Ethical Shorting (Business)
4 Dreams (Poetry) 5
जल प्लावन
11 Cover Story: Réminiscences du Cambodge (Travel) 15 Baptism in the Skating Rink (Leisure/Sport) 17 The Divine Intervention (Cricket) 19 One to all (Philosophy) 23 Trends - Summer 2011 (Fashion) 29 Book Review - Outliers 31 Scars (Prose)
apologize for the indefinite delay of the second issue. I was caught up with office work, and was a little disoriented. And once it was past April, I was caught in a vicious circle of trying to bring out something worthwhile to compensate for the delay. Eventually, it turned out I did it in a three day burst of sudden motivation. I should send it out before the inertia bug catches me again!
This issue is for April to June. Another issue will be next
month, and after that it will be a bimonthly affair. I have realized that a monthly magazine is too much work for just myself, coupled with all my other engagments. Plus, it is tougher to get enough material from people every month. So two months seems ideal. Good news is that I am back to writing and reading a lot, after a period of drought in April. I was going to include a comic Hindi story this time, but it needs more work. Meanwhile, I have another of my stories, which I am not totally satisfied with, but something is better than nothing. The magazine didn’t seem to be complete without a story in there. And perhaps negative feedback on it will galvanize me to write better and more often!
- Basu
ETHICAL SHORTING Two words which are generally not used
together! For those who might not have much
exposure to stock markets, let me try to explain the concept of long/short. When you buy a stock you “go long the company” i.e. you benefit when the stock price goes up. When you short a stock you bet against the company, benefitting when the stock price falls. This does sound treacherous and is to a certain extent. This theme has been cashed on by Hollywood with several flicks showing people shorting a stock and then burning down factories or sinking a ship to gain profits as companies bled. Many corporates are blamed (Ambani Jr. blamed the crash of ADAG stocks on this) of shorting their peers aggressively to create panic which leads to further selling and an eventual decline of the company. Shorting feeds on panic and ultimately becomes a size game.
By Munendra Singh
say he is not the most likeable chap walking around Wall Street. People generally hate bankers but in his case it’s a bit of both envy and hate. When you benefit as people lose their homes, financial system melts down, factories close, people get thrown out of their jobs, and the biggest economy in the world goes into recession, you shouldn’t expect anything else.
Another famous short was the George Soros vs Bank
of England battle. He is called “the man who broke the bank of England”. Not a bad name for a financier/ philanthropist. In 1992, the guy shorted British Pound to the tune of USD 10 bn. So essentially he betted that pound will fall. British government had joined ERM, an exchange rate mechanism, just about two years back. Under this, the British pound was essentially fixed against a basket of European currencies and it was government’s responsibility to not allow major Soros realized that economic conditions When you start shorting a company’s stock in bulk, fluctuations. were majorly different across Europe, especially people get scared. They want to get out leading to between UK and Germany and was convinced that immense selling pressure. Many companies have Bank of England would have to devalue the currency. strategies based on triggers in place to minimize So he betted big (he actually said in a later interview losses. People might have pledged the company’s that he wanted to go short by more than USD 15bn stock and taken loan against it. As the stock tanks which would have been about 5% of India’s GDP). margin calls are issued, collaterals have to be sold. All They eventually did devalue pound and Soros made this happens in all a huge selling frenzy, more like a more than USD 1bn in profit. It led to the fall of self fulfilling prophecy. John Major’s government and UK falling deep into recession. Needless to say people hate the guy and If you followed the news surrounding the Lehman whenever a crisis emerges in any part of the world crash and the housing crisis his is the first name which comes to primary reason for the recession Shorting is the art of making people’s minds. Several countries that followed, then you would blamed fluctuations in their money by predicting doom’s have have heard of CDS/CDO. John currencies on him. Paulson, owner of one of the day. biggest hedge fund massively So as you can see shorting is the art of shorted CDOs, a credit derivative making money by predicting doom’s day. It’s walking instrument whose assets are generally home loans, on other people’s dead bodies. It’s laughing all the auto loans, credit card receipts etc. He is currently on way to bank when people lose their life’s savings. So trial along with is it all bad? Why do we even allow such evil? Coz it Goldman Sachs for some illegal activities serves a very important purpose, price discovery. surrounding the same trade. The guy made millions For anything to be priced properly in this world you in trade as the housing market in US was brought to need a balance of buys and sells. If something is its knees. Many people predicted the fall but he was overly valued we need shrewd investors who realize the one who actually made tons of money. It’s safe to that and bring the price down to what it should
ETHICAL SHORTING be. It’s like when you go to a vegetable market and the guy is charging 50 bucks for a kg of onions. You stop buying forcing him to bring the price down. It’s the demand and supply economics at its core. Still nobody cries foul when people keep pushing home prices up (we are currently in such a bubble in India), driving them to ridiculous levels. It somehow doesn’t feel wrong when markets get overvalued. Shorting is something which is misunderstood. Exchanges around the worlds have been forced to ban naked shorts (pure speculative short) and in extreme times any form of shorting to protect stocks from tanking. Agreed there are sharks out there who keep piling on shorts and drive companies to bankruptcy just to make a fortune. But without a healthy balance we can never have proper price discovery and an asset bubble is as dangerous as collapsing stocks, it’s just that bubbles don’t look so bad optically.
sole ranger who is betting on doom’s day and in case your call goes wrong you are alone in your grief. So structurally it is a harder trade compared to a long. This maybe a reason why short-only fund (longonly funds are quite popular and widespread) don’t exist. However, it sure is quite exciting when it works. Making money betting on recession is that much sweeter as compared to making money along with the flow in a bull run. So we will always have these Dr Dooms or modern day Nostradamus betting on the end of the world and once in every few years seeing their prophecy turn true coz markets do tend to get carried away.
Shorting serves two purposes price balancing, and hedging. Shorting
serves another important purpose, hedging. Traders use it to hedge out various positions that they have on their book so that they only have the desired level of exposure. It’s like you own gold currently and are looking to sell it 6 months down the line. You feel that the gold prices are peaking right now and don’t want to take the risk of them falling when it’s your time to sell. So you go ahead and short gold futures. If gold prices falls then you make money on your short but lose out on the price that you get for your gold, essentially realizing today’s price. You are protected against gold price movements now. Major companies use shorting as hedging tool to hedge against interest rate movements, FX movements, commodity price movements etc.
At a personal level it does tend to play with your
mind. You start to hope for the worst. A quake in Japan and more bombings by Gaddafi serves your purpose. Doesn’t mean you necessarily want those things to happen or you are happy that they happened. But you sure did benefit coz of them. It is also generally a contrarian call. You become the
About the Author: Munendra Singh is an engineer from IIT Powai, an investment banker, and a wannabe entrepreneur and stock market expert. But for me he is family. We share our passion for cricket. Barring that we are poles apart in every respect. Perhaps that is why we enjoy each other’s company and point of view.
By Pali Tripathi
Dreams are a queer mixture of altered realities That may have never occurred the way they appear That may never show themselves in this world Yet, are real. altered. but real I know because today I dreamed fire In waves, warm and worrisome It fell on my toes. Felt like my feet under your legs It slithered and I felt it on my waist A known touch, wrapped in a pair of arms And before I knew, it was everywhere Cheeks ablaze, lips warm, eyes closed Cocooned and then I saw myself burn In orange hues and shades of red Sparks, blazes, crushes - all mine I plucked flames and pressed them in my palms They smelled of rain on earth, of coffee and bitter chocolate Seeking, seducing, snatching, sinning.and completing. And then all that was left was gray colored After fire.after dream.same difference Yes, I dreamed fire today But who knows, may have been you.
About the Author: Pali Tripathi is a management consultant at one of the big four consultant firms. Poetry is a passion that keeps her going in a hectic corporate life.
जल प्लावन
लेखिका – अर्चना सिंह
१. २. ३. ४. ५. ६. ७. ८. ९. १०.
