a place please contact Grace : 020 8942 8256 email:

Rose Theatre Kingston 24-26 High Street, KT1 1HL Box Office: 020 8174 0090 (bkg fee)

Fri 28 Oct – Sat 19 Nov All My Sons A compelling story of love, guilt and the corrupting power of greed, All My Sons was Arthur Miller’s first great Broadway success sealing his reputation as one of the most influential playwrights of the 20th Century. This is the first time Arthur Miller to be presented at the Rose. Joe Keller is a thriving businessman who, during World War II, knowingly supplied the American airforce with defective engines, leading to the deaths of innocent pilots. To avoid the blame, he let his business partner take the fall, but during a sunny afternoon Joe is confronted by the consequences of his moral actions as a visitor arrives to reveal a secret that will rip his family apart. All My Sons will be directed by acclaimed American director Michael Rudman. Pulitzer Prize-winner Arthur Miller is one of America’s most significant playwrights. Amongst his most popular plays are Death of a Salesman, The Crucible and A View from the Bridge. All My Sons is presented “by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Plays Limited”. Sun 6 Nov 5pm Pam Ayres Pam Ayres has been making the nation laugh for over 40 years. Her work is funny, and approachable. Her hairtrigger timing, her eye for the detail of everyday life, and for the absurdity therein, makes for an art that hides art. Recent radio broadcasts include Just A Minute, Loose Ends, and five of her own series of Ayres On The Air for Radio 4, and on TV the Paul O’Grady and Alan Titchmarsh shows. Mon 21 & Tue 22 Nov, from 7pm Shakespeare Schools Festival


See Shakespeare performed as you’ve never seen it before! Shakespeare Schools Festival is proud to present a series of unique performances by children from all over London. Tue 6 Dec – Tue 3 Jan The Wind in the Willows When Mole abandons his spring cleaning in search of adventure, little does he expect to be scooped-up by Ratty, Badger and the irrepressible Toad. From summer-days messing about in boats, to an automobile addiction and an evil invasion from the Wild Woods, Mole finds himself hurtling towards the historic Battle for Toad Hall. A story of friendship and courage, The Wind in the Willows is one of the best loved books of all time, now brought to the stage in a glittering new production that promises festive madness for all ages and an enchanting ode to the wild banks of the River Thames. Featuring members of the Rose Youth Theatre alongside professional actors. The production will once again be supported by Wahid Samady and CNM Estates, who have sponsored the Rose Christmas show since 2014. Mon 12 Dec 7.30pm Rose Christmas Concert Begin your Christmas season with a festive night for all the family. Join us for a magical evening of beautiful carols from community choirs including Singing It Back, Canbury Singers and Euphonix. Plus performances from Tiffin Children’s Chorus, Movement Warriors and Jenny Green with the Jingle Bell Jazz Trio. Proceeds from this event raise funds to support the Rose Theatre. Mon 19 Dec Frozen Singalong fun with the Disney classic Fun for all the family – experience Frozen on the big screen in our main auditorium. Join Anna as she sets off on an epic journey with rugged mountain man Kristoff and a snowman named Olaf to find her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. A bouncing snowflake hovers over on-screen lyrics, allowing audiences to follow the music and sing-a-long with the story. So come dressed as your favourite character and sing your heart out! Running time 1 hour 40 mins, no interval. Please note this is a film screening only, not a hosted show. Fri 06 Jan - Wed 11 Jan Jungle Book Adapted for the stage by Ciaran McConville. Songs by Eamonn O’Dwyer. Mowgli, a lost child, is saved from the jaws of a tiger by a family of law-abiding wolves. When the pack itself is threatened, Mowgli is fostered by Bagheera, a black panther, and an affable opportunist called Baloo. A story of courage, family and growing up, Kipling’s great adventure is brought to the stage by Rose Youth Theatre in an exciting new adaptation.

