Newnan Historical Society Newsletter, March 2013

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Newsletter Volume 1, Number 4 March 2013

Spring Home and Garden Tour Planned NEW TICKET PRICING ENCOURAGES FAMILY PARTICIPATION The Newnan-Coweta Historical Society and the Coweta County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers invite you to their Historic Tour of Homes and Gardens on Saturday, May 4. Explore life as it was in the 1860s. Individual tickets ($30 each) include access to three homes and lunch (1860s menu); Family tickets ($20 per family) include access to only the “Working Farm” historic home and garden, featuring hands-on crafting, storytelling and much more! Lunch is not included in the Family tickets. Tickets will go on sale in March. For more information call: 770-251-0207 or 770-254-2620. (

New Year’s Palmette Ball- Fun Success!

At the photo to the left, Mr. and Mrs. Headley celebrated the New Year at the Society’s first annual formal Palmette Ball held at the finished but unfurnished McRitchie-Hollis Museum. More than one hundred guests enjoyed the food, drink and music as they toured the beautifully restored house. The Society commissioned 14 Garden Orbs that were auctioned during the event. They are now gracing the gardens of Newnan. Many thanks extended to our sponsors of the event: Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, Progressive Heating and Air Conditioning, Panoply Interior Design, Headley Construction, Southtowne Motors, NuLink.

P.O. Box 1001, Newnan, GA 30264 770-251-0207

We invite you to join us in our continued endeavors to preserve the History and Heritage of Newnan & Coweta County, Georgia.

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From the Executive Director Joanna Arrieta

Message from the President - Dan Dietz This is the time for reflection upon the past year. We survived; that’s the good news. The better news is that we survived in grand style. The best news is that we have an even better year ahead of us. 2012 marked a huge transition for the Society. We suddenly went from what some might consider a small-town, two-horse operation to a much larger organization being propelled now by the responsibility of a sizable endowment, a newly acquired, expensively restored facility and an energetic, focused Director. All that is good but will require many more volunteer and paid manhours. I don’t doubt that our Board of Directors and membership are up to the task, will meet the challenges and continue our growth in a fashion we can all be proud of. The previous year saw our hosting Presidents Jefferson and Lincoln, Mr. Daniel Stowell (a Lincoln authority) and 25 “horses of many colors”. We honored Mr. Fred Blackwell, two high school scholarship recipients, Preservation awardees and Mr. Lewis Grizzard. We welcomed our new Executive Director. We had a Murder Mystery at the new Museum-to-be, ghostly forays into the neighborhood and a festive gala to top off the year. 2013 will see the opening of the McRitchie/Hollis Museum and pertinent programs and events throughout the year. I look forward to seeing more of our “veteran” members as well as many of our new members. Thank you all for your past and future support for what I consider a most worthy cause, one that enhances our community’s quality of life and preserves the local heritage.



The last couple months have been busy and exciting as I settled into my new role as Executive Director for the Historical Society. The Board and I have successfully held a New Year's Eve fundraiser, launched a new membership campaign, planned the 2013 calendar of events, and continued working on the new McRitchie-Hollis Museum! As I began working on the interpretive plan for the new museum, I was astounded at the rich history that Newnan has to offer and I can't wait to highlight that in our exhibition. The new museum will focus on Newnan during the last part of the Great Depression through World War II and will provide interactive experiences for our visitors. Some of the new museum will be open to the public starting in the spring, while some components (such as the formal World War II exhibition) will open a little later in the year. We hope that you are as excited as we are for all the great things happening here at NCHS and, as always, the Board of Directors and I thank you so much for continuing your support of our endeavors. We are in constant need of dedicated volunteers to assist in our efforts so if you are considering donating your time, we hope you consider NCHS! Please feel free to call me or drop by my office at the Male Academy should you have any questions or concerns!

Joanna We now have NCHS Polo Shirts! -Great quality! -2 color NCHS embroidered logo. -Order yours (S, M, L, XL) specify Ladie’s or Men’s. -Call the Male Academy Museum (770-251-0207) $35 for members - $40 non-members MasterCard and Visa accepted.

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Let Them Eat Toffee!

