Worcester Park Life April 19

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Worcester Park Life

KT4’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide April ‘19 Issue 131



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Welcome to YOUR Worcester Park Life from jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk So, the clocks have sprung forward, the days are getting longer... and the forecast continues to keep us guessing! Fingers crossed for another bout of unseasonably warm weather to enjoy over the Easter holidays - mingled with a healthy dose of studying for Year 11 and 13 pupils.... But let’s face facts here…. we’re all far too accustomed to the British weather to be lulled into a false sense of security and to dare pack away our winter boots quite yet - i’ve got them lined up with wellies, trainers and flip flops and can go though all 4 in a day! From experience we still need to be on our guard for those April showers (and a final flirtation with winter). You can take the girl out of Glasgow but….. And, for all our royalist friends out there there’s also the excitement of a new baby to look forward to ‘sometime soon’. Is that an excuse to get the Jubilee

& Since ‘08

Spring is also a time for looking forward, thinking about new beginnings and for those of use not so organised, what we are doing in the summer!! Whatever you’re up to this month, make sure it’s a really egg-citing (sorry I had to get just one Easter pun in!) time with friends and family in the April sunshine or showers! I hope you enjoy a good read and also see what our local businesses have to offer. If you’ve any feedback on how they’re doing, or have any ideas for future editions, news or views to share then please get in touch. Remember, we deliver to most homes every second month so if you’re not able to pick up a magazine on the months it’s not delivered to you, you can read it on your smart phone/ tablet or PC. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, Worcester Park Library, St Mary’s and Christ Church with St Philip. The copy dates for the next couple of editions are below. If you’d like to advertise or have a local story to tell, please call or email. Until next time, best wishes,

Since ‘05

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk 020 8336 2915 www.maldenmedia.co.uk 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS


bunting back out of the loft/cupboard under the stairs and plan a summer street party, for no other reason than getting together with our neighbours?

Jenny Deadline for our May editions 21st April Deadline for our June editions 21st May

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Worcester Park History Worcester Park in 1939 – 80 years ago by David Rymill From 1933 to 1939 the bound volumes of the Worcester Park Times, a weekly broadsheet newspaper, provide a wonderful level of detail about local life; they are held by The British Library (48 hours’ notice is required for them to be brought to the Newsroom at St Pancras). Last December I featured a selection from the 1938 editions, and now I am turning to the 1939 volume. I am grateful to the BL for permission to reproduce two illustrations (© British Library Board). Local businesses still featured prominently. On 7th January the paper noted ‘Central Road… is noted for… the fact that it houses the emporium of Mr. T. H. Mearing, the Imperial Cycle and Gramophone Works. Here in well-lit Showrooms, one may inspect the latest models in Gramophones… Toys for children are displayed in profusion, and in the matter of Cycles Mr. Mearing has a reputation extending now into two generations.’ The photograph of his shopfront at no. 126 (later Firmin’s and now The Conservatory Florist) is reproduced from this edition. By this time several nationwide businesses had branches in Worcester Park, including the tailors Montague Burton, located at 141-143 Central Road on what they persisted in calling the ‘corner of Burton’s Walk’ – better known as the corner of Stone Place (now part of Iceland’s shop). Their advertisement in the paper on 25th February offered ‘a 4 guinea value suit for 45s/-’ and predicted that ‘Colourful patterns and streamline styles will mark the Spring suitings of 1939’. Bentalls of Kingston placed a full-page advertisement in the 22nd April edition, promoting their 72nd anniversary sale which offered a reproduction oak bedroom suite (wardrobe, three-drawer chest and dressing table) for £14, a knitted dress with kilted swing skirt for 25s, and leather writing cases for 5s. Organisations whose meetings were recorded in the paper included the Home Service Association’s Worcester Park branch, based at the Wandsworth and District Gas Company’s showroom, 103 Central Road. On 25th April members were addressed by Madame Periford who ‘opened her address by


comparing hair to flowers, saying that unless you gave constant attention to the earth, you would not expect good flowers. In the same way, hair, to be healthy, must have attention’. On 27th June they were given a demonstration about ‘Canned Food Cookery’, and it was noted that in July there would be demonstrations of jam making and bottling. Our other illustration is the company’s advertisement from 18th February showing their gas holder at Worcester Park, 207 feet high, which could hold enough gas to cook 206,500 dinners. On 17th June the paper recorded a dancing display, at St Philip’s Church Hall in Lindsay Road, by the pupils of Joyce Featherstone, the 18-year-old daughter of ‘Mr and Mrs Featherstone, so well-known and respected in Worcester Park’ (Mrs Featherstone ran the confectioner’s/newsagent’s at 225 Cheam Common Road, now The Tops salon); the paper commented that ‘the all-round proficiency of the pupils is a genuine tribute to the genius of young Joyce Featherstone.’ At Christ Church’s Wesley Hall, Ruskin Drive, events included a party, on 3rd January, for members of the women’s fellowship, attended by over 100. One might expect the approach of the outbreak of war to be a dominant feature, and on 7th January a combination of the hopes that peace might yet prevail, and the fears that precautions against airborne attack might soon be needed, was shown dramatically by the juxtaposition, in the same column, of the programme of meetings of the Peace Pledge Union’s Ewell and Stoneleigh Group, mainly to be held at Ewell Vicarage, and a list of Head ARP Wardens for each ward in Epsom and Ewell

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(which would be repeated each week). On 8th July the ‘Woman’s World’ feature gave suggestions for nursing both in the home and air raids, but a recipe, reprinted from the Nursing Mirror, for iced mocha cream, requiring six egg yolks, 1½ gills of golden syrup, 1½ ounces of caster sugar, coffee extract, and two tablespoonfuls of coffee, would soon seem like wishful thinking. There were reports of various infrastructure projects which would not be achieved for some years, if at all, mostly deferred because of the war. On 11th February the paper recorded the approval of plans for changes to the Stoneleigh West schools, including a new school for 360 senior boys; the existing senior mixed school (the building now used by Auriol Junior School) would have become a girls’ school. The estimated cost of the scheme, including canteen and gymnasium, and alterations to the existing building, was £35,378. On 4th March it was reported that Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s highways committee had recommended the making-up of the unadopted part of The Avenue; in fact it remained unmade from Cleveland Road to Grafton Road until the late 1960s. The paper reported on 1st July that Surrey County Council was exploring the possibility of a branch library in Cuddington, but the opening of the branch in Shadbolt Park would also be delayed.

As mentioned last month, I hope later this year to write an article about the former Worcester Park Tavern, previously The Worcester. Please contact me if you can contribute memories of being a regular, working there, or attending music nights or other special events. David Rymill David.Rymill1993@alumni.aber.ac.uk (020) 8330 6563

The end of an era was recorded on 18th February, with the publication of a letter from the Mayor of Epsom and Ewell to Major-General Sir Edward Northey of Woodcote House, Epsom, regretting the latter’s decision to leave Epsom ‘where your family has been established for over two centuries’. The family remained lords of the manors of West Cheam, East Cheam, Cuddington and Ewell for over 50 years longer. The last edition is dated 2nd September, the day before the outbreak of war; a pencil annotation, ‘Disctd’ – discontinued – in the top right corner of the front page, is the understated announcement that Worcester Park’s weekly newspaper had reached its end.