मनु श्रद्धा इरा प्रकृति हिमवान गंगा अश्वत्थ इन्द्रदे व पवन दे व काला साया
: मानव जाति के जनक : मानव जाति की जननी : मानव सभ्यता के विकास की जननी : : : : : :
पर्वतों का प्रतीक जल स्रोतों का प्रतीक वक्ष ृ राज पीपल, पादप समुदाय का प्रतीक वर्षा के दे वता वायु के दे वता मनुष्य की शैतानी बुद्धि का प्रतीक
प्रथम दृश्य (परदा खुलता है . प्रकृति सजी – संवरी, हँसती – मुस्कु राती, स्वयं पर इठलाती सी खड़ी है . प्रकृति के महत्वपूर्ण घटक हिमवान, गंगा, अश्वत्थ, इन्द्रदे व और पवनदे व प्रकृति के पीछे अपनी विशिष्ट मुद्राओं में खड़े हैं. मधुर पार्श्व संगीत के स्वर के साथ वे सभी क्रमशः खिसकते हुए प्रकृति के बाएं – दायें मंच पर फैल जाते हैं.) प्रकृति: (अपने सभी घटकों पर स्नेहभरी दृष्टि डालते हुए गंभीर स्वर में ) मैं प्रकृति हूँ. मुझे छे ड़ो ना. मैं तम ु ्हें सब दँ ग ु े बेवजह छे ड़ोगे तो मैं तुम्हें निगल लूंगी. ू ी. अगर मझ (प्रकृति के सभी घटक समवेत स्वर में ): हम प्रकृति हैं. हमें छे ड़ो ना. हम तम ु ्हें सब दें गे. -अगर हमें स्वार्थवश छे ड़ोगे तो हम तुम्हें निगल लेंगे. (मंच की बायीं ओर से मनुष्य की विनाशकारी बुद्धि का प्रतीक काला साया का प्रवेश.) वह भयानक अट्टहास करता हुआ एक - एक करके प्रकृति के सभी घटकों को तहस – नहस करता हुआ तेजी से इन्द्रदे व की ओर बढ़ता है . इन्द्रदे व यह विनाश लीला दे खकर घबड़ाते हुए मंच के बाहर भाग जाते हैं. काला साया धरती पर अपना साया डालकर मंच से बाहर हो जाता है . प्रकृति है रान – परे शान सी व्याकुल स्वर में विलाप करती कह उठती है – प्रकृति: हाय विधाता! यह मेरी कैसी दर्ग ु ति है ? (प्रकृति चिंतित और दख ु ी मुद्रा में वहीं बैठ जाती है . मंच पर अंधकार. तांडव संगीत के साथ शिव के नटराज रूप की छाया मंच के एक ओर से धीरे – धीरे खिसकती हुई मंच के बीच में कुछ दे र ठहरकर दस ू री ओर चली जाती है . पर्दा गिरता है .) नेपथ्य स्वर: सुर जाति के उच्छृं खल स्वभाववश उनकी अतिचारी, अहं कारी, सर्वग्रासी, स्वार्थी प्रवतृ ि बढ़ती चली गयी. सर्वत्र शोषण और दरु ाचार का बोलबाला था. प्राकृतिक नियमों के विरुद्ध आचरण ही दे वों के पतन का कारण बना और उनकी निर्बाध आत्मसंतुष्टि में अंतिम अध्याय लगा. सागर भी मर्यादाहीन होकर धरती को निगलने लगा और पथ ृ ्वी उभ – चुभ करती हुई सागर के गर्भ में समाने को विवश हो गयी. (समुद्र गर्जन का स्वर और फिर शान्ति) (फिर समय ने करवट ली. श्रद्धा और मनु के संयोग से धरती पर फिर से एक नए युग के सज ृ न की सूचना मिली. प्रकृति को मानो नयी साँस मिल गयी, नया जीवन मिल गया.)
जल प्लावन द्वितीय दृश्य
(हलके उदास संगीत के साथ परदा खल ु ता है . मनु एक शिला पर उदास बैठा है . पौरुष से ओत – प्रोत अतीत के सुख में खोया मनु किसी गंभीर चिंतन में डूबा है . समुद्र गर्जन के स्वर के साथ पर्दा खल ु ता है .) कोरस गान: हिमगिरि के उत्तुंग शिखर पर, बैठ शिला की शीतल छाँह एक परु ु ष भींगे नयनों से , दे ख रहा प्रलय प्रवाह नीचे जल था, ऊपर हिम था, एक तरल था एक सघन एक तत्व की ही प्रधानता, कहो उसे जड़ या चेतन दरू दरू तक विस्तृत था हिम, स्तब्ध उसी के ह्रदय समान नीरवता सी शिला, चरण से टकराता फिरता पवमान तरुण तपस्वी सा वह बैठा, साधन करता सरु श्मशान नीचे प्रलय सिंधु लहरों का, होता था सकरुण अवसान (एकाकीपन से ऊब कर मनु उठ खड़े होते हैं और स्वयं से बातें करने लगते हैं.) मन:ु आह! एकाकी जीवन भी कोई जीवन है ? इससे अच्छा तो मैं अपने पर ्व ों के साथ ही काल – कवलित ू ज हो गया होता. (चारों तरफ दृष्टि दौड़ाते हुए.) चारों ओर बस पानी ही पानी है . कहीं भी जीवन जा कोई चिह्न नहीं नज़र आता. क्या करूँ ? कहाँ जाऊं? (फिर बेचन ै से, चारों तरफ दृष्टि दौड़ाते हैं. अचानक एक जगह उनकी दृष्टि ठहर जाती है , खुश होते हुए.) अरे वहाँ तो धरती दिख रही है . शायद वहाँ जीवन का कोई स्पंदन सुनाई पड़े. (धीरे धीरे आगे बढ़ने लगते हैं. तभी श्रद्धा के नप ू रु की झंकार सन ु कर अचंभित से ठहर जाते हैं.) (श्रद्धा का प्रवेश) श्रद्धा: (मनु को मुग्धभाव से दे खती हुई स्वयं से) अरे यही तो है वह पुरुष! जिसे मैं रोज सपनों में दे खती थी, पूजती थी और गले लगाकर तपृ ्त हो जाती थी. मनु: दे वी तुम कौन हो? कहाँ से आयी हो? क्या ढूँढ रही हो? (श्रद्धा,मनु को उसी भांति एकटक दे खती हुई खोई – खोई सी खड़ी है .) मन:ु दे वी! तम ु ने मेरे प्रश्न का उत्तर नहीं दिया! मैं तम ु ्हारा परिचय जानना चाहता हूँ! श्रद्धा: मैं? मैं गांधार दे श की बाला काम – गोत्रजा कामायिनी और तम ु ... तम ु हो मेरे चिरकाम्य परु ु ष! मनु: मैं भी लगातार अकेलेपन से ऊब गया था. कितना सुखद है कि तुम मिल गईं. चलो! हम दोनों मिलकर इस निर्जन प्रदे श में जीवन की बगिया सजाएँ. इस वीरान धरती पर सषृ ्टि का नया अध्याय लिखें. चलो! (श्रद्धा और मनु एक दस ू रे के साथ कदम मिलते हुए चले जाते हैं. (संगीत मधुर होता है . परदा गिरता है और नेपथ्य स्वर प्रारभ होता है .) नेपथ्य स्वर में : इस तरह एक महाप्रलय के बाद मनु और श्रद्दा के संयोग से धरती पर परु ु ष जाति का उद्भव हुआ और वह मनुपुत्र कहलाई. मनु आदि पुरुष हैं. राम कृष्ण, बुद्ध, महावीर, और आज के आधुनिक मानव सब उन्हीं के वंशज हैं. धरती पर सषृ ्टि के विकास के कुछ ही दिनों बाद मनु जीवन की एकरसता से फिर ऊब गये. शांत सुस्मित प्रकृति का गांभीर्य उन्हें उबाऊ लगने लगा. ऐसे में बुद्धि का प्रतीक इरा के आगमन से मनु को जीवन की सरसता में आनंद आने लगा. मनु और इरा के संयोग से मानव सभ्यता का दिनानुदीन विकास संभव हो पाया.
