Authors Editor Designer V.O. No
Luana Vassallo Tamara Caligari Sean Mallia Lara Cassar Delia VO/0531
Publication Date November 2013 2
• A Glance into your future
• KSU • A stepping stone to the working world • Take the Leap, build your portfolio • Aġenzija Żgħażagħ • Improve your CV • Are you Really LinkedIn? • Events Programme • Event Map • Useful Tips when going for an Interview • Deloitte • KPMG • PWC • Ernst & Young • Meeting your employer • Tipico • Alter Domus • Personal Branding • EU Careers • Maltese Chambers • The Journey • Participating Companies
04 05 06 08 10 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 38 42
A Glance Into Your Future Luana Vassallo
Social Policy Co-ordinator
What does the future have in store for you? Will all the hard work that we have done throughout our years of study truly pay off? Will it all be worthwhile in the end? These are the type of questions that each and every one of us ask at one point or another.
As the representative of the students’ body, KSU strives to improve the experience of University students whilst looking into the future of its members. Apart from organizing entertainment events and educational seminars, KSU wants students to aim at gaining experience, to learn more and to practice what they read about. The KSU Careers’ Convention is an ideal and convenient opportunity for students to take a glance into their future by meeting potential employers, and out of this, forge professional relationships that will shape up their academia and career. KSU recognizes the fact that the spectrum of careers is becoming broader by time as more fields are opening with University making it more diverse. In
light of this, KSU thought it would be ideal that apart from having companies present on Campus, representatives from different employment sectors will be giving out presentations with regards to the opportunities present for students. In addition, this year, we are giving the chance to students to “Drop Off Your CV” which will then be distributed to the respective companies according to their area of choice. This year’s Careers’ Convention Magazine will also feature tips and articles which will help students when entering the world of employment. In conclusion, KSU invites you to take the opportunity and take the most of the Careers’ Convention as this might be the first step towards your future. For more information visit our website, 3
KSU Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) is the oldest student national council in Europe. Founded in 1901 as the Comitato Permanente Universitario (CPU), KSU is the prime motivator of student affairs on the University of Malta campuses. It is a dynamic organisation which represents all students attending the University, which includes the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical School and the Malta Centre of Restoration, and the Junior College, a total of more than 13,000 students. Therefore, it serves as the official link between students and authorities.
KSU organizes various events and activities throughout the year and, being an autonomous organisation, does not receive any funds aside those from sponsorships and activities. KSU also promotes student activism and seeks to cultivate an interest in students in a variety of fields, such as economic and cultural issues. KSU works on improving education at University and its faculties, institutes, schools and colleges, from time to time working on quality and level of education received, most notably the input given towards the law that increased student representation on campus. 4
Over the past 110 years, KSU has been working on: Representing students in whatever issues concern them, whether these are at campus, local national or international level • Serving as an official link between students and relevant authorities • Increasing student representation and achieving democratisation of education in Malta • Cultivating students’ interest in the education and socio-political fields and issues • Coordinating cultural and social activities with other organisations • Providing day-to-day elementary student services such as laptop rentals and toga rentals • Pressuring authorities into assuring the highest level of quality in Further and Higher Education For more information on KSU and its services, feel free to visit
Address: Kunsill Studenti Universitarji Students’ House University of Malta Tal-Qroqq, Msida. MSD 2080 Telephone: +356 2340 2104 Contact: Luana Vassallo Email:
A Stepping Stone To The Working World Tamara Caligari
Social Policy Commissioner
Being in my 4th year at University I have always been interested in enhancing my work experiences and the KSU Careers Convention has, since my 1st year, been an ideal set up to meet companies which offer such work experiences.
The convention introduces various categories of companies and institutes which cater for the different aspects of university. Albeit it being normally aimed at business students, an effort is made each year to bring various sectors on board and this is exactly what was focused on this year. The introduction of ICT, gaming and law are what makes this year’s convention stand out.
Therefore, KSU has catered for more students and will always strive to build on this positive result. I would like to encourage students to take this opportunity to visit the fair, see what the companies have to offer and attend the various interesting talks we have scheduled for the convention. I assure them that they can surely get professional advice on their career paths as well as tips on interview, CV skills and more.
