Isle of Man Business Centre Tariff Sheet

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Capital Treasury Services


Terms & Conditions ™ International Cash & Payment Management

Introduction of Investment & Cash Management Business

Our Vision The Capital International Group exists to improve lifestyles through increased prosperity. Our Values We seek to achieve this through the enduring values of innovation, integrity and excellence. Our Mission At Capital Treasury Services we aim to be the best in our chosen field and complement the Capital International Group’s vision by creating real value. We are a dynamic, entrepreneurial and visionary subsidiary of the Capital International Group, maximising efficiency by focusing on treasury management, foreign exchange, cash management and payment solutions. We provide an exciting and interactive environment offering a professional, reliable and client driven service through the Group’s enduring values of innovation, integrity and excellence.

Liquidity is the availability of cash or the capacity to obtain it on demand

Capital Treasury Services

Standard Terms & Conditions Investment & Cash Management Business Definitions In these Terms of Business ‘we’ means Capital Treasury Services Limited (CTS) whose registered office and principal place of business is Capital House, Circular Road, Douglas Isle of Man, IM1 1AG, British Isles or and ‘you’ means the Client to whom they are addressed. In addition certain words are used with a specific meaning. These words are set in italics in the text and their meanings are as set out below: Business Day - a weekday, other than a Saturday, on which the World Foreign Exchange Markets shall be open for business;

Introducer - means an independent intermediary who deals in investments or arranges such deals, manages investments or gives investment advice.

CTS - means Capital Treasury Services Limited a company incorporated in the Isle of Man, which is licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission to carry on Investment Business and whose principal place of business and registered office is Capital House, Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AG;

1.0 Purpose

3.0 Scope


The Introducer acknowledges that:


Capital Treasury Services Limited (“CTS”) has an interest in the marketing of CTS Products and Services (“CTS Solutions”) by virtue of it acting as investment manager or administrator thereof.


It shall operate as an independent contractor and shall not (and shall have no authority to) act as agent to CTS or to incur any liability on behalf of CTS or accept or make any contract binding upon CTS or give or make or purport to give or make any warranty on behalf of CTS.


It shall observe and ensure that its agents and employees observe the terms and conditions from time to time relating to the distribution of the CTS Solutions whether contained in any prospectus or other document with respect thereto or imposed by law or regulations having the force of law in any country or territory in which the Introducer is promoting the CTS Solutions or in which any Investor or potential Investor is resident or of which any Investor is a citizen or national and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Introducer shall not directly or indirectly without the prior written consent of CTS promote or market the CTS Solutions in the United States of America, its territories and possessions and all other areas subject to its jurisdiction or to any citizen national or resident of the United States or to any corporation, partnership or other entity created or organised in or under the laws of the United States of America or any political subdivision thereof or any estate or trust the income of which is subject to United States federal income taxation regardless of its source.


It shall observe the confidentiality of all matters relating to or concerning the business of CTS, the CTS Solutions and Investors and not make disclosure thereof or in relation thereto without the prior written consent of CTS, except as may be required by law.


It shall only promote CTS Solutions to Investors with whom the Introducer has a client agreement and whose identity the Introducer is able to verify for the purpose of relevant laws and regulations relating to money laundering.


CTS reserves the right, at its discretion, to not to accept business from the Introducer.

The Introducer intends to make available CTS Solutions to its clients where appropriate.

2.0 Activities 2.1

CTS agrees with the Introducer that the Introducer will act as a non exclusive introducer in respect of CTS Solutions. As an intermediary the Introducer shall use its best endeavours to promote the CTS Solutions with a view to obtaining investment or participation therein by the clients of the Introducer for whom it considers such investment is suitable (“Investors”) and will provide CTS with relevant duly completed and executed application forms.


The Introducer will service clients’ requirements with a view to ensuring the clients continuing commitment to the CTS Solutions; and promptly provide CTS with such information relating to Investors introduced to CTS as CTS may reasonably require from time to time.


The Introducer shall use its best endeavours to coordinate with CTS its approach to and the manner in which it conducts its business with respect to the CTS Solutions, the Investors introduced by the Introducer and the other intermediaries.

