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Cosmetic clean up
Giving your cosmetics a spring clean is not only a great time to declutter your drawer, it’s also super important for hygiene too. We’re all guilty of harbouring a lippy from 1999 that you just don’t have the heart to bin because Troy kissed you behind the club the last time you wore it, or the dusty remnants of an old mascara you got free with a magazine, but the time has come to be brave and bin it! Aside from the dried up dusty makeup; brushes, sponges and bags can become a breeding ground for harmful germs and bacteria, so cleaning it up will be just as good for your skin as it will be for your sanity.
Here’s how you can get to it in 3 easy steps:
1. Tip it out!
To get a clear idea of what you have versus what you need it’s all got to come out! It’s easy to forget to throw things out when you replace them, so having your whole collection in front of you is a great way to see those needles in the haystack. Turn the music up loud, drag the bin over, lay an old towel down to catch any spillage and get rummaging. Start by chucking away the visibly gross then move on to the empties and the unfixables. Remember to wash and recycle packaging wherever possible.
2. Clean it up!
In the pile of ‘survivors’, check for expiration dates (jar symbol with either a 6M or 12M perhaps even a 24M if you’re lucky) and continue to fill the bin with anything that’s well past its use by. While you don’t have to be super strict on expiration dates, you do need to keep in mind they’re there for a reason. Older products may seem fine but could be home to some nasty germs, so it’s best to air on the side of caution. My thought train usually goes via these stations: 1) When did I last use it? (more than 6 months ago? Bin!) 2) Do I love it enough to risk a pimple? (No never! Bin!) If you use a beauty sponge, now’s the time to replace it and if you use brushes, it’s time to wash them! All makeup applicators love holding on to oils and bacteria so it’s important that they’re cleaned regularly. Do it now, then set your monthly reminder.
3. Restock
There’s no getting away from it. Our skin tone changes as we get older and what may have suited us seven years ago, may not be quite so flashy now! So, having a good clear out of foundations that tangerine you up, and eyeshadows that even Halloween would run a mile from, is a great way to keep you and your skin looking fresh. If it’s out of date, out of style or just downright gross, be brave and bin Remember, cosmetics have come a long way in the past few years so you’re doing yourself and the planet a favour when you recycle the olds and consciously restock with eco friendly, sustainable beauty brands such as Inika Organic, Karen Murrell, The Body Shop and Raww Cosmetics. it.