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While navigating the curriculum guide you will notice courses labeled with the icons below. This is meant to be a simple visual reference to recognize courses that have largely been designed around an assessment of a particular skill or process.
Major Writing Evaluation
Courses with this tag will focus largely on student writing. Students should expect a significant writing assignment as a summative experience in this course.
Summative Traditional Test
Courses with this tag will prepare students for a traditional style summative test. Certain courses with this tag could result in alternative credentialing, such as Advanced Placement credit.
Collaborative Project
Courses with this tag will provide students with the experience of working on a long-format collaborative project with peers. Students entering these courses should expect to work on communication, both among peers and through public presentation.
Public Performance / Showcase
Courses with this tag will result in some form of public performance or showcase of student work. This could vary between a scheduled group performance to the publication of an individual student’s work.
Creative Design & Production
Courses with this tag will provide students an opportunity to design and create through varying methods and with use of various media.
Research Intensive
Courses with this tag will focus largely on research skills. Students should expect a significant research project to take place throughout the course.
While navigating the curriculum guide you will notice courses labeled with the icons below. This is meant to be a simple visual reference to recognize courses that have options available outside of traditional classwork.
Service Opportunities
Courses with this tag will provide service opportunities, related to the coursework, to students enrolled in the course.
Online Option Available
Courses with this tag can be taken online instead of in person. Discuss scheduling considerations with your counselor.
Summer Option Available
Courses with this tag may be available during summer programming.
Dual Enrollment Available
Courses with this tag are eligible for dual enrollment with a local university. Students that opt in for dual enrollment may be able to earn transferable college credits.
Earned Honors Potential
HCourses with this tag afford students the opportunity to earn Honors credit for the course, even though it is listed as an Academic level course. Details regarding how to earn honors will be communicated by the teacher facilitating the course.