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New Malden Matters New Malden Residents’ Association On 9th November, the NMRA held its AGM and were pleased that James Berry, our M.P. attended the meeting. The Minutes of the Meeting will be posted on our website. Liz Meerabeau took over the role of Chairperson following the resignation of Frances Marsh, and we think that Liz is an ideal candidate to take the Association on into 2017. We had two resignations from the Committee and one new member. We do have a strong Committee whose members are all very active, and some of whom have a wealth of experience with local issues, Councillors and Council workings. We also now have a very informative and widely praised website and Facebook Page (can be accessed from the website) and I would urge you to make use of both means of communication. We are always on the lookout for committee members who think they have something to offer both the Association and Committee. newmaldenresidents@ This past year has been very busy with Council Consultations, Conversations and proposed developments in the centre of New Malden which could have a far reaching effect on our town. I think we all realise that change has to come about, but it is how this change is handled and how it affects communities will be paramount in how residents view it. The Fountain Roundabout is a point in question. Whilst there was support for changes to be made to the Roundabout, most people were against the model to be used. A petition to call in the decision that had been made at the Residents Committee on 14th September attracted over 800 supporters and together with the results of the consultation, saw the Council reverse this decision and admit that the proposals did not have “sufficient public support.” The next Go Cycle consultation which closed on 17th November is asking for our say on Kingston to New Malden. It remains to be seen what happens to this consultation, but we are concerned that many of the objectives set out in the consultation document would just not be possible along this very busy road. Many people use the 131 and X26 bus routes and closing sections of the bus lane is unthinkable. The Association is sending in its own response to


the consultation setting out our concerns about the scheme. kingston-go-cycle-kingston-to-new-malden Following the Public Meeting on Air Quality In September of this year, the Speaker being Professor Kelly, Chair in Environmental Health at King’s College London, where he is Director of the Analytical & Environmental Sciences Division, we decided to conduct our own air quality trial which took place over one month from 24th September to 21st October. The test tubes were placed in ten locations around New Malden, and some of the results did give rise for concern. The highest reading we obtained was on the corner of Blagdon Road and the High Street, followed closely by the Fountain Roundabout and then outside Burlington School. All of the roads around the Fountain Roundabout are extremely busy with traffic and our concern is that with the proposed developments around Cocks Crescent and in Coombe Road (between the station and Alric Avenue), the traffic in these roads could give rise to even higher pollution levels. The results of this air quality trial will be shown on our website and we are conducting further trials in January at four of the most worrying sites. Cocks Crescent in still on the agenda and we are hoping that the amendments proposed to the SPD which will be discussed at the Growth Committee on 23rd November (7.30pm at the Guildhall) will be more forthcoming than the document which formed the basis of the consultation this year. The Conservative motion to the Council at the Full Council Meeting on 18th October, requires the Growth Committee on 23rd November “be required to give explicit reference in the adopted brief to the “provision of a new public swimming pool” as part of the leisure facility, to include sports and other community facilites as appropriate and financially sustainable. (not sure about the financially sustainable bit!!). We want an assurance from Kingston Council that the Leisure Centre and Swimming Pool will be publicaly owned. Litter - For the past few months, we have been Litter Picking around and about New Malden. This initiative was started by Mike Freeman, a Committee Member and the volunteers have so far picked up 32 bags of rubbish from 23 hours of picking. Cigarette butts are a major blight on our streets and In this respect we are looking at a new initiative - the Ballot Bin. The Ballot Bin is a customisable bespoke ashtray that aims to tackle the issue of cigarette butt litter. A voting system encourages use of the ashtray, allowing the user to vote by choosing one of two receptacles to dispose of their cigarette butt. Where this system has been used, it has reduced cigarette butt litter by 46%. There is a cost attached to the Boxes but we are making enquiries as

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to whether this can be funded and where one could be installed. The more general rubbish has to be collected and put into sacks and we think that due credit should go to Mike for starting this initiative and for making a difference on our roads.. Crossrail 2 is another change that could see an increase in population in and around Kingston. We understand that Transport for London has confirmed that a planned autumn consultation into Crossrail 2 has been pushed back until it can provide an updated business case and funding plan. We will keep you informed when this consultation takes place. Finally our membership has increased from 90 a year ago to 150 today. We found that having a stall in the High Street during the New Malden Fortnight proved very effective as far as new members are concerned. So all in all, we have had a very busy year. We need to know from you, what issues and concerns you have of a general nature (other than those that can be directed to your Councillors or Council Officials) that you think might be pertinent to the Association as a whole and, of course, to Residents in New Malden. We need your help, participation and suggestions for the future of our Association.


