Literature in English III – Mariel Amez
To the Lighthouse: Reading Journal While you read this novel you are required to contribute 4 (four) posts to you personal blog. In each post you should try to answer some of the questions provided and add any other personal comments you consider suitable Use the following tags: TTL, journal, assignments, modernism, woolf
AND sblit3 OR ieslit3 AS APPROPRIATE Post 1: Before reading Look at the cover of your copy. Are there any illustrations or quotations? How do you anticipate this novel will compare with others you have read? Read this review Are any other ideas suggested? What characters are mentioned? Do you learn anything about the setting?
Remember you are not expected to read Book 1. You may check a plot outline at
Post 2: After reading Book Two (Time Passes) How far have your predictions been confirmed? Select a quotation. Why have you chosen it? What did this quotation make you think about when you read it? How is the narrative designed/ organised? What do you think Book Three will be like? Post 3: After reading at least half of Book Three (The Lighthouse) How far have your predictions been confirmed? Select a quotation. Why have you chosen it? What did this quotation make you think about when you read it? What changes---in plot, character, or tone---did you notice when you read? What do you think the ending will be like? Post 4: After finishing the novel What sections are particularly effective in this novel? Do any of the characters remind you of yourself/ someone you know/ a character in another work? What did the novel make you think about? What one question would you ask the writer if you got the chance? Why?