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July, 2015 Volume 5, Issue II July, 2015




International laurels at Microsoft make us proud PAGE 2


MANAV RACHNA SEATTLE USA, IS YOUTH SPARKS AT NOW OUR GOAL: GLOBAL LEVEL Indeed Roopam Sharma is the Youth Spark who makes us all proud with his global win. He has been recognized by Microsoft and been voted by the public from the world over as the global winner of the Youth Spark championship for 2015! Congratulations Roopam and our salutations to his mentors and the Management of Manav Rachna for giving him the support and motivation which has made him attain number one position in the world. His device which will help patients suffering from Dementia and be of immense benefit for a social cause. Roopam has been a regular researcher in MRIIC and had recently won the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2015 in India; previously he had won the Yahoo Accenture Innovation Jockeys competition held in Bangalore in 2014


Team Eyeluminati from Manav Rachna Educational Institutions created the Project Manouve for the Microsoft Imagine Cup which has taken them to the world f inal. Three cheers youngistan, you make us proud. Also appreciation for the Management and the Mentors for providing them with opportunities and guidance to take the banner of Manav Rachna to international heights

Sports for all ages PAGE 3 Manav Rachna’s Social cause endeavors PAGE 5

The journey of Radio Manav Rachna PAGE 6,7,8 AND 9 Innovations at MRIIC PAGE 12

Japan extends a hand to MRIU PAGE 14 MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE FORM OF ARTICLES Campus Buzz welcomes articles, viewpoints on any topic which you may want to discuss with your friends and colleagues. It is your newspaper so let’s make it interactive. Send your articles to TEAM MEMBERS OF CAMPUS BUZZ Editor-in-chief: Dr Amit Bhalla Editor Ms Roma Ghosh Layout and Design Mr N Pandey Photographer Ravinder Kumar


oopam Sharma, student of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions is the world champion declared none other than Microsoft Youthspark Challenge2015. With gratitude to the Management of Manav Rachna, Roopam says, “I shall be ever grateful to Dr Amit Bhalla who encouraged me at every step of my competition. Dr Prashant Bhalla has been my motivator together with my mentor Prof B.S.Gill and my Dean Student’s welfare Ms Sangeeta Banga. Thank you all for your encouragement,” says the youth who is focused and has his head on his shoulders. The global contest which Roopam participated in, encourages young people to make a change in Continued on page 2

society through a social cause. Roopam’s device will help those who suffer from Dementia and its related disorder. What Roopam has won An amazing leadership-development trip to Nicaragua to learn about creating change • $2,500 cash to help turn their ideas into a reality • A Windows Phone* The opportunity to serve as a Microsoft YouthSpark Advocate and take advantage of YouthSpark training and resources. The winners will be invited to Seattle or any other Microsoft office and later on taken to Nicaragua for 2 to 3 weeks - all expenses paid.


he project which team Eyeluminat created is a multi – utility wearable haptic device for the blind. The device can be used to read printed text and also helps the blind move around in a complex environment. The team members include Roopam Sharma, Akshita Sachdeva, Neeraj Saini and Debajit Guha. Truly elevated and rejoicing on the win as India winners, the team is now looking forward to their visit to Seattle and facing a world wide challenge. Commenting on their win the team members complemented each other on their

team work. Team leader, Roopam said. “It has been a team effort and it is because my team members believed in me and worked as per my direction that we could achieve what we did. I appreciate the team effort. Akshita who looked after the software said, “The fact that we connected to a mobile phone app was probably our USP. For those who are visually impaired it was important to operate through a voice device and connect it with the sound.’’ Neeraj who looked after the hardware of the device said, “We work diligently for a Continued on page 2


July, 2015


PLACEMENTS AT MR: A TRADITION OF SUCCESS The benchmark to a high grade university are its placements. At Manav Rachna we offer opportunities for all students to be placed in national and multinational companies and our track record says it all: across a journey of 18 years, 42,000 + students, including an alumni base exceeding 14,000 students have been seen walking Manav Rachna’s corridors of knowledge. “With 13,000+ on-campus placements, more than 450 reputed MNCs and Indian corporates have been regularly patronizing Manav Rachna for student training and placement, over the years,” says Prashant Bhalla, President, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions


e live in an age where corporate giants are looking towards infusing multi-skilled, talented and capable decision makers into the realm of their business operations. Professional educational institutions have therefore a crucial role to play in imparting skills and education that are absolute musts in managing real world situations and challenges effectively. At Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI), the focus on experience-based learning and industry interface has helped develop crucial real world skills among its graduates who are ever ready to face global challenges. MREI is committed to the career progression of each and every student, imparting relevant skill sets to help them understand the latest trends and technology, methods and modern tools that industry uses. Its close collaboration with industry players has helped develop a more compelling and industry-oriented education that addresses current and future needs in a rapidly changing global environment. Graduates from MREI are technically adept, adaptable and have real-world exposure. Industry-readiness and employable skills among MREI’s

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The app makes the use of integrated Cortana personal assistance which replaces the need of a human caregiver and can be used to assist the patient 24*7 in a more realistic

manner. The application also features medication reminders and exercises for the well being of the person. It drastically reduces the cost of Dementia Care and the number of care-giving hours. He is currently working on finding a way to detect the onset of Dementia. Roopam, a student of Manav

students have come through the concentrated efforts of two of the Institution’s most prolific career driven hubs: the Career Development Centre (CDC) and Corporate Resource Centre (CRC), both relentless in their pursuit of training the young minds and helping them to realize their full potential as they take the plunge into the job market. MREI students have been offered competitive salary packages by leading companies in the respective fields of specialization. Students from engineering streams like Computer Science, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Civil Engineering are in great demand along with Information Technology and Computer Applications. Students have been placed with leading corporate houses like TCS, Infosys, Cognizant, HCL Technologies, IBM, Accenture, Dell, NIIT, Honeywell, L&T Infotech, Aon Hewitt and the likes. For instance, Shivanshi Vaid (B.Tech Bio Technology 2014 batch) got placed in Covidien at a starting package of `8 lac. Ms Nidhi Sunil Mangla, an MBA student was offered job in Legal MD at a starting salary of `7.05 lac. Capital IQ has recruited 5 students at a starting package

Rachna Educational Institutions had prepared this device at the MIT med The project is an Emancipator, which is a real time position tracking system which consists of a mobile application which sends alerts to a patients’ caregiver, if the patient leaves a predefined geo-fence set by the caregiver. The patient wears a band which starts vibrating as soon as the geo-fence is crossed giving a sense to the patient that he has crossed the geofence and once he is back to his senses he presses a button which triggers a voice navigation back to his home. If he doesn’t, the wrist band sends push notifications to all the people in the surrounding area stating his contact details and disease so that he can be assisted back to his place.