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Gardening Gardening Gifts Pippa Greenwood

It is not that long until Christmas now, and although I am the first to admit that I haven’t done a great deal of Christmas shopping, this year I’m making a plea for useful presents - and maybe a bit less soap and slippers! If you’ve any gardening friends, whether they’ve been full-on gardening for years or have just been bitten by the gardening bug, it is so easy to get them a present they’ll really enjoy and find useful. A trip to any good local garden centre will reveal plenty of potential gifts in a wide range of prices, sizes and shapes that will suit anybody from the complete novice to the most experienced gardener. Another option is to take a look on the internet and get some gorgeous gardening gifts delivered right to your door. Houseplants can make brilliant presents, so why not choose a couple of really good-looking ones? At this time of year there are plenty, such as the indoor cyclamens and azaleas or a flamboyant poinsettia or a gorgeous Christmas cactus, which look fantastic whilst in flower - but don’t forget that lots of the foliage

houseplants look great, too. Make sure that you keep the plants at their best by placing them in a suitable position before you give them away, as they could otherwise suffer quite quickly. Outdoor plants are also an ideal choice, but before you purchase a gift for someone’s garden make sure that you know that the plant you are choosing will go to a suitable home. There is no use buying a lime-hating plant such as a Pieris, rhododendron, Camellia or azalea for somebody if they garden on chalk, unless you know that they have a supply of ericaceous

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compost and a good sized pot to hand too! Of course, that could also be a present from someone else if you plan carefully. If you’ve time to create a pot of winter flowering bedding plants, perhaps under-planted with a few small bulbs such as crocus or miniature daffodils, this will make a lovely instant garden impact present for anyone, whatever the size of their garden. Despite the huge quantities of Christmas paraphernalia in garden centres at the moment, any half decent centre will still have a good range of winter bedding plants and winter interest plants available. Anyone with an interest in growing vegetables would enjoy one of the many gardening books on the subject, or perhaps a ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ Gift Voucher Card – this will allow them to select the vegetables they’d like to grow from the range I offer at Then, in the spring, we send them garden-ready plants accompanied by weekly advice and tips emails from me. Pretty well every gardener I know loves to encourage birds into the garden, so how about a bird box or feeder or maybe even some bird food? Bird feeding

equipment and supplies now take up plenty of space in garden centres, so you’ll be spoilt for choice. Gardeners love practical things so a good hoe like my favourite, the SpeedHoe, will always be welcome, or how about some Micromesh-covered or polythenecovered EasyTunnels, perfect for protecting crops throughout the growing season next year? A raised bed kit is a great gift idea, too, allowing people to grow gorgeous vegetables even if their own soil isn’t ideal. Some kits even come with the option to add crop covers made from fine mesh (to keep pests out) or polythene (to protect from the worst of the weather and provide off-season warmth). So rather than rushing out and buying something that ‘will do’ as a gift, take a moment and see what you can find which will really bring a smile to someone’s face! Visit Pippa’s website and book Pippa for a gardening talk or peruse the really useful selection of Pippa’s favourite gardening items, including Nemaslug to control slugs, pop-up crop covers, SpeedHoes, SpeedWeeders, raised bed kits, pull-out EasyTunnels, ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ Gift Voucher cards, signed books and lots more besides.

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New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 6.45pm Barry Collins 07740 257 255

Monday Netball Club Mondays 8.30pm

Katie Leason 07910 256107

English Conversation / Lessons Christ Church Centre, Coombe Road. Mon & Tues, 10am - 12noon Chris Coke 020 8942 7388

St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Mon and Weds 8pm St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Mem Sec:

St James Cafe, Bodley Road, New Malden runs on the 3rd Monday of every month (except August) between 9.30am and 11.30am. Everyone welcome. Come for a chat over a hot drink and a tea cake. Dates for the rest of 2016 - 17th October, 21st November and 12th December (note earlier date). Contact Heather 020 8336 1582.

Half Shares We are a group of widows who meet together on the 1st Tuesday of every month. We have a speaker and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Come and join us at 1.45-3.15pm at Christ Church Centre, Coombe Rd Lily 020 8949 1431 The New Malden Investment Club Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Grafton Club, Grafton Road, New Malden. Secretary 020 8942 1926

Malden Bridge Club When: Tuesday evenings 7.30-10.30pm Graham Spicer Institute, by entrance to Waitrose car park. John 020 8942 7560

St. John’s Hall is open between 2.00 and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If you are on your own please feel free to drop in for a free cup of tea and some company. 411 Malden Road (between Worcester Park station and The Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. The Malden and Coombe Townswomen’s Guild welcome new members. We meet at 10am on the third Thursday of the month at the United Reformed Church hall in New Malden. We are a friendly group of women of all ages and backgrounds. We have interesting speakers from various organisations; outings, clubs, bring and buy sales and competitions. We charge just £3 for your first visit which includes coffee and biscuits.