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Worcester Park, Old Malden and North Cheam: History at our Feet Published in 2012 and available at £10 (plus £2 towards postage if required) from the Rymill family. Ring 020 8330 6563 for more details. This 300-page book tells the story of Worcester Park from the Iron Age to the present day, and includes memories of local life from 1908 onwards, and over 150 maps, photographs and drawings - mostly never published before.

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Ruth Jemmett Writes Spring Has Sprung - The Month of Flowers And Showers Spring officially began on 20th March. We had a few false starts – and even had a brief glimpse of Summer at one point, which saw families flocking to beaches. I even saw a bee zooming around my garden at one point. Believe it or not, there are 267 types of bee in the UK. My particular buzzing friend didn’t stay within sight long enough for me to interrogate it as to what type it was! Still, our temperamental weather made sure that we didn’t get too complacent, and before long we went back to experiencing four seasons in one day! My greenhouse has welcomed the unusually mild warm weather, and I have countless cuttings in there, looking very happy. April, the fourth month of the year, was associated by the Romans with the goddess Venus. It is thought that the word ‘April’ may be related to her Greek name, Aphrodite. During March, trees and flowers make half-hearted attempts to show their wares, but by the time April arrives there is no doubt that Spring is truly here. April showers encourage things to grow, and farmers keep their fingers crossed that an occasional frost won’t stop everything in its tracks. Jokers everywhere identify 1st April with tomfoolery. In 1965 the BBC hoaxed thousands of viewers. A professor on the science programme Horizon, tried to persuade viewers to sniff their television sets as he fed coffee beans, and then onions, into important looking equipment! On the 6th April it will be Grand National Day at Aintree. Although it is a very exciting race, one can’t help feeling sorry for the horses – particularly as they attempt the second circuit. The world-famous Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge will take place on Sunday 7th April. The first and only AIR race between the two universities took place in 1921. Cambridge won! On 10th April 1633, a herbalist called Thomas Johnson, put a bunch of bananas in his shop window in Snow Hill, London. This was the first time the fruit had been on sale in this country, and must have caused quite a stir at the time! However, it is said that archaeologists found a banana skin on the bank of the River Thames in 1500, so it seems that at least one specimen was in the country during Tudor times.


On 12th April 1961 a Soviet cosmonaut called Yuri Gagarin orbited the earth for 108 minutes, and took his place in the history books as being the first man in space. Ironically, after having risked his life in such a way, he died in 1968, aged just 34, when his aeroplane crashed in training. The first US manned space flight took place in 1961, when Alan Shepard was launched on a 15 minute mission. April is Autism Awareness Month. Autism exhibits itself in various ways, and can bring a variety of challenges to families whose children are affected by it. Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of autism, which can exhibit all sorts of unusual behaviour such as Obsessional Compulsive Disorder. Although this can be distressing for the sufferers and their families and teachers, it can often have an upside, as those with the condition can often be high functioning, and excel in all sorts of areas. The brain is such a complex thing, which can play tricks on the body and mind. Unfortunately not enough money worldwide is invested in maternity services, meaning that millions of children arrive in the world having been damaged either in pregnancy or delivery. As many of you know, my late son spent his life in a wheelchair due to a complicated delivery, which resulted in him having Cerebral Palsy. Before that moment he had been a normal child. Food for thought indeed. On 19th of April it will be Good Friday. When I was a child I attended St Joseph’s R.C. Junior School in Epsom. On Good Friday each year we would attend the old St Joseph’s Church in Heathcote Road, and participate in a ritual called The Stations Of The Cross. At that time our thoughts were very much on what chocolate eggs we might receive on Easter Sunday! The old Woolworth stores that seemed to inhabit most High Streets during the 1950s would sell a vast array of chocolate eggs without fancy boxes, and at very reasonable prices. There were a lot of children in need of tooth fillings in those days! The Anglo-Saxons called this time in April Eastermonath, which could have originated from Eostre, the name of a pagan goddess of Spring. 23rd of April is St George’s day. As with many other patron saints, facts about him are sketchy. It is

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which spread over a wide area, including the United Kingdom. I remember our net curtains having curious brown specks on them. Goodness knows what the explosion did to our lungs.

believed that he died a martyr’s death in 303. He was thought to have been a soldier. In the mid 14th Century he was chosen as patron of The Order of The Garter (also known as The Order of St George), and by the early 15th Century he was accepted as patron saint of England. The legend of St George and The Dragon is thought to be allegorical, to illustrate the triumph of good over evil. As far as I know, no-one has ever SEEN a fire-breathing dragon! On 28th April hundreds of brave souls will pound the streets of London as they take part in The London Marathon. They are mostly being sponsored in order to support worthy charities. My particular best wishes go to Beth, a young nurse who will run for The Royal Marsden a cause very close to my heart! Those of us of a certain age will remember 26th April in 1986, when one of the four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former USSR, exploded. There were abnormally high levels of radioactivity

By the time you read this perhaps question marks hanging over Brexit will have been resolved – perhaps not! Doubtlessly , before long, dry politics will be overtaken by a royal birth, which should gladden our hearts. I hope you can all cheer yourselves up by getting out into your gardens again, and enjoy everything blossoming forth. One of my favourite poems is by Rudyard Kipling: Oh, Adam was a gardener, and God who made him sees That half a proper gardener’s work is done upon his knees, So when your work is finished, you can wash your hands and pray For the glory of the garden, that it may not pass away.


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Education Cuddington Community Primary School Nursery - Acorn Class

Cuddington Community Primary School are pleased to announce the opening of their new and dedicated nursery provision: Acorn Class, launching in September 2019. Cuddington Community Primary School in Worcester Park, Surrey, will be offering early years education for twenty-six 3 – 4 year olds. Children at the school benefit from spacious grounds and the Nursery is positioned in a large, light and airy classroom with a freely accessible outdoor area where your child can play, explore and learn all year round. Our exceptional Nursery team aim to provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment where your child will grow and thrive. We offer your child the opportunity to learn, develop, explore and create, covering all areas of the early

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years curriculum, providing the best possible foundations for their personal and educational future. Each child is unique and we work in partnership with parents and carers to deliver the best possible provision for every child that attends. Nursery sessions run from 9.00 am - 12.00pm and 12.00 - 3.00 pm five days a week during term time, with wrap around care available before 9.00 am and after 3.00 pm. For more information and to register for a place in September please see our website (www. cuddington-primary.org) or contact the school for more information on 0208 716 2677.

