Dossier Shut Up & Listen

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Dossier Isabel Maldonado Fajardo

Masters of design and innovation

communication lab


In honor to the best listener on earth,

my mom!


Summary Theoretical framework Relevance Methodology Sustainability: Social Social Innovation Depression and Psychotherapy Depression related to Cancer Project Proposal General Description Brand Essence Brand Belief People Persona Design Playground Role of the Brand Brand Personality Naming Verbal Identity Visual Identity: Moodboard 1 Moodboard 2 Sketchs Logo Color Palette Typography How is going to spread the mesage

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Why pins are the main product? Line of products: graphic messages Pins Tote - Bags Posters T- shirts Where the products are going to be sold? Social Cause: Listeners Program Fasec Foundation Connection Levels Channels Instagram Website What’s next?

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Summary "Shut Up and Listen" is here to make a statement and raise awareness about the importance of being listened in regards to mental health, through merchandising products with messages that help to make conscience and call to action to start listening more or not being afraid of being listened. The ďŹ rst line of products called “Beta 1.0â€? has lapel pins, tote bags, posters and t-shirts, with the possibility to have more items depending on the needs of the consumers. The main products are pins because they are a way of making a statement without saying any word. They are a seamless way of being listened and a way to put an idea on the table and start talking about it. Besides, if you see one you can feel related with the quote, or if you see one, you will probably remember someone you know. The t-shirts and tote-bags are going to be part of the line of products too with the same intention of putting out a "walking message" because people can wear and use them anywhere and others can see them.

The value of the purchases of the products are going to be donated to FASEC Foundation in Cuenca Ecuador to a "Listeners Program" that consist in psychological therapies for cancer patients and their families because it is demonstrated that a lot of patients with cancer start suffering depression or start to feel more depressed in relation to the treatments, and the external and internal changes that they are going through within the illness. So, the therapies and the listeners (psychologists) can help them to feel and understand better the process. It is also important for the patient's families being listened because they can help them during the illness and they can understand better the situation. Another phase of the project is to create a podcast named "Shut Up and Listen", and it is going to invite people to send audios telling their story and what they want to be listened about; with this, the idea is to share stories and to have the chance to connect and interact with them through comments, replays, messages, etc.


During the master, I acquired many tools that helped me to understand communication and visual communication from a whole new perspective. The new skills and methodologies that I’m applying for the development of this project are related with speciďŹ c topics of the program such as, the design thinking process, relevance methodology, communication strategies, social innovation and sustainability from the social perspective.

Theoretical framework

Gathering all the information I wanted to create a brand, but I asked myself a brand of what?, so I started analyzing topics that could be addressed through communication and visual design. The chosen topic to be developed was mental health directly related to depression and therapy; it also considered mental health for cancer patients suffering from depression, or those who are more depressed after having the illness. The reason for this choice of the topic started from a personal experience, within my family. Having in mind the main topic, I wanted also to address the project to a social cause through products that can connect a speciďŹ c message with people.


Relevance methodology

I used this methodology because it explains that the message of the brand must be relevant to its audience, taking into account the metaphor that if we enter a room we have to have a conversation topic that allows us not only to enter to the room but to stay in conversation and even get answers to generate loyalty. Within this methodology, it is important to deďŹ ne the personality and the role of the brand, to be clear about how to connect and built a relationship with the audience. Additionally, it is important to deďŹ ne who we are talking to, that is, to be clear about the core target of the brand, this to clearly deďŹ ne the message of the project.


Sustainability: Social Social Previously, whenever I heard the word sustainability, I related it only to the environment, however, in the master I understood that it is not only related to this but has three main pillars that are explained in the graphic. I think it’s important to see the whole perspective when we talk of sustainability, but in the case of the project I wanted to give priority to the social part because related with mental health, I think it’s so many things that can be done, and it’s an opportunity to develop a project.








It is important to bear in mind when building a brand, that at present, many of them are focused on social development, incorporating social and community characteristics into their values.

Social Innovation

In addition, audiences are interested in brands that not only "sell" but also have content that contributes to the social and environmental part. That is why the brand of the project is focused on creating a connection with the social sphere; taking into account that the role of design within social innovation is to make a statement and create visibility of a problem. In this case, the “problem� is mental health as I mentioned before. The social entrepreneurship approach is about creating a business that can make an impact, and in this case, is supporting a social cause that I’m going to explain later.