Special Programs for Saturday, March 2nd Join us on March 2 from 10:00A.M. to 4:00P.M.for an interactive and engaging program on the Civil War. Encounter living historians participate in 1860s crafts and learn about the year 1863 at our Historic Train Depot. Tickets to the event are free for members and $5 for nonmembers. At 7:00P.M. on Saturday , March 2 at the Wadsworth Auditorium, Dr. Gordon Jones will present “Lincoln and Liberty”. Dr. Jones will explore Lincoln’s evolving ideology of freedom, the Emancipation Proclamation, and other facets of Abraham Lincoln’s life in this exciting lecture. Dr. Jones is the Senior Military Historian at the Atlanta History Center and received his doctorate from Emory University. Tickets are $5 for adults and free for students. Students are encouraged to reserve their tickets in advance. Advance ticket purchases and reservations may be made by calling the Male Academy Museum at (770-251-0207)

Phyllis and Kerry Graham of “Let Them Eat Toffee!”, the chocolate shop on Newnan’s square, donated $200 to the Newnan-Coweta Historical Society in appreciation for the increased business the “Horsey Affair” brought to their store. Phyllis said they sold their “Horse Puckys” as fast as Kerry could make them and the chocolate treat continues to be most popular. The donation has been earmarked for the Society’s future Children’s Interactive Museum. When looking to satisfy your sweet tooth or for that special gift, drop in to the shop. The wonderful aroma of

Phyllis Graham of “Let them eat Toffee” presents check to Dan Dietz, president of the NCHS

Mallory Perry is New Editor of Newsletter If you were wondering who was responsible for our professional looking newsletters, wonder no more. Our volunteer publisher and editor is Mallory Perry, a newcomer to the Society. She had a career in Atlanta in the advertising and special events fields, then moved to Florida and continued her work with the Stranahan House Museum in Ft. Lauderdale. She has brought her experience and skills to Newnan and offered them to the Society. Mallory is excited about the McRitchie/Hollis Museum and anxious to get involved. She sees it as an educational opportunity with well trained guides, tour videos and interesting programs and events. We’re extremely fortunate to have Mallory join us in fulfilling the vision for the McRitchie/ Hollis Museum.

Newnan-Coweta Historical Society Membership 2012

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The year 2012 was a tremendous success for the Society due in large part to the support of the membership. The following are those who shared our vision for the year. We thank you.

Benefactor+ Mrs. Dolores Trezavant Mr.&Mrs. Sam Ray

Benefactor LTC&Mrs. Laurie Pope Mr.&Mrs TomWiley


Patron Mr.&Mrs. Daniel Dietz Mr.&Mrs. Richard Prange Mr.&Mrs. Dirk Rountree

Donor Mr. George Alexander Mr. Phil Ballou Mr.&Mrs. Mike Barber Mr.&Mrs. Jack Binion Mr.&Mrs. Tim Bowyer Mr.&Mrs. Bob Briggs M Gen Joe Brooks Mr.&Mrs. Rodney Cage Mr.&Mrs. Tom Camp Mr.&Mrs. Bob Coggin Mr.&Mrs. W.H. Crowley

Mr. James Dollar Mr.&Mrs. David Farmer Mr.&Mrs. Morris Glasgow Mrs. Inez Glover Mr.&Mrs. Andy Gosch Mr.&Mrs. William Headley Mr.&Mrs. Gordon Kilgore Ms. Sarah LaMance Mrs. Catherine Latimore Mr. Les Luttrell Mr.&Mrs.Marcus Malone

Ms. Helen Marchman Mr.&Mrs. Patrick McKee Ms. Dorothy McLean Mr.&Mrs. Jon Moss Ms. Nevelle Owens Mr.&Mrs. Wayne Pierce Mr.&Mrs. Mickey Posey Mr.&Mrs. Warner Ray Mr.&Mrs. James Rogers Ms. Sue Royal Ms. Paula Smith

Mr. Tom Smith Mrs. Cecelia Smith Mr.&Mrs. Josh Steed Mr.&Mrs. James Thomasson Dr.&Mrs. J.J. Thomasson, Jr. Mrs. Barb Tornow Ms. Elva Whitlock Mr.&Mrs. Andrew Whitlock Mr.&Mrs. Charles Wilson Mr. Ed Wolak Dr.&Mrs. Pat Yancey

Family Mr.&Mrs. David Albright Mr.&Mrs. Chip Barron Mr.&Mrs. William Berry Mr.&Mrs. Roger Bigham Mr.&Mrs. Hans Boesing Ms. Barbara Brown Ms. Frances Dietz Mr.&Mrs. Ray DuBose Ms. Cindy Eidson Mrs. Christy Gray

