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Finance, Buildings & Grounds

Malvern has taken additional steps to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the campus:
• Plexiglass has been installed in the dining hall, school vans, and several other areas on campus to keep everyone safe.
• Additional porters/janitors have been hired to work during the school day to clean and disinfect all high touch areas on campus especially bathrooms, the dining hall, door handles, etc. This is in addition to our nightly cleaning by a janitorial company.
• Additional cleaning supplies have been purchased for each classroom and hands-free hand sanitizer dispensing stations will be located at all entrances and exits of buildings and within each classroom.
• The dining hall will be cleaned by our professional staff before, in between, and after the lunch periods.
• The Nurse’s office was moved out of Carney Hall and relocated to St. Rita’s, which allows for an expanded area, safer space, and quarantine rooms and it takes the office away from the flow of students, faculty, and staff.
• An additional part-time nurse has been hired to assist our School Nurse.

• The upstairs of St. Rita’s has been designated for
“medically vulnerable” students. We can accommodate up to 6 students in this area away from the general school population.
• Traffic flow on campus has been tweaked to allow for spread out pick up and drop off areas for students.