National Conference
About MRIU MRIU - Manav Rachna International University is an embodiment of
Manav Rachna Vidyanatariksha which signifies the creation of human beings or individuals with attention to all components of
Women & Media: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
holistic growth. The concept of 'Manav' is accorded the fundamental
8th March, 2016
and innovation. It is the foundation of technology and envisages the
status. "Vidyanatariksha" is a conjugation of the words 'vidya' and 'antariksha'. Vidya is knowledge, information, the basis of creativity
future. Antrikhsha means 'the sky', the space in which we belong or exist. It can be broken into 'Antar' and 'Iksha' which means inner desire. Hence in combination the core promise of Manav Rachna is to create such human beings as have inner desire to gain knowledge.
About Faculty of Media Studies & Humanities The Faculty comprises two departments namely Department of Media Studies and Department of English. Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities (FMeH) aims at imparting quality education in order
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
to cater the increasing demands of the industry. At FMeH, we take
Faculty of Media Studies and Humanities
up challenges that come with the existing as well as emerging corporate environments. The core strength of FMeH lies in the
Manav Rachna International University Sector- 43, Surajkund Road
harmony among all its stakeholders: Students, Faculty, Staff and Management. It is our firm faith that value based learning can transform a student into an efficient professional and a responsible
Faridabad- 121004
The Faculty of Media and Humanities was founded in the year 2009.
instrumental in supporting the movement for women
It has two departments namely: Department of Journalism & Mass
emancipation. During the past decade, advances in information
Communication and Department of English. Department of
technology have facilitated a global communications network
Journalism & Mass Communication offers B.A (Journalism and
that transcends national boundaries and has an impact on
Mass Communication), M.A (Journalism and Mass Communication) and Ph.D (Journalism and Mass Communication).Department of English runs two courses namely B.A (Hons.) English a nd PhD. Highly qualified faculty adorned with Ph.D. degrees is the strength of both the Department. A large number of research scholars
public policy, private attitudes and behavior, especially of children and young adults. Everywhere the potential exists for the media to make a far greater contribution to the advancement of women. The present conference is an attempt
pursuing Ph.D. on various topics are already being guided by the
to understand the status, position and grip of women on both
faculty. We also have the facility of a studio for recording,
Media and Society.
evaluating and improving the public speaking skills of the students.
The proposed conference is expected to go a long way in making us aware of the issues related to the theme. It will also
About the theme of the Conference
provide a platform for healthy discussion among participants.
“There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing.�
The Conference aims at fostering healthy and productive
- Swami Vivekananda
confronted by man in the modern age. The conference sets out to
interdisciplinary interactions among participants. The scholarly discourses will definitely help in explaining various issues
provide a unique platform which will constructively bind all diverse
Women have played a significant role from time immemorial.
thought processes.
Though the primary goal for women empowerment is to improve the quality of life of women but it has also deep ramifications in social, economic and political scenario. The media through its reach to people at large has been
We invite submissions for an abstract of a research-based paper in any of the relevant fields, including but not limited to:
Women in Media during pre and post- independence
Format for Submission
A) Abstract
Women and Identity Crisis
The 300 words abstract should be typed in 10 point, Times New
Feminist and Gender Studies.
Roman, normal font, single space. Use A4 size paper with margins-
Women in the age of Digital Media
Women, Media and Literature
Indian Cinema and Women
Women in Development Messages
Media and Heath Communication
Women in Print Media
Title: The title should be centered across the top of the first page
Women and Social Movements
and should have a distinctive font of 18 points Century. It should be
top: 1 inch; bottom: 1inch; left: 1.25 inches; and right: 1.25 inches.
B) Full Paper The Paper should not be of more than 2500 words typed in 10 point, Times New Roman, normal font, double space with margins-top: 1 inch; bottom: 1inch; left: 1.25 inches; and right: 1.25 inches.
in a bold font and in lower case with initial capitals.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Research papers are invited on the theme/ sub- themes
Authors’ Names and Addresses: The authors’ names and addresses
mentioned below. Papers not covered under the sub- themes,
should be centered below the title. These lines should be 9 points
but relevant to the main theme may also be sent.
Times New Roman.
Abstracts of about 300 words may be submitted electronically (as attachment in MS-word) by 18, January 2016, to
After the acceptance of the abstract is communicated, full paper in soft copy is to be submitted by 05, February, 2016
All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified.
References [1]
Last Name, and First Name, Book Title, Place: Press, Year.
Last Name, and First Name "Journal Paper Title", Journal Name, Vol. X, No. X, Year.
Note: 1. Selected papers will be published in the form of a
All the details regarding the conference can be had from
compendium after the conference.
the official website of MRIU:
2. If there is more than one author of a paper, individual
registration will have to be done for all members of the team. 3. Name, institutional affiliation, e-mail, standard mailing address and phone/cell number should be mentioned while
CONFERENCE ADVISORS: 1. Prof. Umesh Kalra, Former IES & Advisor in Govt.
sending these papers
of India
Registration Fee: Faculty: Rs 1000/-
Dean, Faculty of Media studies and Humanities
Research Scholars: 700/Students: Rs.500 /Mode of Payment Registration fee can be paid through Demand Draft issued on any recognized bank, and drawn in favour of “Manav Rachna International University� payable at Faridabad. Onsite registration may also be done by depositing cash at the registration counter.
Manav Rachna International University 2. Dr. Sunil Kanta Behera Professor, Berhampur University 3. Dr. Anil Upadhyay Professor, Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi 4. Dr. Sanjeev Bhanawat Professor, Rajasthan University 5. Dr. Anu Shukla Professor, Chaudhary Devilal University, Haryana
6. Dr. Bandana Pandey
The outstation participants will have to make their own staying
Professor, Guru Jambeshwar University of Science
arrangements. However, all help will be accorded in this
& Technology, Hisar
regard, if notified well in time.
7. Dr. J.S. Giri Rao
Manav Rachna International University
Professor, Berhampur University 8. Dr. Pitabas Pradhan Professor, Aligarh Muslim University 9. Dr. Atanu Mohapatra
CONFERENCE COORDINATORS: Dr. Vidushi Sharma (Associate Professor, FMeH) Dr. Suman Kumari (Assistant Professor, FMeH)
Director, Communication Cell
Mr. Dhiraj Arya (Assistant Professor, FMeH)
M.S. University, Baroda
Ms. Romica Bhat (Assistant Professor, FMeH)
10. Dr. Upkar Sagar Bhardwaj
Ms. Richa Sharma (Assistant Professor, FMeH)
Retd. Prof. and Head, Dept. of English Govt. P.G College Faridabad.
Dr. Suresh Chandra Nayak Associate Professor & HoD Faculty of Media Studies & Humanities Manav Rachna International University
Co- Convener: Dr. Sujata Assistant Professor, Department of English