of `5.51 lac. TCS is the Day 1 company at MREI. In 2014, TCS recruited 110 students. Accenture also recruited 90 students from MREI in the same year. This is a great feat for Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. Accenture has a very stringent placement process and has only been recruiting students from the top Engineering & Management institutes. The fact that companies like Accenture recruit from the MREI campus, speaks volumes about the quality of education being delivered at the campus. MBA students with specialization in Marketing/Finance/HR are also in great demand and some of the top companies such as Citibank, Indiabulls, SunLife Financials, Whirlpool, Nestle,, Times Business Solutions have visited and selected MREI students for placements. The two streams at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) viz. ‘Physiotherapy’ and ‘Nutrition & Dietetics’ command a unique position in almost all the leading hospitals and healthcare clinics - Fortis, Apollo, Artemis, Alchemist, N-Lite, VLCC, Personal Points to name just a few. Most of the students passing out feel confident to be an entrepreneur and seek corporate jobs merely to get hands-on experience. Excelling at global sports arenas, beauty pageants, world forums and international technical meets has been the Manav Rachna way of life! Nikita Pawar, a B.Tech (Biotech) alumnus of MREI has the coveted distinction of securing the 18th rank in the Civil Services Examination. Mukta Satyarthi Thakral, a B.Tech (IT) alumnus soared to great heights, getting into the famed IIM Calcutta and later into Harvard Business School. Backed by skill and ceaseless determination, Mohit Thakral, a MCA alumnus is now a

labs in Gandhinagar in January 2015, The Youthspark Challenge opened the door to innovation as they invited youth between the ages of 18-25, to allow their minds to think and invent devices which could change the world. “I took this opportunity to showcase my Blue Tooth Energy app,” said Roopam who was delighted to be amongst the 5 winners from across the world.They will get an opportunity of staying in Nicaragua for 2 weeks besides winning a handsome amount in dollars . “I am really happy to take the flag of Manav Rachna once again to international heights. I am also proud to make my country a global winner,” says Roopam who also acknowledges the support of his parents at all times. “It is really a moment of great achievement for Manav Rachna in general and MRIIC and MRU in particular” says Prof B.S.Gill.

top computer professional with Dell INC, USA, while Gaurav Singhal, also an alumnus of the same stream, is riding the crest of success at Oracle, USA.

Such noteworthy feats have opened the doors for MREI’s students as they get set for the exciting world job opportunities with a view to lead from the front.

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month to give the device a sound hardware,” he says with conviction. Commenting on the hardware the team leader Roopam says, Neeraj worked 24x7 till he got a complete hold on the hardware. I can proudly proclaim that he is the best hardware brain in the Campus,’’ says the team leader. Debajit put the design together and says, “Blind people usually use a cane but giving them a gadget on a glove gave us impetus to give it a good design. Also I did put a lot of effort on the colour variant because I felt they deserved to look good So what if they couldn’t see their vibrant colours, others who looked at them would feel good since colours is a variant of happiness.” Our actions speak louder than our words . 10 day event at Seattle and 33 teams from across the world will participate and we are a confident lot and we hope we will be world leaders. We look forward to our experience where the Microsoft Hololens gadget is to be launched The Microsoft’s Imagine Cup is a huge international platform where youngsters across the globe participate in competitions which focus on their creativity which is harnessed through the education they receive at their Institutes. Teams have participated year after year in the Microsoft Challenge cup and have immerged winners on and again. This year too, students participated in different categories and we proudly proclaim that three teams from Manav Rachna University participated and won top positions in three categories three categories namely - Games Category, Innovation Category and World Citizenship Category. Microsoft’s Imagine Cup is the world’s most prestigious student technology competition, bringing together student innovators from all over the world. The projects which left a mark on the judges and were rated at top positions were: Project Manouve developed by Team Eyeluminati which scored the first position under the Innovation Category. Project Tydee developed by Team Aether was awarded the first Position under the Gaming category while Project UltraFy developed by Team Visioners stood third in the World Citizenship Category.

The project story

Project Tydee is a windows mobile game that will help in educating citizens of all ages, developed by Team Aether comprising of Priya Dugaya, Himanshee Bhadana, Saurabh Kanwar and Nikhil Dalmia. This game will teach people the basics of garbage segregation and waste management. It will motivate people in a fun way to make them understand the importance of a clean ecosystem and how a cleaner environment will lead to improvement in their lives directly or indirectly. A clean environment has a healing effect on the health of the nation as whole. Project Ultrafy is the personal assistance to all round health care developed by Team Visioners consisting of Jehi Jha, Neha Valecha, Chirag Chhabra and Shefali Yadav. UltraFy heals a number of issues at an increased rate which include hairfall, skin problems, bone fracture healing, cough and cold. UltraFy also enables the user to perform live pelvic ultrasound to detect stones at an early stage. The device also performs a body temperature check and tells the heart rate of the patient. This is the first time that a team from Manav Rachna University has been selected in the Games category. While earlier projects like Molecule Maker developed by Team CodeBlue made it the Finals of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2014 at Seattle, the other projects which have made way at the Imagine Cup are Smart Skull, Movaid, RespirON amongst others. All the winners in all the three categories competed with each other and the best team across the three categories is now representing India at the International Finals to be held at Seattle USA 2015.


July, 2015


FOR ANYONE AND EVERYONE The Manav Rachna Open Badminton Championship held between 15-18 May 2015, was one of its kind which was open to one and all. You didn’t have to represent your school, your college or your club: all you had to do is represent yourself. Age was no bar which meant there were participants who were teenagers to those who were in their mid forties.