Take the Leap Build your Portfolio! Sean Mallia
Public Relations Officer
In today’s modern society every student can understand that education and further specialisation is not something that ends by the time we put on our toga but is a lifelong process. One cannot ignore the fact that University is the last major stepping stone in our long journey of educational development as our lifestyle gradually transitions into that of the working world. Nevertheless, the fact that the level of competitiveness in today’s workforce and the standard of expectations from employers keeps increasing, makes this transition increasingly challenging and getting the job we always wanted is not always so easy anymore. So how do we make the most out of these years spent on campus to be wellprepared for our first job preference? Without any doubt, attending all lectures, absorbing as much information as possible and obtaining high grades is on top of most people’s agenda; but is it enough? In truth, an employer is not simply interested in how smart you are or how many A’s you’ve got on your transcript, because with the increasing rate of graduates every year, the market of candidates which fulfill this description is definitely quite vast. Rather, the best companies always seek people who are skilled, cultured, innovative, team 6
players, problem solvers, ambitious, able to meet deadlines and able to bring something great to the table. The thing is, putting down all these qualities in your CV without any proof or experience to back up your claims, is definitely not going cut it. University life is not simply a phase where we load our brains with knowledge but should also be a phase of social and personal development. Through social interaction - being involved, being proactive and taking up the next challenge – we gain skills which employers are always on the lookout for. Going to your lectures and heading straight home to study the same type of questions does not make you a good communicator or a great problem solver – you need to take initiative and go the extra mile. You need to stand out from your competition and you need to show you have done more than just getting your degree – this is something that should be evident in any interviews you go up for. By being involved in organisations, theatre, sports, music, seminars, exhibitions and workshops which are not directly related to your studies, you will gain the qualities that might just impress your interviewer.
Bottom line is, grades are good, but what really sets you apart from the crowd is a unique portfolio of soft skills – something you can only gain by taking the leap and going beyond what is just standard.
DROP OFF YOUR CV Searching for a Job? Don’t Know from where to start? Choose your field and drop off your CV during the Careers’ Convention. The CVs will then be distributed to the area of choice.
The aim in establishing Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (the Government agency for youth affairs) is to mainstream youth related issues and further develop youth work services.
It enables further investment in young people and helps them realise their potential. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ’s overall objective is to provide a coherent, cohesive and unified Government approach to addressing the needs and aspirations of young people and to realise the following benefits: For Young people: • More actions within existing policies for young people • Greater participation, empowerment and dialogue for young people For Policymaking and Policy makers: • Change in attitudes and work culture to include a youth perspective • Greater coherence in policymaking • Better data and information on youth issues
Address: Annex to Casa Leoni St Joseph High Road St Venera SVR 1012, Malta Telephone: +356 2258 6700 Email: 8
Join our professional network
Engage with professionals at the top of their game. Access to timely market data. Get assistance with your career planning. Get opportunities for jobs, project work and coaching.
Are You REALLY LinkedIn? John Gabarretta
KSU Secretary General
In today’s world of social media, where everyone is interconnected and everything is out there, maintaining your online presence is crucial – and this is especially so when you’re looking for a job. While ensuring your Facebook privacy settings and visible material is wellcontrolled (for obvious reasons), LinkedIn is probably one of the most useful tools to expand your employment prospects. The sheer number of wellestablished professionals who make use of the online network presents an excellent opportunity for you to connect with experienced individuals, which could lead to broadening your options for a future career. So, what can you do to improve this? First of all, ensure you’ve got your profile up to speed – upload a smart picture of yourself, get your CV in order (and please not a EuroPass version) and update your profile with a list of achievements and projects you’ve been involved in.
Try your best to connect with people you know and join popular groups which pool people of similar interests – you can create links with new people you’ve never met and seek new opportunities that might crop up. Finally, make use of endorsements – people endorsing each other on LinkedIn creates a recurrent interaction which also reflects positively on you. The bottom line is, learning how to maintain a fitting image online, will earn you respect and will also improve your chances of giving off a good impression with potential employers. The more information you put out of who you associate yourself with and what kind of person you are the better – getting ‘linked in’ with the right connections can lead you to accessing the right opportunities as they come your way.
Events Programme Date
Common Room
• 11am The tips to find your ideal Career, Deborah Webster • 12pm Chamber of Architecture, Mr Stephen Farrugia • 1pm Chamber of Commerce • 2pm Chamber of Advocates
• 1pm PWC
• 12pm KPMG • 1pm PwC
Interactive Area
• 11am EU Careers, Christopher Scicluna • 12pm Chamber of Engineering, Ing Charles Cuschieri • 1pm Science, Edward Duca • 12pm Crimsonwing “Careers in IT & Improving your Employability” • 1pm CV Enhancing - KONNEKT
Stand Allocations A1
Ernst and Young
A3 & A4
4 –Agenzija Zghazagh
Castille Resources
Alter Domus
ST: Monday Net Entertainment: Tuesday & Wednesday
Sir Temi Zammit Hall
A11 A10 A 9 A 8
Interaction Space
Students’ House
Going for an interview? Here are some useful tips‌ Know yourself You need to know yourself well to interview well. You need to know what you excel in and what you struggle in.
Be active You will stand a better chance of securing an interview and performing well if you have been active in student organisations and/or had a part time job.
Homework You can prepare better if you know the organisation, the role and whom you are meeting. The more you know about the organisation you are interviewing for,the better your chances are.
Role play It is important that you develop answers to a number of competencies applicable to the role. Experience will help,that is why point two above is critical. Answers should have the following pattern,an outline of the situation you were in, the action you took and the resulting outcomes.
Dress to impress It is better to be over dressed than under dressed. You should be well groomed. Clean shoes are a must.
Body Language A strong handshake and keeping calm are very important. Plus make sure you have open and non hostile body language.