जल प्लावन तत ृ ीय दृश्य (मनु का उद्विग्न होकर कुछ ढूंढते हुए मंच पर प्रवेश. उदास संगीत) मनु: जीवन कुछ एकरस हो गया है . कहीं कुछ नया नहीं, विविधता नहीं. मुझे थोड़ा परिवर्तन चाहिए. परन्तु कैसे? कुछ समझ में नहीं आता. क्या करूँ ? किसकी सहायता लँ ? ू (मनु उद्विग्न होकर मंच पर इधर से उधर टहलने लगता है .) (तभी दस ू री ओर से इरा का प्रवेश. चंचला चपला बाला इरा मनु को आँखों ही आँखों में तौलते हुए उसके नज़दीक आती है . मनु भी उसके अद्भुत व्यक्तित्व से प्रभावित हो उसकी तरफ आकृष्ट होते हैं. इरा मनु को सीधा संबोधित करती है .) इरा: इतना उद्विग्न क्यों हो रहे हो? मैं तुम्हारे संतानों के विकास में तुम्हारा साथ दे ने आयी हूँ. विधाता ने मनषु ्य को इतना विकसित मस्तिष्क दिया है , इतना स्वस्थ शरीर दिया है , इतनी सबल भज ु ाएँ दी हैं. इतने निपुण हाथ दिए हैं, क्या यूँ ही हाथ पर हाथ रख कर निष्क्रिय बैठने के लिए? कदापि नहीं. आओ, मेरे साथ चलो. हम दोनों मिलकर सम्पूर्ण मानव जाति के विकास का नया अध्याय लिखें. मनु: (उत्साहित होकर) पर दे वी! तुम हो कौन? इरा: मैं इरा हूँ, तुम्हारी सहचारिणी. हम दोनों मिलकर क्या नहीं कर सकते! (मनु इरा के आमंत्रण पर उसके साथ हो लेते हैं और दोनों मंच पर इधर से उधर टहलते हुए विकास के विभिन्न आयामों को दिखाते हैं.) नेपथ्य स्वर: मनुष्य ईश्वर की सर्वोत्कृ ष्ट रचना है . मनुष्येतर जीवों में सोचने – समझने की, उचित – अनुचित में भेद करने की तो क्षमता ही नहीं. परन्तु आज, मनषु ्य अपने अहं कारवश सम्पूर्ण प्रकृति का दशु ्मन बन बैठा है . आज हम भूल चुके हैं कि हम इस ब्रह्माण्ड के एक अंश मात्र हैं. प्रकृति की प्रत्येक इकाई अपने अस्तित्व के लिए एक दस ू रे पर निर्भर है . साथ मिलकर चले बिना हमारा गुज़ारा नहीं. हमारी स्वार्थी करतूतों के कारण आज प्राकृतिक संतल ु न खतरे में है . हाय! यह कैसी मर्खत ू ा है कि हम जिस डाल पर खड़े हैं उसे ही काटने की भयानक भूल कर रहे हैं. जरा सोचें ! क्या होगा इसका परिणाम? (इरा और मनु मनुष्य की प्रगति के विविध अध्यायों पर से पर्दा उठाते हुए पूरे मंच पर घुमते हैं.) नेपथ्य स्वर: आग का आविष्कार, पत्थरों के औजारों का आविष्कार, चक्के का आविष्कार, भाषा का आविष्कार, कृषि – क्रान्ति की शुरुआत, औद्योगीकरण, शहरीकरण ... मनु और इरा दोनों: दे खो ना! हम दोनों के समेकित प्रयास से मनुष्य जाति कितनी विकसित हो गयी है ! मन:ु कहाँ तो पाषाण यग ु का कठिन जीवन, और कहाँ यह, वैज्ञानिक और तकनीकी यग ु , जहां मनषु ्य की सुख – सवु िधा का हर साधन सहज, सुलभ है . इरा: अब तो तुम खुश हो ना मनु? मनुपुत्रों की सुख – सुविधा के लिए हुए सभी आविष्कारों की जननी मैं ही तो हूँ! मनु: इतनी आत्म्गार्विता मत बनो, अपने अधिकार की सीमा से बाहर ताक – झाँक मत करो. (मंच पर रोती – कलपती गंगानदी का प्रवेश, बहती नदी का स्वर)
जल प्लावन
मनु: कहो भागीरथी! सब कुशल तो है ? तुम्हारे जल से सिंचित प्रदे श में सुख – शान्ति तो है ? गंगा: (दख ु ी स्वर में ) नहीं! नहीं! दे व! मैं तो मानव जाति के क्षुद्र व्यवहार से क्षुब्ध हूँ. लगातार मेरा दोहन हो रहा है . कहीं कारखानों का गन्दा जल तो कहीं नाले का कचरा, सब मेरे ही पेट में डाले जा रहे हैं. सिल्टिं ग के कारण मेरी जलधारण की क्षमता भी कम होती जा रही है . और तो और टिहरी में तो मुझे महीनों बंदी बनाकर रखा गया. हाय! मेरे प्यारे तटवासियों को बेघर कर दिया गया. मुट्ठीभर सनकी अतिकारियों ने मेरी नाक में दम कर रखा है . पहले तो पानी में जहर मिलाया. फिर उसकी परिशद्धि ु के नाम पर एक परू ा बाजार विकसित किया जा रहा है . अजब दषु ्चक्र है . जिस जल को ऋषियों ने ज्योति रस और अमत ृ रस कहा था, उसे किस रूप में हम अगली पीढ़ी को सौंप रहे हैं? मेरी तो अब इच्छा होती है कि मैं पुनः हिमालय की गोद में लौट जाऊं और चैन की नींद सोऊं. मन:ु अरे नहीं नहीं जाह्नवी! ऐसा नहीं सोचो. तम ु तो जीवनदायिनी हो. तम ु ्हारे बिना तो मेरे करोड़ों पत्र ु रोते – कलपते मर जाएंगे. दे खो मैं अपने पुत्रों के पास तुम्हारी फ़रियाद लेकर जाता हूँ. तुम जल्दबाजी में कोई गलती नहीं करना. गंगा: (क्रोधित स्वर में ) क्या करूँ ? जिनकी आँखों का पानी मर चुका है , उनके लिए पानी की हत्या एक पेशव े र कर्म ही है . उनके लिए एक ही दं ड है , और वह है जल – समाधि. मनु: जाह्नवी! तुम क्रोध ना करो! हम पानी बचाओ सम्मलेन करें गे. पानी पंचायत बैठाएंगे – और निश्चय ही तुम को इस विपदा से उबारें गे. (तभी खाँसते हुए पीपल के वक्ष ृ अश्वत्थ का प्रवेश) मनु: कहो अश्वत्थ कैसे हो? अश्वत्थ: (गुस्से में ) मनु! तुम्हारी संतान तो मेरे पीछे ही पड़ गयी है . पहले तो सर्वत्र हमारा ही साम्राज्य था. मैं किस ठाठ से लहराता हुआ सैंकड़ों साल जी कर, प्राणवायु छोड़कर, पर्यावरण में गैसों का संतल ु न बनाए रखता था. मानव जाति ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महे श का प्रतीक मानकर हमारी पूजा करती थी. वैज्ञानिकों ने भी धर्म से जोड़कर हमें नाम दिया फाइकस रिलिजियोसा. मैं पथिकों को छाँव दे ता था, जमीन के अंदर जलस्तर बनाए रखने में मदद करता था. अनगिनत जीवों का निवास स्थान था मैं. मन:ु तो अब क्या बाधा है ? अश्वत्थ: बाधा? दे खो ना, अब तो जंगल कटते ही जा रहे हैं. कल - कारखानों की धूम है . चारों तरफ सड़कों के जाल बिछ गये और हमें सड़क किनारे खड़े – खड़े जीने कों मजबूर कर दिया गया. वह भी मैंने मौन होकर सह लिया. पर अब तो हद ही हो गयी. मुझे तंग करने की एक नयी योजना बनाई है तुम्हारे पुत्रों