eclaring the event open Dr Prashant Bhalla said, “It is a proud moment to have participants from far and near come to participate in this Open championship. We have created the infra structure but it is those associated with the Sports Academy to take it forward. I am extremely happy with the efforts of Dr Amit Bhalla and Mr Sarkar Talwar together with their team to give the sports event the drive which is required. “Addressing the gathering on 15 May at the Manav Rachna sports academy situated in Sector 14 Dr Amit Bhalla, said, “If you love badminton, come and play. While it is not possible for everyone to win, it definitely is possible for everyone to participate. “ He thanked Mr Sarkar Talwar for his continuous efforts and motivated the team at MRSPA. With sponsors which included Coco Cola, Ula, Adidas there were various prizes to be won in different categories which included men’s and women’s singles, doubles and veterans. Aparna Jindal one of the participant in the women’s category said, “It brings back memories of the days when I was studying in Gorakpur and had participated in many badminton championships. This kind of open championships is a major welcome for sports enthusiasts like us.” Rakshit Sony and Harshit Sony from MVN Sector 17 were excited to be participating in an open championship and were playing for themselves. Pia Malhotra from MRIS 14 said, “My father has been my motivation and I am excited participating in the game . Sapna Thakur and Alka Chugh whose children have gone to Bangalore to be trained under Prakash Padukone were present to watch and motivate the players from all ages who had come from far and near. The tournament had some very competitive and exciting matches which brought together emerging and brilliantly talented badminton players across the NCR. The Chief Guest of the closing ceremony was Dr Amit Bhalla, Vice President, MRIU who gave the wonderful message about sports

behavior and sportsmanship and also gave away the prizes in the presence of Mr. Arshinder Singh Chawla ,(I.G in intelligence), Mr. Sarkar Talwar,-

Director Sports, MRIU, Mr Vivek Pratap Singh, Mr. Shell Jhanb, Mr. Dheeraj Nakra, Mr Hansraj Ahuja, and other staff members.



r Amit Bhalla has been elected as the Patron of Haryana Badminton Association in the General Body meeting of HBA held recently at Panchkula. Dr Amit Bhalla has been a pioneer in the field of sports and his appointment will provide valuable guidance and expertise to enrich and promote the game of badminton to reach newer heights . His experience will help to better the game and help more new comers to enjoy the game at different levels of competition We feel extremely proud and wish him all the luck for his future endeavors as a Patron.

Open Men’s Single


Manish Rawat


Utkarsh Arora

Runner Up Open Men’s Double

Nitin Mahiwal & Manish Rawat


Saurav Kalia

Runner Up

& Kamal Vashisth

Open Women’s Single Ekta Kalia


Bhavya Aneja

Runner Up Open Mixed Doubles

Saurav Kalia & Ekta Kalia


Tanuj Sharma & Abhilasha Thakur

Runner Up


r Amit Bhalla was honoured by the Disst Red Cross Society, Faridabad & Rotary Club Sanskar Faridabad with an appreciation award. This award was presented for commendable work in the field of Life Saving Programmes by organizing Blood Donation Camps during the year 2014-15.

Veterans 35-45 Yrs. Men’s Single Kamal Vashisth


Naveen Sharma

Runner Up Veterans 35-45 Yrs. Men’s Doubles

Amit Khurana & Naveen Sharma


Pankaj Gulati & Pankaj Bansal

Runner Up

Veterans 46 Yrs & Above. Men’s Single Rajeev Sharma


Vijay Aggarwal

Runner Up

Veterans 46 Yrs. & Above Men’s Doubles J.S Jakhar & Sanjay Sapra


Arshinder Singh Chawla & Pawan Kumar

Runner Up

Jaspal Rana inaugurates electronic targets (sius ascor) at MRIU shooting range


adamshree Mr. Jaspal Rana, the Legendary Shooter of India inaugurated the electronic targets (sius ascor) at MRIU shooting range. The Manav Rachna Shooting Range at Manav Rachna International University will be operated at SIUS Ascor Electronic Targets from now on. Earlier the range had 8 manual targets but now 8 electronics targets of Olympic standard have also been installed. The upgraded shooting range was inaugurated on 23 May 2015. Earlier, the range was equipped with 8 manual targets but now these manual ones have been upgraded to electronic targets. This change conform to international standards. The first private fully computerized Olympic standard shooting range in Delhi-NCR was inaugurated in the presence of Dr. Prashant Bhalla, President MRIU, Dr. Amit Bhalla,Vice President MRIU and other dignitaries.


July, 2015



We at Manav Rachna are regular participants at Education Fairs in not just Delhi-NCR but in places like Kolkata, Ranchi, Patna and the Northeast. The point is to reach out to as many students as possible and dispel their doubts and confusions. Dr. Naresh Grover Dean-Academics & Director Admissions MRIU


hoosing a career is always a herculean task and admittedly a life-defining moment. The worry starts right after the secondary stage of education and continues well after high school. Those who know their minds, there is perhaps little cause for concern. But then, there are those who enjoy risk-taking--the nonconformists--who shudder at the predictable course of life. A regular Engineering program may not give them the adrenaline rush while a degree in Commerce, Nutrition, Dentistry or even Applied Psychology could make them feel on top of the world. If some are inclined towards fine arts, there are others who may succeed in business but fail to make the cut in the study of literature. Most parents would like to think that his child is cut out for an exceptional career and proceeds to advice, and at times impose, his notion of that perfect calling. The

child is often confused, bogged down by parental and peer pressure. Well then, certain points are to be borne in mind while seeking a career fresh out of high school. The student’s willpower and smart work will help him win his way to that position in life to which his abilities entitle him. While chalking out a career, the student should pay heed to his passions and preferences and choose an occupation that best suits his interests and aspirations. In short, listen to his heart. He may take recourse to psychometric testing which in Universities like Manav Rachna is readily available. Personalized counseling may also do wonders for his confidence and self esteem. At Manav Rachna, a specialized Team from the Admission Cell conducts workshops in Schools on a pan India level wherein extensive counseling and career guidance is provided to aspirants at the High School level. For a more in-depth under-

standing of the corporate world, it would make sense to have a frank chat with the HR personnel of a top notch company. Students would get an instant feedback about the job market, more so, about career-driven programs, many of which have been introduced to fill the demand and supply gap. It has been observed that industry interface gives programs the much-needed boost and makes them more placement-centric. Evidently, we live in a globalised environment where competition is tough and the challenges overwhelming. Education in such a scenario is subject to constant flux with rapid developments in technology and communications. Keeping pace with the changing learning systems, we at Manav Rachna have introduced Programs that are in sync with the times. For instance, an MSc in Energy and Environment Technology or even Nanotechnology was unheard of even few years back. But such avant garde programs are meant to inspire and educate the young and ambitious to make their mark as thought leaders and global citizens. In the sphere of Civil Engineering, there has been an infrastructural boom, with specializations like Construction Management and Transportation Engineering all the craze among students. Today, Manav Rachna’s B.Tech program is not just about a four years Engineering degree but a time for value addition, like a specialization in Cloud Computing, Business Analytics & Optimization, IT Infrastructure Management, Cyber Security and Forensics which have got students intrigued and fascinated. There has been a perceptible shift in society from industrialization towards an information-based society where intelligent people with a wide range of skill sets and knowledge are carving their niche in an information based society. Students would do well to