PASSION OR BRAINS? At Net Entertainment we have both. We are always looking for more talented people with the right mindset in line with our Core Values. Learn more about Net Entertainment, our business, Core Values and career opportunities at
At Deloitte we offer diverse, dynamic and challenging work. Our broad range of services gives you the possibility to start your career within audit, tax, enterprise risk or financial advisory services. Our global structure provides the right environment for you to be exposed to different experiences and our varied client base exposes you to multiple industries across the various sectors.At Deloitte we offer our people a world of opportunities.
Deloitte is one of the largest professional services firms in Malta. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world class capabilities and deep local expertise to help clients succeed wherever they operate. The local firm is successfully led by 15 directors and approximately 250 full time staff across the following service lines, Audit, Tax, Financial Advisory and Enterprise Risk Services. We have the largest and most specialised team of tax professionals in Malta which has a strong focus on international clients. Our culture Deloitte’s 200,000 professionals are unified by a collaborative culture that fosters integrity, outstanding value to markets and clients, commitment to each other, and strength from diversity. Our people enjoy an open environment of continuous learning, challenging experiences, and enriching career opportunities. At Deloitte we provide the opportunity and space for our people’s career to evolve and for aspirations to be reached. We are passionate about achieving and maintaining a standard of excellence and quality which enables us to provide creative and reliable solutions to our clients. Deloitte’s professionals are also dedicated to strengthening 18
corporate responsibility, building public trust, and making a positive impact in their communities. Who are we looking for? With Deloitte, students and graduates who enrol on one of our educational programmes are provided with an advantageous opportunity to continuously develop themselves professionally and personally with constant support. This support is passed on during their studies and on the job. In this respect we are looking for: •Students who have completed secondary education and are considering what various options are available to them; •Students who are currently studying at University in the FEMA faculty choosing Accounts or Law; •Graduates who already possess a first degree and plan to continue their studies in the field of business. What we offer Deloitte is dedicated to supporting its people to excel whilst achieving a worklife balance. Some of the benefits when working with us include: •Learning and development; •Opportunity to travel;
•Health insurance; •Family friendly measures; •Professional subscriptions - The firm pays subscription fees for staff members whose professional education is supported by the Firm; •Health and wellness initiatives. Application procedure Submit your CV online at http://mycareer. You can also visit the Deloitte stand at The Careers’ Convention 2013 and speak to one of the members of our Campus team.
Address: Deloitte Place Mriehel Bypass Mriehel BKR 3000 Telephone: +356 23432000 Website:
We have a continuous learning environment This is Deloitte We encourage and support our people to keep learning We have always distinguished ourselves by being a learning organisation. Continuous growth and improvement are essential for us to be able to ensure that we are delivering the highest level of service to our clients. Our people thrive on such development since it is only through growth that we are able to work towards reaching our full potential. Does this sound like your future? Find out more at
Stay connected
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. Deloitte Malta refers to a civil partnership constituted between limited liability companies, and its affiliated operating entities; Deloitte Services Limited and Deloitte Audit Limited. The latter is authorised to provide audit services in Malta in terms of the Accountancy Profession Act. A list of the corporate partners, as well as the principals authorised to sign reports on behalf of the firm, is available at Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte has in the region of 200,000 professionals, all committed to becoming the standard of excellence. Š 2013. For information, contact Deloitte Malta.
Working with KPMG gives you the opportunity to work with one of the ‘Big 4’ where you will work on many types of businesses and experience different cultures. Few careers offer such variety and challenge. KPMG in Malta is part of strong global network of member firms operating in 152 countries. With a balanced mix of international and local clients, working with KPMG will definitely be exciting and challenging. WE ARE COMMITTED TO NURTURING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE THAT DELIVERS EXCELLENCE IN RESULTS FOR OUR CLIENTS, CREATING A WORKING ENVIRONMENT THAT IS CONDUCIVE TO CAREER GROWTH. We are a people’s firm and we pride ourselves on our values… values like integrity and honest communication, a culture of trust and collaboration, flexibility and diversity. A culture in which people share knowledge freely and genuinely try to bring out the very best in others.
Our Graduate Programme will allow you to gain experience on real projects. It is an opportunity to learn new skills, enhance your CV, learn about the world of work and, importantly, get your foot in the door of one of the leading professional services firms. It’s not all work. We believe in a personal and professional life balance. We are committed to supporting the community. We believe we can make a difference and are looking for people who feel the same way we do. We believe we have developed one of the strongest learning and development packages you will find anywhere – a powerful combination of technical training, coaching, skills-building programmes, and milestone events that focus on celebrating promotions. This is where you can fulfil your potential. This is where you can make a difference. Submit your CV via email to recruitment@ or visit us at our stand.
