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Maleny Service Centre

16 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54943444 http://www.malenyservicecentre.com.au

One Stop Mechanical Services Shop

Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises

Illegally Parked vehicle …… No problems

Whether it is on the street or in car parking lots, illegally parked cars can cause major problems.

A french company has built a robot designed for one purpose: towing in extremely space-restricted areas. For example, an underground parking lot or a narrow street.

This machine makes shifting vehicles out of extremely cramped areas a breeze.

Need a Roadworthy Certificate?

Maleny Service Centre have a Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises and we know only too well what it takes to make your vehicle safe and roadworthy.

All vehicles (including trucks, motorbikes and trailers) must have a Safety or Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) if being sold, registered for the first time or being re-registered in Queensland. Registered Vehicles cannot be solid without a RWC.

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We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle.

People have always observed the sky and have sometimes seen what, to some, appeared to be unusual sights including phenomena as varied as comets, bright meteors. Since 1947 the U.S. Air Force under “Project Sign” investigated more than 250 cases of UFO’s. From 1947 to 1951 this project was replaced by “Project Grudge”. So, do UFO’s exist and why are humans so interested in them?

Have you spotted something unusual or unexplained in the sky recently? Well, one woman at Beerburrum was looking out her bedroom window about 2a.m. recently when she saw what she thought was an extremely bright star. As she watched it she saw a cylindrical shaped object hovering above a street light close to her home. As it did so the street light was extinguished and the cylinder was surrounded by a “most beautiful” pink glow.

At the present time there is a United States of America Congress is holding a public inquiry into UFO’s. At this inquiry three retired military veterans have testified into unidentified aerial phenomena, the term the US government uses instead of

A Gladstone local man, Anthony Goodall explores stories of unusual sightings in his podcast “Encounters Down Under “ after a 2015 sighting of an unexplained object while he was working at Blackwater Mine in Central Queensland

He has interviewed more than 50 people around the country about their first hand encounters with aliens and UFOs.

As she continued watching she saw that the cylinder was about 1.5 metres in height and 80cm wide. It then appeared to tilt on its side about 45 degrees, the top of the cylinder opened with the ‘roof’ scraping on the ground. She later saw a second similar cylinder close by the first cylinder, it was much larger and had multiple shaped sides. After a couple of minutes the smaller cylinder shot straight up into the air. Both objects then ‘shot off” and the street light turned back on. What were these strange objects?

Unidentified Flying Objects have captivated human curiosity for decades. These mysterious occurrences continue to be a subject of interest and debate among scientists, researchers, and the general public. While some UFO’s sightings can be attributed to natural phenomena, cations, or hoaxes, there remain a significant number of credible reports that defy conventional explanation. The possibility of such phenomena and the secrecy surrounding them have given rise to various theories and speculations,

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We trust that our partner organisations know how to best improve global access to proper sanitation – that means our donation could go to building toilets. To put it into perspective, a child under five dies every two minutes from diarrhoea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. Profits from the sale of this toilet paper is used to building toilets, but could also mean it supports larger clean water projects. This is a win - win situation!

including the idea that governments try to hide the evidence of UFO encounters.

One of the primary reasons why governments may try to conceal information about UFO’s is the fear of public panic and mass hysteria as people have often responded with fear and anxiety to the unknown. By keeping such information classified, authorities may believe they are protecting the public from unnecessary fear and chaos.

Another reason for government secrecy may be the concern over national security. If UAP sightings are genuinely of extraterrestrial origin or advanced technologies not belonging to any known country, it could raise questions about the government's ability to protect its airspace. The existence of unidentified and unidentifiable objects penetrating restricted airspace poses a potential threat, and admitting to the lack of control over such occurrences could be viewed as a sign of weakness. Hence, governments may prefer to keep these matters under wraps to avoid public doubts about their defence capabilities.

Recent hearing of the United States Congress

In scenes that felt reminiscent of a sciencefiction movie, the US Congress held a public hearing on claims the government is covering up its knowledge of UFOs

NASA denies holding information about UFO’s. .

It is also speculated that certain UFO sightings could be the result of experimental military aircraft or other classified projects which if disclosed could jeopardise ongoing research, reveal sensitive military strategies, or even divulge the existence of covert operations. So, to maintain the edge of military superiority, governments may opt to conceal any information related to advanced technologies. If not tightly controlled, information about UFO’s could become valuable intelligence for foreign powers seeking to learn about a nation's defence capabilities or technological advancements. Not all governments actively hide UFO evidence showing more openness by releasing previously classified information to the public. However, nonetheless, the secrecy surrounding UFO’s persists in certain areas due to the complex interplay of various factors with those nations trying to strike a balance between transparency and national interests.

There have been a number of reported “alleged cases of UFO’s over the decades. The major ones being:

1. The Roswell Incident (1947): This is perhaps the most famous UAP case in history. In Roswell, New Mexico, there was an alleged crash of an unidentified object that the U.S. military initially reported as a "flying disc."

2. The Nimitz Encounter (2004): During a training exercise, the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered multiple UAP off the coast of Southern California. The objects were observed on radar and visually by Navy pilots.

3. The Belgian UFO Wave (1989-1990): Belgium experienced a series of UAP sightings over several months, which were witnessed by thousands of people, including police officers and military personnel.

4. The Phoenix Lights (1997): A massive Vshaped formation of lights appeared over investigations into the nature and origin of UFO’s. The credibility of witnesses, the availability of radar data, and the absence of conventional explanations have added complexity to the efforts to understand these phenomena.