Act For Justice New Malden Baptist church; Westbury Road. KT3 5BE. first Tuesday of every month, 8 - 9.30pm. This group aims to combat human trafficking. We’ll discuss issues of Deirdre Banks on 020 89494743 forced labour, sexual exploitation and Malden Camera Club domestic servitude, raise awareness New Malden Library, Kingston and fundraise. Road Thurs evenings throughout the year at 7.45pm


Malden & Coombe Social Club For Tuesdays The Blind Alternate Wednesdays Arthritis Care New Malden Branch 2pm to 4pm Mike Ball 020 8942 0819 Arthritis Care Kingston and District Volunteer drivers/helpers VERY Meetings 3rd Tuesday of the month welcome 7.30pm in the evening at Alfriston Talking Of Trains In Surbiton House Berrylands Road Surbiton Talks at the Surbiton Library Hall each Jocelyn King 0208 942 6745 The New Malden Ladies Badminton Wed evening throughout the winter months. 1st meeting free, cost £50pa Club When: Tuesday at the Malden www.talkingof Centre from 20.30 till 10pm We are Colouring Club a mixed ability club looking for new members. Lynda 020 8949 2673 or just A soothing and enjoyable pastime for adults with no skills needed. 10-11am pop in. at Cafe Galio. NHS Retirement Fellowship Are Royal British Legion, Malden and you retired or about to retire from Coombe Branch meetings are held the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st at the Grafton Club on the second Tuesday of every month from 10am Wed of the month at 2.30pm. -12 at Christ Church Hall, Christ New members welcome. Jan Feist: Church Road, Surbiton, KT5 8JJ. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat.Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month.

Thursdays or Lynne Finnerty: rbl.maldenandcoombe@ or ring 07857 422140

Malden Centre Orchestra Malden Centre, Blagdon Road, 10am-12noon every Thursday (term time only). Come and enjoy great symphonic music in a friendly group of players under the leading of an experience conductor. Contact: Tolworth Badminton Club Tolworth Recreation Centre Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30 Intermediate/advanced level Pat 0208 395 9175 or just turn up

Malden Emergency First Aid Society (Mefas) Members meet each Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First Aid training. New members required. Everyone welcome. Hall available for hire. Christine 07966661015

Lorna 020 8337 4121


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Kingston Association for The Blind Lunch Club at The Mefas Hall, rear of Malden Centre, Cocks Crescent, New Malden - for people with a severe sight loss for a sandwich lunch on the last Thursday of every month 12.30 to 2.30 pm. £3 per person and friends or family are welcome.Kerry at K.A.B. 020 8605 0060

Come and join our friendly local bridge club at the Shiraz Mirza hall (behind Norbiton station). We play 24 hands of duplicate bridge - with electronic scoring - every Thurs from 7.30pm.Host system so partners always available. £5 table money. Parking available outside the hall. Also buses and trains from very close by. Rosemary Vase 0208 5468719 or Pauline Finn 0208 549 3270 or just turn up

Malden And Coombe Flower Decoration Society St.James Church Hall Bodley Road 3rd Thurs of the month 7.30pm. Why not come along to these evenings and



dazzle your family and friends with your expertise! Visitors £6 Alison Honor 020 8949 8036

Malden Wanderers Badminton Club 22, Cambridge Avenue, KT3 4LE When - 8.30-10pm We are a friendly club looking for new members. Bobby 07946 532 846

New Malden Women’s Institute Shiraz Mirza Hall, Manor Park Hall, Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6AV. 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara 0208 546 1495 or twocavs@

Kingston Debating Society An evening of lively intelligent debate, where you get to have your say. Thurs7.45pm 10 March Kingston Methodist Church, Avenue Road, off Fairfield South, KT1 2UJ

New Malden Voices for all adults 8-9pm every Thursday in term time at New Malden Methodist Church.

Computer Solutions

For a complete Local, Professional, Reliable and Independent service. Home or Commercial, I come to you. 20+ years IT experience. Fully Insured. Clive Lawrence M: 0772 5525840 T : 0845 8055231

New Malden Youth Choir for children 7-15 years old 6.15-7.15 every Thursday in term time at New Malden Methodist Church Contact Jane on 07775654854


Friday Morning Running A mixed group, consisting mainly, but not restricted to, mothers with children in school, meet each Friday morning at 9.50 am in the Pembroke Lodge car park TW10 5HX, for a run of between 3 and 4 miles in Richmond Park. This is a social group of runners with no pressure on ability. New runners are more than welcome (everybody has to start somewhere) and time will be taken to accommodate them. Don’t feel inhibited, come and try us! Bob 07936 240937

Hardware repairs /upgrades Virus Removal Windows 10 Training Memory Upgrades Email / Spam ADSL / Broadband System clean-up Wireless Networking Software upgrades Setup / Data Transfers Digital Camera / iPods Video transfers Windows Server support Lotus Notes /Domino

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RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members of the RSPB. groups/epsom.