4.0 Advertising, Promotional & Other Materials 4.1

6.0 Warranty 6.1

In order to permit CTS at all times to monitor compliance with local and other laws and regulations, the Introducer shall not without the prior written consent of CTS:

6.1.1 that it is and will at all times remain duly authorised or otherwise permitted under any relevant laws, rules and regulations to perform all of its services under the Agreement and that it has obtained and will maintain in force all requisite government and other regulatory consents, licences and approvals in relation thereto;

4.1.1 circulate written information relating to the CTS Solutions. 4.1.2 issue any advertisement in relation to the CTS Solutions or in relation to any trading or investment advisor or consultant or any management company or any other party connected with any such CTS Solutions;

6.1.2 that any materials and/or advertisements issued by the Introducer in connection with the CTS Solutions will comply in all respects with the provisions of any applicable rules, laws and regulations relating to such CTS Solutions;

4.1.3 make or purport to make any representation on behalf of CTS or the CTS Solutions; or 4.1.4 provide information of any kind relating to the CTS Solutions to the press by way of interview, press releases or otherwise. 4.2

Provided that such written consent shall be deemed to be given in respect of the circulation or issue of any written information consisting of any prospectus or other document or any report issued or approved by CTS and in respect of the making by the Introducer of any representation which is contained in any such prospectus or other document or in any such report.



4.2.2 The Introducer is not authorised to respond on behalf of CTS to any enquiries or requests for information received from the press relating to CTS or the CTS Solutions and the Introducer shall, unless otherwise notified in writing by CTS, decline to answer such enquires or requests but shall instead refer all such enquiries to CTS.


CTS shall from time to time provide the Introducer with such information or advice relating to or in connection with the CTS Solutions as may be reasonably requested by the Introducer in connection with its duties and functions under the Agreement provided that CTS shall not be obliged to provide or supply the Introducer with information which is not generally available to other intermediaries receiving fees from CTS in connection with the promotion of the CTS Solutions.

Capital Treasury Services

The Introducer shall indemnify and keep indemnified CTS (both as a principal and, where relevant, as trustee or agent for CTS and CTS’s officers, agents and employee) against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, charges, and expenses whatsoever which may be taken instigated or instituted against CTS (or any such person aforesaid) or which may be incurred or become payable by CTS (or any such person aforesaid) in connection with or arising out of any omission of or act done or omitted to be done by the Introducer or any agent of the Introducer in breach of the terms hereof. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Introducer shall indemnify and keep indemnified CTS in respect of all legal and other fees and expenses incurred by CTS (or any such other person aforesaid) arising out of any such action, suit or proceedings aforesaid.

8.0 No Partnership 8.1

Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a partnership between the parties or constitute either party thereto the employer or agent of the other.

9.0 Non-Exclusive 9.1

5.0 Provision of Information by Capital Treasury Services

The Introducer shall whenever requested to do so by CTS provide documentation or other evidence of the matters which are the subject of the warranty set out in Sub-Section 6.1 above, and shall forthwith notify CTS if any of the warranties contained in SubSection 6.1 above cease at any time to be true.

7.0 Indemnity

4.2.1 The Introducer shall provide CTS with drafts of all written information, advertisements and other material intended to be circulated by it which relate to the CTS Solutions or CTS or any other parties connected with such CTS Solutions prior to the proposed date of publication.

4.2.3 The Introducer shall ensure that all Investors introduced by the Introducer are supplied with a copy of the most up to date CTS product documentation (and relevant supplements thereto), relating thereto and any other materials which CTS may from time to time direct.

The Introducer hereby represents and warrants:

Subject to a written agreement to the contrary, during the period of the Agreement the Introducer may act in any capacity whatsoever for or on behalf of or be involved whether as principal agent or otherwise in the incorporation of or promotion or sale of shares or securities or interests in any company, trust, partnership, mutual fund or other investment body corporate or unincorporated in addition to the CTS Solutions. Similarly CTS may appoint such other intermediaries as it thinks fit to assist in the promotion, distribution and selling of the CTS Solutions and CTS may promote and distribute the CTS Solutions directly or indirectly as it thinks fit. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, and only in circumstances where the Investor has requested it, CTS may promote such CTS Solutions directly, or through other intermediaries, to Investors previously introduced by or to the Introducer and procure further investment by such Investors without using the services of the Introducer and the Introducer shall not be entitled to any remuneration in connection with such purchases.