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Worcester Park Cricket Club Looking forward to a summer of cricket? There’s only once place to be By Adam Powers Do you ever feel like whacking a piece of spherical leather-coated cork with a hefty chunk of willow? Do you ever feel like crashing three pillars of wood with some leather-coated cork? Do you ever feel like getting rid of your kids for a little while after school? Do you ever feel like enjoying a few beverages in the sun while watching some sport? If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, let me introduce you to Worcester Park Cricket Club. Founded in 1921, WPCC (as I’ll now refer to it) is a vibrant, successful cricket club run on the sweat of its dedicated volunteers, with cricketing provision from little sprogs aged five, to those just about alive. Located on Green Lane right by Worcester Park train station, it’s at the hub of the town and comes alive during the spring and summer months. We are currently gearing up for the 2019 season with winter training sessions, which prospective members are welcome to attend, taking place at


Richard Challoner School every Sunday lunchtime from 11.30am to 1pm until 14 April. With the 2019 campaign just around the corner, we are keen to welcome players, coaches, volunteers and even supporters of all ages, genders and abilities. Want the cold, hard facts? Here’s your lot…

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Playing WPCC has three Saturday league teams playing in the Surrey Championship, two Sunday teams offering league and social competition, and a midweek friendly side. There are fixtures every weekend from mid-April to the end of September, with even an early-October fixture in the calendar. Our Saturday 1st XI are entering their 10th season in Division Two, with the side’s core comprising of players who came through the colts section. If you’re looking to compete with and against some of the best amateur players in the county, this is the team for you. The Saturday 2nd XI likewise plies its trade in Division Two, and showed tremendous grit to survive a relegation scare last season, as they look to regroup this term. The Saturday 3rd XI, meanwhile, are in the newlyformed Division Two East, and are hoping to restore parity among the Saturday sides by regaining third-tier status. Our other league team is the Sunday Academy side, also referred to as the Under 21s, who play in the Surrey Trust League. Comprising of at least seven – you guessed it – players under the age of 21, of which five must be under 18, it gives an opportunity to the club’s best colts to test themselves at an adult level. With a bespoke, coloured WPCC kit and orange balls, it is a dynamic environment for promising youngsters to flourish in. For those more inclined to a light-hearted game, we have that aplenty on offer at Green Lane. Club legend David Stemp runs both the Sunday Social and Midweek sides, which are exclusively friendly contests. As well as playing at home on a warm summer’s Sunday, you will travel to some of the most picturesque grounds in Surrey to enjoy some repartee with the opposition, indulge in the interval’s tea, and play some cricket – in that order. Adult training takes place every Wednesday evening during the summer using our nets facilities at Green Lane, where players from all teams mix together, as per every Saturday night in the bar, and use the bowling machines and other apparatus to develop their games. Of course, it is not just adult fixtures which take up the calendar. Our colts junior section is the lifeblood of the club and we develop the cricketing skills of roughly 100 children every summer thanks to the ECB-qualified coaches who give up their evenings for the love of the game. Children aged 5-14 can join, with our All Stars scheme, which teaches 5- to 8-year-olds the fundamentals of cricket, proving very popular last year. Colts training will take place on both Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Tuesdays reserved for Academy/ Under 21s training. This season, training nights will run from mid-April to mid-July, with a mixture of Sunday morning, Friday night and Monday night games being played throughout that time. For children up to 12, sessions run from 6.30-8pm, while the older colts train until 8.30pm. If your child is either looking to make

their first strides in the sport, or are pushing for senior level cricket, WPCC is a great place to start. Volunteering If you’re no longer blessed with the ability to turn your arm past your ear, or don’t know which way to hold a bat, you won’t believe it but there’s still a place for you. It truly is the work of volunteers which keeps the club ticking, and you can help in a number of ways. Lock in, because here’s a few examples: umpire, scorer, colts coach, colts team manager, supporter (it makes a difference, especially for the youngsters!). As you’ll be able to tell from the scene at Green Lane on colts training nights or weekend evenings after games, WPCC is one of the most welcoming, inclusive places to spend your summer, and it’s all on your doorstep. Contact us Website: www.wparkcc.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/WorcesteParkCC/ Twitter: @WorcesterParkCC Instagram: @worcester_parkcc Sponsors Finally – a big thanks to our two chief financial supporters – Winkworth estate agents in Worcester Park and Stadden Forbes Wealth Management.

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Parkin’ some thoughts Family Life

by Nick Hazell

I could have been a Doctor. There were just a few things against me. A total lack of interest in pursuing a scientific qualification was one. I’ve also never had a robust constitution when it comes to witnessing surgical procedures or Holby City. I may have had enough blood tests over the years to start my own blood bank, but still the thought of actually looking at the needle as it takes the plunge brings me out in a sweat and reaching for the nearest bucket. My chances of pursuing a medical career were therefore as likely as Elvis serving up Shergar Steaks to Lord Lucan in an episode of Come Dine With Me. However, as this disease progresses and the treatment options become less attractive, I am faced with a menu of choices more limited than the chances of surviving a long weekend in Midsomer and a need therefore to overcome my squeamish disposition. One of those options is brain surgery. So, it was with a degree of trepidation and with a handily placed receptacle that I began watching a recent documentary “The Parkinsons Drug Trial - A Miracle Cure”. It followed the story of’ 42 brave and inspirational Parkies who’d volunteered to undergo an experimental and risky operation aimed at placing a naturally occurring protein deep into the brain in the hope of restoring the missing cells. Some of the scenes involving drilling, cutting, sawing the insertion of tubes and presence of gore which led to my turning a unhealthy shade of green and seeking sanctuary behind the sofa. The story that unfolded gave hope that somewhere amidst the literal blood, sweat and tears, there was the prospect of a treatment that could slow, stop and even reverse the effects of the disease. That would indeed be a miracle but once I’d resumed my position in front of the sofa, I heard one of the participants comment that the success or otherwise of the trial would make the difference between whether or not he could be a father to his daughters.


I suspect he didn’t mean it in quite the eggs in one basket way it came across and no doubt the editing removed the context, but given the audience, the comment was a little thoughtless. I’m very sensitive to how much or little I can contribute to family life. Some days it’s hard to be a “normal” Dad and I’m conscious of how embarrassing it must be for the girls to be accompanied on occasion by someone whose legs work on a different frequency to his brain. But, we’ve always been open about the limitations to which I’m subject and one of the strangest but positive things about this situation is that it’s probably brought us all closer together. OK, so I may well be guilty of looking for the odd silver cloud. Don’t get me wrong. We’re not the Walton’s. We have our moments. Don’t we all? There are times when understanding a teenager or a ten year old are as impossible as understanding the mind of a forty something man, but I’d hate to think they felt I wasn’t there for them in some way even if my mind and body gradually go their separate ways. Time will tell I guess. It doesn’t look like the “Miracle Cure” will provide the answer though. Having put themselves through the ordeal of surgery and me through the discomfort of watching (admittedly from behind a pillow with my eyes shut) the results were inconclusive. There remains hope but not for the moment, cash to take this any further. In the meantime, I’ll just have to continue in my attempts to discharge my parental duties as best I can. Mind you, if Lara again attempts to make me watch an informative yet oddly stomach churning episode of CBBC’s Operation Ouch, I may have to politely decline. There’s only so much a father can be expected to do.