Depression and Psychotherapy “Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 300 million people affected. Although there are known, effective treatments for depression, fewer than half of those affected in the world (in many countries, fewer than 10%) receive such treatments” “In countries of all income levels, people who are depressed are often not correctly diagnosed, and others who do not have the disorder are too often misdiagnosed and prescribed antidepressants” Source: World Health Organization In relation with depression, there are a lot of options for treatment and recovery and is important to know that the effectiveness will be specific to a number of factors including the mental health disorder, its severity, previous treatment, and the individual. Despite psychotherapy is one of the options it doesn’t work on its own, but it can play an important role used with other treatments including medications.

Depression affects over

300 million people worldwide, regardles culture, age, gender, religion, rase or economic status. Depression affects over

18 million adults (one in ten) in any given year

Is the leading cause of disability for ages




Depression related to Cancer According to studies carried out in Spain, approximately 50% of cancer patients present some psychiatric disorder during the illness; Adaptive and depressive disorders are frequently present. Many of these disorders do not receive treatment because there is a deďŹ cit in their diagnosis since they are mistakenly considered as "normal" reactions to the disease and the different oncological treatments (MatĂŠ, Jorge, Hollenstein, & Gil, 2004) Depression affects approximately 15% to 25% of cancer patients. Depression is believed to affect men and women with cancer equally, and gender-related differences in prevalence and severity have not been adequately evaluated. Individuals and families who face a diagnosis of cancer will experience varying levels of stress and emotional upset. Depression in patients with cancer not only affects the patients themselves but also has a major negative impact on their families.

The intervention of the professional specialized in Psycho-oncology, allows to clarify, mediate, alleviate the pain in patients and relatives; Its main purposes are to appease psychic symptoms to achieve the humanization of the treatments and to consider the most effective therapeutic strategies for the psychological alterations associated with the neoplastic disease; psychological support is essential to face and develop the process of adaptation to the new conditions that arise from the different stages of the disease. Depression affects approximately

15% 25% of cancer patients t0


Project Proposal


General description Build, design and communicate a brand which supports a social cause through merchandise products that make a statement about mental health and depression. The Social Cause is for a Cancer Association to add psychotherapy for cancer patients and their families

Brand construction The brand was developed with the relevance methodology, and it’s going to be explained within its framework and some other tools acquired during the master.

Source: Relevance Methodology Workshop


Brand Essence To define the essence it’s necessary to answer some questions. Why does the brand exists? - The brand exist to support the statement of the importance of being listened. What do we do better than the others? - Shifting the common message of mental health campaigns that tell us to “Talk” to a new message that says “listen first”. Also, putting the message in products and use them as the main channel to make a statement.

Essence The brand is here to support and to make a statement about the importance of being listened. In relation to mental health issues such as depression.

Why do we not work at the competition? - It’s not existing direct competition, because in relation with mental health the majority are campaigns, but almost none has a product approach.


Brand Belief To deďŹ ne the belief it’s necessary to answer some questions. Why is the brand in the world for? - The brand is in the world for raise awareness that sometimes the thing that a person can need is to being listened What does it do what it does? Because in a certain way it witnessed how depression deteriorated a person because she never talked about what was happening, because she didn't feel heard.

Belief In a world that asks us to speak about our problems, the brand believes in the importance of before start talking, we need to start listen and being heard.

What values does it belive in? - The values that it does believe in are: optimisim, activism, problem solving, be stated, fearless, uprising.


People Audience Women - Men 17 - 35 years old Millennials / Generation Z

Characteristics Problem Solving Empathetic Optimistic Creative They expect that brands make statements about important topics through products, contents or business decisions. They are concern about the environment, political and social topics, such as mental health.

Some data about them 85% 52%

of millennials want to be updated

follow brands with their values

they are in

3 or 4 Social Media Channels

Source: Gen Z by Google 2017

73% 74%

supports sustainable brands

like contents that offer information or inspiration

They like strong narratives Online, Ofine buyers They grow a visual lifestyle


People Persona design Lu



28 years old

26 years old

19 years old

Creative / Mediator

Activist / Rebel


Rebel with a cause

He has strong opinions.

He shares everything he does.

Follow Sustainable Brands

He is not afraid to share his thoughts even if they are not something to talk about

He shares reviews about new brands that he discovers if they are according to his values.

Likes to write blogs and uses Twitter and online radio channels to share information

He is a collector, he likes to buy things because they look cool

Like to share content in social media about mental health awareness If she likes something, she shares it in her social media channels


What is the brand going to talk about?


The main topic that the brand is going to talk is about the importance of being listened related directly with mental health


Role of the brand The rebel


The role of the brand is to be the rebel with a cause that is not afraid to shake things up and put them on the table to talk about. It’s like going back to the punk philosophy.