Address: Portico Building Marina Street Pieta’. PTA9044 Telephone: +356 25631000 Email:
The future, quite simply, is yours to create. We are committed to attracting and developing the most passionate and determined talent because we know that YOU can achieve great things at KPMG. We are committed to nurturing a high-performance culture that delivers excellence in results for our clients, creating a working environment that is conducive to career growth. This is where you can fulfil your potential. This is where you can make a difference. Find out more at WORKINGWITHKPMG.COM.MT
© 2013 KPMG, a Maltese civil partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
PwC is the leading and largest professional services organisation in Malta, providing industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to enhance value to clients. PwC Malta is a member firm within the network of firms, where more than 184,000 people in 157 countries share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. As at 31 December 2012, PwC Malta’s extended staff complement amounted to around 500 people. CareerDeal programme CareerDeal, a student internship programme that has been running successfully for a number of years, aims to strike a healthy balance between the support that you, as an Accountancy student need throughout your university studies, and the coaching you require to better prepare yourself for the profession. PwC invests in CareerDeal students by offering them the chance to participate in our Corporate Social Responsibility programme, attend tutorials, job shadow and experience work in our different lines of service. PwC’s full-time study ACCA programme Our ACCA programme aims to accelerate the learning curve of our students and offers a fast track route into the profession. PwC’s Academy will provide you with dedicated classroom tuition to ensure that you are thoroughly prepared for the ACCA exams. This programme is planned over approximately 6 examination sittings and during this time the firm invests in you by offering a monthly study grant. The programme will offer you the opportunity to work in the different lines of service, which compliments your studies with practical experience. 22
PwC’s ACA programme PwC’s ACA programme focuses on the development of technical and business skills whilst offering an alternative route into the profession. Selected candidates seeking the ACA qualification will undergo a focused three year programme which will involve a mix of work and study. Students will be trained to acquire business-related competencies and technical experience – competencies and experiences that will adequately prepare them for a promising career within the profession and with PwC. PwC guarantees employment to students who successfully complete any of these three programmes.
Address: PricewaterhouseCoopers 78 Mill Steet, Qormi Telephone: +356 21247000 Email: Website:
Shape your future... with PwC
Join our talks on campus to find out more about the career opportunities at PwC Non-accounting students Tuesday 26th November at 1pm in the KSU common room
1st yr B.Comm students with an accounts major Wednesday 27th November at 1pm in the KSU common room
Find us on
PwC Malta Copyright Š 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the Malta member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services, employing 175,000 worldwide. We have recently been voted as the 2nd most attractive employer (after Google) in Universum’s 2013 World’s Most Attractive Employer and No. 1 in Forbes Magazine’s The Best Accounting Firms to Work For in 2012.
ABOUT US EY is distinguished by the extent of its unique, seamless and genuinely global integration, the way we think, we work together and the way we are structured. We are not merely a loose collection of national practices, where country boundaries tend to dominate and hinder global-scale efficiencies and synergies. We are a global organisation, unified in our approach.
You can become an EY intern from your first year of university. We train you in fundamental business skills through a learning curve that quickly brings you up to speed with our graduates. If you come on board you will be part of a team working with our clients in one of our main business areas. We also team you up with some of our dedicated staff to tutor you during university. We will also help out with your thesis.
EY Malta forms part of the EMEIA (Europe, Middle East, India and Africa) Area combining 93 country practises into a single operating unit, which now brings together over 81,000 people and 3,600 partners. In Malta, we employ almost 200 professionals and trainees.
Our commitment to developing outstanding leaders starts with a promise — that whenever you join, and however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience will last a lifetime.
With our agile global structure we respond faster than our competitors, access the right people and assemble high-performing teams to deliver exceptional client services. WHY JOIN US? Our internship programmes are designed to rapidly to build the selfknowledge and business exposure you need in this business. We give young leaders a chance to shine and learn from some of our sharpest minds.
WHY DO IT? • good balance between work and study periods; • an intensive induction programme, constant training, career counselling and personal development mentoring; • the acquisition of a wide range of business, technical and softer skills through hands on training; and • access to an extensive online training library. APPLICATION PROCEDURE. You are invited to send us your CV detailing your qualifications (including transcript of academic results), experience and aspirations.
ADDRESS: EY Regional Business Centre Achille Ferris Street Msida MSD 1751 TELEPHONE: +356 2134 2134 FAX: + 356 2347 1600 WEBSITE: EMAIL: OUR PURPOSE EY is committed to doing its part to build a better working world. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. PREFERRED BACKGROUNDS Accounting Finance ACCA Economics
Š 2013 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Want to work at the heart of global business?