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Community Contact the Elderly A charity is inviting people aged 75 and over who live alone to join a newly launched service in Worcester Park. Contact the Elderly, a UK charity dedicated to tackling loneliness and social isolation among older people, provides Sunday afternoon gatherings for people aged 75 and older. Through its groups strong bonds have been formed and friendships made – and 95% of the older guests that the charity helps say they now have something to look forward to. Each guest is collected from their home by a volunteer driver and taken to a volunteer host’s home, where they meet with a small group for tea, chat and friendship. The group is welcomed by a different host each month.

Word Ladder

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.


Margaret Newton, 82, who has been attending a tea party in Sutton for over a year urged others to get involved. She said: “The tea parties are amazing as it gets us out on a Sunday afternoon which is a particularly boring day for people who are often stuck inside. The volunteers are absolutely fantastic, they are so supportive and always go above and beyond. “I’d recommend the group to anyone who feels isolated as I have truly made some fantastic friends – the group is so varied, and the Sunday afternoons are just so enjoyable - the chatter just goes on and on!” Last year, the charity supported 6,223 older guests in 813 groups across the UK. It is supported by around 11,000 volunteers. Contact the Elderly’s Development Officer for South London, Jane Vasudevan, said: “We’re looking forward to launching a new group in Worcester Park as we know that there are a lot of older people in the local community who live alone and would benefit greatly from our monthly events.

Here is one “If you are over 75 and living alone and would possible solution like to enjoy a Sunday afternoon of tea and cake (others may in your local area,exist) we’d love to hear from you!

Equally, if you know someone who could benefit ACID from coming along to one of our monthly arid gatherings, please get in touch.” grid


If you are interested in attending a tea party in grin Worcester Park or if you know someone who gain could benefit from coming along to a tea party, RAIN get in touch with the charity by calling 0800 716 543 (freephone) or emailing jane.vasudevan@ contact-the-elderly.org.uk

R A I N To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Voice for Wildlife The Cult of Tidiness must End by Carol Williams This phrase is from the People’s Manifesto for Wildlife,

co-edited by Chris Packham, Patrick Barkham and Robert Macfarlane, and to which the Surrey Wildlife Trust has signed up. Chris Packham says” “ Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear “. (To find out more and download the manifesto, visit chrispackham.co.uk). Between 1970 and 2013, 56% of all UK species declined. Of the nearly 8,000 species assessed using modern criteria, 15% are threatened with extinction. This suggests that we are among the most naturedepleted countries in the world” .( From the State of Nature report 2016). How much do we care about this? Shadbolt Park pond was, 10 years ago, a dried up hole filled with rubbish, including a shopping trolley. Now it is alive with insects and amphibians. This year in early March, we were entertained by a large number of toads and frogs happily spawning in the water. With only a small helping hand, Nature always responds with abundance - and that ought to cheer us, however depressing the climate news is. To the back of the pond is a deliberately very minimally managed wilderness of bramble and nettle beneath mature trees. This habitat is vital for nesting birds and provides nectar for many insects. You will also find two large heaps of dead wood and vegetation to the back of the park - these are intentionally created habitats for invertebrates - to feed our frogs and toads throughout the year when they are not in the water. Foraging robins, blackbirds and other creatures also benefit from the worms, snails and slugs which enjoy the damp dead wood habitat. We are currently experiencing a very worrying steep decline in insect species. The cult of tidiness is partly responsible for this, coupled with high pesticide use in the countryside, and other factors which are probably due to climate change. What can we do? Firstly, leave the garden to run riot and create a pesticide free haven for insects, including flies says the Surrey Wildlife Trust in their Spring magazine, Surrey Nature. I will also add a plea for gnats ad wasps - all are vital for the survival of plants and birds. Absolutely NO weedkillers and no weeding unless you are growing prize marrows or roses! No insecticides! Leaving


Nature alone is one of the best ways to help wildlife. If you’ve nothing much in your garden but fences, lawn and paving - change it! Get some bee bombs and create a little strip of wild flower meadow. You can also scatter these seeds in pots and troughs on a balcony or patio - they need a sunny spot. I have been a member of the Surrey Wildlife Trust since the mid 1980s. This year the charity celebrates 60 years. It was created in 1959 to ‘protect wildlife and educate the public about nature’ and was originally called the Surrey Naturalists’ Trust. They were one of the organisations that helped with the restoration of Shadbolt Park pond in the Autumn of 2010, along with local volunteers and the Lower Mole Countryside Project using funds from private donations and the Waitrose green chip scheme, plus grants from the Surrey County Council and Thames Water. Education about Nature really needs to move on now from simply trying to enthuse people about their local patch - Nature is in serious trouble. At least the SWT recognises this and actually states in the Spring magazine, ‘above all, do your bit to reduce your impact on climate change’. That is a very important message to get across to everyone. Do everything you possibly can - do your research, find out exactly what you can do, and then please get on and do it fast! I can only scratch the surface here - we who care must all play our part to the utmost. A world without green spaces and wildlife would be awful. It would, without doubt, make us all ill. Depression, mental illness and crime would increase - these things are obvious from studies of how much difference a few patches of vegetation can make to quality of life in institutions and on estates in deprived urban areas. Moves are afoot to try to introduce a new Environment Act that will actually protect wildlife. Targets need to be set for clean air, water quality, the creation of green space, and more Any new laws will need to ensure the creation of a nature recovery network that will join up habitats, allowing wildlife to move around freely. New property and infrastructure developments should take account of the paths and corridors needed by wildlife - this means including isolated nature reserves, parks, gardens, road verges, meadows, fields and waterways and other natural areas and links, such as railway embankments. A strong, independent nature watchdog is needed to hold politicians to account. It

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must have the power to take action where it believes government or public authorities are not complying with environmental law. The Trust reports that it is already working to ensure that local government only approves developments that provide new habitats and create a net gain for nature. On this last point I remain hopeful if slightly sceptical! Can development ever actually overall benefit wildlife? Well, at Priest Hill, it did. Let us hope this might be the blueprint for the future. In 2013 the development of a small housing estate funded the removal of 1,000 tons of tarmac and rubble from abandoned playing fields, revealing a layer of chalk that has since been restored to valuable grassland habitat. Developers also funded continued management of the site, which all led to a net gain for nature which more than offset the impact of the new houses. It has contributed to the SWT’s efforts to create a living landscape across the county, by establishing a ‘stepping stone’ for wildlife between nearby Howell Hill reserve and Epsom Downs. Highways England and SWT are currently exploring the possibility of green bridge connections across widened roads - this is an exciting idea, which I hope very much will bear fruit, since major roads are a huge barrier to safe wildlife movement, helping to fragment habitats which makes small populations of mammal species vulnerable to local extinction. Green roofs in towns and cities, creating wildlife corridors on farm land and improving habitats in existing public and green spaces are other, more modest and achievable ways to increase habitat connectivity, all of which SWT are working on.