Being revolutionary Overturn what isn't working Rule Breaker Shake things up


After finishing the framework of the relevance methodology, I built on it with two more items to it that I consider are important in the process of creating a brand.

Brand personality The brand is a young, activist, edgy, punk, a rebel with a cause that wants to express something, but first needs to be heard. That’s why the main purpose of it is to raise awareness about the importance of active listening. It is not afraid of saying expressing itself, it's a mediator and wants to make a statement and create visibility about the importance of listening to someone or being heard.

Why punk? “To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are,” Patti Smith Punk originated with people who were not satisfied with some topics and they wanted to do something about it and express themselves. It was simple and radical. People who were following the punk philosophy expressed themselves through: music, safety pins, crazy style and of course a rebel attitude ready to challenge the status quo. For the brand, punk isn’t just about music, it is a rebel attitude driven free of any restraint; without restraint, we’re free to do whatever it takes to make your message heard. It’s a way to stand up and make a statement.


Naming After deciding the essence, belief and the personality of the brand, I selected the name of Shut Up & Listen because is straightforward, is easy to understand and has a connection with the information deďŹ ned before.

Shut up & Listen Is here to make a statement and raise awareness about the importance of being listened in regards to mental health, through merchandising products with messages that help to make conscience and call to action to start listening more or not being afraid of being heard.

Brand voice Will swear, speak blatantly without fear of reprimand

Brand culture Counter-cultural, encouraged to challenge the status quo

Brand experience Liberating, challenging, exciting and rebellious


Verbal identity Adjectives to describe the tone of voice of the brand

Rebel with a cause

Unapologetic / No Filter

Personality Trait: Rebel with a cause Positive example of how to write: “People are talking all the time and they never shut the f*ck up, that’s why if they don’t listen let’s make ourselves heard!” Counter example of how not to write: “Poor you, i’m here to take about you, I’m going to hel you, don’t worry”



Why the tone of voice? Because sweets words are not working anymore. Are too many voices in this playground that is necesary to stand out. It’s not about to make people feel as victims, is more about to make them realize that have a rebel inside and they can make themselves be heard.


Visual Identity Moodboards


Visual Identity






Color palette C: 0,78 M: 3,13 Y: 87,11 K: 0 R: 255 G: 234 B: 83 #FFEA53 C: 93,09 M: 73,2 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 0 G: 0 B: 255 #0000FF C: 0 M: 78,51 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 255 G: 91 B: 173 #FF5BAD C: 100 M: 100 Y: 100 K: 100 R: 0 G: 0 B: 0 000000


Market square marker italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 &/%()



t u h s t s u J fUCk up the ! n e t s i &L 24

How is Shut Up & Listen spread the message? Through merchandising products with messages that help to make conscience and call to action to start listening more or not being afraid of being listened. The ďŹ rst line of products called “Beta 1.0â€? has lapel pins, tote bags, and t-shirts, with the possibility to have more items depending on the needs of the consumers. The main products are pins because they are a way of making a statement without saying any word. They are a seamless way of being listened and a way to put an idea on the table and start talking about it. Besides, if you see one you can feel related with the quote, or if you see one, you will probably remember someone you know. The t-shirts and tote-bags are going to be part of the line of products too with the same intention of putting out a "walking message" because people can wear and use them anywhere and others can see them.


“People are always looking for ways to express themselves and a pin is cheaper than a tattoo.�

Why pins are the main product?

Pins are a way to express ourselves without saying anything also they can let people know who we are. They are inexpensive and can be taken anywhere. Besides, since 2016 the pins collections started to emerge and being really trendy. Pins are giving to artists the chance to put their work into an affordable and collectible commodity. Source:


Line of products Key messages graphic The graphics are designed taking into consideration all the elements of the visual and verbal identity

Just shut

the fuck up

& Listen!

s ’ T I ! ! h h S king c u f my

n r tu



Technical description Materials: Metal front piece Rear part with metal pin included Transparent protective plastic part




Cardboard 200 gr


Tote - Bags

Technical description Materials: Cotton

Size: 370 mm x 410 mm

Label: Cardboard 200 gr



Technical description Materials: Cardboard 200 gr

Size: 297 mm x 420 mm


T - shirts

Technical description Materials: Cotton


S, M, L

Label: Cardboard 200 gr


Where the products will be sold?

At the beginning of the project, the products are going to be sold on an online store. Subsequently, it is proposed to use the business model of Store in Store. Store in Store is an agreement in which a retailer rents a part of the retail space to be used by a different company to run another, independent shop.