ने. वह है सड़कों का अनियोजित चौड़ीकरण. बगल के जिस गड्ढे से हमें जल मिलता था उसे पाट डाला गया ताकि हम प्यासे ही मर जाएँ. फिर बोलो ना हम कहाँ जाएँ? कैसे जियें? मनु: (तंग आकार) तुम तो लगातार मेरे पुत्रों की बुराई किये जा रहे हो. आखिर उनके जीवन का भी कुछ उद्देश्य है . वैज्ञानिक आविष्कारों का प्रयोग वे विकास की प्रक्रिया में करें गे ही ना. लगातार सभ्यता के विकास में सर खपाने का उन्हें कुछ तो फायदा हो. अश्वत्थ: अच्छा! तो अब तुम भी, इन स्वार्थियों का पक्ष लेने लगे. तो सुन लो! मुझे मारकर तुम खुद ही, अपने विनाश का मार्ग प्रशस्त कर रहे हो. संभल जाओ! वर्ना तुम जल – भुन कर मरोगे. प्राणवायु की कमी से रोग ग्रस्त हो कर मरोगे. कहीं बाढ़ में डूबोगे तो कभी सूखे से मरोगे. और नहीं तो भूकंप के मलबे तले दब के मरोगे. दे ख नहीं रहे ? ओजोन की छतरी में छे द होने से सर्य ू की हानिकारक पराबैंगनी किरणें अपना दष्ु प्रभाव कई रूपों में दिखाने लगी हैं. धरती अम्ल वर्षा के आँसू रो रही है . उर्वरकों एवं कीटनाशकों के अत्यधिक प्रयोग
जल प्लावन
से मिट्टी बाँझ होती जा रही है . ग्रीन हाउस गैसों के प्रभाव खतरे की घंटी बजा रहे हैं. धरती गुस्से से गर्म हो रही है . चारों तरफ बढ़ता शोर तो और भी घातक है . मनु! मानव जाति अपने बुने जाल में खुद ही मकड़ी की तरह फंसती जा रही है . प्रकृति से अधिक छे ड़ – छाड़ ने मनषु ्य को विनाश की कगार पर लाकर खड़ा कर दिया है . कुछ तो सोचो! (पवन दे व का प्रवेश) पवन दे व: मनु तम ु ्हारे पत्र ु तो बड़े नीच हैं. जिस थाली में खाते हैं उसी में छे द करते हैं. मनु: (खीझ के स्वर में ) क्यों क्या हुआ? पवन दे व: पूछते क्या हो? ये मोटर गाड़ियों और चिमनियों से निकलता हुआ जहरीला धुआँ नहीं दे खते? दे खो तो! सड़े – गले कचरे से निकलती सड़ांध. इन सबसे मेरा संतल ु न बिगड़ता ही जा रहा है . मैं तो कहीं का नहीं रहा. अब तो मुझमें प्राण वायु ऑक्सिजन की कमी और दषित वायु कार्बन डायक्साइड की अधिकता होती जा ू रही है जो पर्यावरण के लिए कतई हितकर नहीं. जरा तुम अपनी संतानों को सचेत करो. अन्यथा उनकी आने वाली पीढियाँ श्वास संबंधी विभिन्न प्रकार की बीमारियों जैसे टी.बी., दम्मा, ब्रौंकाइटिस आदि से ग्रसित होने को मजबूर होंगी. (इन्द्रदे व का प्रवेश) इन्द्रदे व: हाँ! हाँ! मनु! यदि तुम्हारी संतान अपनी बुरी आदतों से बाज नहीं आई ना, तो मैं कह दे ता हूँ, वह कभी अतिवषृ ्टि तो कभी अनावषृ ्टि जैसी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं का शिकार होती ही रहे गी. (हिमवान का प्रवेश) हिमवान: जी हाँ! मेरे प्यारे वक्षों को मुझसे अलग ना करो. नहीं तो तुम्हारा भी भला नहीं होगा. भू–स्खलन ृ हजारों मनुष्यों की मौत का कारण बनेगा. वायुमंडल के बढ़ते हुए तापक्रम के कारण ग्लेशियर तेजी से पिघल रहे हैं. समद्र ु का जलस्तर भी बढ़ता जा रहा है . सन ु ामी की तबाही का ट्रे लर तो तम ु दे ख ही रहे हो, अब प्रलय का तांडव होने ही वाला है . मनु: अरे अरे ! तुम्हारी बातें सुनकर मेरा जी घबराने लगा है . रातें भयानक सपनों से पट सी गयी हैं. अतीत का प्रलयंकारी दृश्य पुनः मेरे मानस पटल पर बिजली की भाँति कौंध रहा है . आखिर कुछ तो उपाय बताओ ताकि यह भयावह हादसा टाला जा सके. सभी घटक एक स्वर में : विकास के नाम पर मनुष्य विनाश की ओर बढ़ रहा है . प्रलय के बादल आकाश में मंडरा रहे हैं. चेतावनी दे रहे हैं मनु! जल्दी सोचो, जल्दी कुछ उपाय करो, जिससे ये पथ ृ ्वी जल – प्लावन से बच जाए. तभी तुम्हारा प्रिय पुत्र मानव भी बच पाएगा. मनु: इरा तुम सुन रही हो ना? प्रलयनाद के ये भयानक स्वर? तुम तो बुद्धिमती हो, संकट की घड़ी में हमारी सहायता करो. इरा: कह तो तुम ठीक ही रहे हो. परन्तु मानव जाति पर, इस धरती पर, प्रकृति पर, गहराता हुआ यह संकट, मानव के सम्मिलित प्रयास से ही टाला जा सकता है . वैसे ... मैंने कुछ उपाय तो सोचे हैं, पर उनका क्रियान्वयन तुम्हारे पुत्र करें तब तो! मनु: अरे वाह! तुमने उपाय भी सोच लिया और मुझे बताया भी नहीं! तुम्हारो बुद्धि की दाद दे नी पड़ेगी. अब दे र ना करो, जल्दी बताओ. इरा: तो सुनो! धरती पर आये इस संकट की जड़ है सुरसा की तरह बढ़ती जनसंख्या. इस पर नियंत्रण करना
होगा. प्राकृतिक संसाधन जैसे –
जल प्लावन
पवन: वायु गंगा: जल हिमवान: भूमि (सभी घटक एक स्वर में ): आदि के दोहन को रोकना होगा. अश्वत्थ: (आगे बढ़कर) तेजी से कटते हुए जंगलों को बचाना होगा और नए पेड़ ज्यादा से ज्यादा लगाने होंगे. इन्द्रदे व: जल – चक्र कों नियमित करने के लिए आवश्यक उपाय करने होंगे. हमारे दे श के विभिन्न प्रान्तों में सदियों से विकसित वर्षा जल संचयन की विभिन्न योजनाओं को पन ु र्जीवित करना होगा. मनु: वर्षा जल संचयन. ये क्या है ? इन्द्रदे द्व: तालाब, कँु ए, सरु ं ग, तटबंध, खादिन, कुलं आदि जल संचयन के पारं परिक तरीके हैं. उनको पन ु र्जीवित करना होगा. अन्यथा अगला विश्वयुद्ध पानी के लिए होगा. घर – घर में होगा. अगर इससे बचना है तो जन – मानस में पानी बचाने की प्रेरणा जगानी होगी. पवनदे व: ग्रीन हाउस गैसों के प्रभाव कों रोकना होगा. और इसके लिए जरूरी उपाय करने होंगे. हिमवान: ग्लोबल वार्मिंग का जल्द ही कोई समाधान ढूँढना होगा. (सभी घटक एक स्वर में ): और इसके लिए बढ़ती जनसँख्या और बढ़ते हुए प्रदषण पर तत्काल रोक लगाना ू होगा. मनु और इरा एक स्वर में : आओ हम सब मिलकर एक संकल्प लें – (सभी घटक एक स्वर में ): प्रकृति है तो मानव है , यह जन – जन को समझाना है . मिलजुल कर इस धरती को जल प्लावन से बचाना है .