Capital Treasury Services


Introducer Agreement™ International Cash & Payment Management

Introduction of Investment & Cash Management Business

Introducer Agreement Investment & Cash Management Business Contact Details Business Name We acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Terms of Business between Capital International Limited and the above mentioned Introducer and agree to be bound by the same. Correspondence Address (For commission statements) Postcode Correspondence Address (For sales literature) Postcode Contact Name E-mail Address Telephone Fax

Regulatory Information Regulated by Firm Reference Number VAT Number We wish to receive statements/literature via:



We enclose certified copies of the following documents for due diligence: Authorised signatory list

Certificate of Incorporation

List of company directors

Two professional references

Completed Terms of Business with each page initialised by an authorised signatory

Proof of registration with a regulatory body clearly stating starting date of validity

Where the account is not opened in the name of a legal entity: Copy of passport or identity card

Proof of residential address (e.g. utility bill)

Regulatory Information Commission structure must be agreed with Capital International Limited in advance to avoid processing delays. Introductory Commission payments are generated on a twice-monthly basis: on the 7th and 21st of each month once investment premiums have cleared. Trail Commission payments are generated on a quarterly basis and paid within 21 days of quarter-end Commission Currency

Capital Treasury Services

Payment Instructions Commission payments can be made directly to your Commission/Header Account with Capital International, bank or building society account. Please complete details below, otherwise payment, by default, will be issued as a cheque. Account Name Bank or Building Society Address

Postcode Branch Sort Code Account Number or IBAN The IBAN can be obtained from your Bank or Building Society branch. Please ensure your account will accept direct credit payments through the Banks Automated Clearing System. Capital do not accept instructions for payments to be made to an account other than the Introducer’s own business account. Should the quotation of account numbers and sort code, or IBAN made by the Introducer prove incorrect, Capital will not accept responsibility for any loss incurred by the Introducer.

Internet Security & Access If you wish to obtain access to view your client accounts via the internet please tick the box. In due course we will issue you with our Internet Services Terms of Business for your records. Please complete the details below with the main contact details for this service. Security Internet Access Details Contact Name Position E-mail Address Telephone

Declaration & Authorisation We acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Introducer Terms of Business V1.01-02.12 between Capital Treasury Services Limited and the Introducer and agree to be bound by the same. Authorised Signature Name Capacity of Signatory Date

Capital Treasury Services

Capital Treasury Services Limited Capital House Circular Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1AG T : +44 (0) 1624 654299 F: +44 (0) 1624 654291 E: Capital Treasury Services Limited is a member of the Capital International Group Capital Treasury Services Limited is licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission Registered Address: Capital House, Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AG

Winner 2010 Company of the Year

Capital International Group Isle of Man Newspapers

awards for


CTS -Introducer Agreement - V1.01-02.12

Contact Details

10.0 Term 10.1 Save as hereinafter provided the Agreement shall commence on the date thereof and shall continue thereafter unless and until terminated by either party giving to the other not less than one months notice in writing expiring at any time provided that notwithstanding the foregoing the Agreement may be terminated by CTS forthwith by notice in writing to the Introducer if at any time and without liability on the part of CTS if:


If you are a regulated Financial Services Institution based or incorporated in Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man or a non EU Country, which is a member of the Financial Action Task Force we will deal with you on the understanding that you comply with all local regulations relating to money laundering which are equivalent to all EU regulations relating to money laundering from time to time, and that evidence as to the identity together with evidence as to source of funds / wealth of any applicant for business for whom you act as agent or otherwise, will have been obtained, verified and recorded under procedures maintained by you; further that you will take steps to establish and maintains systems which will keep records of all transaction between all or any of us and the applicant for business; and that such evidence and records will be retained by you for a minimum period of six years from the date of each transaction or the termination of a business relationship and that you will make available on request any such evidence or record to us.


