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Lockdown luxury
At home self-care is a lockdown necessity, not a luxury. It’s so easy for us to offer up a quick “Take Care” “Look after yourself”, “Be Gentle with yourself” or “Take it easy”, but how often do we actually apply this to our lives? When was the last time you took time out for yourself? I don’t mean a supermarket trip without the children, I mean true downtime where you focussed solely on yourself and your needs.
Self-care means slowing down to become more productive and has even been proven to help boost your immune system. Self-care will improve your self-compassion and is great for maintaining your mental health. Taking time out will give you time to explore who you really are and find out what you love to do. Looking after yourself will give you the energy to give more to others, and remember it’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
As an expectant mother, a new mother, a seasoned mama of many, step mama or a grandmother, it comes with the territory that we’re constantly worrying about everyone else. It’s a given isn’t it? From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, until our head hits the pillow again at night, our priority is making sure everyone else is ok! Therefore, most of us “make do” with a quick bath before falling into a heap when our energies are spent. It’s just not enough.
As a mum of 3 myself I know this all too well. I understand it’s hard for us Mama’s to find time, but just as I say to my guests who “fall in a heap” in my treatment rooms, you have to ‘make’ time. I have such empathy for mothers, the mental load is real and it’s affecting all areas of women’s lives. I get to see first-hand the noticeable physical difference in women the minute they lie down and breath in the calming aromatics that hover in the air. It’s so powerful it’s almost irrelevant what treatment they have booked, they’re just delighted to get some time for them, some time to be nurtured, and boy do they deserve it.
During these months and months of restrictions in Melbourne the messages coming through to me are loud and clear. Women are longing for their regular maintenance treatments but they’re also in need of the true pampering, comforting and relaxing body treatments too. The beauty industry shut down has highlighted for me and for my clients just how important our services are to women, not just for the instant feel-good factor of a brow wax, but for their mental health and wellbeing.
Until salon owners can reopen their doors, I am encouraging all mums to make time for self-care at home. Continue to support your favourite salon, buy your favourite products, and cling on to the spa visit feeling, by running a warm bath to soak in. Use scents of coconut to recharge, de-stress and transport yourself to a heavenly tropical island. You’ll be amazed at the power of a warm bath, a face mask and a body scrub. If baths aren’t your thing, a long, hot shower is just as good for the mind and soul. If make-up is your thing, take time to enjoy choosing and applying the products you know will make you look and feel great.