लेखक परिचय: अर्चना सिंह जैविक विज्ञान की शिक्षिका हैं. साथ ही उनकी कला और हिंदी साहित्य में भी गहरी रूचि है .
RĂŠminiscences du Cambodge By Hanumant Paliwal
Some experiences in life leave an indelible impression and Cambodia was one such! Be it the beauty of the Angkor Wat, vastness of the Angkor Thom, or the intricate beauty of Banteay Srei, every place has its own character and a stamp of human ambition. While there is a lot that can be said and learnt about the place, people are advised to go and experience it themselves.
It turns out that Angkor is a world phenomenon -
the 12 seater van that we took to Angkor had two Dutch, three Aussies, two Brits and three Indians besides the Khmer driver. It took us a good six hours to cover 240kms from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, a thoroughly enriching experience as we had a lot of people share their experiences of South East Asia. The Dutch had been to all continents on the planet except Antartica, the Aussies had just covered Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam by road, an inspiration for me to do it on two wheels. Only the future will decide where I get with that.
Petronas Towers, Malaysia
I began my trip to Cambodia one fine January evening
via Kuala Lumpur, and had just enough time to get a glimpse of the Truly Asia! It is a place worth visiting sometime. We had slightly more than 8 hrs of idle The moat including the angkor complex time between two flights which we made the most of in this short visit to KL city. But with Cambodia on our mind there was nothing else which could have On reaching Siem Reap, which is the closest town to kept our excitement down while getting on the final Angkor, and base for all excursions into the Angkor flight to Phnom Penh. Archaeological Park, we first checked into our Hotel Soria Moria and then picked up the $60 three day Phnom Penh airport exceeded our expectations. We pass for visiting the park. It was almost dusk so we were pleasantly surprised at the apparent cleanliness made a beeline for the Wat and were just in time of the city and beauty of its old architecture. With an to catch the sun disappearing over it. After years of evening to spend here, we lodged at the Eureka Villas dreaming about the Wat finally I found myself there and went for a stroll down the Sisowath Quay. We and was awestruck. The first sight which mesmerized dined at the famous Foreign Correspondents CafÊ, us was a huge water body with an ancient wall on the the only place open during the war years. Phnom other side. This turned out to be the largest moat I Penh is to be explored at a leisurely pace and we have seen till date. The wall on the other side was the planned to see it towards the end of our trip; so we Wat’s enclosure. were off the next day to a dream called Angkor.
My first glimpse of Angkor Wat. A sea of tourists flowing out in the closing hours
A marvel for humanity, a symbol of might, spirituality
and grandeur, the Angkor Wat is a testimony to human creativity and its thirst for excellence. It inspires both awe and humility, giving birth to thought, which when combined with passion, drives us to think that the impossible can be achieved. Today, in its time beaten and under restoration avatar, the awe inspiring Wat beckons us to imagine its grandeur in the 12th century when it was constructed.
Reflection of glory and devotion - Angkor Wat; first morning light
But Cambodia is more than just Angkor Wat, while
A silhouette of vat in the morning light
the Wat is the soul there is a body which needs more than just the 7 days that I spent there to explore; I am willing to live by the memories of the soul until I get to see the rest for these are much more than what one can soak in in one trip.
Continued in the next issue ...
Scenes from Mahabharat: Lord Bhism on a bed of arrows
About the Author: Hanumant is an avid traveller with a passion for history. Besides regularly touring India on his Enfield, he has now set his eyes on travelling the world in search of history and leisure One of the 4 ponds signifying the holy rivers of india
Ice Skating, Vienna dictates of my mind and seemed to have a life of their So with an arm around both my friends I was This weekend I felt that my mental juices had own! the picture of a soldier martyred on the battlefield stopped flowing because I had not learnt anything even before the opening bullet was shot. And I held new in quite some time. So I toyed with the idea of on tight to them for dear life. May the Bodhisattvas writing yet another test in finance. But fate saved me smile on them, for suffering such embarrassment. But in the form of my friend Shailaja. She was in town and my mind was past caring - this was ridiculous! After knew that I was interested in trying out ice skating some time, in the interest of efficiency they decided and so proposed going down to the Harbor Front to take turns holding my arm. This sent a sickeningly Centre skating rink with Mei and Pradeep. crawling feeling up my spine, when I found that I don’t have a support on one side, when my legs were Now if you have forgotten the feeling when you doing their best trying to bring me down! But it got were a babe and were trying to stand up for the first better with time. time, and for some unfathomable reason you want to relive that experience, then you should try ice skating. There was a guy who was looking on at my obviously The first time I stepped on the ice my world went into awkward steps and shouted to me “Don’t look down, a surreal slippery blur. It was like discovering my legs look ahead to where you are going”. It sounded for the first time! like advice for a life time from a spiritual guru, and I wondered how to apply it to the situation at hand. Then Mei and Pradeep graciously took me by both But it helped. With the mind not really trying to figure arms and I started out on the rink. May the Buddha out how to do the balancing act it was so much easier smile on them, for my legs had mutinied against the to just let the body find its balance.
But progress still deluded me. There was a small
steps around the rink, and completed my test by fire, oops ice!
hurried conference between Mei and Pradeep. They nodded their heads and passed solemn judgement that I was taking very long steps and thus losing control. So Mei said “Try to take small steps” and Pradeep said “Just try to walk on the ice, don’t try to skate”. So I moved forward on the ice and repeated that as a mantra to myself - take small steps, take small steps - oh no! Here is that slippery feeling! Oh I am going down! Compose myself, take small steps, take small steps. What in the name of $%^*^*(&(*! Compose, take small steps, take small steps - may the fires of hell burn this cursed ice*&$%#@! Take small steps take small steps - after some time I realized that if I take really wee steps that will put a geisha to shame, I can angle the blades of my skates so that my toes point towards each other and push the ice and support my legs. Then I put my arms out in front of me in an arc and basically trudged on like a Godzilla on ice skates rampaging among the skyscrapers.
Then Mei said that until I fall down I would never really learn. Now in all due honesty I was thinking isn’t not falling down the name of the game here? So I let go of her hand and quite naturally I fell on my back. Once my bottom was duly introduced to the ice, the fear of falling fell away. Now I had to concentrate on the balancing act. But apparently my backside and the ice were interested in getting to know each other better, so I proceeded to fall down twice more. But there was no longer that gnawing apprehension. Some part of me acknowledged how falling down ignominiously in front of a whole crowd of people feels like. It feels pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of the universe, so what the heck!
some time I fell into the simple routine of breathing, looking ahead, taking small steps and imagining the blades biting the ice. So Mei and Pradeep felt that time had come for test of the day. Like the lion that has to jump through the ring of fire as the final act in the circus I had to go around the rink once without either of them following me. They had better things to do in the evening like having dinner, than coaching a neophyte skater and I sympathize with that. So I proceeded laboriously to take my baby
About the Author: Soham Pradhan has been working in the banking industry in Toronto for the past couple of years. He is interested in hiking,writing,exploring new places, and trying new things.