choose talent-specific programs like Interior Design, Architecture, Journalism and Mass Communication (wherein a Masters would be an added plus) or even an MBA in Business Analytics (for which Manav Rachna has collaborated with IBM) can take student places. Those pursuing BBA, need to think from a whole new perspective, and go for a BBA Banking program perhaps which helps students streamline their choices and in many instances provides assured placements subject to fulfillment of certain specific academic benchmarks. Children with an adventurous streak should be encouraged to think out-of-the box and if that means a career in Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Biotechnology or Physiotherapy, may be even Nanotechnology, then so be it. What matters is to have a definite aim and the will to succeed. The rest will fall into place in due course. However, everything needs systematic planning and preparation-after all, it does not hurt to do some advance thinking. One sure-shot way of getting proactive and acquainted with the numerous program offerings, is to look up the nearest Education Fair. These are held periodically and at the more accessible venues. The career choices are aplenty and may look and sound overwhelming, but at least, it gives students the whole picture, all under one roof. It is where they can glimpse the macrocosm of the academic world and the programs that have got the maximum number of footfalls. We at Manav Rachna are regular participants at Education Fairs in not just Delhi-NCR but in places like Kolkata, Ranchi, Patna and the Northeast. The point is to reach out to as many students as possible and dispel their doubts and confusions. The Fairs help students to do a reality check and bring them one step closer to the participating

institutions. It is often their first initiation into the world of higher learning where they are able to gauge their own strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis the choicest Institutions. With more and more students getting hooked to the Internet, online chatting with experts and Education portals is the way to go. Quite a few students I know find the virtual world more convincing than the real world…don’t ask me why! Choosing a career is actually a multi-step process, involving the filling up of the admission form, entrance exam, creation of merit list, displaying of results on website, physical counseling before culminating in the final Admission to the institution of choice. It can be quite a grueling task for both parents and admission seekers. Though subjects taken in the XIIth standard often decide the course of a students’ fate, there is always room for surprises—for instance, students of Commerce (as long as they have Maths as a subject) might appear for NATA (National Aptitude Test for Architecture) and on qualifying, enroll for an Architecture course. It is said that ‘change’ is the only constant in life and students may soon find that to their advantage. It is important to do one’s home work well and find out what works best: the point is to stand out from the crowd and not go by herd instinct—it doesn’t work. For, gone are the days when careers were decided on the basis of birth, caste or heredity factors. Students now have the freedom to choose according to their taste, liking and aptitude. So here’s their big chance: to advance on the track of life. All they need is the guts to be different.

—Dr. Naresh Grover Dean-Academics & Director, Admissions MRIU


The Dr O.P.Bhalla Foundation is undertaking projects in keeping with the vision of the Foundation to contribute significantly towards bringing about a change in society. Besides providing health care services through a series of camps covering physiotherapy, nutrition and dietetics and dental, a huge effort was made to collect contributions for the earthquake affected people in Nepal. Free community health camps have been organized by the Faculty of Applied Science through a series of camps at the Mohana village, Prithla village and Palla village over the last few months. The most recent camp was held at Daulatabad Village on 16th May 2015.


r M M Kathuria and Vice Chancellor Dr N C Wadhwa honoured the vision of our revered founder Dr O P Bhalla while they distributed free dentures at MRDC in April 2015. The distinguished guests who also participated in the distribution of these dentures and denture maintenance kits were Brig V K Anand, Dr A Sareen, Prof U Kalra and Dr G L Khanna. Principal, Dr Arundeep Singh and Advisor, Maj Gen (Rtd) Dr P N Awasthi emphasized the important role of MRDC in creating awareness regarding oral health among the masses in and around Faridabad. This program also marked the completion of first phase of three month long free dental services provided by MRDC under the Dr OP Bhalla Foundation (9th March 2015 to 31st May 2015). The efforts of Dr Pankaj Dhawan, Prof and HOD, Department of Prosthodontics and Dr Kapil Arora, Prof and HOD, Department of Public Health Dentistry, in making this program a success were appreciated by all the dignitaries.

COMPUTER LITERACY PROGRAMME@MRIS-21C FARIDABAD Adding life to years rather than years to life. RIS 21 C, Faridabad successfully started the Computer Literacy Programme for senior citizens and House Wives on 18th May 2015. In this heavy paced technology world, all the participants are now here to catch up with the ever growing field of Computers. The CLP aims at imparting basic computer knowledge to the participants so that they can get connected to their geographically apart near and dear ones through technology. All these so called learners are in fact achievers in themselves in their own fields of specialization. In this heavy paced technology world, they are now here to catch up with the ever growing field of Computers. The class comprises of zealous ‘students’ ranging from middle aged housewives to the elderly. Their enthusiasm and yearning to learn more defies the concept of age appropriate. Their childlike curiosity makes them marvel at their young at heart spirit. The effort of the programme was to overcome the digital divide by mastering simple computer skills such as using a computer mouse, typing, browsing the net and e-mailing to name a few. The group which mostly comprised of house wives, retired professionals and other experienced members of the society felt extremely confident at the culmination of the programme. The Principal of the school Mrs Seema Malhotra appreciated the members of the CLP Group and the teachers who facilitated learning for these members- Ms Shalini Vaid and Ms Pooja Kukreja and Ms. Sonia Bhatia. She also spoke that this experienced group of the society is exemplary of the fact that there is no age bar and no end to learning.


The camp at Jatav Choupal, Daultabad, Old Faridabad was led by Dr. Varsha Chorsiya from Department of Physiotherapy with one of its student Ms. Aswani Sasidharan from Masters of Physiotherapy. The Nutrition counselling was given as per the Body composition profile and special requirements of the patients. Ms. Binu Bhatia with 4 students from Nutrition and Dietetics department served at the health camp. The dental department provided services such as tooth extraction, root canal and oral cancer screening under the guidance of Dr. Ankur with a team of 5 students and 3 technical staff. The camp was organized with the co-operation of Mr. Bupendra Singh, who was the Namadar of the Daultabad region. Faculty of Applied Science has been a regular participant to such health awareness events. Dr.