Over 60’s club St. James Church Hall. Bodley Road, New Malden from 1pm to 2:30 pm (Doors open at 12:30) We have musical entertainment, a raffle and refreshments. Coach outings are organised during the Summer months. Sheila 0208 949 5118


Saturday Dementia Club staywell Services 2nd Saturday of the month 11am to 2pm in New Malden for people living with dementia, their family and carers, Call 020 8942 8256 and ask for

Cathy or Marion email Learn to sew and knit! Do you want to learn to sew or knit, improve your skills or just meet other knitters and sewers to work and chat? Join the Sew and Sews on the second and fourth Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. at St. James’ Bodley Road. Everyone welcome. 50p for refreshments.

West Wimbledon Society Table Tennis Club

Friendly social table tennis club in Raynes Park welcomes new members (sorry not complete beginners). 020 8947 3564. Surbition Bowls Club Alexandra Rec, Tolworth. Roll ups Tuesday evenings from 5,50pm. Small friendly mixed club (35 players.) David 020 8224 2385 From The Ground Up local affordable organic box scheme - Kingston’s own - fresh organic veg, fruit, bread, cheese and preserves at exceptional price. Collection every Saturday from Kingston or Surbiton.

Surbiton Croquet Club

Where: Alexandra Drive, Berrylands. Croquet is a game for all ages and abilities. All welcome at very friendly club, including (especially!) complete beginners. Free introductory croquet coaching sessions. Chris Osmond 020 8330 6698 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. New members will be made very welcome. Roll ups, league matches, internal and external competitions; we offer bowling for all levels of interest and ability. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies Secretary 020 8394 0877.


Emanuel Rugby Where: Shannon Corner, KT3 4PU When: Adults Tuesdays and Thursdays,7.30pm, Saturday 2-3pm. Children: Registration at the club is 1030am with training starting at 11am on Sundays Fergus McCarthy 0845 8338974 Malden Bowling Club, Lime Grove New Malden Both new and experienced bowlers are assured a warm welcome at our friendly club, with trained coaches on hand to guide and advise. April to September sees us bowling on the green for the outdoor season, but social events for our members are run throughout the year. Sue 0208 395 6778 or John on 0208 949 4315

Graham Spicer Snooker Room Availible for hire during the day and evenings. Secretary 020 8942 2157

Supreme Bowls Club

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We welcome new bowlers of both sexes, all ages, and all abilities from late April to end of Sept. Come and try bowling for free. We are a friendly club with around 70 members on the Kings College Sports Ground close to Woodies pub at the junction of Thetford Road and Windsor Avenue, New Malden, KT3 5BF. Mick or Di on 020 8942 0294.


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Places Not So Bad In New Malden by Clive Taylor

Towards the end of August I had a birthday and invited anyone one who cared to join me for a day visiting pubs in New Malden and Berrylands. The day was sunny and quite hot making it ideal for a walk about. We met up in the Royal Oak in Coombe Rd at the top end of New Malden. This being a Greene King pub had a range of their beers plus a couple of guests, which we tried while sitting out in the garden.