campaign, expressed that the UDRS is a big confusion him. Sorry to say but it would not at all be exciting Sunday afternoons are usually boring for me and for and entertaining any more if by any chance India the same was the case on that day. With nothing loses out on the “cup that counts” just because one substantial to do, I decided to turn on my antique man begs to differ from the truth. little - thankfully color - television to catch the India vs Ireland World Cup group stage match. That was the day when I first laid my eyes on the UDRS technology, Here again I am perplexed with understanding and which is employed in the ongoing World Cup; not so justifying the human folly and I have no definite late for a cricket non-enthusiast. For lesser-learned answer to it. Probably the people are so much individuals like me, the abbreviation stands for imbued with the sci-fi movies these days that they Umpire Decision Review System and as the name have missed out the distinction between benevolent suggests is a process to review the decisions made by and sinister technologies. Recall the all-powerful an on-field umpire. Although currently in a trial phase Schwarzenegger from The Terminator who hailed the initiative has been lauded by almost everyone in from the future to bring the doomsday of mankind, the cricketing fraternity with the exception of a few or the invincible Agent Smith from Matrix who dared such as the Team India. to enslave all the human minds. I know all that is just an over-exaggeration and too early a futuristic It would not be preposterous to say that we the thought but you get the idea. superior beings usually are apprehensive at first of Different dimensions the newest bit of technology in town and it takes time for us to accommodate the newer species. Why is it so? Well I don’t have a definite answer but that is The dissent towards the gaze of a watchful eye is just an inherent human behavior. What on the face not exclusive to cricket. We have Hawk-eye in tennis of this earth could possibly be the reason for not for reviewing the referee’s decision and you must welcoming this change. Some say it would simply be surprised to know that it is opposed by both rob the game of its virtue of unpredictability, which Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. The same Hawkis partly attributed to fallibility in making decisions, eye technology is extensively used in the game of and hence would directly impact the entertainment Snooker however for a different purpose which is quotient of the game. Some see it as a breach of enhancing the spectator’s experience. respect and sense of judgement which would have an adverse effect to the extent that would lead to a I strongly feel that the analogues Goal-line complete elimination of an on-field umpire. To sum technology is now a much awaited change in the up all accusations, this nosy act is allegedly against realm of football. Football, the world’s most popular the spirit of the game. But what about the fairness sport played by almost every remotely known and integrity of a game which is part and parcel country on the face of this planet, is particularly of everyone’s life in a country like India. Aren’t we known for its continuity and momentum. Once the asking too much for the sake of entertainment, which whistle is blown the game runs like a nuclear reactor, actually is an integral part of any sport and no one uninterrupted with 22 players scrambling all over can sunder them apart so easily. the field for the possession of a chequered ball. But things are no different in the case of football if one is It came as a bit of surprise to me when our beloved looking up to FIFA for fairness and justice especially MS Dhoni, who is at the helm of India’s World Cup after numerous incidents which had cost a fortune
for some teams. Thanks now to FIFA president Sepp Blatter for reconsidering the introduction of technology. We hope that the system will be in place soon at the very least by the start of next FIFA World Cup 2014 to be held in Brazil. It’s time to ponder over the numerous advantages which technology has served us in every walk of life until now and would continue to do. Maybe if you still see it as some sort of interference then why not as a divine intervention whose sole aim is to guide us all through the path of probity and justness.
Cricket addicts can follow the link for UDRS rule book presented on the ICC website: A2F335D543EF937F162F837_1257924398353_687. pdf
About the Author: Priyadarshan Gupta a.k.a PDG is a Software Developer by profession and an avid football follower. His interests range from running to reality shows. But cricket is not one of his passions.
ONE TO ALL (Psycho - Cosmology) By Nalin Kishore
Human perception, by which one understands and
absence of true understanding, one creates further responds to all life situations, varies in-between problems in the ignorant pursuit of solving them. This extreme individualistic (vyashti) and absolute is what is happening everywhere in our society and government. All this often brings cosmic (samashti) forms. However extremes or absolutes are usually ‘Human destiny is a prisoner about the feeling that we are living in a mad world, which is doomed to imaginary and reality is relative. So of one’s own perception’. destruction! everybody’s basic vision actually falls in between the two extremes of the continuum of human perception, though mostly near the former. Moreover, as nothing remains static in this ever-dynamic universe, one’s genetically and situationally shaped perception keeps creeping towards either of the opposite ends of this continuum forever. Here the law of ‘linear progression through spiraling motion’ applies. Perception induces action and that, in turn, further reinforces perception. This way, human beings generally tend to be increasingly individualistic or cosmic in nature in the course of life. Therefore, ‘Human destiny is a prisoner of one’s own perception’.
Such maddening individualism is also the source
of differentiation between oneself and others. From sense of dissimilarity arises the urge for comparative evaluation. However, as we start evaluating, we lose our capacity to understand human relations. Moreover, comparison leads to superiority and inferiority complexes - setting off biased behavior that prevents neutrality of mind, which is essential for true and clear vision. Unity and equality among individualists is lost, breeding jealousy, antagonism and conflicts instead. This causes tension inside and all around them. And ‘tension is the top killer’ Individualism involves growing egocentricity. One’s surpassing tobacco, today! ego, the I-ness, identifies with bodily qualifications like color, shape etc. as well as mental ones like beliefs Even the wars being fought between religions and and habits. The egoists find themselves, i.e. the sum nations are basically ego-conflicts. For collective of respective identities, at the centre of their world identities such as family, cast, race etc. are mere - view. And ego-satisfaction lies in freezing, layer enlargements of individual identities. Any sense upon layer, their respective identities by perpetually of collectivism - large or small, old or new – is no living in accordance. This phenomenon forms as sane substitute for universalism. Only in such cases, many unique individual perceptions, as egoists in deadly individualism takes up the hallowed garb of the world. But all preconditioned perceptions block collectivism, viz. Hinduism and Islam, to gain further and distort objective signals received by the senses. destructive potential. Because irrational herd-instinct, So the same event or message may have different that undermines individual rationality, is an essential interpretations, feature of group behavior. One plus one, thereby, Individualism involves growing though there becomes as effective as eleven in causing horror and is only one destruction, as on 7/7 and 9/11. However, no one egocentricity w h o l e s o m e cares to stop the waste of precious life energy, in this truth. Which ego induced conflicts and tension, which is naturally means most of us being individualists, lack the truthful weakening, sickening and killing. It is a living-Hell! vision. This is the real MAYA affecting human minds, because of which they are perceptually illusioned Herd-instinct, that undermines individual and, therefore, perpetually blind to the explicit and rationality, is an essential feature of group implicit truths of life as a whole. Moreover, in the
Nevertheless, individualism is the guiding principle
of all major economic, political and social systems in vogue. For example, at the core of reigning ‘freemarket capitalism’ lies the psychological assumption of individualism. Whereby, free (for all) competition is thought to Selfishness - an expression of promote individual individualism - has become enterprise and growth and the a socially desirable and summation of individual growth appreciated basic virtue. is supposed to bring about social growth. However, is it a psychologically tenable and, therefore, materially practical thesis today? Firstly, the Earth cannot sustain competitive production and consumption any more. Nor can the best of productivity be achieved through intra-organizational competition. Even the politics of the day is best run by various ilks of democratic game plans. Where voters are supposed to vote in favor of individual or group interests or both and the elected leaders are granted explicit right to fight for ever-greater personal share in the political powercake. Selfishness - an expression of individualism – as such, has become socially desirable and appreciated basic virtue. But isn’t this so-called virtue actually the source of all human vices?
own collective existence and growth. When we want nothing (deeply), get everything (of value)!
with body is the prime basis of individualistic perception. As our body differs, so do we. But isn’t this a superficial view? Scientific insight suggests that all human bodies are made of common matter and all matters are made of common energy. So, how are we different? Moreover, energy is dynamic by nature and, thus, keeps changing its form forever. Energy-matter-energy cycle perpetually goes on in nature. Identifying with material form brings about the negative sense of individualism and “I am the world and the separateness. While world is me” identification with all-intrinsic energy form leads to the unified cosmic vision, when one spontaneously proclaims like J. Krishnamurti,”I am the world and the world is me”. Or like Vedic Rishis, one declares,”Aham Brahmasmi”, where Brahma means the primal cosmic energy that shapes and powers the whole of diverse and dynamic physical world. The common religious symbol of ‘God’ too, in pure sense, is characterized by omnipresence and omnipotence. God-realization, therefore, essentially implies attaining all-inclusive cosmic perception or ‘Sarwa-ekatwa bodh’ in the words of Upnishad.
