Are you an expert in business financials? As business leaders you are confronted with a myriad of financial information about your business — your income, your expenses, your profit margin, cash position and project performance. And that’s only the start!’ Your role as a leader is to regularly absorb this information and to make decisions in a timely manner. These executive decisions can then be converted into activities to be completed by your team. Your accountants and finance people then report these activities in a numerical way to produce your business report card. This will most likely be in the form of an income statement, a balance sheet and most importantly a cashflow statement. You then turn to your Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to decipher and inform you about these numbers. That is, if you have a CFO! The role of your CFO is to describe back to you the financial impact of the decisions and associated activities that caused the numbers in the first place. The numbers are always a reflection of the decisions made and/or not made. So doesn’t it stand to reason that if we want to change the numbers we simply need to change the activities that caused the numbers?
The role of your CFO is to describe back to you the financial impact of the decisions and associated activities that caused the numbers in the first place.
” Where are your numbers today and where do you want them to be at the end of the year? How do you drive your business to succeed and deliver the outcomes that you are seeking?.