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Designing Clinical Research Stephen B Hulley MD, MPH, Chairman, Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF 378pp | July 2013 |Book/PB-Paperback | $ 91.99 ISBN:


Trim Size:

7 x 10

Edition Info:



*MED/Public Health

Illustrations: Previous ISBN:

42 978-0-7817-8210-4

Future ISBN: Tables:




Contributor(s): Steven R Cummings MD, Founding Director, San Francisco Coordinating Center; Senior Scientist, California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute; Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Francisco | Warren S Browner MD, MPH, Chief Executive Officer, California Pacific Medical Center; Adjunct Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco | Deborah G Grady MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine, Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research, University of California, San Francisco | Thomas B Newman MD, MPH, Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, and of Pediatrics; Chief, Division of Clinical Epidemiology; Attending Physician, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco Description: Designing Clinical Research sets the standard for providing a practical guide to planning, tabulating, formulating, and implementing clinical research, with an easy-to-read, uncomplicated presentation. This product incorporates current research methodology--including molecular and genetic clinical research--and offers an updated syllabus for conducting a clinical research workshop. Emphasis is on common sense as the main ingredient of good science. The book explains how to choose well-focused research questions and details the steps through all the elements of study design, data collection, quality assurance, and basic grant-writing. Related URL: Features: 4 -color design New approaches to sample size estimation, keeping it simple while covering more design options Solution site that includes fully searchable text and sample-sizing calculators Examples and ideas on what's new in clinical research Exercises that highlight major clinical research issues Treatment of clinical trial design and implementation

Designing Clinical Research

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Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking Lynn Bickley MD, Women's Health Services, Santa Fe, New Mexico 976pp | November 2012 |Book/HC-Printed Cover | $ 118.99



Trim Size:

8.375 x 10.875

Edition Info:

Eleventh, International Edition


*NUR/Nursing - Assessment

Illustrations: Previous ISBN:

*MED/Clerkship/Rotations/Introduction Clinical Medicine/Patient Interviewing *MED/Physician Assistant/Physician Assistant 1,405 978-1-60547-400-7

Future ISBN: Tables:



World ex US, Canada, Aus, NZ, PR, US VI

Description: The 11th edition of the pre-eminent textbook on physical examination contains foundational content to guide students’ approaches to history taking, interviewing, and other core assessment skills, as well as fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline correct performance of physical examination. The book features a vibrant full-color art program and an easy-to-follow two-column format with step-by-step examination techniques on the left and abnormalities with differential diagnoses on the right. The comprehensive, evidence-based content is intended for medical students, high-level nursing education and practice markets, as well as related health professions such as physician assistants. New for this edition: Content has been fully revised and updated to reflect the most recent health care literature. More than 200 new and revised photographs and drawings have been added to better illustrate key points in the accompanying text. Design and layout has been revised to increase discoverability of core material and special assessment tips. Techniques of interviewing chapter has been reorganized to provide clearer insights into the skills of empathic listening. Related URL: Features: Detailed, highly illustrated Tables of Abnormalities Extensive Pediatric chapter Illustrated Anatomy and Physiology review begins each examination chapter Important information on Interviewing Techniques and Patient Communication Two-column format serves as guide for physical assessment Useful clinical tips throughout

Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History-Taking

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Pediatric Nursing Clinical Guide Theresa Kyle MSN, CPNP, MSN, CPNP. Director of Nursing: El Camino College, CA | Susan Carman MSN, MBA, MSN, MBA. Most recently Professor of Nursing, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, FL 464pp | March 2012 |Book/PB-Paperback | $ 34.99



Trim Size:

4.25 x 7.125

Edition Info: Market/Program:

*NUR/Nursing - Pediatric and Child Health Nursing 75

Illustrations: Previous ISBN: Future ISBN: Restrictions:


Description: Pediatric Nursing Clinical Guide is a pocket-sized clinical reference tool for students and practicing nurses to use in pediatric patient care. Essential information is organized by body system, and includes nursing management for frequently encountered childhood illnesses and disorders, common diagnostic tests and nursing procedures, and a section for principles of nursing care in children. This handbook is complete with easy-to-reference illustrations and highlighted features including Teaching Guidelines, Take Note (outlining new or critical information), and Atraumatic Care tips. Related URL: Features: ·

Atraumatic Care boxes provide tips on atraumatic care particular to the topic being discussed.


Teaching Guidelines provide instruction for educating families.


Take Note boxes highlight information that is relatively new or is critical in nature.


Special Considerations are included within the disorders as appropriate.


Alphabetical presentation of disorders, diagnostic tests, and nursing procedures for easy reference.


Organized in outline format to reinforce knowledge quickly.


Multiple helpful tables and illustrations

Pediatric Nursing Clinical Guide

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