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Shall we assist by lobbying our Council to be more wildlife friendly? Look at all these roadside verges - they could become wildflower strips, couldn’t they? Far more beautiful and useful than mown grass! And is there anybody prepared to create a green roof on a garage or extension? Shadbolt Park Pond and it’s associated little wilderness is part of Surrey Wildlife Trust’s nature recovery network. It was restored as one of the Trust’s Green Space projects for which lottery funding was granted. Local people helped with the restoration work and three of us remain as its guardians. It would be nice to have some more caretakers! Wildlife needs all the friends it can get. Come and visit on Wednesday or Saturday morning. Extra pairs of hands always welcome! Much of the information in this article has been taken from the Spring 2019 issue of Surrey Nature, the magazine of the Surrey Wildlife Trust. Anyone who would like to join the Trust, please write to the Membership Manager, SWT, School Lane, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0JN or telephone 01483 795440 or email info@surreywt.org.uk To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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Gardening Heavenly Herbs by Pippa Greenwood Plants in pots have become trendier in recent years; indeed put just about anything in a container and someone will want it in their garden. But life in a pot or other container suits some plants better than others, to say the least. I’m not exactly a dedicated follower of horticultural fashion, but I have to say that I’ve always liked to grow herbs in pots. For starters they look pretty, and there are lots of ornamental variegated forms that are readily available too. But perhaps more importantly, herbs in pots can be kept in any well-lit spot close to the house. There’s no need to worry if your garden soil is too wet and soggy for them and, best of all, no need to go traipsing to the far end of your garden on wet, windy evenings just because you fancy perking up the supper with some fresh, zingy herbs. In a planter they can be within stretching distance and you won’t even have to put your wellies on! If your life lacks a garden, then herbs in window boxes are perfect. Most do not grow very tall so won’t block the light coming into your house, many are aromatic (so perfect on a warm evening when you have the windows open) and of course harvesting is extra easy – just open the window! Making a herb planter is easy and inexpensive, and the results should be long-lasting too. You need a good-sized container – I love to use terracotta as these plants, many of which have Mediterranean origins, suit this material down to the ground. You will also need some good-quality compost, some horticultural grit and (of course) your favourite herbs. A local nursery or garden centre should provide you with a fantastic array of herbs perfect for your planter at this time of year. Some of my favourites include: variegated cream and green sage (why have just plain green?); ‘Tricolor’ sage, which also has splashes of purple on its leaves; golden lemon thyme (with a great lemony flavour); prostrate rosemary; chives; and golden oregano. But more important than taking note of my favourites, choose herbs you know you will actually enjoy eating, but opt for pretty varieties of these where available.


Good drainage is essential for a herb pot or else the plants won’t last long at all. Use broken crocks (such a smashed flower pots or kitchen crockery) laid loosely over the drainage hole(s) before you add the compost and gravel. Make sure you buy proper horticultural grit and mix about one-part grit in with three parts compost. Horticultural grit is a must because the alternatives – such as grit used by builders – often includes salts or other impurities that can damage plants. Positioning the plants properly within the container is really important too. The plants will get bigger than they are when you buy them, so allow them room to grow, but remember: if you choose your favourites, you’ll be constantly trimming them throughout the growing season, so planting a little closer than the plant label suggests should be fine! If you include a trailing or prostrate form of herb, it helps to position it close to the edge so it can cascade downwards. Unless you have a phenomenal memory, I suggest you hide the labels around the edges of the pot, just beneath the soil, for reference later on. Once all the plants are out of their pots and in position in the container, fill in all the gaps between the root balls and around the edges of the container with the

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compost and grit mixture, firming it in as you go. After you have completed the gap filling, you can top dress the compost with grit, which helps to keep drainage good around the crowns of the plants, makes the planter look better and helps to discourage weeds and many pests too. Next, water the pot well to settle the compost, top up the grit layer if necessary, then stand your pot in a sheltered spot close to the house door or even on your balcony or patio so it is easily accessible, whatever the weather. If you find you’re not eating the foliage fast enough, you can always freeze chopped herbs in ice cube trays with a little water for use later in the year when growth is slower. At www.pippagreenwood.com you’ll find some great gardening items: ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ for vegetable plants and advice, Nemaslug and other natural pest controls, stylish cloches, pretty plant supports, the fantastic SpeedHoe, gardening tools, Grower Frames, signed books and more! Or book Pippa for a gardening talk at your club.

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Recipe Chicken & Rice Burritos

Ready in: 30 minutes | Makes 4

Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 100g easy-cook long grain rice, boiled, drained and cooled (see tip) 2 tsp chilli powder 350g chicken breast fillet, thinly sliced Half a red pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced Half a green pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced 4 large flour tortillas 4 tbsp tomato salsa


Lime wedges, to serve


Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and fry the onion and garlic for 5 minutes until softened. Add the rice and chilli powder and stir-fry over a medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron griddle pan over a high heat. Add the chicken and cook for 3-4 minutes, turning once until the chicken is seared and cook through. Add the peppers to the pan after 2 minutes and cook till soft. Cut the cooked chicken into thin strips and stir into the rice mixture with the peppers. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Warm the tortillas as directed on the packaging. Place a tortilla on a chopping board and spread with 1 tbsp of the salsa. Top with a quarter of the chicken and rice mixture. Fold in the sides towards the centre then roll up tightly to completely enclose the filling. Repeat with the remaining ingredients to make four burritos in total. Serve the burritos halved, with lime wedges.

Use a 250g pouch microwave Mexican style rice instead of cooked long grain rice. Add to the pan with 2 tbsp water and stir-fry until piping hot. Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers


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Clubs To feature in this section email info@wplife.co.uk Mondays

Vibrant Ukulele Club meets 7.30 – 9.30pm 1st and 3rd Mondays at The Station pub, Stoneleigh and 2nd and 4th Mondays at Christ Church with St Philip, WP. Beginners and players all welcome. The club is aimed at adults learning to play the ukulele and singing a number of well-known songs in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Music is provided and also tuition for beginners. Sessions are FREE with a small donation towards music and refreshments. Contact Steve 07795 085600

New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 6.45pm Barry Collins 07740 257 255

Worcester Park Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Group first Monday of the month at 2pm and finishing by 4pm. If the first Monday falls on a Bank Holiday the meeting takes place on the second Monday. Old Malden Scout Hall, 411 Malden Road, KT4 7NY. All retired civil servants and friends are welcome to attend and if you are interested in listening to one of our speakers please contact John Wright on 020 8337 8965 or johnandglenisw@gmail.com

mailto:johnandglenisw@gmail.com Do you enjoy listening to show tunes, big band music, jazz, light classics etc? Come along to an evening of live music played by top artistes. We meet on the second Monday of each month at our Banstead venue Banstead Organ & Keyboard Club Church Institute Hall, High Street, Banstead SM7 2NN Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm start.(Visitors £7) Visitors & new members are always welcome to our concerts. 020 8330 5795, or visit www.bansteadorganclub.co.uk

Worcester Parkers Women’s Institute meet on the 3rd Monday of every month 7.45pm to 9.45pm at Christchurch with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. For more information contact Sue Hostler on 020 8337 3756 wi.worcesterparkers@gmail.com

