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Photograpy Class with Sindy
Tips on how to photograph your Sindy by Kellie Hardie

Lesson #2 Use daylight where possible

All these photos were taken using a camera on a phone

Lesson #1 Make eye contact with your subject

Make sure you direct your camera at Sindy's eye level - do not take the photo from above, it makes Sindy's head look even bigger and you can not see her outfit
Use poses that help enhance outfits, don't feel you have to l lean her up against a wall, you can use stands Or, you can use blue tack on her feet, or use props to help her stand like this post box Bet you didn't know her feet were blue tacked to the floor?

Think about natural poses

Think about positions

Remember they have limbs like us so try and put them in a position you would stand in Active Sindy's and the new Sindy's are a lot easier to pose for photos.

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When taking the photo make sure Sindy is in the frame, don't cut her legs, feet, or even her toes off, and include all of her arms, hands and finger tips

Crop your images with care
> Make sure your Camera Lens is clean, phone cameras do get dirty and it can effect your photos
> Be aware of what is behind Sindy, putting her on your kitchen counter with tea splattered wall tiles and bread crumbs is not a good look!
> Find a well lit area and try not to have her to close to the background, you want to give your photo some depth Fabric is good backdrop but make sure it has been ironed and you can not see any creases
> Props can be used to make your photo more engaging, but make sure they are to scale with Sindy
> Try and make the background different to the floor, i e different colour or texture, if it's all the same it can look like Sindy is floating unless you are a professional and you will know how this is done
> Outdoors photos always works as there is great lighting and a wide choice of backgrounds Outdoor set-ups can be a lot harder so be prepared to get on the floor to her level, have sticks handy as she will blow over and don't take the photo on a windy day.... as it's hard to control fabric and hair!