The full extent of the KGB's UAP archive remains largely unknown.

In 2008, the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) released a collection of UFO-related documents to the National Archives. This release included declassified files on reported several speculative possibilities regarding where UFOs may have come from, ranging from natural phenomena to more exotic explanations. It's important to note that, as of my last knowledge update in

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September 2021, there is no concrete evidence supporting any of these possibilities, and the nature of UFOs remains largely unidentified.

Some UFO sightings could be attributed to natural or man-made terrestrial phenomena that appear unusual or unidentified at first glance. Examples include rare atmospheric optical phenomena, like ball lightning or mirages, experimental military aircraft, advanced drones, or even unconventional aircraft from undisclosed military projects. In such cases, the objects might be real and tangible but not necessarily of extraterrestrial origin.

Misidentifications are common in UFO sightings. Ordinary objects like airplanes, weather balloons, satellites, or even astronomical events such as meteors or planets can be mistaken for something mysterious when viewed under certain conditions or from specific angles. Human perception and cognitive biases play a significant role in how we interpret and remember sightings, leading to reports of unidentified objects that are later identified as mundane phenomena.

In some cases, UFO sightings might be influenced by psychological and perceptual factors, such as hallucinations, sleep paralysis, or optical illusions. These subjective experiences can be compelling to witnesses but are not indicative of actual physical objects in the sky. Some people believe that certain UFO sightings could be the result of advanced military technologies developed by countries and kept highly classified. These technologies might be far more advanced than what the general public is aware of, leading to strange and unfamiliar appearances. Governments' reluctance to disclose such classified projects could add to the aura of mystery surrounding these sightings.

There is footage and records of objects in the skies. We don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pa>ern.

— Barack Obama US President (D)

A more speculative possibility is that UFOs originate from other dimensions or involve time travellers from the future. Some theories propose that advanced civilisations could manipulate space-time to travel across different dimensions or periods in history, which might explain their seemingly otherworldly appearances.

Perhaps the most popular and enduring hypothesis is that UFOs are evidence of visitations by extraterrestrial civilisations. Proponents of this idea argue that Earth may be of interest to technologically advanced beings from other star systems, leading them to explore or study our planet.

There are several speculative possibilities regarding where UFOs may have come from, ranging from natural phenomena to more exotic explanations. It's important to note that there is no concrete evidence supporting any of these possibilities, and the nature of UFOs remains largely unidentified.

The search for habitable exoplanets revolves around a few key factors, including a star's characteristics, the exoplanet's distance from its star (habitable zone), and the presence of essential elements for life.

Stars must have a habitable zone, also called the "Goldilocks zone," This refers to the region around a star where conditions might be just right for liquid water to exist on the surface of an orbiting exoplanet. Liquid water is Continued next Page considered a fundamental requirement for life as we know it. Planets too close to their star would experience scorching temperatures, causing water to evaporate, while planets too far away would have frozen surfaces. The type and characteristics of the star also play a crucial role. Stars that are similar to our sun are more likely to have stable, longlasting lifetimes and could potentially support habitable planets. Stars that are much larger and brighter and have shorter lifespans and can be more volatile, making it challenging for planets to maintain stable conditions for extended periods. The presence of an atmosphere is essential for regulating temperature and protecting against harmful cosmic radiation. A planet's atmosphere also influences its ability to retain water and support life. Furthermore, the presence of essential elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and others is necessary for the formation of complex organic molecules, which are the building blocks of life.

Several exoplanets have been identified as potentially habitable candidates based on these criteria. For example:

The exoplanet Proxima Centauri b orbits Proxima Centauri, the closest known star to our solar system. It is located within the habitable zone of its star and has been a prominent target for further study.

TRAPPIST-1 is an ultra-cool dwarf star with seven Earth-sized exoplanets in its habitable zone. Several of these planets have been identified as potential candidates for supporting liquid water on their surfaces.

Kepler-452b which is often referred to as "Earth's cousin," Kepler-452b is an exoplanet orbiting a star similar to our sun. It is located in the habitable zone and has been likened to an older, more massive version of Earth.

It's important to note that while these exoplanets show promise, our understanding of their atmospheres, surface conditions, and potential for supporting life is still limited due to current observational capabilities. Ongoing technological advancements and future space missions, such as the James Webb Space Telescope will provide more detailed information about exoplanets and their potential habitability, bringing us closer to answering the question of whether populations could exist beyond our own planet.

It's crucial to approach the UFO phenomenon with skepticism and scientific inquiry, acknowledging that many sightings can be attributed to natural or man-made explanations. While some cases remain unexplained, they do not necessarily imply extraterrestrial visitation. Until there is substantial and verifiable evidence, the true origins of UFOs will remain a captivating mystery, open to interpretation and speculation.

As scientific advancements continue, future discoveries may shed more light on these elusive phenomena.

There are 100 billion stars in our own galaxy and there are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe with a similar number of stars. It would be very unusual if we're the only one where the conditions were right for life to thrive.

Whether U.F.O’s have visited earth is a subjective matter and there will be differing opinions. Shrouding UFO research in secrecy has spawned conspiracies.

The question is mentally connected to one of the most fundamental questions of humanity as we try to understand our cosmic origins. Where do we come from? Are we alone in the universe?. But that did not mean we are alone in the universe.

Because of this those questions will forever be universally considered.

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