July, 2015

G.L.Khanna (Dean, FAS) has always motivated the students and staff of FAS to be an active participant to such events which serve as a real life experiences to both students and staff. The HoD of Physiotherapy Dr. Pooja Anand has been instrumental in advising and motivating the whole team and encouraging them to take such endeavors on a regular basis. A total of 75 patients were assessed, treated and advised for exercise as per their physical needs. Regular exercise, ergonomic advices and life style modification were emphasized upon to halt and alter the lifestyles of the patients for a healthier life. The patients who were in need of further and regular physiotherapy were asked to visit the Physiotherapy OP situated at the Q block, , MRIU campus. The University transport was also arranged as an extension to healthcare service



RIS, Noida staff members along with the students and under the aegis of O. P. Bhalla Foundation visited Govt. Girls School, Mohna Village, Faridabad on 24th April’2015. In support of this noble cause, students interacted with the girls and shared about the basic hygiene and healthy habits. They told them the importance of not only self hygiene but also the need to keep their surrounding clean. They were also told about the good touch and bad touch. They also made them aware about women’s right like right to education, child marriage, domestic violence etc. through a skit, where they were told about voicing out their problems and not to suffer quietly. Breast cancer awareness session was also taken for the staff members where they were told how to check themselves for any lump. Along with this they were told about how to improve their teaching skills which in turn would be beneficial for the girls. Various fun races and aerobic sessions were conducted for the girls which they enjoyed thoroughly. They also danced on various foot tapping numbers. As ‘ sharing is caring ‘ the students of the school were told to get books from home that were shared under the ageis of Dr. O. P. Bhalla foundation with the poor children of Mohna village, Haryana. It was an enriching experience for all. “A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” We all felt the strong tremors on 25th April 2015; Our Neighboring Country Nepal has been completely devastated by a major earthquake and is feeling the jolts umpteen number of times till date. There has been an enormous loss of lives, infrastructure and economy. Each day it is a struggle for the survivors as they are battling with starvation, pain and post traumatic problems. Under the aegis of Dr. O.P Bhalla Foundation, an initiative of helping and supporting the affected was taken with the support of our Students, parents and staff, where generous donations in cash and supplies were received and forwarded to the victims and the survivors of this natural calamity with the help of

Nepal Embassy. At MRIS, Noida our students gave a personal touch by packing the dry supplies themselves. As an institution we all are grateful to all those who have shown a kind hearted and a compassionate gesture.

MRIS SECTOR 14’S EFFORTS Computer Literacy Programme Taking the mission of the Dr O P Bhalla Foundation, MRIS-Secotr 14 entered into the Sixth phase of Computer Literacy programme. This year also an overwhelming response was received. . Many parents and grandparents enrolled themselves for the workshop. The participants learnt computer basics, internet navigation, sending e-mail, chatting, using storage devices like CDs and Pen drives, digital cameras and many android applications on mobiles etc. They also learnt to use e-ticket booking and even e- banking facility. Grandmothers would enjoyed downloading the innovative recipes too. These classes have boosted up their confidence and proved that there is no age of learning.

“NO ONE SLEEPS HUNGRY” Ek Mutthi Daan : MRIS- Sector 14 Carrying the legacy of Dr. O.P. Bhalla Foundation Trust, a step further the students and staff of MRIS Sector 14, this year also, wholeheartedly contributed rice packs towards the noble cause, thus making their contribution in the movement of the foundation under which “No one sleeps hungry”. Such initiatives not only help the needy but also make give us realize our responsibilities towards the society.


HELPING OUR NEIGHBOR Contributions for Nepal Earthquake victims In the wake of unprecedented damage caused by recent earthquake in Nepal, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions under the aegis of Dr. O.P Bhalla Foundation had joined hands and made generous efforts to come forward and help the affected people of Nepal. Sincere efforts have been taken up for this cause and a compassionate donation has been made to help our neighbor. We generously thank you for coming forward and helping and remembering them in your efforts, contributions and prayers. All these collected contributions have been sent to the Nepal Embassy on 8th May 2015. The following items were given to the Nepal Embassy for helping the victims of earthquake. The items sent included: Non-Perishable items: Rice (1200 kg rice) Atta (100 kg) Pulses (50 cartons) Biscuits (70 boxes) Oil (10kg) Packaged drinking water (40 boxes) Spices (1 carton) Glucose (1 carton) Salt (1 caton) Maggi (1 carton) Tea and sugar (20 kg) Blankets (250 blankets) Hygiene products such as: Soap (5kg.) Disinfectants Toiletries (2 carton) Matchboxes and candles 1 Suitcase 1 Kids Pram Clothes, pullovers Shoes Utensils to cook food



nder the aegis of Dr O P Bhalla Foundation, Swachh Bharat, Swastha Bharat Abhiyan was initiated on 2nd October 2014. Since then we took the responsibility of cleaning and maintaining the cleanliness at the Old Faridabad Railway Station. In order to extend our efforts to continue with this grand vision, a team of sweepers and cleaning staff visit regularly to Old Faridabad Railway Station for cleaning the Railway station and nearby areas. “ Rail Yatri Upbhokta – Swachh Railway” an initiative from Railways is going on from May 26 to June 01, 2015 and on 29 May 2015 we participated in the initiative and cleaned the platforms, Ticket Counters, Platform crossing bridge and nearby areas of the platform and railway station as suggested by Station Superintendent. We also facilitate the passengers and other railway staff about benefits of cleanliness.

AWARDSBUZZ Prestigious MoU between MREI, Algonquin College, Ottawa and NSDC

major goal of up-skilling teachers and faculty from colleges and institutes across India, who will then begin to deliver shortterm training courses for developing skilled workers. On April 13th and 14th, 2015, Algonquin College hosted Dr Sanjay Srivastava, Managing Director of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions and Vice Chancellor – Manav Rachna University. Manav Rachna is a long standing partner of Algonquin College in India, and currently delivers Algonquin’s Interior Designing program at their campus in Faridabad, India.In the wake of the agreement, an upbeat Dr Sanjay Srivastava, Managing Director, MREI said: “Manav Rachna Educational Institutions are proud to be a part of the nation building process. By associating with Algonquin College, MREI is poised to train and upgrade the skills of Faculty members with the larger goal of creating a skilled workforce in India. As a training Centre of Excellence, MREI will do its utmost to fulfill the national objective of training teachers with the latest knowledge and skills in the chosen fields. Our tie-up with Algonquin College, Canada will ensure training that is at par with global standards. We feel honoured to be considered among the ‘chosen few’ to facilitate the skill training and development in our country.”