*There is currently a waiting list. Cheam Common Art Group Small friendly Art Group who meet at Christ Church With St Philip Ruskin Road, Worcester Park 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Welcome new members just to draw and paint in any medium without tuition. If interested come down for an evening and meet us to see whether this is for you Brenda Banks 020 8330 0928 Worcester Park Over 60’s Welcome Club meet every Monday from 1pm to 3pm at Christ Church with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive. Worcester Park. All over 60’s welcome to join us for a cup of tea and a


biscuit or two, plus some outstanding entertainment in the way of singers and musicians. One Monday a month we have Bingo and every Monday we run a raffle. Days outings to the coast are organised throughout the summer months, and mid week holidays are organised two or three times a year. Come a little earlier and meet up with some friends and have a chat before the entertainment starts. We would love to see you. Contact Joyce on 020 8330 5065. The ladies After Eight Club 2nd Monday of every month from 8pm onwards at Christchurch with St Philips church hall. We have interesting speakers, outings and dinners and all are welcome for a small subscription to cover our costs. Just come along and join in. Carol on 020 8337 2452 St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Monday and Wednesdays 8pm New members welcome. St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Mem Sec: linda@dunnz,net


Elmcroft Tuesday Badminton Club Fancy a friendly game of badminton? Please come along to the Tuesday evening badminton club at The Colin Peel Hall, Elmcroft Community Centre, 570 London Road, North Cheam, Surrey SM3 9AB. Try for free, no need to pay for first visit. If you are interested please contact Kwok on 07773085139 or email elmcroftbdmntn@gmail.com.

Music Lovers Wanted! - for “In the Mix” Singing Group. at Wesley Hall, Christchurch with St. Philip Church, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. Every Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm. A weekly sing- along and social with pro singer/vocal coach Sheila Daniels and pianist. New songs every week, from the 1920s through to the 1970s, covering all genres. £6.50 on the door plus tea/ coffee and home-made cakes. No booking required. Sheila 07868 039 514 or visit www.thesugarband.co.uk/In_the_Mix

Vegan Group - monthly bring and share buffet,. every second Tuesday. 7.30pm until 9.30 in Room 1,Christchurch with St Philip, corner of Ruskin Drive, WP. For vegans and anyone interested in learning more about veganism. Conquest Art Group inspires people living with disability or long term health issue to discover their creative energy and build self-confidence through art. Our art group meets every Tuesday at St Mary’s Cuddington, The Avenue, Worcester Park, KT4 7HL from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Anyone over 18 is welcome, all art materials and refreshments are provided. If you would like to come along and give us a try, please contact Carole on 020 8786 8534.

The Worcester Park Dramatic Society is a local

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amateur drama group of long standing. We stage two major productions a year at the Adrian Mann Theatre in Ewell, in April and November. We meet every Tuesday and most Fridays at 8.15 pm in the Elmcroft Community Centre in North Cheam, on the Sainsbury’s site. Apart from play readings, rehearsals and set construction, we have quiz nights and various social events. We also arrange group outings to amateur and professional theatre productions. We welcome new members to help us stage future productions, anyone willing to act or work backstage. membership secretary, Trevor Payne on 07540 084430.

“Lunch Break” - a friendly lunch club for those retired, meeting on a Tuesday 12-2pm (term time only) at Worcester Park Baptist Church, The Avenue - free, but donations invited. Occasional speakers. Brian on 020 8224 6675 or Rowena 07837 941298

NHS Retirement Fellowship Are you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10am -12 at Royal British Legion, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 AL. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat.Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. Lorna on 020 8337 4121


Keep Fit Stay Fit every Wednesday 10.15-11.15am at Christ Church with St Philip, Ruskin Road. Come along

and give it a try ! Jo Hamilton on 020 8786 3444. The Probus Club of Ewell Coming up to retirement? Just retired? Looking to make new friends? Why not join the Probus Club of Ewell? Since it was founded over 40 years ago, the Probus Club of Ewell has been attracting businessmen from Worcester Park and its surrounding areas with a broad range of professional and business backgrounds. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month, usually at Banstead Golf Club for a Lunch followed by a Speaker. Anyone wishing to know more about us or wanting to make contact can do so through our website www. ewellprobus.co.uk or by email to secretary@ewellprobus.co.uk. Talking Of Trains In Surbiton Programme of talks which take place locally at the Surbiton Library Hall each Wednesday evening throughout the winter months. The first meeting is free; the fee for the complete year is just £50. www.talking of trains.co.uk

Free Badminton taster session Come and enjoy playing BADMINTON with us! Wednesdays 7:45pm to 9:15pm at Stoneleigh Methodist Church, Stoneleigh Crescent, KT19 0RT Interested? Please contact Will Ward: willjward@gmail, 020 8393 9779 or 07874 896211 or just turn up on the night. N.B. Spare racquets available - if requested beforehand.

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915



Tunes’n’Tea Come and enjoy an afternoon of live music, tea, coffee, cakes and conversation. Every month, a selection of Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Folk and Standards – great tunes, old and new for you to enjoy and join in with if you wish. There’s a live band and singers making a fun afternoon. Feel free to dance if the music moves you! The sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month. February 14th, March 14th, April 11th, May 9th, June 13th 1.30pm3.30pm St John’s Church Hall, Station Approach, Stoneleigh, KT19 0QZ (next to Stoneleigh Station, West Side) Entrance: £3.00 All Welcome! Thursdays 1.30pm and finishing at 3.30. Group Singing Lessons -“Discover the high level of well being, strength and confidence which can be achieved when you learn to sing without effort.” .Weekly small group classes. Each session focuses on gentle physical and vocal exercises, breathing technique and song practice with individual advice and feedback. Call 07868 039 514 or visit www. skylarkvocal.co.uk for more info. Sessions Mondays at 11.30am and Thursdays at 7.30pm at Christchurch with St. Philips, Worcester Park. Suitable for beginners and confident singers. Ewell Badminton Club Meet every Thursday 9.30 11.30 am in hall in Welbeck Close, Ewell, KT17 2 BJ ( near Honda Garage, Ewell Bypass ). We have use of 3 courts, and are a very friendly group of players. New players would be most welcome. Elizabeth on 0208 393 3355 or e-mail libbymuscutt@ yahoo.co.uk

St. John’s Hall is open between 2.00 and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If you are on your own please feel free to drop in for a free cup of tea and some company. 411 Malden Road (between Worcester Park station and The Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. Sutton Mariners Sailing Club A local offshore sailing club founded in 1988 that meets at 8pm every Thursday evening at the Borough Sports Ground, home of Sutton United FC, Gander Green Lane, SM1 2EY. We are a small and friendly club of about 60 members and have about a dozen boat owners amongst us providing crewing opportunities during the summer months as well as enjoying meetings listening to interesting speakers and social nights. If you would like to get afloat come along and meet us – we’re sure you will enjoy the experience. www.suttonmariners.org.uk


East Surrey Family History Society For those who are interested in finding out how to investigate their family history the Sutton Branch of the East Surrey Family History Society holds meetings on the first Thursday of the month at St Nicholas Church Hall, Robin Hood Lane. Most months we have a

professional speaker. March 2 Miss Anne Carter How life changed forever in 1914 April 6 Ian Waller: Village Crafts Finding out about the records of those who worked in rural industry. www.esfhs.org.uk Kingston Phoenix Road Club is a cycling club with members in Worcester Park, New Malden, Epsom and Ewell. The club was founded in 1936 and currently has a membership of 85. New members are welcome to join us at the car park in Horton Country Park on Saturdays at 10am for either a road ride or an off-road ride. Our rides are usually between 20 and 35 miles and always include a cake stop before returning by 1pm. kingstonphoenixrc@gmail.com or see our website at kprc.org.uk.