175,000 people in more than 140 countries work for EY, advising and serving some of the world’s most important companies and organisations on the issues that matter most. Our people are vital to businesses, industries and economies everywhere. If you have focus and ambition, a career with EY can take you to amazing places. Come talk to the organisation that’s building a better working world-all over the world. Visit
Meeting Your Employer Questions: Do you remember your first interview? What advice would you give a 20 year old when going for an interview? What do you look for in a new recruit? • David Pace | Director | Advisory Services KPMG 1. It’s been a while now... but I do have a vague recollection of the uncomfortable feeling of facing the unknown but mixed with that sense of re-assurance that ultimately the interviewer too was interested in understanding what I had to offer as they had the tough job of choosing candidates for their team. 2. Do invest some time in getting to know the organisation you are approaching (showing interest is a great plus). Then think a bit about yourself – what drives you to achieve, what relevant past experiences you may have had, any particular talents, interests, or traits that might make you the preferable candidate? During the interview help the interviewer get to know you and understand what you bring to the table. Finally be yourself and approach any interview with a positive outlook. Whatever the outcome of that interview it was always an invaluable opportunity to meet people, exchange views about career opportunities and get to know more about yourself. There is always a take-away from every interview. 3. I look for a balance of different competencies and traits. Obviously a strong relevant academic performance is a good starting point. Experience in the field is an asset though not a requirement for a 20 year old interviewee. However I highly value traits like being a team player, self-motivation, and a pleasant personality. These are measured through things like the person’s participation in extra-curricular activities, sports, or say voluntary work. Wear the interviewer’s shoes: if the person you are speaking to managed to perform well in his or her studies while pursuing a number of other interests ,and interacting/teaming up with different people, then that person is more likely to perform in a career which say requires juggling multiple priorities, while working in teams to service local and foreign clients.
• Chris Balzan | Executive Director | Assurance | EY Malta 1. Yes I do. I recall waiting to be called in for the interview and overhearing staff discussing their work. The terms they were using sounded difficult and technical and I felt slightly insecure about taking on the job. I eventually did join the firm and sure enough soon after started having such discussions and using the same terms. I still smile when I recall all this. 2. Be prepared and informed on what the organisation does and what the role you aspire to entails. Demonstrate that you have the enthusiasm, drive and passion to fill the vacancy. 3. Quite simply, I look for people who see challenges and solutions in what others see as problems and dead ends 26
• Luke Mallia | Associate at PwC Malta 1. Yes – My first proper interview was at PwC around 5 years ago. Obviously, there were a few butterflies, mostly due to not knowing what to expect however I was lucky in that the interviewer immediately made me comfortable and by the end of it I was very much at ease. 2. First impressions go a long way so it’s important to look the part for the position you are interviewing for. I would also recommend that before going for an interview you should do some research about the company and try to ask company specific questions rather than the usual generic questions. Finally, make sure that your personality comes through in such a way that the interviewer can easily picture how you would fit in to their organisation. Keep in mind that interviewers often meet a large number of candidates. Find ways to stand out from the rest and be remembered. 3. I think that it is very important to strike the right balance between being academically sound whilst also with having good soft skills. It is also important that you come across as enthusiastic and eager to learn. No one starts off as the finished product but having those characteristics will go a long way to helping you develop as a professional • Michael Bianchi | Senior Manager | Deloitte 1. Of course, as it was my one and only interview. 2. Be prepared. Learn about the company. Plan to ask interesting questions and most importantly be yourself…. 3. Amongst other qualities, we look for people with a positive attitude who are able to work as a team in a collaborative environment, using effective communication skills resulting in a focused approach. We seek people who have a strong work ethic, are able to work under pressure, and stick to tight deadlines. • Martin Schillig | HR Business Partner | Tipico 1. Actually, I remember it very well. I was applying for an apprenticeship with one of the biggest car-components firms in Europe. I had to pass an assessment centre which included psychometric and competency based tests before the actual interview took place. Afterwards I learned that not all candidates where actually candidates, the company had mixed us with psychologists who pretended to be candidates. I got a job offer but rejected it as I decided to study something totally different. Nowadays I can say that it was the right decision not to take the job as both the Industry and work environment would not have been right for me. 2. My advice starts before the interview. To increase the chance to get invited for an interview your application should be free of any mistakes – and I am not talking about the kind of mistakes ‘autocorrect’ can protect you from. Don’t send standard cover letters – we in HR want to see that you actually understood what we are looking for and that you are motivated to work for us. You won’t be able to sell yourself well in two lines. Prepare yourself well before the interview – read about the company and industry – know your strong and weak points and be honest at any time. 3. It really depends on the role. Skills and knowledge are important, but they can be taught. For us motivation and attitude are the key factors, if you lack a bit of experience you won’t have issues to overcome that cap if you are motivated but motivation and attitude can’t be taught.