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From here we headed back towards the station to call in Bar Malden. Here we had the choice of two Hobgoblin ales, this being a Marston’s house. Since its refurbishment trade has picked up, and with occasional live music makes it a pleasant pub to visit for a drink before or after getting off the train. Leaving here we went up to the platform to jump on to the Hampton Court train, just one stop to Berrylands. Heading up the hill we went into the Berrylands pub. At the bar the best bet was Hophead, but pulling the first glass it ran out. Young’s and Doombar didn’t raise much excitement, but to our relief the barman said if we could wait a few minutes he had something else ready in the cellar. That turned out to be Sambrook’s Pale, well worth the wait as we sat outside in the sunshine. The Berrylands is an excellent locals pub, which caters for all age groups, and again is handy for the station. It can be quite sporty showing football, but with two bars there is room to sit elsewhere. Dropping down the hill we picked up the Hogsmill River to walk along the bank until we reached a little bridge, up over it we went and along side of the playing fields bought us to Woodies. Since its refurbishment there is a superb patio now on the front in which to sit looking out onto the green playing fields, while enjoying ones drinks. Almost like being in the countryside. Here we had the choice of four regular ales and three guests, so we stayed here for a couple before the climb up Thetford Road to the Fountain. This is another Greene King pub but usually does Ghost Ship, which was the favoured choice. The choice here may not be great but the quality is always good so always worth popping into. About once a month live bands can be seen so it can be good for a Saturday night out. Crossing to the other side of the road we went straight into the Watchman (Wetherspoon’s), the choice was pretty good here so we stayed for a couple. I had something to collect in the Bar Malden so with the remaining party members we adjourned back there, as it was also handy for the station. On reflection of the days little sortie, baring in mind that New Malden isn’t exactly the beer mecca of Greater London or Surrey, during the whole day I didn’t have a bad beer, and also we had a different beer in all of pubs, no silly prices and reasonably good service. Unlike a visit to Fulham and West Brompton a week later where we also visited a number of pubs. I was served cloudy beer with bits floating in it, and found a disappointing number of pubs offering a very limited range and in some the service really was lacking. So overall not the most satisfying evening out in Fulham, and in comparison with our day out in New Malden I know where I am glad to live. New Malden!



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Kids Play There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers Mondays

10am to 11.30am Tots In Tow St John’s Church, Kingston Road Contact Dave on 02089425643 1.15 pm 3.15pm. St James Tiddlers Group We welcome all parents and toddlers, plus big sisters and brothers when they’re on holidays. St James Church Hall, Bodley Rd Contact Angie: 020 8942 2093 9.15 11.15 Stay and Play (0-18 months) - New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Bumps and Babies under 1 NCT coffee morning, fortnightly Mondays. 10am to 11.30am. The Watchman Pub, New Malden. All welcome. NCT members and nonmembers. For more information and to confirm the next meeting date please contact


10am to 11.45am St Joseph’s Toddler Group St Joseph’s R C Church, Montem Road 9.30am to 11.30am Sparkles United Reformed Church, Cavendish Hall, Cavendish Road Contact Peggy Cox 020

8949 3402 to visit. 9-11.30 Stay and Play New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561


10am to 11.30am Tots in Tow (see Monday) 10am and 11.45 ST Joseph’s Toddler Group (see Tuesday). 12.30pm - Stay and Play (0 - 5 years) - New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561


9.45 to 11.30am Methodist Church Parent and Toddler Group Methodist Church, High Street, Contact Julia Morton 020 8942 1288. 9.30am to 12.30pm 9.30 - 12 noon Childminders’ drop in including school holidays, Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Road, 0208 942 2559 10.30-11am Story Time for age 2.5+ at New Malden Library


9.30am to 11.30am Christ Church Parent and Toddler Group Christ Church, Coombe Road Contact Susie Gregerson 020 8241 9423. 9.45am to 11.15am Tadpoles Parent and Toddler Group New Malden Baptist Church, Kingston Road 020 8942 6912 – not a drop in session so call first. 10.30-11.00am Rhyme Time for age 0-3 at New Malden Library 9-12.Toy Library New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Also at NMCC Breastfeeding Support Group - 10.00 - 12.00 - first week of

KT3 0-5 yrs Softplay £2.95 per hour, £1.50 2nd hour

SIBLING DISCOUNT AVAILABLE Open Monday - Friday 9.30am-5pm, all year round BOUNCY CASTLE, BALL POOL, RIDE ON TOYS AND LOTS MORE CAFE WITH CHILDREN’S HEALTHY LUNCH BOXES The Pavilion, Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Park Marina Avenue, Motspur Park, KT3 6NE Plenty of free parking

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the month Twins Support Group - 10.00 - 12.00 - Second and fourth weeks of the month,

“The Ultimate Class for Mums and Babies” The Times


Parent and Toddler Play Sessions Dickerage Lane Adventure Playground Dickerage Lane, Daniel Slocombe 020 8942 1707,


10-12noon Who let the dads out is at Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Lane, New Malden Runs the third Saturday of every month. 10am-12pm Stay and Play - Dads group - - first Saturday of every month New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Every second Saturday of the month, New Malden Library 10.30-11.00am. Free Saturday Rhyme Time for under 5s. Dads especially welcome. Join us for 30 minutes of rhymes, songs and instrument shaking! Men behaving Dadly is a group that meets on a Saturday morning once a month in the Christ Church lounge. Dads bring their young children to enjoy playing with the toys and relax together by eating bacon sandwiches and drinking coffee.

