Junior Achievement Annual Report 2013

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A Member of JA Worldwide

Isle of Man

Annual Review

Empowering young people to economic success

JA YE Europe

A Member of JA Worldwide

We would like to acknowledge the kind support of Capital International Limited in sponsoring the cost of printing this report

A Member of JA Worldwide

Isle of Man

Sue Cook Chief Executive of Junior Achievement The Main Achievements of this Year This year we have implemented a strategic change that will allow Junior Achievement to reach every student in higher education with our programmes. This has been accomplished by working with teachers to deliver primary school programmes and focusing our limited volunteer resource into higher education. This is where we believe it can have the maximum impact. We are proud to have developed a JA Programme for every year in secondary education. Junior Achievement Isle of Man has the highest student reach per head of population in JA Europe and for the third year running has been awarded ‘Model Nation Status.’

Our Biggest Challenge Without doubt fund-raising has remained our biggest challenge. We have seen a decrease in funding from corporate organisations due to the current economic climate. Our own fund-raising events on the whole have been successful but buying tickets for a show is a luxury that not everyone can afford. The challenge for Junior Achievement is to encourage organisations to select us as their ‘Charity of the Year’ and to encourage individuals to fund raise on our behalf. This will allow us to focus more energy on the delivery of programmes in schools rather than organising so many of our own events.

‘Working together in partnership with educators and employers Junior Achievement empowers young people to believe they can succeed regardless of their academic ability.’ Chief Executive | Sue Cook

Student Numbers

Our Supporters

In the Academic Year 2012/13 our programmes reached 4,779 students in full-time education in the Isle of Man. 3,066 students in higher education and 1,713 students in primary education.

There are so many people whose contribution can be attributed to the continued success of Junior Achievement, our volunteers, Isle of Man Government, teachers, local businesses, members of the public who support our events, sponsors, our board members and the team at JA, the list is endless.

Looking forward to the academic year 2013/14 we anticipate a decrease in the number of primary students reached by Junior Achievement programmes and an increase in the number of secondary students due to the strategic changes previously mentioned.

I would like to give special mention to our Junior Achievement Partners; Department of Economic Development, Department for Education and Children, Appleby, Bramden Investments and the Boston Charitable Foundation. We look forward to their continued support and another successful academic year.

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Our team of volunteers gave more than 1,200 hours to help make this happen.

Empowering young people to economic success

Our commitment is to reach every student in higher education...

YEAR 1 Ourselves (5-6 Years)

YEAR 5 (9-10 Years) Our Nation

Story time and small children. JA uses compelling stories about helping, working, earning and saving along with hands on activities to engage the students.

Pupils are introduced to different regions and types of geography such as cities, towns, rural areas, seaside, landlocked areas, etc. It demonstrates why different types of business may establish in different regions and how government has a role as decision maker, tax collector, arbitrator and provider of services. It explains different business structures such as sole trader, co-operative, limited companies and franchises and looks at supply chains relating to different types of businesses.

YEAR 2 Our Families (6-7 Years) A healthy society means working together and it all starts with the people with whom we live. Our Families uses a combination of pictures, stickers and flashcards to engage students in activities about needs, wants, jobs, tools, skills and interdependence.

YEAR 3 (7-8 Years) Our Community What lies beyond your front door? Let’s explore it! Teachers display a poster of a typical community and students meet some of the people who live and work there. Through hands on activities, the students learn about workers, the work they perform, why workers are paid, what taxes are and how they are used as well as where to save money.

YEAR 4 (8-9 Years) Our Community Our City considers economic development, local businesses and career opportunities. A city is a place where a lot of people live, work, play and go to school. So JA classes build a city! Students construct paper buildings, map out a city, write newspaper articles, plan their own restaurants and examine why banks are important.

YEAR 6 (10-11 Years) Our World Pupils learn that countries of the world rely on each other for their resource needs and wants. Through a trading game, enterprise challenge and discussions, pupils aim to simulate and understand the global challenges faced by nations.

YEAR 7 or YEAR 8 (11-13 Years) Enterprise Challenge Learning Outcomes: to help young people to budget, work as part of a team, encourage creative thinking and increase their self-confidence. Programme Description: students are split into teams and are asked to organise an event. They are provided with a selection of venues and acts to choose from. They then have to put together a marketing plan and a budget for the event. Students are asked to present their idea in the form of an advertisement to their peers and a group of judges, with the top presentation winning a prize.

YEAR 9 (13-14 Years) Learn to Earn Learning Outcomes: to help young people understand the soft skills valued by employers and to encourage students to study hard so that they have more opportunities when they leave education.