Mr.&Mrs. Chris Hallman Mr.&Mrs. Michael Harris Mr.&Mrs. John Hickman Mr. George Johnson Mr.&Mrs. William Jones Mrs. Evelyn Jones Mr.&Mrs. Gene Kleese Mr. Milton McRoberts Mr. Brett Miller Ms. Cathy Newman

Mr.&Mrs. Emory Palmer Mr.&Mrs. Murray Parks Mr.&Mrs. Martin Pate Mr.&Mrs. Gary Pitts Mr. Tom Redwine Mr.&Mrs. David Sandlin Mr.&Mrs. Ashley Schubert, Sr. Mr.&Mrs. Lewis Scott Mr.&Mrs. Michael Scott Mr.&Mrs. Brad Sears

Mr.&Mrs. Jayme Sickert Mr. Morris Steward Mr.&Mrs. John Sullivan Mr.&Mrs. Michael Sumner Liz&George Tedder Mr.&Mrs. Robert Teller Ms. Tamra Tuggle Dr.&Mrs. Steve Umberger Mr.&Mrs. Frazier Vereen Mrs. Rick Worthen

Individual & Senior Mr.&Mrs. William Austin Mrs. Mary Willie Banks Dr. William Barron Mr. Chad Beard Mrs. Elizabeth Beers Mr.&Mrs. Robert Benny Ms Barbara Berlin Ms. Helen Berry Mrs. Joanna Bierman Col. Willie Boyd Mr.&Mrs. Herb Bridges Ms. Diane Brosche Mr. Dick Brunelle Mrs. Libby Buchanan Ms. Betty Tom Buchanan Mrs. Wanda Carroll MS. Carol Chancey Ms. Mary Ben Christiansen Mrs. Carlene Collins Ms. Kristin Cox Mr.&Mrs. Gene Craven Mrs. Jenny Cummins Ms. Sarah Daras Mr.&Mrs. David Dean Mr.&Mrs. Joseph Distel

Mr.&Mrs. Donald Doggrell Mr.&Mrs. Sam Edwards Mr. Tom Farmer Mrs. Charlsie Farmer Mrs. Millie Freeman Mrs. Silvia Garay Mrs. Florine Gentry Ms. Susan Goodroe Mrs. Beth Greene Mrs. Charlotte Harvey Mrs. Norma Haynes Mrs. Carol Healy Mr. Joseph Heiberger Mrs. Juanita Hieronymus Mr. Tommy Hooks Dr.&Mrs Barry Hunter Ms. Irene Husak Mr. Scott Jackson Mr. Carlton Jones Mr.&Mrs. Rob Kelley Mr.&Mrs. William Kline Dr. James Kornder Mrs. Shelley Laurin LCol. Thomas Lee Ms. Faye Lipford

Ms. Sue Livingston Mr. Tom Lovett Mrs. Frances Mann Mr.&Mrs. Richard Marx Mr. Donald McCarty Ms. Mary Ann McWhorter Mr.&Mrs. Kenneth Moore Mr.&Mrs John O’Conner Mrs. Dey Parks Mrs. Virginia Parks Mr. Edwin Parrott Ms. Rosemary Payton Ms. Mallory Perry Mr. Jim Rew Dr.&Mrs. Joel Richardson Ms. Betty Roark Mr.&Mrs. William Roe Mr.&Mrs. Wayne Rogers Ms. Constance Scruggs Ms. Beverly Seifert Mrs. Jackie Stallings Mr.&Mrs.Clint Tankersley Mrs. Gerald Troutman Mr. Bill Tudor Mrs. Barbara Tumperi

Mr. James Weaver Mr.&Mrs. Gary Weldon Mrs. Barbara Wetherington Ms. Minerva Winslow Ms. Cecile Wood Mr. Carlisle Young Mr.&Mrs. John Young Complimentary (Horsey Affair) Mrs. Ann Beegle Ms. Corrine Galla Ms. Cecelia Hilton Mr.&Mrs. Jack Jones Mrs. Margaret Knox Mr.&Mrs. Steve Mader Mr.&Mrs. Curtis Robb Mr.&Mrs. Marcus Stewart Mrs. Brenda Losey Sumpter Mr.&Mrs. Steve Swope Mrs. Carol Toole Ms. Martha Woodham

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