This power walking class, with a mix of cardio, strengthening & toning exercises is proving to be the answer to shifting postnatal weight & re-toning your body after giving birth! • Burns fat, improves posture & strengthens , ITON core muscles • A one hour social class with SURB LDEN, A M time to chat to other Mums • For all levels NEW STON G IN K of fitness • Suitable for all buggies/pushchairs • It’s fun & your baby or toddler comes too!

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Health Yoga & Mindfulness for our children ways to reduce stress & improve body confidence By Christine Jaureguiberry

Stress is often the source of various conditions such neck & shoulder pain, high blood pressure and even depression and anxiety. It has been proven that stress can make you ill. It has been proven that too much stress is really bad for you. We all know this. But what about our children? As academic pressure seems to be on the increase a lot of schools (but probably not enough) have picked up on the need of stress management and mindfulness. Let’s face it, the teachers need it and the kids need it! Schools are getting better and better at introducing both teachers and kids to relaxation and mindfulness techniques but it is far from being mainstream. There is a big focus on academic performance from a very young age. Our children are pretty much sitting for most of the day from Year 1. Teenagers worry about exams and worry that they won’t find jobs if they don’t perform. All of this is creating stress for our children which we know can make them ill if it becomes chronic. In the society that we live in stress is difficult to avoid completely of course but what we can do is give our kids the tools to cope with it. Benefits of Yoga for children - Yoga and mindfulness will give them tools to use in stressful situations like exam preparation - Yoga encourages midline crossing movements stimulating and balancing the left and right side of the brain - It promotes focus and memory - Kids yoga classes provide a healthy way of expressing and balancing emotions - It can increase confidence and respect for one another - Yoga is a non-competitive form of exercise for the body and the mind. It can help with self-esteem and body confidence - Yoga can improve posture and alignment Try this simple breathing exercise together Sit up tall, put your hands on your belly and imagine that your belly is a balloon (let them choose a colour as it will help to visualise it). Inhale through the nose inflating your balloon, making your belly big and


round. Pause for a moment. Exhale slowly through the nose deflating your balloon belly completely. Repeat 4 times. The benefits of yoga and mindfulness have been widely proven. Introducing our kids to relaxation techniques, exercise that promotes good posture and body confidence is a great way of making sure they are well equipped for school, university and of course whatever life throws at them. Christine Jaureguiberry is a New Malden yoga teacher, offering group and private classes for families with kids between 3 and 9 years and adults in the local area. For more information on her blog and classes visit

Yoga Hatha Yoga: Mondays 7.30pm (GSI), Saturdays 10am (The Royal Oak) Family Yoga: Saturdays 11am (Royal Oak) Back Care Yoga: Wednesdays 1pm (New Malden Studios) **new from Jan 2017** Post Natal Yoga: contact the Old & New Malden Children’s Centres for more info Contact Christine for more information  07930557569  

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A Photographer Dreams by Hugh Griffiths December is a really busy month. Getting ready for the Christmas break, planning holidays for next year, thinking of excuses not to visit family, buying presents, wrapping them, writing and sending Christmas cards. It can be quite exhausting. So it made a lot of sense that at the beginning of November last year, we got our puppy. We’ve never had a dog before and she was very small and very cute: and seemingly impervious to training. She wasn’t much bigger when I took this picture of her in our garden at the start of December. It’s not the best photo, technically, but it really catches her enjoyment of life, and her curiosity. Her tail very rarely stops wagging and she hunts around the house and garden, and wherever we may be, looking for something to catch her interest. There will doubtless be more pictures of her as time goes on (but I might spare you the story of what she did in a Boots store in Shoreham recently). She isn’t really black and white, although she does have those colours among others

– a mono version makes her stand out well from the grass of our lawn and highlights (to me at least) the lovely shaggy fur and her hidden eyes. I don’t know how she sees anything until we cut her fringe! Oh, back to the technical aspects of this picture … Poppy is impossible to photograph successfully because she is always moving, so there will always be a lack of focus somewhere on her. And that is true in this picture, which I have also cropped enormously from the original. You don’t have to go far from your front door to get memorable pictures – not only of your family or your pets. We had a set of toadstools growing in