Just graduated! What’s next? Join Tipico on the fast-track “X years of work experience mandatory”. That short line in most of today’s job offers poses a significant negative effect on a job seeker’s hopes. This is even more so if you just finished your studies. Students can rarely provide a sound record of job experience. So is it hopeless? No, because we at Tipico know exactly how these students feel…
In the 1990s three students came up with the idea of opening their own betting company. The following developments resulted in the foundation of Tipico Co. Ltd in 2004. Within a few years, Tipico became a leading European sports betting provider. Today we employ more than 120 people at our Headquarters in St. Julian’s which makes us one of Malta’s top employers in the industry. The circle is closing: Back to university Founded by students, Tipico goes back to where it all started. We are constantly on the lookout for candidates coming directly from University with high performance, drive, self-initiative, creativity, enthusiasm, dedication and team spirit. We are investing in top local students and we believe that all employees must be treated in the best way possible. The happier our employees are, the happier our customers will be. To break it down: Your career in safe hands! Ian McLoughlin, Tipico’s COO, comes straight to the point, “The quality of our team is top-class. History has proven time and time again that the best company wins. And companies are made out of the people they attract. Malta is a fantastic place in which to find great talent. We are certain that the Graduate Development Program will be pivotal in helping Tipico maintain its advantage through attracting the best graduates to come and join us.” 28
A comprehensive experience: Tipico’s Graduate Development Program Tipico introduced a 24-month Graduate Development Program for highly qualified graduated students with high potential who have just finished University. We are aiming to integrate them in a long term perspective for the benefit of our future sustainable progress. Therefore, we will provide the graduates with the comprehensive experience they require. During the first eighteen months the graduates will rotate between the departments to get to know Tipico as a whole and get a deep insight in on-going projects and the day-to-day business. They will spend between 1 to 3 months in the following Departments: International Development, Bookmaking, Customer Care, Finance, HR, Marketing, Payment & Fraud, Legal and Product Management. Finally, the graduates will work in the department where they best fit over the last six months and may be offered a long term contract. If you are interested in the Graduate Programme, an Internship in one of our departments or in writing your thesis with us: Contact us directly!
Address: Tipico Co. Ltd. Portomaso Business Tower St. Julian’s STJ 4011 Telephone: +356 25 707131 Email: Website:
Founded in Luxembourg 10 years ago, Alter Domus has continually expanded its global service offer and today counts 28 offices and desks across four continents. This international network enables clients to benefit globally from the expertise of more than600 experienced professionals active in fund administration, corporate secretarial, accounting, consolidation, tax and legal compliance and debt administration services.
Alter Domus is a leading independent provider of outsourced administration services for multinational corporations and alternative investment funds. Founded in Luxembourg with origins in a Big Four accountancy practice, we have offices across four continents from which our professionals provide the highly customized services our clients have come to rely upon. Each of our three service lines – Corporate & Management, Fund Administration and Financial Reporting – is staffed by multidisciplinary, industry-focused teams who specialize in handling our clients’ local administrative and compliance issues so that they can focus on meeting their own objectives. Our expertise in the unique tax and corporate structures in each of the jurisdictions in which we operate, and our commitment to establishing and maintaining a pro-active relationship with our clients have made us the professional services firm of choice for many of the world’s largest multinationals, premier private equity firms, and real estate funds.
Alter Domus wants to become the global outsourcer of choice for alternative investment companies and multinationals, through high quality services and distinctive technology. Our offerings enable our clients, among them some of the most prominent funds, private equity and real estate firms and many multinational corporations to take advantage of the unique tax and corporate structures in each of the jurisdictions in which we operate. Mainstream and specialized investment funds can in addition benefit from our expertise in the compilation of financial information. Alter Domus intends to become a real partner for our clients, a partner who will take charge of all of your essential but distracting management and administration activities at a local level, permitting you to concentrate on your core business.
Address: Domestica Building, Fourth Floor Valley Road Msida MSD 9020, Malta Telephone: +356 21 48 08 28 Fax: + 356 27 48 08 29 Website: OfficesDesks/Europe/Malta.aspx
Leading global provider of tailor-made administration solutions Fund and Corporate Services
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a l te rd o m u s .co m
Personal Branding Making The Right Impression Theo Dix
Business Development, EY Malta First impressions count, so being able to articulate who you are and what you stand for is essential to career progression. As students, many of you will spend a lot of time thinking about the vision, mission and values of organisations – but what about the individuals in them? We’ve all seen established brands struggle when they lose the ability to innovate; it’s exactly the same for individuals. Personal Branding is a catchy phrase that refers to how you present yourself to the world and to the reputation the world gives you. It is all about intentionally influencing how the world sees you and purposefully packaging the brand called “you”.
Creating your personal brand in 5 steps
The benefits are powerful. The better prepared you are to show the world who you are, the more likely the world will see you the way you want. No-one is as interested in your career as you are. Personal branding is about intentionally deciding to influence how the world sees you. It is about identifying and then communicating what makes you unique and relevant and differentiated for your target audience, so that you can reach your career goals. If you understand your strengths, skills, passions, and values, you can use this information to separate yourself from your competitors and really stand out.
2. Prioritise your brand elements: It’s easier for people remember one thing than several things. So what you have to do is look at your list of 4 or 5 qualities about yourself and decide which of them is the most important. If someone could define you by one quality, which would it be? The other things, though important, can be secondary elements in your personal brand.
5. Live your personal brand: The last and most important step is to live your personal brand. It should be more than how you present yourself to the world. It should also be a real life description of why you’re great. Spend your time emphasising the elements of your personal brand in your life. It can also be a clear cut description for who you should aspire to be in your day-to-day life.