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Programme Description: students are encouraged to link their skills, interests and values to potential careers. To support this Junior Achievement has developed a Manx jobs booklet showcasing the type of opportunities that exist on the Isle of Man and the qualifications required for each job.

A Member of JA Worldwide

Isle of Man

...by offering a Junior Achievement programme in every year group

YEAR 10 (14-15 Years) It’s All About The Money Learning Outcomes: to help young people understand the importance of money management. Programme Description: topics include minimum wage, Tax and N.I. contributions, how to manage a bank account, credit, how not to get into debt, APR, understanding spending habits, consumer rights, identity theft and how not to fall victim to a scam.

YEAR 11 (15-16 Years) Mock Interview Workshops Learning Outcomes: to provide students with the experience of an interview with an employer. Programme Description: this programme involves employers from different industries going into school and offering students the chance to have a mock interview against a real job description. Each student is then given constructive feedback on their performance. This programme has been successfully trialed in Ballakermeen High School and will be expanded to all schools in 2014.

YEAR 12 (16-17 Years) Company Programme

‘We see working with Junior Achievement as a great way of not only helping our next generation of school leavers, but as a way of raising our profile within the youth market. We are able to offer a diverse range of opportunities which has not always been evident to people in the past.’

Mark Annis HR Manager Shoprite

‘It is now more important than ever that students are exposed to opportunities and professionals who can develop their work related skills. Junior Achievement has played a key role in achieving this’.

Jason Coole

Director of Work related Learning Queen Elizabeth II High School

Learning Outcomes: to provide students with the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills by setting up and running their own business. Programme Description: students set up and run their own business over the course of an academic year supported by volunteer business mentors. They are shown how to generate start-up capital so that the student company can take their product or service to market. Their experience mirrors that of running a real life business.

YEAR 13 (17-18 Years) Appleby Academy Learning Outcomes: to provide students with the opportunity to tackle a real life business challenge.

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Programme Description: Appleby support and mentor individual students to submit their proposals in the form of a report. The three final students pitch their proposal to a panel of Isle of Man business leaders. The winner is offered a nine week paid placement with Appleby over the summer period and experiences all aspects of the business i.e. HR, Marketing, Law and Administration.

Empowering young people to economic success

Our Volunteers In the last academic year our fantastic team of volunteers gave more than 1,200 hours to help run our programmes in schools and to assist at our fund-raising events. Our Harry Potter event in July 2013 required a team of fifty volunteers to make sure that more than 700 visitors were entertained at Hogwarts, otherwise known as King William’s College. In an Island with such a small population we are incredibly lucky to have such and dedicated and committed team of volunteers. As our programmes continue to reach more and more students the need to recruit more volunteers is a priority. Anyone who is thinking about volunteering or knows of someone who would like to join the JA family should call Joy Spence on 666266.

Junior Achievement volunteer Debra Mohyuddin has completed a nationally recognised community volunteering qualification, (CVQ). The qualification, developed by Junior Achievement, is awarded by the educational charity ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network), the UK's fourth largest awarding body. Receiving her certificate from Junior Achievement programme manager Joy Spence Ms Mohyuddin, a Britannia International customer service adviser, said: 'I am thrilled to have passed the Junior Achievement community volunteering qualification programme. It is an assessment-based qualification which requires both study and assisting Junior Achievement to develop a deeper insight into what is actually involved with the different aspects of charity work and community volunteering. During the programme I have enjoyed learning new skills, being involved with Junior Achievement events and gaining valuable experience which I am able to apply to my role with Britannia International and enhance my performance.' The charity's Chief Executive Sue Cook said: 'Debra is very generous in giving up so much of her free time to volunteer for Junior Achievement. She also volunteers for the Next Big Thing talent contest - a massive undertaking - and is one of our Harry Potter theme day stalwarts, entering into the spirit and always turning up in full costume. 'Without Debra, and others like her, we could never reach the numbers of young people in secondary schools that we do, or stage many of our large-scale fund-raising events. I'm delighted she also found the CVQ valuable in her professional career and all of the team congratulates her on her achievement.'

'The small team at Junior Achievement Isle of Man should be congratulated on creating and running a stimulating and challenging programme that provides young people with an opportunity to experience company life - pitfalls and pleasures - in a safe environment. I also applaud Junior Achievement's skill in recognising the value of volunteer business mentors so young people can draw upon a wealth of experience to ensure their companies don't fall at every hurdle. It's a great experience and I would encourage other local business people to volunteer in one of the Junior Achievement programmes.'