Malden Emergency First Aid Society (Mefas) Members meet each Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First Aid training. New members required. Everyone welcome. Hall available for hire. Christine 07966661015 Breathe Easy (Merton & Sutton) Group Wheezy? Breathless? you are not alone, come and join us at your local friendly support & information group for anyone affected by a lung condition. We meet between 2-4 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at St. Bedes Conference Centre, St. Anthony’s Hospital, London Road, North Cheam. SM3 9DW George on 0208 647 7530

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Technology tidy up

Spring cleaning might not be very visible on home technology, but it’s still important to do from time to time. If you get rid of things you don’t need from your PC you can make a noticeable difference to your computer’s performance. On a Mac you can do this automatically by choosing About This Mac > Storage, from the Apple menu or in Windows, by searching for Disk Cleanup. Remember too to make backups of anything important, and to do that before you delete anything! Think about your subscriptions and service charges too. Are you getting the best deal on your broadband or your mobile phone? Are you subscribing to services you now use infrequently? Many providers rely on us signing up and then forgetting all about them, and you can often save money by switching to a betterpriced rival or by ending the subscription.

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Thursday Fellowship Every Thursday at 2.30pm for men and women, finishing with a cup of tea and biscuits or cakes. A lively, friendly meeting at Worcester Park Baptist church in The Avenue. Well-known, familiar hymns and prayers, musical afternoons, and a variety of speakers on topical subjects, including help and advice. New members welcome. Church office 0208 330 1755 The Worcester Park Hello Club launched last November and is welcoming new members! We meet every Thursday morning from 10am – 12 noon. The club is aimed at anyone who would like to come and join in with board games, quizzes, cards, occasional craft sessions - or just to have a chat and a coffee. Adults of any age are welcome to come and get to know each other. The main aims of the club are: • To meet new people and build friendships • To become involved with the local community • To access activities, information and advice The club is very friendly and informal. Every month there will be a member of staff attending from the SCILL Information & Advice Service – they have information on most topics for all your needs and will be pleased to assist you. The drop in club was set up by Sutton Vision, Christ

Church with St Philip and SCILL , working together in partnership. We are fortunate to be provided with a welcoming and comfortable venue at the Christ Church with St Philip Community Hall. There are accessible toilets on site. There is a small charge for coffee and tea at the church café. SCILL 020 8770 4065 Sutton Vision 020 8409 7166 Christ Church with St Philip 020 8330 7630

New Malden Women’s Institute Shiraz Mirza Hall, Manor Park Hall, Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6AV. 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara 0208 546 1495 or twocavs@googlemail.com


Quest a meeting place for people with physical disabilities between the ages of 20 - 60. However, once a member there is no age cut off. The aim of the club is to provide a welcoming, caring atmosphere for the members and allow the carers to have a regular break. Annual subscription. and £2.50 for lunch. We have various social activities and every second month we have a speaker. Christchurch with St. Philip, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month from 12.45 to 4p.m June Day, Club Secretary, on 02083301220

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To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915



RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members of the RSPB. rspb.org.uk/ groups/epsom.

The Association of Surrey Bookbinders - we meet on Friday mornings in the Scout Hut in Dell Lane, Stoneleigh Roger@gmathews.co.uk 020 8330 2306

Bridge Club A friendly club for people who have just learned to play or are looking to improve their bidding and play in an informal atmosphere which promotes learning and development. We meet every Friday in the upstairs meeting room at the Worcester Park Library, Stone Place. from 2 - 4 pm. Just turn up or email Carla at carlaplatten@gmail.com for further information.


reasonable club standard especially ladies. Contact Pat Odonnell on 02083938895.


Auriol Bowling Club Auriol Park, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park. It is a mixed club of around 45 men and 25 women, who play outdoors from April to Sept with a busy fixture list of league and friendly matches against other clubs, as well as internal club competitions. Janet Kentish 020 8873 7006 www.auriolbowlingclub.com. Cuddington Bowling Club Sandringham Road, Worcester Park and we play on an excellent 6 rink green that has been acclaimed by many of the club’s visitors this year. We are a mixed club with about 60 members and play a range of friendly and league fixtures catering for all abilities. Secretary Mike Ridley 020 8715 8326 Treasurer Mark Broughton 020 8337 9699 Social Dancing with Glitters at Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell Village. 8.30 - 11 pm. Over 18s. Entrance fee £8. All standards of dancing. 5th April National Trust - Epsom, Ewell and District Supporters Group Formed in 1971, we run a varied

North Cheam badminton club meet every Sunday at the Elmcroft Community Hall North Cheam. We are a small mixed club looking for new members of

programme of social eventswhich includes Evening Lectures at Bourne Hall in Ewell, once a month from Oct. to June, Coach Outings which visit historichouses and gardens(not necessarily N.T.),Guided London Walks, and other trips to London e.g.The Magic Circle, The Royal Opera House (backstage tour).Other special events include Coffee Mornings, Holidays and Christmas Lunch. Newsletters are produced four times a year.If you would like more information please visit our website: www.epsom-ewell-district-nt.co.uk or telephone Paul on 020 87158486 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. New members will be made very welcome. Roll ups, league matches, internal and external competitions; we offer bowling for all levels of interest and ability. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies Secretary 020 8394 0877.

Kingston & District Branch Of The Embroiderers’ Guild Saturday, 13th April 2019, at Kingston Museum,

Stitch and chat/Cloth on Gold -working on their exhibition pieces: Stitch Sat.(adults),11.00am – 1.00pm, Young Embroiderers, (ages 5-17), 1.30pm - 3.30pm, Friday, 26th April 2019 - a talk by - Jo Mabbut - ‘Gilding the Lace’ – bringing new life to old lace 7.30pm, St Marks C of E Church Hall, Surbiton (nonmembers very welcome) Check website for contact &

details: www.kingstonanddistrictbranch.co.uk


Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

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about your business in your local magazines in 2019 from just £28 plus vat a month Be seen and heard by the your local market in the Village Voice and Worcester Park Life. With competitive pricing, friendly efficient service and helpful advice it’s simple and effective... But then the best ideas always are.