You further agree to inform us specifically of each case where either you are not required or have been unable to verify the identity of an applicant for business or where in the course of the verification process you have discovered that the applicant for business is a PEP .


In the event that we grant you eligible introducer status you agree to do all things which we may reasonably require to enable us to comply with our own obligations. In particular you will supply or make available on request your procedures relating to the matters set out in this Section 11 and further that you agree to and grant us rights to periodically (or if appropriate on a random basis) test your procedures or inspect the documentation obtained as a consequence of those procedures being performed whether by attendance upon your premises or otherwise as we may reasonably see fit.


In all other circumstances we are required to follow the Anti Money Laundering requirements relating to the identification of our clients or the underlying principals where they act as agent together with evidence as to source of funds / wealth. You agree to cooperate in the provision of information and understand and acknowledge that in the event that satisfactory evidence is not obtained or produced we reserve the right to terminate either this agreement in its entirety or any agreement or transaction or series of transactions in respect of all or any specific client(s) introduced by you.


If at any time you are no longer able to comply with these requirements, either because of a change in the law applicable to you, or in the terms of business between you and your customer; or because you have ceased to do business with your customer, or have ceased trading; or for any other reason you must

10.1.1 the Introducer shall commit any breach of this Agreement which is incapable of being remedied by damages or otherwise; or if such breach is capable of remedy shall not have remedied such breach to the satisfaction of CTS within thirty days from the date on which such breach is notified in writing by CTS to the Introducer; 10.1.2 the Introducer shall have its authorisation under any legislation cancelled suspended or restriction placed thereon; 10.1.3 the Introducer shall go into liquidation or administration (except a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation upon terms previously approved in writing by CTS).

11.0 Anti Money Laundering 11.1

You represent and warrant that you comply with and will at all times in the future comply with all or any local regulations relating to money laundering from time to time. You will furnish us with the name of your Money Laundering Reporting Officer from time to time and acknowledge that if our MLRO is suspicious of any unusual activity within our account he/she may make a report to the Isle of Man Financial Crimes Unit .


In all cases reference to the expression ‘applicant for business’ in this Section shall include in the case of entities all or any underlying client, beneficial owner(s), settler controller or protector) in respect of nominee account, trust or corporate clients.


If you are a Regulated Financial Services Institution in the UK or European Union we will deal with you on the understanding that you comply with all EU regulations relating to money laundering from time to time, and that evidence as to the identity of any applicant for business together with evidence as to source of funds / wealth will have been obtained verified and recorded under procedures maintained by you; further that you will take steps to establish and maintains systems which will keep records of all transaction between all or any of us and the applicant for business; and that such evidence and records will be retained by you for a minimum period of six years from the date of each transaction or the termination of a business relationship and that you will make available on request any such evidence or record to us.


notify us that you are no longer able to comply, and


as soon as is practicably possible thereafter and at your expense provide us with the records, or copies of the records, which you have maintained pursuant to your obligations hereunder.

12.0 Compensation

14.0 Notices

12.1 CTS shall pay the Introducer commission for the distribution of CTS Solutions to the Introducer’s clients and for the effective servicing of those clients of the Introducer holding such CTS Solutions. The level of compensation shall be in accordance with the published charging structure for each CTS Solution or otherwise as may be amended and supplemented from time to time and agreed between CTS and the Introducer on a client by client basis.

14.1 Notices to be given by you must be sent in writing by post to our registered office marked ‘for attention of the Compliance Officer’ and notices to be given by us will be sent by post to the last address you have notified to us for this purpose, and shall in each case be deemed to have been received on the second business day after posting if sent to an address in the United Kingdom and 7 business days after posting if sent to an address outside the United Kingdom. In proving the giving of any notice it shall be sufficient to prove in the case of a letter that such letter was properly stamped addressed and placed in the post.