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Jason Spooner | Volunteer Business Mentor

A Member of JA Worldwide

Isle of Man

Financial Information & Student Numbers


Total Number of Students Reached


Primary School Ourselves


Our Family


Our Community


Our City


Our Nation


Our World


Secondary School Enterprise Challenge


Enterprise in Action


Learn to Earn Barclays Work Shadow Day

1031 35

It’s All About Money


Workplace Skills


Career Seminars


Mock Interviews


Creativity Workshops


Company Programme


Business Challenge

■ Administration ■ Qualification


17 110

■ Core Funding ■ Fund Raising

■ Qualification ■ Donations

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Appleby Academy

■ Staffing ■ Programmes

Empowering young people to economic success

Appleby Academy Eloise Cain from St Ninian’s High School has been crowned the winner of the Appleby Academy 2013. The 17 year old student was one of three finalists chosen to present their business solution to a panel of guest judges at Appleby’s offices on Athol Street during the final on Monday 21 October. Now in its second year The Appleby Academy, in partnership with Junior Achievement Isle of Man, aims to give sixth form students the real life experience of working with an international organisation. With the help of an Appleby mentor, students from the Island’s five high schools present their ideas on how they would meet a particular business challenge for the chance to win a paid summer placement at Appleby. Each student delivered a 10 minute presentation on their business solution and took questions from panel judges Sean Dowling (Appleby), John Moss (Manx Radio), Greg Ellison (Boston Limited) and Malcolm Couch (Isle of Man Treasury). Eloise won the competition with her wellpresented accounting solution for Appleby’s Isle of Man office. Lauren Birchall from Ramsey Grammar School and Oliver Chambers from QEII High School were runners up. “On behalf of Appleby, I would like to congratulate all of the students who took part this year”, said Sean Dowling, managing partner in Appleby (Isle of Man) LLC. “It is no easy task to stand up and present a solution to an audience, but the students did remarkably well. Eloise in particular showed great confidence and business acumen in her approach and we look forward to welcoming her to the firm next summer to begin her work placement.”

Junior Achievement launches interview workshops for schools For the last two years Ballakermeen High School and Junior Achievement have pioneered a programme that gives students the opportunity to experience ‘real-time real-life’ interviews conducted by recruitment professionals drawn from a broad cross section of leading island employers. Thanks to a donation from Bramden Investments, educational charity Junior Achievement is now in a position to extend the programme to the Island’s other secondary schools during 2014. Junior Achievement Programme Manager Joy Spence and Ballakermeen High School key stage four leader Eoin Moriarty have been involved with the programme from day one. Eoin was inspired after attending a mock interview session as a student. ‘It made me think about what careers opportunities might be open to me,’ he said. He went on to say that although the sessions were not compulsory at Ballakermeen High School uptake had been encouraging, with around 340 students participating over the past two years. An ardent supporter of the programme is Manx Telecom. HR director John McChesney said: ‘The sessions enable us to collect some rich data and get some current views on what’s going on “out there”. It’s also a way of re-connecting with the community and putting something back. As an employer we gain valuable insight into what young people think of our business and it also provides opportunities for our people, faced with a rather different perspective, to develop their skills.’ In his closing remarks he praised the professionalism of Junior Achievement and said: ‘I would recommend the programme to any organisation.’ Ballakermeen High School students Roisin Thornton and Andreas Gutzold have been through the mock interview process. Roisin said: ‘I found the mock interview rewarding. ‘The skills I learned were invaluable: how I presented myself, my attitude, learning about the company. ‘I chose Barclays for my employer and before the interview I thought banking was all suits and formality. But researching the business beforehand revealed just how many different career opportunities existed and how much was involved behind a person’s job title. The whole process opened my eyes to what life might be like after school.’ Andreas said: ‘This was a first for me. The interview was run like a real one but without the pressure of trying to get a job at the end. I learned so much about what the interview experience entailed. To be able to engage one-to-one with the interviewers for feedback and get advice on how to improve myself as a candidate was really valuable. So a big thanks to Junior Achievement.’

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For employers wanting to know more about how they can get involved in 2014 contact Joy Spence Junior Achievement Programme Manager on 666266 or via e-mail at joy.spence@jaiom.im.