020 8336 2915 38or go online www.maldenmedia.com Call jenny on

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Battersea - Tel: 0207 622 4935 Brixton - Tel: 0207 095 8956 Brixton Hill/ Streatham - Tel: 0208 674 5764 Earlsfield - Tel: 0208 874 1490 Sutton - Tel: 0208 337 2626 Wandsworth - Tel: 0208 874 1781 Simple funerals from ÂŁ880.00 plus disbursements. International Repatriation. Funeral Plans by Golden Charter Family owned Funeral Directors in South West London

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Puzzle Time answers on page 44

not so easy

fairly easy



2 words 20:15 HOUSE CRANE

TARGET Excellent: 70 or more words Good: 62 words Fair: 57 words


4 words


Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.





PETROLEUM Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers


Codeword Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Quick Quiz Advertising 1. Which product was famously advertised with a poster featuring model Eva Herzigová and the caption “hello boys”?

6. Founded in 1953, which cinema advertising company became well known for it’s theme tune, called Asteroid?

2. First broadcast in 2007, which TV show was named after a slang term coined in the 1950s that advertisers working on Madison Avenue in New York City used to refer to themselves?

7. Marketed as a “genuine champagne perry”, what was the first alcoholic drink to be advertised on British TV and was also the first alcoholic drink aimed specifically at women?

3. What do the initials O.H.A.C. stand for when used in a lonely hearts advert?

8. What was the first song from a John Lewis Christmas advert to reach number one in the UK singles chart?

4. What number goes after the phrase “bet you can’t eat” to give an advertising slogan used by Shredded Wheat in the 1980s?

9. What was the appropriately named product that was the first product to be advertised on Channel Five?

5. After being used in an advertising campaign for the Renault Clio, what term entered the Oxford English Dictionary where it was defined as “the quality of being exciting or sexually attractive”?

10. In the 1970s, which group was built around singer Victor Willis, with an advert released to find other members reading “Macho types wanted: must have moustache”?

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915 ANSWERS



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To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Kids Play


Carer and Toddler group for all families with twins and multiples. Come and meet other local families who understand all about having more than one of everything! We meet every Thursday at Worcester Park Baptist Church from 9.30- 11.30 am with toys, craft, songs, refreshments and stories during term time. Come along and join in - other pre-school siblings also welcome. There will be a minimal cost of £2 per family.

There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers


Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- a lively toddler group, where carers of any kind are welcome to attend and supervise their youngsters. Our age range is from young babies to 3-4 years. Sarah on 020 8393 7299 or email via the church’s website Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler www.wpbc.org.uk Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group is a very welcoming and relaxed place to meet new friends for yourself and your toddlers. We are Men behaving Dadly, Grace Church - every 3rd open to all Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers. We Saturday of the month, 9.30 to 11 am, at Green Lane meet in the Church Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays' Pand Dads U T YPrimary O U RSchool. G A RFor DE N and M Atheir I Npre-school T E N A Nchildren CE IN TH Fridays from 9.30 until 11.15am during term time getEtoOplay Dads H A N D(0-4). S OThe F Skids OM N Ewith Wthe H toys, O Rthe EA L Lget Y aC A R E S bacon roll and coffee, and Mums might possibly get a lie-in... £3 on the door. Toddling2Church, Christ Church with St Philip - Tree surgery - One off Tidy For more information & contact details, 2-3pm. Parents, carers and pre-school children are www.gracechurchworcesterpark.org Stump Grinding - Garden Maintenance all welcome to join us for songs with percussion Old Malden Library (Church-Road, Worcester Park) Strimming and Weeding and Lawns instruments, a Bible story simply and sensitively told, - Decking Tuesdays, 10.30-11am, Rhyme time aimed at age 0-3 Garden clearance a story-related craft activity and, of course, drinks and - Hedge Trimming Tuesdays, 2.30-3pm, Story time aimed at age 3+ biscuits. - Path and Patio Washing - Landscaping





Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- see Monday. we have vacancies on a Wednesday

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Estate Agents and Valuers

Sales@JacksonNoon.com Lettings@JacksonNoon.com



Selling a property in todays market is not as easy as it might be and therefore presentation is, as in fact it always is, key to attracting offers. There have been numerous TV programmes and articles on the subject urging would be sellers to declutter, present in neutral tones, fix the little jobs and ensure the property is spotlessly clean. So far so good, but nobody is immune from the little unexpected surprise that can threaten to ruin a viewing.

The ban on tenant fees, as well as a cap on tenancy deposits will be effective on 1st June 2019. This has led to several different offerings, one of which is deposit free renting. The government is currently in discussion as to whether to make it mandatory that these are offered. Finding a deposit can be difficult, especially when you chose to move. The deposit from the first property won’t be returned until the property has been checked for damage, meanwhile a tenant needs to find a second deposit for their new property. It therefore eases the financial burden to not have to find a second deposit, however it is not without it’s downside.

This month’s high winds have resulted in us turning up at a property to find a normally immaculate drive littered with household waste from a wheelie bin unable to stand its ground. A quick litter picking session was completed just before the viewers made The deposit free schemes are insurance their arrival, thankfully a few minutes late. backed and either the tenant or the landlord Recently we also had to park strategically to will have to pay a premium, normally respectfully mask an unfortunate fox who equivalent to a weeks rent. This is not had lost a battle with a vehicle and crept into refundable. At the end of the tenancy any a car park, having to reposition twice in claims made on the deposit will be paid by order to cover the full length of its tail. You the insurance scheme but they will seek to probably wouldn’t find that manoeuvre in recover them from the tenant, possibly with any training manual. the addition of administration charges. Once inside the property best laid plans can always be threatened by the pets, children or other uninvited guests. One of the more amusing discoveries is the teenager who has hit the snooze button once too many times and failed to vacate as instructed. Whilst obviously we try not to disturb their slumber we have always been impressed by their ability to sleep through anything, even when a number of people burst into their room and the curtains are thrown aside to give a potential buyer a better view of a room we expected to find empty!

Under the current system a tenant, who leaves their rental in good condition, will have their full deposit returned. Further there is a robust, free, dispute resolution process in place to assist both parties and it’s unclear how that will change when they become, in effect, insurance claims. We adopted the tenant fee ban early. At the moment we are not offering a no deposit scheme. We feel that, for the majority of our tenants, who do receive their full deposit back at the end of a tenancy, the charge of an extra weeks rent as a premium is a costly and avoidable expense.

www.JacksonNoon.com To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915





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It is with great sadness that we have to announce our intention to close our New Malden store after 106 years of trading. Despite the tremendous effort by our New Malden management and staff and the extensive refurbishment, the store has unfortunately not seen the necessary improvement in sales. With ongoing rising costs, and the tough retail climate, it is with the greatest of reluctance we have concluded that we are unable to continue trading at the store. Neither our Dorking store nor our sister store, Elphicks of Farnham, which has recently undergone a major refurbishment, are affected by this decision and will continue to trade as normal.

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We would like to thank all those employees past and present, who made the business what it was. We would also like to extend our warm appreciation to our many customers who have supported us so loyally. To the present group of staff we extend our heart felt gratitude. John Morris Group Managing Director To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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