MANAGEMENT FOR DESIGN BUSINESS JOURNAL 122 EFFECTIVE DESIGN MANAGEMENT Effective design management should be one of the core values of your architecture and design practice. However, when Management for Design delves into this subject with business leaders to explain and articulate the process they tend to struggle with their response.
Why is Design Management Important?
Consistent and effective design management across the studio is not common in our profession. Why is that? Is it because, as architects and designers, we are inherently creatives—and creatives consider management as somewhat counter-intuitive or counter to design innovation? Creativity and management don’t fit neatly together?! Creatives don’t necessarily embrace management, even design management.
But the key thing is, you need to find a balance between creative freedom, innovation, and business management. Innovation needs to flow throughout the business and be actively encouraged and resourced. But strong and consistent business performance also requires business management and management systems. The key is to find the right balance for your practice. Typically, the larger your business is or becomes, the more you will rely on a way of working that is consistent, methodical, with the right cultural fit—that’s business. Effective design management finds a balance between creative freedom and management systems.
Management includes the management of people, technologies, information, and resources. The essence of design management is to maximise these resources and outputs, alongside promoting creativity and innovation within your business.
The key thing is, you need to find a balance between creative freedom, innovation, and business management
Your design approach, outputs, and the ability to “capture” your intellectual property provides you with the opportunity to innovate and to truly differentiate your business from competitors. Clients don't choose you for your design talent, they choose you for your ability to deliver highquality design through an exceptional experience.