3. Make your elements into an “elevator pitch”: Have you ever tried to give an important speech without adequate preparation? It’s a similar situation with your personal brand. You need to think through how to communicate it or it
So in summary. No matter who you are or what your goals are, go through these steps and develop your personal brand. Decide how it’s going to be a part of your life. How are you going to use it to your advantage?
1. Think about the key attributes of your personal brand: Choose a handful of qualities about yourself that you want to be known for. Maybe you’re a great organiser, or an Excel spreadsheet genius. Or maybe you’re a confident public speaker or known for your attention to detail. What collection of attributes do you want to be known for by the world? Make sure you don’t try to focus on too many things – it’ll be harder for someone to remember any of it. Oh, and make sure you’re honest with yourself – pretending to be something you’re not never works well.
won’t be clear. Developing an “elevator pitch” means practising how you want to present yourself to the world so that you sound confident and impactful. 4. Align your online identity with your new elevator pitch: Like it or not, what is online about you influences how others perceive you. If you want your personal brand to be effective, your social media accouts need to reflect the ideas in your elevator statement from Step 3. Emphasise the things that make your personal brand stronger online and deemphasise the things that conflict with it.
Do you imagine yoURSElf working in another EU coUntRy? If yes, EURES is your answer! EURES provides information and advice on job vacancies in Europe and on working and living conditions in 31
European states
Visit our website or our Facebook page Freephone: 8007 6505 - -
EU Careers Albert Camilleri
M.A European Studies
Even before EU accession back in 2004, Maltese nationals were directly or indirectly employed with the European Union. Since then, through enlargement and through treaty changes, the number of official institutions and agencies have grown in number which have employed more nationals within various ranks, especially in Luxembourg, Strasbourg and Brussels. In 2002, EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office) was created and began operating a year later. It is now solely responsible for selecting staff to work for the EU. One of the entry qualifications for the European civil service is knowledge of two official European languages as well as a first degree in any discipline. Contrary to what might seem obvious, the EU not only employs lawyers, linguists and EU experts. Various agencies require specialized recommendations and data from scientists, medical experts, and anything you can think of. A full list of job opportunities can be accessed on the EPSO website. In the website, there is also a detailed list of selection procedures that exist in stages, from online applications to admission tests and selection varies depending on the type of contract. 34
A great way to get into the EU career path is through internships, which are available to all graduate students. Some of these are paid traineeships which usually are 3 or 4 months long. A great way to keep abreast of such opportunities is to connect to all relevant Facebook pages, such as the European Parliament Office in Malta, European Commission Representation in Malta, EPSO as well as EU Careers Malta.
Off The Beaten Track: Science Careers Edward Duca
Publications Developer and Editor at University of Malta Science in the City Project Manager at University of Malta
Science degrees can lead to vast career choices, which you need to look for and find. Your career is not planned from the beginning like doctors or architects. The benefit? You might actually find a job you love. In Malta an undergraduate degree can lead to teaching (after a 1-year PGCE), working for pharma, other small industry (MLSBio, Food safety testing and others) or government (MEPA, WasteServ and others). Best advice: push for work experience/internships over summer, keep an eye open for jobs on local newspapers and websites, apply to ETC
There are plenty of careers outside academia after an MSc or PhD. They include Public policy (esp. EU), forensic scientist, marketing manager (pharma), Science journalism, science communication, health and safety officer, patent examiner, military, government and many more. If you do plan to read for a PhD, use the time to build your skill set for the job you want afterwards.
Science job listing sites: Science related LinkedIN groups
My best bit of advice is check out job adverts, see what experience, skills and degrees employers ask for, then build your CV to satisfy them all.
The more exciting science jobs need further study. If you want to become an academic the path is clear. Undergrad followed by a PhD, followed by a post doctorate for 4 to 8 years then a lectureship or research position at a University or Institute. From your PhD onwards one must publish frequently in good academic journals and try to practice teaching.
The Malta Chamber Of Commerce, Enterprise And Industry The Malta Chamber is an influential business organisation representing all economic sections in Malta. It acts as a powerful voice for the business community, providing a central national organisation for the representation, promotion and protection of all members’ interests, as well as acting as an authoritative medium of communication between members’ sectors, Government, and the EU. It is structured in such a way as to provide active representation to all its members. The Malta Chamber’s core services include value added services in the fields of internationalisation, education, quality management and environment, which the organisation develops through its ongoing interaction and feedback received from the business community. By working to preserve and encourage free enterprise the Malta Chamber therefore provides an invaluable service to the Maltese Business Community.