A Member of JA Worldwide

Isle of Man

A Member of JA Worldwide

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Junior Achievement Past Fund-raising Events

Isle of Man

Empowering young people to economic success

Inspiring Young People Singer Songwriter wins The Next Big Thing 2014 Mae Challis has been voted The Next Big Thing 2014. The 15 year old singer songwriter took the title in the final of Junior Achievement’s talent contest for 10 to 17 year olds at the Gaiety Theatre on Saturday January 25th, playing guitar and keyboard and singing one of her own compositions. Mae, a member of Douglas Soundcheck, won £500 sponsored by the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company. Runner-up was singer Christian Cooper aged 12, whose singing of ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ won him £250 donated by Manx Professional and Educational Services Ltd, while third place went to 13 year old drummer Callum Davies, who won £150 donated by MC Locksmith Services Ltd. Junior Achievement’s chief executive Sue Cook said: ‘Every year we’re always amazed to see just how much truly fantastic talent is revealed. In the run-up to the final 162 acts auditioned and it was a really hard job for the judges to reach their decision about which final 15 should go through. SuperJam founder and Junior Achievement Ambassador Fraser Doherty made a welcome return to the Island to address students from Ballakermeen High School, Castle Rushen High School, King William’s College and Queen Elizabeth II High School taking part in the Junior Achievement Company Programme.

‘Now in its third year The Next Big Thing has captured the hearts and minds of the people of the Isle of Man who are incredibly supportive. We’re very grateful to our all sponsors, in particular Paragon Recruitment, Energy FM and Manx Telecom, and to all the people who help make this contest happen; without their support the Next Big Thing would never be as “big” as it is.’ The curtain may have gone down on the Next Big Thing 2014…but there’s always 2015. For more information visit www.jaiom.im or follow Junior Achievement on Facebook thenextbigthingisleofman As a student he took part in the Young Enterprise Company Programme, acting as, unsurprisingly, managing director of a company making sweets. ‘We didn’t win but the experience taught me about business and that you don’t always have to come up with something new, sometimes you can just re-work an existing product. A good idea doesn’t mean reinventing the wheel; you can create something extraordinary out of the ordinary…and make the most of your business mentors.’ Fraser advised his audience of aspiring entrepreneurs to be prepared for knock-backs. ‘I worked for a year on label designs for my jars of jam before submitting them to Waitrose…and they didn’t like any of them, so I had to re-think the message I was trying to get over.’ He suggested inspiration could come from other brands - SuperJam’s successful labeling finally approved by Waitrose was inspired by the simplicity of smoothie manufacturer Innocent’s promotional material - and as a dedicated philanthropist he urged students ‘to run a business in a way that does more than make money’.

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Ballakermeen High School’s studio theatre the event saw the 25 year old Edinburgh-born entrepreneur recount to his audience ‘The Adventures of Jam Boy’ in which, at the age of 14, he started making jam inspired by his grandmother’s recipes, went on to supply more than 2,000 supermarkets in the UK, as well as in Australia, Korea and Japan, and now has his sights set on breaking into the US market.

A Member of JA Worldwide

Isle of Man

The presentation also provided Junior Achievement chief executive Sue Cook the opportunity to remind students of the schedule for the company programme ahead of the competition on March 12th and that the winning team, to be announced at the awards ceremony on March 19th, would be travelling to Estonia in July to represent the Isle of Man in the European finals.

Supporting the work of our Charity Junior Achievement is a Manx registered charity (No 665) that each year supports 5,000 young people in the Isle of Man. With the help of volunteers from business and the wider community we take the real world into the classroom and teach young people essential life skills that will help them to get a job or start their own business once they leave full-time education. We raise the money to recruit and train volunteers to go into every high school on the Island. The volunteers then work alongside teachers in the classroom and run programmes that have been developed by Junior Achievement. These programmes help students to develop their knowledge of how to manage money so they don’t get into debt, CV and interview techniques, presentation skills, teamwork, how to start your own business as well as skills for the workplace. Each year we need to raise £300,000 so that our programmes can be delivered to the schools free of charge. There are number of ways you can support the work of Junior Achievement.

■■ Make a donation through our website www.jaiom.im

or post a cheque made payable to ‘Junior Achievement’

■■ Organise your own fundraising event with the support of the Junior Achievement team. Our fundraising pack can be found on the website

■■ Donate your time by volunteering in a classroom or help with one of our many fundraising events

■■ Nominate Junior Achievement in your place of work for matched funding or for ‘Charity of the Year’

■■ Make a gift in your will.

What better way to leave a legacy for future generations

■■ We also have a number of sponsorship opportunities for larger organisations

■■ Support our fundraising events by purchasing tickets

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Information about how you can support our work can be found on our website at www.jaiom.im or you can call us on 01624 666266 or via e-mail at enquiries@jaiom.im.

Empowering young people to economic success

A Member of JA Worldwide

Isle of Man

Empowering young people to economic success

Junior Achievement Suite 2 | Peterson House Middle River Douglas Isle of Man IM2 1AL

Manx registered charity No 665

 01624 666266





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