12.2 Initial commission (if any) shall be payable following the receipt by CTS of cleared funds from or on behalf of a new Investor in respect of his new investment account and shall be calculated as soon as possible thereafter and be payable on either the 7th or 21st day (or the next business day thereafter) of the relevant month. 12.3 Trailing Commission shall be calculated on a quarterly basis, after the quarter end date for the months of March June September and December in each year, and be payable on the 21st day (or the next business day thereafter) of the following month. 12.4 All fees shall cease to accrue immediately on the termination of the Agreement pursuant to Section 10 hereof. All fees shall also cease to accrue immediately in respect of any investment in a CTS Solution by any Investor to the extent that such investments are redeemed or transferred or otherwise disposed of by such Investor. 12.5 Upon written notice to the Introducer, CTS may elect no longer to pay fees to the Introducer under the Agreement in connection with the promotion and sale of CTS Solutions to the class or classes of persons and to the territory or territories stipulated in the said notice. Such notice shall take effect from the date specified in such notice. 12.6 The Introducer shall be responsible for (and shall have no right to reimbursement from CTS in respect of) any overhead or out of pocket fees or expenses incurred by the Introducer in respect of its duties hereunder.

13.0 Assignment 13..1 The appointment of the Introducer is personal to the Introducer which shall not be entitled to assign or otherwise transfer the benefit of the same to any other person whatsoever without the prior written consent of CTS. If the Introducer shall at any time during the continuance of this Agreement change its name, address, or other details it shall forthwith notify CTS in writing of such change and shall provide CTS with formal evidence thereof in the form of a copy of the Introducer’s certificate of incorporation or equivalent documentation.

Capital Treasury Services

15.0 Variation 15.1 We may vary the arrangements contained in these Terms of Business by notice in writing to you at any time. Such variations will become effective on a date specified in the notice which will be sent to you at least 5 working days before such variations become effective. No variation will affect any outstanding order or transaction or any legal rights or obligations that may have already arisen. 15.2 You are deemed to have consented to any alteration that may be effected to these terms and conditions if we do not receive notification otherwise from you, in writing, within the time that the changes were notified to you and their coming into effect.

16.0 Entire Agreement 16.1 These Terms and Conditions and the Introducers Agreement embody the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and no modification or amendment or provision of the Agreement shall be effective unless the same shall be reduced to writing and signed by the parties hereto in accordance with Section 15.

17.0 Waiver 17.1 Any waiver by either party of any breach of any provision of the Agreement or these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or affect in any way the effectiveness of the Agreement.

18.0 Governing Law 18.1 These Terms of Business shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Isle of Man and you irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the Manx Courts. 18.2 If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid the remaining provisions shall not become invalid.

Investor Protection Neither Capital Treasury Services or other members of the Capital International Group are banks and do not offer banking services, so unlike a bank account investors are not lending money to us or the Group and as a result their money is not exposed to the Company’s or Group’s balance sheets or underlying business in any way. Consequently, client monies are fully protected at all times as they are held in segregated client bank accounts within a ring-fenced nominee custody account. No investments or transactions are made on your account (other than transfers instructed by you and interest paid by Capital Treasury Services or the Capital International Group of companies) and hence any investments made on behalf of your Capital Treasury Services Account are not subject to any specific investment, market or transactional risk. As a result, monies invested into a Capital Treasury Services Account enjoy a very high level of security. In relation to Payment Services any sums received do not constitute a deposit as defined in Regulated Activities Order 2011, as amended and are not covered by any compensation scheme.

Further Information For more information go on-line to our web portal at or alternatively contact us at the details below: E-mail: Telephone: In writing: +44 (0) 1624 654299 Capital Treasury Services Limited Capital House, Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AG

Capital Treasury Services

Contact Details T : +44 (0) 1624 654299 F: +44 (0) 1624 654291 E: Capital Treasury Services Limited is a member of the Capital International Group Capital Treasury Services Limited is licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission Registered Address: Capital House, Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AG

Winner 2010 Company of the Year

Capital International Group Isle of Man Newspapers

awards for


CTS - Introducer T&C - V1.01-02.12

Capital Treasury Services Limited Capital House Circular Road Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1AG

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