ASSOCHAM HONOURS MANAV RACHNA ASSOCHAM declares Manav Rachna International University as the ‘Best University serving Social Cause’. Also awards Manav Rachna International School, Sector 14, Faridabad with ASSOCHAM Education Excellence Award for The ‘Best K-12 School in Teaching – Learning Practices’



anav Rachna Educational Institutions and Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada signed a Letter of Intent and agreed to submit a proposal to be a training Center of Excellence in the automotive and construction sectors following a MoU signed between Algonquin College and the Nationals Skills Development Corporation of India President Cheryl Jensen of Algonquin College, Canada, signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Nationals Skills Development Corporation of India on Parliament Hill as witnessed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada. Carrying forward the mantle of excellence, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI) and Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada, signed a Letter of Intent and agreed to submit a proposal to be a training Centre of Excellence in the automotive and construction sectors. This follows in the light of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Algonquin College and the Nationals Skills Development Corporation of India. India has set a national target to “skill” 500 million people in India, across a variety of sectors, by 2022. The National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) of India has been tasked to meet 30 per cent of that target, meaning that they seek to produce 150 million skilled workers in the next 7 years. NSDC’s primary goal is to foster private sector and industry participation in skill training and development. In support of this training goal, Algonquin College and Manav Rachna Education Institutions (MREI) have agreed to submit a proposal to be a training Centre of Excellence in the automotive and construction sectors. Located at MREI’s campus in Faridabad near New Delhi, the Centre will focus on curriculum development and “Training the Trainers” with the

July, 2015

t is noteworthy that Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI) have been bringing about transformation through incremental articulated steps in society through a series of CSR activities under the aegis of Dr O P Bhalla Foundation. MREI has been carrying on the rich legacy and tradition of excellence which Founder Chairman Dr OP Bhalla set as a precedent. Dr O P Bhalla Foundation, a trust with philanthropy as its sole objective undertakes developmental activities, research and training in various fields, such as education, sustainable development and environmental protection, gender equality, health and well-being. The 8th ASSOCHAM Educational award bestowed upon Manav Rachna International University is a true reflection of the spirit and dedication with which the Foundation has catered to the needs of the marginalized while serving social causes like Ek Muthi Daan(a movement where nowhere sleeps hungry), community health camps,mega blood donation camps, Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat,Waste management, Maintenance of the World’s Tallest Tiranga, and supporting the Beti Bachao Beti Padao campaign, among others. The Foundation is also working towards improving Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for higher education in the Faridabad District. Commenting on the award, Ms Satya Bhalla, Chief Patron-MREI & Chairperson – Dr O P Bhalla Foundation humbly said: “The Foundation is a humble effort of making this world a better place to live and ensure that all the human beings get their due share of happiness. I thank ASSOCHAM for recognizing our efforts, and I am sure that as the Foundation continues its journey of spreading happiness and joy, more people will join us in this mission to help accomplish the dream of our Founder Chairman. Through such manifold initiatives ,Dr. O P Bhalla Foundation has been working steadily towards the fulfillment of its goals and objectives. We all together can make a


anav Rachna International School, Sector 14, Faridabad has been conferred with ASSOCHAM Education Excellence Award for The ‘Best K -12 School in Teaching – Learning Practices’. The award was presented by the Hon’ble Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Prof. (Dr) Ram Shankar Katheria. Ms. Deepika Bhalla , Executive Director, MRIS 14 and Ms. Mamta Wadhwa, Principal, MRIS 14 received the award from Dr. Ram Shankar Katheria in the presence of eminent educationists. difference by Saving Lives…Transforming Communities…. Renewing Hope”. Speaking on the recent achievement, Ms.MamtaWadhwa said:“MRIS has been excelling in both academics and sports, winning laurels and recognition time and again. The school has been consistently ranked among the top 5 schools in the region by leading publications. The School’s consistent growth and performance in all the fields, be it academics, sports or extra- curricular activities is due to the regular mentoring and provision of appropriate guidance to the students. In sports, the students of MRIS-14 are regularly representing the School at National level sports competitions and winning various positions especially in Basketball, Badminton, Table tennis, Shooting, Chess etc. Awards like ASSOCHAM act as the morale boosters for the management, staff and students”. On receiving the award, Ms. Deepika Bhalla said: “Right since its inception, MRIS has been embellishing children to grow beyond their dreams, all the while, taking a quantum leap into many initiatives. With its committed and qualified team and world-class infrastructure, MRIS—long considered an academic beacon—has been making learning a celebration for students. MRIS has been nurturing students to become responsible global citizens with values that are embedded for life”!

VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARD Ms Charu Sharma, (PS to the President, MREI) was awarded with a Vocational Excellence award for ‘Perfection & Excellence in performance of her duties beyond call’ by Rotary Club of Faridabad, Mid Town RID 3010


t is a moment of pride for the entire Manav Rachna Family as we congratulate Ms Charu Sharma for being honoured by none other than the Rotary Club of Faridabad, Midtown for her outstanding sincerity toward her duties towards the Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. The function took place at Hotel Park Plaza Sector-21C, Faridabad on Sunday 24th May 2015 amidst an august gathering. J.P. Malhotra, Astt. Governor, Rotary International Distt. 3010 while speaking on the occasion said, ”Charu has always been co-operative and extremely sincere in her duties since we have interacted with her for the past 7 years. Infact she has always gone a step further in performing her duties with perfect ease,” he said with utmost pride,

while stating the reason for conferring this prestigious award. Rtn Sandeep Batra, President 2014-15 and Rtn Sudhir Kumar Jaini, Hony Secretary 2014-15 were among the dignitaries present at the function to give away the award. Charu Sharma speaking on the event paid her homage to Dr O.P.Bhalla who she said had been her mentor and guide and said, “I am what I am today because of the guidance and blessings of Sir, whom

I miss very much today. ´Commenting on the award she said, “I am grateful to Dr Prashant Bhalla for extending the platform from which I have learnt so much. Infact I shall continue to learn from the meticulous way Prashant Sir works and it is an honour for me to be associated with the Manav Rachna Group. Charu thanks everyone who she has been associated with and she acknowledges the contribution of all those who made this award possible.



adio Manav Rachna

January, 2015

107.8 FM



This program was inaugurated with the blessings of our chief patron Madam Satya Bhalla, and Gen Secretary MRET, Dr M M Kathuriaji. Madam Satya Bhalla not only extended warm greetings for this program but also blessed the entire team for this effort.