cumulative effect of this mother of all vices was not quite visible a few centuries ago, because Just imagine a social situation wherein most of there were much fewer people with lesser needs its members deeply realize the ultimate truth of in then abundant world. But now, with booming cosmic unity and, hence, actually feel that all are the population having spiraling needs same. If we perceive ‘all as oneself’, Nationalism has been the on this withering earth, clashes of then who is the different other to individual and group interests are largest cause of death and compare with and feel jealous of? causing conflicts in every home and When ‘all is one’, hurting others is street. Moreover, group clashes due to destruction in human history. like hurting oneself. Then cutthroat different hues of communalism and competitions and clashes look communism too is stoking the fire of social violence ridiculous and, therefore, become impossible for the all over. Nationalism has been the single-largest cause rational self. As the difference between life and death of death and destruction in human history. Today’s also dissolves in a cosmic mind, all fears and tensions most horrific fact is that so much firepower rests at vanish forever. When social psyche will attain such the fingertips of ever fighting egoists in the world, universal vision; true sense of unity, equality will that can destroy most of the life forms from the globe, permeate all human relations, and thus, peace not once or twice but many times mathematically. In will perpetually prevail. And the all-potent peace such a critical situation, it is high time that human essentially brings out human happiness, creativity beings begin realizing the un-sustainability of and prosperity for oneself and all around. However, individualism - induced selfish behavior for their is this glorious scenario a mere piece of impossible
fiction like Harry Potter’s? If so, isn’t thinking of of a three-way practice of thought-awareness, thoughtlessness and thoughtless-awareness. We impossible irrational? have to begin with the first, which involves looking one’s feelings and thinking through one’s Well, many of the previous improbable are possible within thoughts in non - judgmental (Nirgun) manner. This today and some of the present impossible will also is essential initially, for incessant and uncontrolled turn possible in future. In fact, creativity is all about thinking distorts our conscious perception. Only a challenging impossible and making some of them silent mind can perceive the facts of a phenomenon possible. So, ‘nothing is impossible’ for creative clearly. Otherwise, even the best of logical thinking people, attitudinally at least. Moreover, every cannot help us have its true understanding. creative moment is essentially characterized by selfTherefore, perception and thinking should be done forgetfulness and thus, holistic vision. Such state of alternatively, not simultaneously. But we need to mind is more conducive for ‘lateral thinking’, which understand our thoughts thoroughly to be able to has been the source of all inventions and positive control and cease thinking at will. The first practice developments in human civilization. Hence, as helps in this. human problems are growing exponentially, so is the need for creativity; which is an essential product of expanding consciousness. The second practice of ‘thoughtlessness’ involves conscious quietening of mind and body by following breath and letting go everything else. Frequent Once Spinoza said, “Democracy can succeed only one’s suspension of thought process conserves life-energy, when the majority of the citizens feel actively as thinking consumes it the most, and raises the level responsible for everything happening in the state”. of energy in mind and body, making us healthier and Otherwise, individualism - centric present forms of more efficient. On the other hand, thought based divisive democracies will lead the world to social self-identity too is dissolved, leaving ‘one with the war and chaos as well as environmental catastrophe. whole’. Inner silence is always enlightening. The third However, once one’s mind is trapped in a positive practice of ‘thoughtless-awareness’ is called ‘Choice spiral from individualism towards nationalism in true less Awareness’ by J. Krishnamurti and ‘Stithipragya’ sense, only a bit of situational resilience ensures his or or ‘Sahaj Samadhi’ in Hindu scriptures. Indeed, her movement towards globalism and universalism. ‘”thinking is as difficult for wise, as non-thinking is for Even capitalist economic systems can now survive unwise’”- Maharshi Raman. All the above modes of and succeed only with cultivation of mental practices, eventually, the sense of Gandhian Trusteeship Human mind can be evolved by are the components of among the capitalists- like Bill Gates, meditation methods. Warren Buffet and Azim Premji. a three-way practice of thought- ancient No wonder, therefore, that all awareness, thoughtlessness and the aforesaid persons were ‘One to All’ evolution of individual commonly meditative in thoughtless-awareness. mind has never been impossible. The nature. human history is replete with many such examples: Vedic Rishis, Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet The only silver-lining in the individualism-induced Mohammad – to name a few absolute ones of the dark clouds of corruption, crime and conflict at ancient times. Many more saintly characters, being present, is the accelerating spread of meditation close to the cosmic end of the perceptual continuum, practices all over the world. For, meditation is like have shown light on the path for humanity in the a mental bath that cleans up our perception off past. Nor are near-cosmic beings completely absent illusions. Regular meditation, as such, promotes even today. truthful, dynamic and universal mindset. However, real and regular practitioners of meditation still In fact, human mind, which is the source of individual form a mere miniscule of human population, which and collective behavior, can be evolved by means is clearly not enough to significantly influence our
collective perception. Multi-layered global power structure is yet manned and managed mostly by die-hard individualists, whose divisive-illusions has seeped deeper into their unconscious mind. And why not, they have been taught various differentiations at home, school, work-place and the society in general since more than nine generations. Many of our public policies too are based on perpetual differentiations. Such politically and culturally acclaimed illusion of basic diversity, however, necessarily leads to clashes of individual and group identities and interests. That, of course, has brought the world to the brink of total disaster with the help of modern science and technology.
So, what we urgently require today is a strong ‘cosmic
movement’, focused more on younger ones in human society. Whereby, people should be preached the truth of universal unity and equality more by deeds than words. So, let us practice and propagate the essential ‘cosmic oneness’. This is the core truth of all principal religions as well. We just need to live in the core and shun the superficial. After all, don’t we forget ourselves in the moment of personal or universal Love?
About the Author: Nalin Kishore teaches management in Patna. He has extensively read and researched philosophy, spiritualism and meditation techniques.
Trends - Summer 2011
By Anupama Mantry
The summers are here and with the mercury rising at a rapid rate (it has al-
ready reached ‘baking alive’ levels in Mumbai), it is time to update your wardrobe. Well fashion is a cycle which keeps going round and round. So here we are with the 70’s coming back with a bang again this season. So you are going to see the bohemian & hippie look with a lot of high waisted pants, trousers with relaxed legs, and skirts; peasant blouses, safari jackets, hot pants etc. Also midi & maxi is the new hemline to have, so forget your mini’s and get out those 3/4th length skirts and dresses that you have been saving in your cupboards.
Must haves this season: Hyper Colors: Go colorful with wild electric blues, citrus, bright pinks, candy greens, and teals. Combining your colors with black will create a great effect. Remember to go chunky with loads of bangles or different shapes; the more the merrier. (But make sure you look into a mirror before stepping out, you wouldn’t want to blind others with a combination of purple and fluorescent green) Men can go colorful with their shirts, tees, shorts etc. but be super careful when trying them in pants or trousers. If u can’t carry them off, then they are not for you.
Trends - Summer 2011
Laces: Laces add that delicate and feminine touch to your attire. So this season have them on your tops, shorts, skirts, and dresses for that feminine look. A sexy, full lace dress would get those heads turning and also get you those jealous stares, trust me on this. You can even do it as a DIY project and prep up your old shorts or skirts with some dyed to match laces.
Midi & Maxi:
The mini may be sexy and still in fashion with hot pants, but the comfortable midi and the elegant maxi are the new hemlines this season. So have those skirts and dresses go the 3/4th length or all the way down to the floor. Your trousers too can go the 3/4th way.
Trends - Summer 2011
High waist pants: The buzz this season will be the high waist, relaxed leg pants. Even the skirts are rising on the waist now. Team them up with shirts or short tops for that exquisite look. But remember to show that high waist, the point of it would be totally lost if you decide to wear a long top over it.