Listeners Program The value of the purchases of the products is going to be donated to FASEC Foundation in Cuenca Ecuador to a "Listeners Program" that consists of psychological therapies for cancer patients and their families.

social cause

It is demonstrated that a lot of patients with cancer start suffering depression or start to feel more depressed in relation to the treatments and the changes that they are going through within the illness. That's why, the therapies and the listeners (psychologists) can help them and their families to feel better and understand the process. The agreement with the foundation is already made, the resolution of it was to launch the project see how it goes and then when the products begin to being sold, the ďŹ rst amount of money is going to be donated to start the program.


Fasec Foundation FASEC is a non-proďŹ t foundation that receives cancer patients, but also patients with chronic diseases and who require palliative care. The services are open to the general public since they have a Social Work area. To obtain resources, the entity performs different activities during the year. The foundation opened its doors in 1982 and currently has 27 volunteers, as well as a clinical oncologist, a specialist in pain therapy, an internist, nurses, nursing assistants, psychologist, physiotherapists, and nutritionist.


Connection levels This graphic explains the levels of connection that the audiences can have with the brand and the products.

aesthetic In this level is where the connection with the audience is purely aesthetic, the social cause is not the main thing. People buy the product because they like it or they think is cool. Based on the "design personas" created before, the one who matches is Franz

Narrative In here, the connection with the audience is not just about buy the product, probably they are going to visit the web page and ďŹ nd out more about the social cause. Also, they can be the mental health ambassadors, sharing the awareness of the brand through their social media channels. The one who matches with this level is Lu

Activist The users who connect with the brand will be those who not only bought the product because they like it, but they feel identiďŹ ed in some way with the message or the cause. They will be those who share the information and in a certain way will become ambassadors of the brand by transmitting the message and the social cause. The one who matches with this level is Luis


Shut Up & Listen is going to be communicated through two main channels: Instagram


Website Also inside of them is going to be the Online Store. The reasons why these channels were chosen are going to be explained better in the next pages.


Instagram Instagram is the main channel to communicate the brand and the products.

Rules for this channel - Topics to talk about: Products and Awareness of the importance of being listened regarding with depression - Graphics must be aligned with the visual identity - Copywriting should be aligned with the verbal identity (tone of voice) - Use of hashtags should be used according to the type of post, these are proposals to be used:

Tools inside the app: - Canvas tool is going to be used to have the store inside of the app to make it easier for the possible buyers. - Ads platform is going to be used to increase the interaction and followers. - Stories tool to generate engagement with users.

t n a t r Impo

The use of hashtags such as #Pingame or #MentalHealth allows to connect directly with people that is interested in the type of information

#Pingame #Pincommunity #MentalHealth #ToteBags #ShutUpAndListen #Posters #Merchadising



ProďŹ le


(If you want to follow)

Awareness Post

Instagram Canva

Instagram Stories


Why instagram? 80% 60%

Of Users follow at least one business on instagram

Of users visit the platform daily


Of inuencers prefer the platform for brand collaborations


Of 18-29 year-olds use Instagram

Can be used

Can generate

without having to leave the app

engagement rates on posted content

as an online store

the highest


Website Here is placed information directly related to the social cause and the listeners program.

Rules for this channel - Information topics: online store and awareness of the importance of being listened regarding with the social cause, that is related to the listeners' program. - Graphics: must be aligned with the visual identity - Copywriting: should be aligned with the verbal identity (tone of voice) in this case the main topic is not just about the products, is also about the social cause.- Foundation information: must inform about the foundation and connect with it.

Tools inside the web - Online Store: the part of payments can be programmed and people can buy directly from the page. - Contact: people interested in knowing more or being part of the project can contact directly with questions or suggestions

t n a t r Impo

The tone of voice of the brand is the same as instagram but here the main topic to talk about is the social cause and the awareness of being listened



Scan to see the prototype


Online Brochure



Listeners’ Program Explanation

Scan to see the prototype

Online Store


Podcast to generate more interaction Another phase of the project is to create a podcast named "Shut Up and Listen", and it is going to invite people to send audios telling their story and what they want to be listened about; with this, the idea is to share stories and to have the chance to connect and interact with them through comments, replays, messages, etc.

What’s next?

Podcasts data 550,00

Active podcasts




Podcast listeners are more likely to follow companies and brands on social media

is in the top 5 of most popular podcasting genres

60% agreed that podcast ads made them aware of new products or services.


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