When Dr. Prashant Bhalla came on Rubaroo, the soft-spoken and determined young and dynamic President of MREI said “that the dream of our Founder Chancellor will be fulfilled by the team now” and he hoped to “fulfill 100% gross enrolment ratio in higher education of our district, through scholarships, through shouldering education programs under Dr. O.P.Bhalla Foundation and through reaching out to the students”.


ubaroo” is a special interview based program with the visionaries, stakeholders and intellectuals connected with Manav Rachna. At Manav Rachna we focus on “creating human beings with a noble heart” and in “Rubaroo” we take you on a ride of knowledge and wisdom with our esteemed guests and a look at their lives, vision for the Manav Rachna Group, and their journey till now. RMR 107.8 FM was a dream of our visionary founder Late Dr. O.P. Bhallaji and in Rubaroo you can listen to our guests speaking about their relation, their association and their experiences of the time spent with Dr. O. P Bhallaji. This program is specially conducted and executed by Director RMR Prof. I.K.Kilam and is broadcast every Sunday (10-11 am).

Dr. N. C.Wadhwa shared memories of his association with Dr. O.P. Bhalla and said that at Manav Rachna we strongly believe in the effective education pattern and character building of students.

Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava,VC, MRU A successful management guru shared his personal success formula with all and said “always believe in yourself, attitude is the main tool to achieve success and be a person of full humility with respect for others. He also shared his memories of Dr. O. P. Bhallaji and said he was inspired by the words of the visionary who always said “ always look for positive things and if you want to be a winner in life be a learner”.

Late Dr. O. P. Bhalla, the founder visionary of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions, was a great philanthropist. He always dreamt of a city which has all the facilities for its citizen and he wanted Faridabad to be one of them. His vision of International standard of education for the students of Faridabad and NCR was fulfilled when he set the foundation stone of Manav Rachna Education Institutions and after extending his vision he brought the First Radio Station RMR 107.8 FM

JOURNEY OF RMR 107.8 FM Radio Manav Rachna 107.8 FM, By the community, of the community, for the community, as the slogan says, is dedicated towards the community covering majorly the area of Faridabad, Haryana. The Radio Station is located in the lovely sprawling Manav Rachna Campus, which is the premier educational institution of Faridabad. Radio Manav Rachna is the first and only commuTeam RMR 107.8 FM nity Radio of Faridabad established on 10th July 2009 by the Station, it strives to bring the best Manav Rachna Education Trust. programs for the community awareInitially it started airing programs for ness and is focused on providing use5 hours a day and from September ful information to its listeners about 2012 it started airing programs for 24 their day to day issues, community hours a day, serving community ar- affairs, and social awareness, entereas in Faridabad and adjoining parts tainment, and as well as educating its of National Capital Region (NCR.) listeners and promoting Language, Radio Manav Rachna was the vision Literature, Music, Health, etc, and dream of Founder Chairman through round the clock programs Late. Dr. O.P. Bhalla Ji. It has be- broadcast in Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & came one of the most popular Radio English Languages and topics based Stations of Faridabad because of its on various day to day issues of comunique quality of being an infotain- mon people. ment Radio Station, where every ur Listeners are our Program broadcast is accompanied Strength”; they value what with lots of information for its listen- we say and we value what they say. ers. As a leading Community Radio Entertainment, Social Awareness


Programs, Social Interactive Programs, talent shows for the talented youth, Health Camps for the grass root level society of Faridabad, etc. are some of the major contributions of Radio Manav Rachna towards Faridabad and NCR. Programs like Aap ki awaaz – ek koshish, Youngistan ki Dhakan, Solution. com, People of Honor, Evening Flavor, Sufi Mehfil, Aatmbodh, Hamara Hindustan, Buzm-e-Shayeri, Bollywood Masala, Zindagi kee kalam se, Campus Star, Rubaroo, Nanhey Frishtey, Spiritual and Literary programs are the daily source of infotainment for the listeners of Radio Manav Rachna.

For more details and advertisements please contact: 0129-4198384, 9810157838


Programs Of RMR RJ BHAVNA SHARMA Youngistan ki Dhadkan, This is an exclusive signature program of RMR 107.8 FM for the “young’s at heart”. This is a live program full of energy, entertainment, puzzle, music and information. The vivacious RJ Bhavna hosts this program every Monday to Saturday 11am to 12 Noon, which also addresses various problems of youth. Enveloped in entertainment, this program also caters to songs of listener’s choice, subject to their answering the puzzle. Birthday wishes and anniversary wishes and celebration of birthdays of various bollywood celebrities is also a segment of this program, So if you want to make your special day even more special, tune into RMR 107.8 and let RJ Bhavna know it’s your Birthday that day. Besides this RJ Bhavna also hosts a weekly programme “HAMARA HINDUSTAN” from 6 to 7 pm every Saturday. This is a unique show which brings for its listeners a variety of information about various states of India like its languages, history, cuisines, costumes and tourist places with a blend of good soulful bollywood songs. This program is aimed to enhance the overall knowledge of listeners about India to enable them to plan their visits to various states of India and to know about the rich and varied culture of our country. Not only that BOLLYWOOD MASALA is another program of RJ Bhavna Radio & entertainment are synonymous with each other and similarly bollywood industry & gossips go hand in hand. Bollywood is always surrounded by these gossips and these spicy informations about bollywood stars, a peep into their lives, crispy spicy and fresh information of the bollywood industry , updates on new released movies, their reviews, and that too with a dash of entertainment and music is brought for the listeners by RJ Bhavna in a weekly program “Bollywood Masala” on Sunday 7pm to 8pm.

Production of CDs January, 2015


PART & PARCEL OF RMR The Spiritual Awakening everyday on RMR


Prof. I K Kilam

adio Manav Rachna 107.8 is a 24×7 Community Radio Station powered by ‘Manav Rachna Vidyanatariksha’ and is solely dedicated to the service of the community it caters to. The Community Radio Station prepares and broadcasts variety of radio programmes related to social awareness, health, spirituality, entertainment, education, career, and youth. It is the first & only Radio Station in Faridabad. Radio Manav Rachna addresses the problems of youth by taking interviews of young boys and girls and students on topics of relevance and importance. These young boys and girls are invited to have open discussions on various issues related with aspects like career, life and lifestyle. For the purpose of health awareness issues, doctors and various experts are invited from the nearby areas to answer the queries raised from time to time. Being a Community Radio Station, the prime focus of the Community Radio Station remains on the social issues related with sanitary and hygiene aspects, health problems, and general awareness problems. Simultaneously Radio Manav Rachna is entertaining the people of the area by playing melodious songs of the choice of the people. In other words, it is a complete Info Entertainment Channel which provides all kinds of awareness among the residents of Faridabad and adjoining coverage area, for the benefit of children, students, women, community, entrepreneurs, artists, housewives and other listeners of all age groups. Various experts are invited to participate in our discussion programmes on topics of interest and relevance. Focus is also on motivational programmes, sharing and analyzing success stories and in building communication skills, soft skills, and personality development. All in all, Radio Manav Rachna provides useful informational and entertainment programmes round the clock for its target audience in & around Faridabad covering different segments, and interest groups like young students, women, entrepreneurs, employees, senior citizens, artists and the common folk of the area.

