DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA PAU 30-GENER 2016 La solidaritat és el tema que ens ha ocupat aquesta primera part del nostre projecte e-Twinning Let’s talk about feelings. Un dels objectius clau dins d’aquesta primera tasca era prendre consciència de la importància d’entendre una situació límit i complicada com és la dels refugiats. Moltes vegades veiem aquests fragments de vida des de la televisió, de forma molt freda i aliena. Amb aquesta activitat s’ha volgut empatitzar amb aquells que es veuen avesats d’alguna forma a aquestes situacions viscudes i, el que és pitjor, imposades per la necessitat, la guerra, la por o la mort. Un dels recursos més eficaços per aconseguir copsar aquest valor és la imatge, així que vam utilitzar l’exposició de fotografies que ens facilitava la Fundació la Caixa anomenada The most important thing, amb la sèrie, Retrats d’una fugida
Un cop vam veure, analitzar i comentar la sèrie de fotografies i les històries que hi bategaven com a rerefons, va arribar el torn dels alumnes. Havien d’imaginar-se una situació en la que havien de fugir de la seva ciutat, deixar casa seva i caminar fins a un futur del tot incert. Quin objecte portarien amb ells?, Com se sentirien? Aquí podreu llegir alguns dels textos dels nostres alumnes.
“There’s no path for the Peace, the peace is the way”. M.Ghandi
Alba Aguilera Bort
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING If I had to choose just one thing to bring with me in an emergency situation, it would be hard for me to decide what. There are a lot of things that are important to me and I would not want to leave behind, it would be difficult to choose just one. There are two things that would be especially difficult for me to leave behind: my clarinet and my cat. Even though I thinK I would get my cat first because he is ten years old, he is quite old and he has been nearly all my life with me. Moreover, bringing him, I would have with me a big part of my past and my family and that would help me not to feel alone.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I will take my cat, Nina because it is one more member of the family. I love being with it because it’s so quiet, like me, and the sound that it do when I caress it makes me feel safe and comfortable.
Mònica Llordella
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING The most important thing for me is a stuffed dog that my grandfather gave it to me when I was born and has much sentimental value.
Naia Almirall
I would take my dog with me, I couldn´t leave home without it and unknowing what would happen to it. My dog is always by my side and I prefer take care of it and do everything to get ahead together.
Emma Pérez
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING Ja que estem treballant la solidaritat a classe, hem empatitzat amb Síria i ens hem preguntat què ens emportaríem si ens diguessin que hem de marxar de casa. La meva resposta es el meu clarinet. Una de les raons per les que crec que m’emportaria el clarinet es perquè crec que si ens fessin fora de casa i ens quedéssim sense gaires diners i sense res, estaria bé posar-se a tocar al carrer i guanyar així uns diners per sobreviure. Aquesta raó és més de necessitat que no pas de sentiment, però també he de dir que el clarinet és el meu instrument i m’agradaria emportar-me’l. I l’altre raó que m’ha ajudat a decidir-me per aquest objecte és que, coneixent la meva família, imagino que el meu germà s’emportaria el gos, i entre el meu pare i la meva mare, agafarien uns quants diners, una mica de menjar i algunes fotos. Aquestes són algunes de les raons que tinc, però realment crec que si vinguessin a dir-me això marxaria corrents, em quedaria en shock i no podria pensar, o entraria a casa i agafaria les coses mes tontes. MAR GIMÉNEZ
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: The most important thing I have after my dog, is my clarinet. If one day someone told me that I had to leave my house I would take my clarinet with me. Mar GimĂŠnez
The most important thing The most important thing that I have, and what I would save if I have to run away is my dog, because he always is always by my side and he is my best friend. Ă€lex MartĂnez
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING The object that I would take taking in a risk situation would be my glasses because they are necessary for me to see well. If I don't took the glasses, my view could worsen so for me is important to look well around me.
The most important thing If I had to take only one object, I would take a teddy bear, because I lived my infancy with it. Besides, when I was sad or the time to go to sleep arrived, I always had it in my hand. Dani Pe単a
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING Si por ejemplo hubiese un atentado terrorista en Esparraguera y solo me pudiera llevar una cosa de mi casa, me llevaría a mis perros; Yaqui y Nuca. Ellos para a mí son lo segundo que más quiero en este mundo, lo primero sería mi familia. Sin ellos estaría triste porque siempre me hacen compañía y me divierto mucho jugando.
Si hagués de marxar de casa en aquests moments per qualsevol causa i pogués agafar un objecte important i significatiu per a mi, aquest seria el meu patinet. Gràcies a aquest he recorregut un llarg trajecte en la meva vida, des de que vaig començar a practicar aquest esport fins al moment d’estar patrocinat per una marca i una tenda especialitzada en aquest tema.
If I had to leave from my house and I could take only one of my things, I would bring with me my scooter. This is my favorite object and it is a kind of life for me. I have been practicing it since I was a child, when I was 9 years old, more or less. MANEL LÓPEZ
The objects that I would bring with me if I have to take something, it would be my mobile phone to know about my family and friends, to inform them and to ask for help; and my wallet because I have my documentation, money and photographs of my family.
Laia Mengot
Paula Ilundain MaĂąeru
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. Hello! My name is Paula, I am fifteen years old. I am from in Syria. We are having many bad times. I must go to a refugee camp, and I have decided to take my dog Laika with me because she is also part of the family. She always makes us company and I’m not be able to leave her alone.