Address: The Exchange Buildings Republic Street Valletta VLT 1117 Telephone: +356 2123 3873 Email:
Making A Career In Architecture Stephen Farrugia President of Kamra Tal-Periti
After 25 years in this profession, I can honestly say that, everyday in my work brings with it a different challenge, a different encounter, a different satisfaction, a different something you can look forward to for tomorrow. In my view, this is the essence of our profession, an everchanging set of rules of the “game” which guide us in the carrying out of work. This means that to be a successful architect, the set of tools that are learned at University have to be stretched to their limit, moulded afresh and thrown out of the window as the case may be. This demands a mature approach in dealing with situations in front of us, competencies which are rarely learnt on the school benches. Embarking on this career journey is no small feat. Big satisfactions lie ahead both if one makes the right moves and sometimes letting the currents dictate. It when to do this that is important! 36
Address: The Exchange Buildings Republic Street Valletta VLT 1117 Telephone: +356 2123 3873 Email:
Malta Group Of Professional Engineering Institutions Joe Camilleri
Honorary Secretary
Why Choose Engineering? I have been asked this question many times during my career. I yet have to find an answer that completely satisfies those who ask that question. I can tell you why I chose engineering. The reason, quite simply, is that I like to be involved in things being made. Engineers make things. They produce something which was not there before. In the process they need to exercise knowledge that they have, experiences they have gathered through the years, and a great deal of ingenuity. It is not
simply the application of existing, well known rules, or configuration of devices that somebody else has already produced. On the contrary Engineers need to constantly challenge the work that has been carried out beforehand, and think of new innovative solutions and methods. Our work is important to us as from it we derive satisfaction and to a great extent it defines us. I therefore feel proud to belong to this Group of likeminded individuals who are committed to improving the world around them.
Address: Design Centre L2 Tower Street Swatar B‘kara Telephone: +356 99496536 Email:
The Journey Richard Branson
Founder at Virgin Group I have never had a truly professional job. I’ve never been on the other side of the interview process, and I’ve (thankfully!) never had a boss. From a very young age - long before I knew what the word meant - I was an entrepreneur. My introduction to the working world came from my mother, who was always using her limitless imagination to come up with new business ideas. She managed the whole process herself, from developing the ideas, to crafting the products, to making deals with distributors and selling goods herself. One of her more successful ventures was building and selling wooden tissue boxes and wastepaper bins in national stores.
When I was 11, I decided it was time to start my own small business. With my best friend Nik Powell as my partner, we set about breeding budgerigars and selling them to kids at school. We left my parents to look after all the birds but I think the rats got to some of them and the rest were freed. Next I tried selling Christmas trees, buying lots of small ones and hoping to make a fortune when they grew. Sadly, the rabbits ate those! Despite the setbacks with budgies and Christmas trees, my appetite for the life of an entrepreneur wasn’t sated. Thankfully our next venture — Student Magazine — went a lot better, and from that sprang Virgin Records. Forty years on, the Virgin Group has more than 100 companies and approximately 60,000 employees in over 50 countries. But if it wasn’t for those first few failures, the future successes would never have happened.
“ If it wasn’t for those first few failures, the future successes would never have happened.”
She taught me if an item didn’t sell, you try something else. I was always helping around the house and picked up a lot of useful tips. I made plenty of mistakes and was able to learn from them.
Judith Sherven
Phd Executive Coaching for the Brightest and Best For two years when I was 12 and 13 my family belonged to the Del Mar Beach Club in Santa Monica, California. It was my mother’s attempt to express her ambition for the family, despite the fact that my father sold used cars and we really didn’t fit in. The first summer, there was a free modelling class for members and I enjoyed the six-week training provided by Marilyn Norton. When the Club announced there would be a July 4 beauty contest on the beach, Marilyn went to the Club manager and argued that the age-limit should be waived so I could participate. Not only did she win the argument. I won the contest. That triggered my first paid job. I was now one of the Club member models Marilyn used for the Sunday evening bathing suit fashion shows.
earrings along with lovely high heeled sandals. Except for one thing. The men in the bar. They thought I was old enough to flirt with, and sometimes pretty outrageously. So, what did my first job teach me? • Glamorous work paid better than boring mundane work • Acting mature paid off • Stepping out beyond the norm was a trigger for success • And I learned how to handle the boundaries between me and anyone who thought I was available for more than work— which has paid off all my life.
And every step of the way, every one of those lessons I learned at 12 has helped me remain punctual, cooperative, risktaking, ambitious, creative, cutting edge, and ready to move out beyond current limits in order to advance whatever is needed.
“Stepping out beyond the norm was a trigger for success”
Not only was I paid $5 for each Sunday’s two-hour gig instead of the fifty cents an hour that my friends were paid to baby sit, I wore glamorous spangled, sequined, fringed, and otherwise amazing bathing suits designed strictly for fashion shows and not the beach. And Marilyn made sure we wore opera gloves, large picture hats, and huge
While I went on to act in nearly 100 television commercials and dozens of television series including Star Trek, I Dream of Jeannie, Wild, Wild West, My Three Sons, Ozzie and Harriet and many others, that career didn’t stick. But it did give me the confidence to move on into the field of clinical psychology and eventually the executive coaching and other corporate leadership work I now enjoy.
life.augmented is an inspiration for all ST people It drives our actions. It motivates us to concentrate on increasing the quality of life for all, by enhancing the way people experience it and by contributing to social improvement. 40
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Mock Interview & WIN Visit the Careers’ Convention tent, try a mock interview with your potential employers & get to know how you rank which may give you the chance to Win!
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