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Fashion rules the world and we can prove it!

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In this century, the style trends are dominating the world more than they ever did and controlling people’s way of dressing, doing their makeup, decorating their houses and living in general. It is like the 60s, when the ‘Flower Power’ concept came not just to bring flares and tunics, but to sum up the whole attitude of the people.

Nowadays, Fashion is bold and daring, what is the perfect reflect of this new generation that is not afraid to speak their minds, that have the urge to change the world and will dress however they want to dress. Fashion is not just about choosing clothes to dress your body, it is the essence of your personality and beliefs – and most designers are well aware of the power they hold.


Fashion trends have the power to unify women and men around the world at the same time that they allow people to portray their own individuality. Any period of time can be identified immediately just by the style of clothes the people were wearing, and this is just one of the many examples to show how powerful and all-encompassing Fashion is. Fashion can change from one second to the next, yes, but what never changes is the hold it has over society, and the major role it plays in the modern world. It is so important that to keep up with the latest trends, people will subscri- be to fashion magazines, keep a keen eye on what has appeared in shops and runways and also on what has been there for forever. If they are famous, they might even have their own personal relationship with a designer who will keep them well ahead of the current trends, therefore, people who want to know what the new fashion lines are going to be will pay really close attention to what celebrities are wearing. Being ahead of fashion is for many, the ultimate achievement – although being too ahead is just as bad as being behind it.

Designers and other professionals of the Fashion Industry continue to point the importance they know people put on Fashion, and people continue to hang on to their every move. That’s why, as long as this carries on, Fashion will continue to maintain its dominant position in society. It influences not only what we wear, but everything we do, say, and even think. The best example right now is the fact that so many brands and companies are going green - that’s mostly because new buyers, the Gen Z, will not consume something that’s not eco-friendly.

Younger consumers are seriously concerned about social and environmental causes, which many think are the defining issues of our time. They back their beliefs with their shopping habits, which brings them to prefer brands that are aligned with their values and avoid those that don’t. When brands noticed that, they started to integrate social and environmental themes into their products and services. Most of the Generation Z consumers believe that companies have a responsibility to address environmental and social issues, a thought that is a departure from the views of the previous generation, the Millennials.

However, this preoccupation is not exclusive for the Gen Z or for the Millennials. Even though they are the ones that worry about it the most, over the past three years a third of consumers worldwide have changed their ways of buying to incorporate new values and views. A new global way of thinking is emerging, and billions of people are using consumption as a means to express their deeply held beliefs. Signs of this evolving agenda can be found in places deeper than the consumers feelings, too. Fashion companies are getting “woke” (the new way of saying they’re alert to the injustice in society). Some Fashion brands and companies have attached collections and ranges to specific causes, and some are taking things even further and putting purpose at the heart of their strategy and operations. There are growing numbers of B-Corporations, which are certified to have considered the impact of their decisions on people, society, and the planet. In the fashion sector, the number of B-corps had risen to over 150 as of September 2020, compared with just seven in 2010.

Notably, environmentally and socially focused companies are considered by younger consumers to be better prospects as employers, and the vast majority say they would be more loyal to companies that are aligned with those values. That means companies can expect consumers to closely examine the level of continuity across campaigns and the nature of their strategic and operational decisions, as well as their tone.

Despite the many associated consequences that the companies might not enjoy, like working with some more expensive materials and paying more money to their employees,as well as the risks – it would be really bad to be seen as a greenwasher – some really big and important brands will be willing to court controversy to express specific beliefs, specially the luxury ones, which will seek to attract younger consumer groups in order to keep their importance untouched throughout the generations. There are clear benefits from doing so, to them and to the planet, and the more that companies express an authentic view, the more that those who don’t will be exposedand boycotted. And while there is some worries about a counterargument that says that expression of controversial views may deter some customers, the calculation, is that the loyalty rewarded by its remaining customers matters more.

So yes, the world of Fashion can be incredibly glamorous and it is, indeed, absolutely fascinating, but it is also way more than that: it does rule the world in every possible way. And it is not just about dressing, thinking and acting – it can really help make important and very much needed changes.

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