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How embracing change can boost your business

Global financial markets are in constant fluctuation, businesses are increasingly operating on a global rather than local scale, and the world around us is a world of pixels, with everything going digital. Your ability to cope with and thrive in a changing marketplace can be the factor that sets your business apart.

The IBM Institute for Business Value recently published the results of their Making Change Work study. The study surveyed 1,400 business professionals in 48 countries to get a closer look at the way change is met within business and the impact that attitude to change has on company performance.


Results of the survey reinforces our view that businesses that are excelling and positioning themselves as market leaders, are also the businesses that are most adept at managing and embracing change. Three main tenants of successful change management are:

1. Leaders setting the tone of the business. In design businesses change is driven from the top! Architects and engineers are so focussed on project activity that unless your people are given unqualified support and direction to embrace innovation and challenge the status quo it just won’t happen. The IBM survey showed that achieving this was 50% more successful in organisations that use collaborative tools and who interact with staff via a number of communication channels.

2. Make change matter: change for the sake of it isn’t going to do your business any favours. Make sure that new initiatives have purpose and that they fit in with your strategic plan. If everyone in the company can see that change will lead to the delivery of your business objectives then change will have purpose and direction.

3. Build the muscle: in-house design teams don’t always have the skills required to implement business change effectively. This can mean the end of an initiative before it even begins. If you don’t have the time or resources to develop the skills internally, bring in expert help to strategically manage your project and to keep change on track and within the context of your overarching business objectives.

If you need assistance implementing your strategic plan, Management for Design can help. Contact us to discuss your needs.

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