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our front lawn last December, and I spent a happy 30 minutes lying on the wet ground, with my macro lens, taking photos of them. I took some close ups of the cap of some of them and the gills underneath cap. (Incidentally, I have only just discovered that toadstool is another name for mushroom – I never knew that, assuming that mushrooms were cuddly things that you can eat, and toadstools were nasty things that poison you). But I like the Christmas lights effect of this one – with a bright light in the centre and soft, out of focus lights surrounding it. There is a little bit of Narnia’s iron lampstand here as well with a light standing in front of the dark woods behind it. I do like that darkness behind the central toadstool: it

gives emphasis to the light colour and seems to give a sense of menace in the distance. Not that great a menace, mind you – these are blades of grass you see here, not trees! Composition is the essence of great photos, in my view, and this picture demonstrates some good compositional examples. For example, there is a triangle of toadstools (out of focus) which forces you to focus in on the central one which is sharp and in focus. The dark behind and just above that central toadstool brings out its light and shape. I am not all that keen on the brightish piece of grass on the left and maybe I should have Photoshopped that out; but I’m not very good at doing that without making it a bit obvious.

December isn’t always rain and gloom. I was down in Lancing on the last day of the year: I love to go there to see the wind and the waves and to remind myself of what it will be like in the summer. It happened to be a nice day – lots of blue sky and the wind surfers were out in strength having a great time on the water. This picture was taken at about quarter past eleven in the morning; there must have been a threat of rain – you can see it in the background. But, but, the sun is still there and shining victoriously against the dark, stormy clouds. I like the rays of the sun which are leaping out of the picture, and the sun itself – which is pure white (or, as a photographer would say, overexposed). So, have a Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year! And if you get a camera for Christmas, come along to the Malden Camera Club one Thursday evening.

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Organisations Royal British Legion Malden & Coombe Branch

Our members have had a hectic few months organising New Malden’s Remembrance Sunday Parade and Memorial service. The local community again turned out in numbers to pay respects. Thanks to residents, local organisations, businesses and schools for your continued support and the increasing number of wreaths laid. We are also grateful to the Girls’ Brigade for stepping into the breach and providing us with a standard bearer for the occasion. The service was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Kingston and wreaths were laid on behalf of the borough and to mark the Centenary of the Battle of the Somme. Thanks to two Year 6 pupils from Christ Church Primary School for acting as wreath bearers to the Mayor. Christ Church lay minister, Tim Davis, conducted the service with peace, reconciliation and forgiveness being the theme of his Address.

refurbish, deliver and collect the garden each year. We send a note of thanks to Council staff in the Mayor’s office for help once again with the Memorial service arrangements and to the Council steward for assistance with the civic procession. Thanks to the Methodist Church for the use of its premises for the civic party and standing by to hold the service in the event of bad weather. Our team of volunteers tidied and planted the Memorial area in preparation for Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. Thanks are due to Kingston Environment Centre who joined us and provided extra manpower, plants and tools. We held a short, informal service at the Memorial on Armistice Day. Our thanks go to representatives who attended from Coombe Boys’ School and for a flawless rendition of The Last Post. Our Chairman, Cllr. Ken Smith, gave a talk at a Coombe Boys’ assembly and presented the school with a Certificate of Recognition; awarded in appreciation of its participation and continued support in the Poppy Appeal. Huge thanks to Poppy Appeal organisers, local residents Tina and Stephen Corr, who give so much of their time. Without their dedication and a team of volunteer collectors, counters and deliverers a local appeal would not be possible. Thanks to all involved. More in next month’s article. The branch has an annual tradition of presenting Princess Alexandra with a poppy corsage for the Festival of Remembrance. Our thanks again to local florist, Imagine, for ensuring the corsage was ‘fit for a princess’. Membership subscriptions and the Poppy Appeal help towards vital campaigns and to provide lifelong support for the Armed Forces community - serving men and women veterans of ALL ages and their families. Anyone can join the Royal British Legion. For details and further enquiries, please contact janfeist@ or Lynne at rbl.maldenandcoombe@ or phone 07857422140. You can now follow us on social media: Twitter @MaldenCoombe Facebook Malden and Coombe Royal British Legion

A recent commemoration project by Kingston War Memorials Association asked people to sign up to remember men from New Malden and Kingston who died on the Somme in 1916. Consequently our Garden of Remembrance, which sits alongside the Memorial during the Poppy Appeal period, this year held crosses in memory of some of those who TO THE MEMORY OF THE FALLEN AND THE lost their lives at the Somme. Thanks are due to all FUTURE OF THE LIVING at Coombe Gardeners Ltd in Betchworth who store, # To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


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