Trends - Summer 2011
Bold Prints: Forget the ditsies; bold and large prints are in with flora, fauna and fruita. So have those large flowers or polka dots on your dresses or python n leopard print skirts and bags or tops with large abstracts and psychedelic prints. The larger and bolder they are, the better they look this season. Although you can wear fruita prints, but learn to recognize that fine line between fruita and Hawaiian.
Trends - Summer 2011
Whites: Don’t forget to wear your whites this summer. Team up that classic white shirt with a blue jeans or a basic white full sleeved tee with high waist trouser. Or go all white with white lacy dresses, white suits with trouser/ skirts or the famous India version of the classic white salwar/chudidar kameez with a bright colored dupatta. Men can stick to the white shirts and tee shirts and for the bolder ones can try out the white trousers. White shorts, cargos and 3/4ths are more in style for you. You may go all white but do remain one step short of being termed as ‘Jitendra’.
Platforms: Remember those platforms that were the ‘IN’ thing a few years back? Well they are ‘IN’ again. So forget the classic stilts for now and get those platforms. They are comfy and yet stylish.
Trends - Summer 2011
Waist Belts: Wear those belts higher clinched around your waist to highlight that tiny waist. Belts are available in various designs and colors. Team them up with tops and dresses for maximum effect. And no, you may not wear it with your salwar kameez.
The Jumpsuit:
Go sexy with the “heavy industries - workers� inspired jumpsuits or catsuits. Available in various modifications, these are a must have in your wardrobe this summer. Please remember that these are not meant for those who are a little on the heavier side as they may make you look more bulky. So enjoy the summers with these must haves and be the talk of town!
About the Author: Anupama Mantry works in the Fashion & Apparels industry and is a Fashion Retail Buyer at a Danish firm. She did her graduation from NIFT Mumbai. Although fashion is her chosen career, she has always been an adventure enthusiast at heart. Photographs: courtesy Harpers Bazar.
Outliers: The Story of Success
is a non-fiction book written by Malcolm Gladwell. Malcom Gladwell has the unusual ability for seeking common-sense explanations for apparent coincidences and problems of everyday life. He also seems determined to overturn conventional notions about fundamental concepts that have always been taken granted for. This is evident in his first book, Tipping Point, where he challenged the notion: big changes come from big efforts. In Outliers, he reasons why some people are more successful than others. In the process pointing out that talent, intelligence, and skill are not the real determiners of fantastic success but that people with these traits require some substantial help along the way if they are to become outliers in their chosen pursuits.
So who or what is an outlier? An outlier by definition
spent well more than 10,000 hours as a programmer. is something or someone situated away from Although it is impossible to undermine Gates’s talent or completely different from the main body or and drive, but that he had the opportunity enhancing majority ¬– an exception. For Gladwell, an outlier is this talent cannot be denied either. an individual, so truly exceptional in his/her field of “Outliers” has much in common with Gladwell’s expertise that it gives a new definition to the term earlier work. It is a pleasure to read and leaves you success. Bill Gates (Microsoft) is an outlier and so is mulling over its inventive theories for days afterward. Steve Jobs (Apple), Robert Oppenheimer (father of For instance, you need at least 10,000 hours on the clock to master a skill! Communication techniques the atomic bomb). varying across cultures can cause airline crashes!
Gladwell starts with tales of individual greatness and then adds details that undercut the tale. He thus attempts at offering a more complete understanding of success. For example, Bill Gates, the computer genius, founder of Microsoft did not succeed in becoming an outlier only because of his exceptional ability but also because he lucked into the opportunity to use the computers at the University of Washington, for hours on end. By the time he turned 20, he had
the book is not well substantiated by research in places and sometimes appears to be a long drawn argument the author is having with himself! This is particular infuriating as it would have been wonderful to substantiate and make sense of seemingly conflicting ideas. Another thing that bothers is that he sticks predominantly to America, it would have been more interesting if he had travelled
a bit over the world to see if the same theories hold true elsewhere.
The book has an undercurrent of a political manifesto for social reforms as well. If our world had given a million teenagers the same opportunity as Bill Gates, how many more Microsofts would we have had today? Gladwell urges us to rethink and does a pretty good job of it!
About the Author: Kinnari Sathe has a doctorate in Neurobiology from Aberdeen University. Apart from dissecting human and mice brains, she likes to read and write in her free time. She also likes to talk, and used to host a radio music show during her stay in Scotland.
By Mallikarjun
She was placed on a pyre. Her husband’s cold carcass “Diya are you all right?” Kunti Bhabhi is at the door. lay in front of her. The wood was neatly stacked to make a platform. Their family had leased their land to procure the wood – it was precious here. It was his funeral. And hers too. She was clad in a white saree, and around her was a conglomeration of people young and old in white. From far, you wouldn’t even notice the event, camouflaged by the desert under a hot afternoon sun. Everyone was looking at her with glazed eyes. Their palms were joined, as if to pray. She realized that she didn’t want to die. This was not what she had dreamt of. In panic, she tried to jump off and flee, but all she managed was to stumble and fall on her face. Strong hands lifted her and placed her back on the pyre. There was sand in her eyes, she could not see clearly. But she could hear the priest’s chant. She could smell the smoke, from the burning of wood. Then suddenly it started getting unbearably hot. She froze in fear. The chanting grew louder as others joined in. No one could hear her blood curdling screams. The flames touched the sky, and with them her screams also died down.
wake up with a shriek. I am alive! It was just a nightmare. My saree is drenched with sweat. It glows in the moonlight filtering through the window. I feel Rajeshwar’s cold, listless body next to me. He had died this afternoon, while working in the fields. They say the heat got to him. He was very old and stooped. I was summoned in school and given the news. I had cried. When I reached home, I was stripped by some old women I had never seen before, and draped in a white saree. I was fifteen. He must have been around seventy. Who knows, he had always looked the same. The sound of incessant wailing filled the house and the courtyard. I felt numb. I was not attached to him. He was too old and weak to feel or do anything to me. I was like an inanimate object in the house, like the chair, or the bed, confined by the walls. I am now in a room with a smelly dead body. Will I be stuck within these boundaries forever? Or is his death my liberation as everyone was saying?
She must have been woken up by my scream. She is like an elder sister to me, although I am her “Jethani”, my husband being the eldest of the brothers. “Didi, I don’t want to stay here anymore. There is nothing for me here.” “Where will you go? What will you do?” “Sanjana Madam from Sanyukta Foundation gave me her number. Last time she wanted to take me with her to study in a good school there. But the elders never agreed.” “Very well. We will see what can be done tomorrow. Go to sleep now, you look tired.” But sleep doesn’t come to me. Instead, I dream with my eyes open.
“Sapna are you ok? You have been here continuously for two days.” “I am fine, Sid. I just dozed off for a minute.” “Stop dreaming. Lots of people are here, and want to talk to you.”
I get up. The colors dancing off the murals sooth me. Siddharrth is now talking to the patrons. I go back to staring into the canvas. “Is this the latest one?” an elderly lady standing next to me asks. “Yes.” “What’s the title?” “Scars.” “It’s beautiful. I think it’s your best creation.” “Thank you. I had it in mind for a long time. Just couldn’t muster courage earlier to paint it.” The woman in the white saree smiles at me from the painting. “You use a lot of colors. All your paintings are so full of life.” “Perhaps it is because I come from the land of sun and sand, gold and glitter.”
SCARS “Siddharth, I really am tired. I shall freshen up and come back in a couple of hours. Please let me know if anything comes up. Thanks.� I hold his firm and reassuring hand and walk out, into the maze of people, ready to be lost.
About the Author: Mallikarjun is an IIT graduate, trying to find his vocation in life. Meanwhile he spends his time reading, writing and overanalyzing things. He also likes to trek, rock climb, cycle, play Ultimate, and lately run long distance.
I thank all the writers, and other people who helped me with the editing, proof reading and design. I hope to make this magazine better with each issue. For queries about contribution, comments, suggestions and complaints please mail me at: or drop a message on my facebook or twitter pages.