going nuts over Sam wood Hey Sam, great to have you back in MamaMag! It’s no secret that your 28 program and nutrition is 100% amazing for mums, but you’ve got to be an expert at feeding kids, with your two little girls and a fabulous teen at home. Haha wonderful to be back. Firstly it’s important to say that I don’t know if anyone is a complete expert when it comes to kids nutrition, they can always throw you a curveball. I do have some rules that I really believe in and through my own experiences know they can really help - Try and get your kids plates to look like the rainbow with as many colours and nutrients as possible. - Get your kids involved in the cooking/preparing process as much as you can as the more involved they are the more engaged they are the more interested they are in eating it and knowing what its all about. - Lastly, but most important never forget that they’re kids – eating an ice cream or fairy bread or packet of chips is completely normal and ok and life will go on. Important they eat pretty well most of the time.
You announced in November you were having another baby girl. When is Snezana due and what’s it like living with all these wonderful women? Things are certainly going to from 5th to 6th gear but to be honest everyone is exited! New little girl is due in June.
Willow is four now, so it’s time for kinder! Time for lunchboxes! 4 year old kinder, yes, so we pack her a little lunch and to be honest she gets excited so about it. We do it the night before and she’s got a little bento lunch box that allows her to make sure we’ve got some dairy and protein and veggies and fruit and always space for a little treat!
What would be your top inclusions for a well-rounded lunchbox? Dairy, protein, fruit and a little snack. Important to make sure there are some food quality carbs to make sure they’ve got lots of energy. And that they always drink enough water.
What sort of foods does Eve like to take for lunch to high school? Eve is definitely a different kettle of fish. She chops and changes a little with her preferences. Can fluctuate depending on what she’s into. Being Macedonian, it’s interesting how she’ll love to pack a pasta dish or something traditional from the night before which I’m sure is unique and she loves it
Protein is an essential nutrient for children’s growth and development. What are the best foods to be giving our kids? It certainly is, in fact it’s probably under utilised nutritnet from an adult perspective too. My girls love omelettes and scrambled eggs. They love fish and chicken and being summer we’ve had plenty of beautiful summer bbqs over the last couple of months.