malika wadel p o r t f o l i o
G r a d u a t e A r c h i t e c t u r e S t u d e n t 238 Tompkins Avenue, Apt. 2C Brooklyn, New York 11216 hhps:// +1 347 990 8217
A final year Graduate student pursuing Masters in Architecture. Allowing myself to appease in simpler things in life, I believe in freedom of expression and architecture for all. I am coerced by sustainable designs that are economic and effeccve. I like to pursue minimalissc architecture that moves with neat and fluid lines. My goal is to become a skillful architect while also being versaale through future design opportuniies. .
Education Praa Insstute, Brookln, New York
Masters in Archtecture (August 2018 - May 2021)
Dr. D. Y. Paal College of Architecture, Mumbai, India.
Bachelors in Architecture (September 2012 - April 2017)
E x p e r i en c e Ingrain Architects
Mumbai, India : August 2017-July2018 • • • • • •
Sanjay Puri Architects
Mumbai, India : December 2015 - April 2016 • • • • •
Saash Ahuja Architects
Drawing technical details Making 3d models for desings Site visits for residentail projects Preparing BOQs Preparing excel sheets for materials required on site
Navi Mumbai, India : April 2015 - September 2015 • • • • •
UERO (Urban Environmental Research Organisaaon)
Working with the lead design team Making oppons for plans and elevaaons for mix-used residennal Making oppons for commercial projects in Mumbai, Pune and Delhi. AAending meeengs with the senior architects Making presentaaons for the meeengs Working on technical drawings
Preparing technical drawings Site visits for residentail projects Preparing BOQs Preparing excel sheets for materials required on site Working on presentaaon drawings
Navi Mumbai, India : April 2013 - September 2013 • Research work • Sketches and Model making • Documentaaon and Presentaaon work for a compeeeon entry in Istanbul
Skills Languages Programs
• English, Hindi, Gujaraa. • • • • • • •
Microsoo Office :10+ years AutoCad : 9 years Photoshop : 8 years Sketch Up : 5 years Rhino : 3 years Rhino Vray Rendering : 2 years InDesign : 2 years
• Lumion : 5 years • Grasshopper : 2 years • Illustrator : 3 years
Activities & Accomplishments • • •
Bamboo Construccon Workshop
Compeeeon entry: Funiture Design
2013, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
2013 Mumbai, India
Graduate Assistant
Fall 2019 , Spring 2020, Praa Insstute, Brooklyn, New York
Graduate Assistant
Fall 2021, 3D Prinnng center, Praa.
Compeeeon entry: Pilgrimage Complex Design
2014 Bhopal, India
Council member, Sponsorship Head
2015 - 2017 Dr.D.Y.Paal College of Architecture, Navi Mumbai, India
3D Prinnng lab monitor:
2020 Praa Insstute. Brooklyn, New York
waste to energy - spring 2020 residential high-rise - fall 2019 object threshhold - fall 2018 permanent impermanence - fall 2020 pavillion - fall 2018
selected works
waste to energy spring 2020 professor : studio partners :
kutan ayata irmak sener niyousha zaribaf
This studio proposes locating a waste-to -energy, recycling, ferry terminal,and event /recreation space in the 4 boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Bronx. Focusing on what a new aesthetic of new industrial building would be, the potentiality of curves as an idea, the “softness” of curvature and “hardness” of the machinery and how these two terms can interact with others is explored. In this process “Serpentine Pavilion” and “Transformer Tower” were looked at as precedents. A moment in which all layers of the process of recycling merge together,and finally, the crane ejects out of the facade to express itself is created. to represent the idea and to reveal the machinery, translucent materials like ETFE or PTFE has been used.
the process and the options
section | ground floor plan
Lorem t renders Ipsum
chunk model
residential high rise fall 2019 professor : stephanie bayard individul work urban qualities and materials The design studio focused on contemporary aspects of architectural urban -ity. introduction to the interrelationships between urban form & its material qualities Designing from the outside in, issues such as mixed land use, composite building use, transportation, and environment is coordinated through specificities of the building enclosure & site. Technology, structural & material requirements are coordinated and are considered in the design of the project enhancing understanding of integration & comprehensive design,
traffic pattern study | 22nd floor plan | 7th floor plan
section | process models
object threshold fall 2018 professor : individul work mediums and methods
hart marlow
introduces contemporary mediums, methods and theories of how digital tools impact basic concepts of architectural representation and experience. this course emphasizes the integrated use of drawing & modelling as a representational aspect of architectural communication. After study -ing different doors around brooklyn, we came up with ab abstract composition which is then succesfully modified with the use of joints and continuity.
hybrid drawing
hybrid threshold montage | hybrid threshold model
permanent impermanence fall 2020 professor : william macdonalds redefining the meaning of “home� This is an advanced architectural design studio emphasizing design-based Directed Research (DR). Students produce design work that engages a multitude of media, is of a distinctive quality, embodies a high degree of disciplinary precision and emphasizes the specific media & methods of the studio’s DR focus. To provide easy affordability for individual privacy as per convenience, Giving you freedom of not being tied up to one place, makeing Privay affordable and not a commodity are the aims of this project. -methodology of shape-shifting, detachability of each unit or a room itself like tentacles, Using recyclable materials, A room can be dissolved and regrown.\ For those which inevitably have to move, or nomads who love to move, poor or students, giving a choice of having the size of the room as per their preference, expanding it, shrinking it, merging work & home, nature(the material) and play (to experiment and grow)
the process - grid spreading
pavillion fall 2018 professor : individul work design studio I
dylan baker-rice
this studio is the introduction to the fundamental representation skills and conceptual thinking required for graduate architectural design with a focus on investigations into media and design methodology. main focus was to learn to design and create formal, spatial & material relations. Through design projects & discussions with the studio critic, we developed an understanding of fundamental design principles, representational techniques and analytical skills.
the process models
diagramatic analysis
floor plan | section
thank you