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Like many before her mum Rebecca Klodinsky started a business after finding a gap in the market. When she saw her sister trying on expensive swimwear she’d saved up for she she thought surely there must have been thousands of other girls who were faced with the struggle of a hefty price tag when shopping for quality. So she started her own swimwear brand. seven years later this little business has grown into a $7M bikini empire called IIXIIST, and to top it all off she’s been running it from the AFL lockdown hub on the Gold Coast as she supports her partner, Geelong’s Lachie Henderson.
First of all you’re a mum, that’s why you’re here! Tell us about your little son.
My son is my world; he’s two-and-half years old and my sidekick in life, we’re a team. I made the deision when he was born that I wanted to keep him as private and as close to me as possible as opposed to over-sharing on social media, particulary when I have a business that requires myself to be an open book and transparent with my own life – professionally and personally. There’s no secrets in my work or day-to-day life, but when it comes to him, that’s where I draw the line.
Every mother is different, there’s no right or wrong. What works for me, works for me and that’s all that matters at the end of the day! I couldn’t imagine going through life without feeling the spectrum of emotion motherhood brings.
How has it been managing a toddler and a multi-million dollar business all within the confines of the AFL hub?
It has been an interesting addition to the rollercoaster of 2020, that’s for sure. If one thing’s certain, there’s no be all and end all of how-to-manage-the-juggle handbook you can read to navigate a situation like this. It has been a matter of sink or swim, adjusting to a “new normal”, creating a new routine and finding a new happy middle ground. have some “me time”. I have always been a big believer in regular exercise; it’s so imperative for a healthy mind and body. They have a great gym inside the hub thankfully!! Then throughout the day I’m in back-to-back zoom meetings, overseeing celebrity and stylist requests, managing photoshoots, people and expectations, all while taking regular breaks to spend time with my son.
What was hub-life like? Surely it wasn’t all WAGS and smiles around the pool.
Definitely not!! I am head down and working throughtout the day, which is just what needs to happen at the moment.
From rebranding my label from Frankii Swim to IIXIIST, and then the bittersweet timing of launching as COVID-19 hit, navigating the crippling economy as businesses around me collapse, transitioning to working remotely and raising my toddler as a single mum with a partner whoes AFL schedule is in a league of its own… it’s safe to say life is insanity.
So unfortunately I can’t report it being glamorous!! Unless you find daily health checks and a strict no-entry-no-exit policy appealing. Everyone kind of sticks to their own inside the hub – we all have lives we’re trying to manage from the confines of a hotel.
When you’re not stuck in AFL lockdown, what your typical day look like?
I’ve worked hard to build my brand to the point where I don’t have to be in an office 9-5 and can work remotely, between my home at the Gold Coast and Melbourne, which is my saving grace being a mum.
My days always begin early, working out and setting my agenda for the day. I’m extremely hands-on in every part of my business: photoshoots and content, website analytics and financials. But my son comes first so if he needs me then what I’m doing will pause.
No one will ever remember the business meetings I missed, but my son will remember the precious moments I was there for.
You’ve had a few business-hurdles along the way. What happened there?
After a few years of behind the scenes back and forth legal issues with another company holding a similar name to Frankii, I was sick of existing in a flooded industry of brands that all sounds the same. When I launched Frankii in 2012, the name was quirky – we were a free standing ‘Frankii’. Fast forward 8 years and the name was popping up everywhere. It was time to step out again and shake things up.
This is when IIXIIST was born; a new name with depth and edge, and a representation of the brand’s evolution, never afraid to stand out or take a leap. Misspelled on purpose, the name questions how we all exist and is a reminder that things are ever-changing.
You’ve seen exceptional business growth, no doubt helped by a few celebs picking up on the brand. An Insta post from Kim Kardashian or Kylie Jenner helps! How did that happen?
I’m proud to say that I’ve never once paid for a celebrity endorsement; these have always been 100% organic, which is a HUGE testament to how we’re doing as a brand. We get requests from the talents’ stylists all the time, we see the emails and get back to them, it’s that simple. What really makes me happy is when the requests are accompanied by screenshots from our Instagram. When the first KKW request came through I remember thinking ‘wow, that’s really cool – Kim was on my Instagram page’!

Once they wear the bikini we see it either on the fan pages, paparazzi shots or they post to their own feed themselves. Once the brand starts getting credited it spreads like wildfire and we sell out with backorders online for sometimes months.
How has Covid-19 affected the brand (besides locking you up in QLD!)?
The world is completely different now. How people spend, how people communicate, how people translate information; and the retail industry is no exception. I am lucky we’ve been able to weather the storm and see this through. Many swimwear brands and businesses haven’t been as fortunate.. As soon as the lockdowns started I knew I had to change. We edited our marketing campaigns instantly and our social media messaging shifted too. We had to adopt a new voice and not push sales on our audience. We stripped back the business facade and really amped up the human element behind IIXIIST.
This issue is about fashion and beauty. What Australian fashion brands are you loving right now (not swimwear of course)?
LOVING (and have always loved) Jack + Jac. I dress very minimal yet opt for premium labels for quality and longevity. I love the basics they produce and their materials are divine. I’m also a fan of P.E. Nation; their parkas and hoodies are my go-to after a good reformer session
And finally what can we expect this Summer and beyond from IIXIIST.
Textures applied to really feminine swimsuits. We have ditched patterns, hardware and prints and have refocused on beautiful, luxurious textures. This season will be our very first 100% sustainable line made using recycled oceanwaste and recycled plastic bottles. At the end of September we’re also launching the very first IIXIIST loungewear collection - again made from ethical material in child-free labour conditions, this range is 100% Australian based. Responsibility never felt so comfy!
Check out Rebecca’s range at iixiist.com