Radio Manav Rachna 107.8 FM awakens its listeners every morning from 4 am to 7 am with a touch of spirituality. The programs that are broadcast during this time are spiritual discourses of Murari Bapu, Osho & Brahmkumaris. Besides these discourses various literary experts also express their understandings of literary and mythological books like Vivek Chooramani, Ashtavakra Geeta by Prof. D.P. Bhanot, Bhritrhari Shataks & Pragya Puran by Ms. Kiran Chawla & Dr. Leena Sinha, Aatm - darshan by Raag Lekha Dasi, Aatmbodh by Brahmkumari Priya, Poonam & Jyoti Ji and many more spiritual programs. These programs are not only rich in content but highly flavoured with soft devotional bhajans. Hence, the mornings are light, devotional and spiritually educational.

GEETMALA KI CHHAON MEIN Remember the days of Geetmala when radio was the most important source of entertainment and the distinct style of Ameen Sayani who entertained one and all. Geetmala the famous countdown radio program is still a favourite of lots of people. This program takes everyone back into the era of old bollywood songs. RMR airs this program from 11pm – 12 midnight every day.

MANCH This weekly program is specifically meant to bring out relevant themes every week and evoke the consciousness of all. Through this platform the attention of listeners is drawn towards the specific topic and a self checking habit is tried to be developed. MANCH program hosted by RJ Bhavna or RJ Diksha addresses a topic every week with expert views, suggestions & guidance of experts like Mr. Dinesh Bhardwaj (Architect & educator) Prof. R.N Malik (Educator) and many more . It’s a thought provoking program with live inputs by listeners and you can listen this program on every Sunday 11 am – 12 noon.

PEOPLE OF HONOR RMR 107.8 FM is based in Faridabad and this city is known to be an Industrial and educational hub. Many Industrialists have carved their names on the international and national fame. With such huge experienced and seasoned personalities of the city & NCR who have not only achieved a place for themselves but have become a guiding light for their followers, this weekly program invites such dignitaries to the radio station and interviews them about their lives. Just as the name suggests this program has as guest “People of Honor” who are interviewed by RJ Bhavna or RJ Diksha and broadcast on every Sunday 1 – 2pm.

MOVIE & LITERARY DISCUSSIONS PATRIOTIC SONGS Though an entire lifetime is less to be dedicated to the nation but morning time is the perfect time to remind oneself of the duties towards our nation and what better way can there be than playing soulful patriotic songs and messages. These 30 minutes from 7am to 7:30am daily are a salute to our brave heroes and a dedication to our nation ‘Jai Hind’.

Movies and bollywood leave an impact on most of us. Either the theme, or a character or story leaves a lasting impact on its audience, so such movies are chosen which have a message for the society or which is made keeping the issues relevant to the society. Various aspects of such movies are discussed with experts. Hosted by RJ Bhavna or RJ Diksha , this program is complete with the songs of that movies which is broadcast on every Sunday 4- 5 pm. Similarly a variety of discussion programs on literary topics, writers & scholars are conducted periodically where community members like Mrs. Savita Sayal and others take active part.

For more details and advertisements please contact: 0129-4198384, 9810157838


RJ Diksha Bhaskar Bhatia Radio Manav Rachna 107.8, the first and only community radio station of Faridabad, dedicated to the services of the community brings an exclusive program for the community “Aap ki Aawaz – ek koshish” every Monday to Saturday 10 am to 11 am, where Live problems of the community are taken up and listeners are given an opportunity to bring their problems to highlight on Radio. Besides these, this program touches the relevant/specific issues of the day also. The start of the afternoon at RMR 107.8 FM is with problem solving session. Solution. com is a program which brings for its listeners various solutions to the Health, Career, Legal, Spiritual and General problems. RJ Diksha along with a doctor, a lawyer, a spiritual guru as an expert conducts this live program every Monday to Saturday 12 Noon to 1 pm. 7:30 am – 8 am every Monday to saturday is the time for some updates of the city and events & happenings of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions including RMR 107.8 which is brought by RJ Diksha. “Ek Nazar” is all about a glance or a glimpse of latest updates of our City Faridabad and what happened the whole day in Manav Rachna Educational Institutions Group and RMR 107.8 FM. Success is a dream of every aspiring individual. And a great person is one who learns from other’s lives and experiences. A lot of successful people have left the path open for the rest to follow. This program brings in detail the life of all successful personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, Steve Jobs Shreya Ghoshal, etc. to name a few from all the fields, their method of achieving their set goals and message from their life story. This program is conducted by RJ Diksha evey Sunday 5to 6 pm. We also have a program named “Campus Diary”, where our listeners can hear about the day to day events, latest updates of the activities taking place in Manav Rachna campus within various faculties and institutions, during that particular week every Sunday 7.30 pm to 8 pm.. RJ Mohd. Faheem Masco. Yaadon Ka Safar is a programme that takes you on a journey of the Golden Era of Bollywood. Relive the moments of romance, comedy, happiness with the soulful voices of various melodious singers like Lata Mangeshkar, Mohd. Rafi, Kishore Kumar, Asha Bhosle & many more. This program of journey of memories is hosted by RJ - Mohd. Faheem Masco every Monday to Friday 2 to 4 pm. Sufism is a religion, nowadays. Humanity cannot

Feel Good, Feel Live BEHIND THE CURTAIN She can be called the most musical person of this Radio Station as she is responsible for looking at which songs are to be played in which show. This includes keeping in mind mood of the show, the RJ who is presenting and the time band of the program. She coordinates with all the music companies, getting the latest and the oldest of songs for listener, She does all work related to music and programs like ripping and scheduling of all music and programs and also takes care of all the programs related issues of the Radio Station. She coordinates with our Community Members those are major part of our Radio Station and help them in recording and production of their programs.

Sarita Nassa Music Manager cum Program Coordinator He is called the troubleshooter of RMR. He shoots all the problems pertaining in Production Studio, Live Studio and overall technical problems in RMR. He also helps in editing work. He is a strong pillar of Radio Manav Rachna. He is optimistic and goal oriented person, self dependent and can easily adaptable to any environment.

Krishan Pal Broadcast Engineer She works like a bridge between the employer and employees of RMR. She is very sharp and energetic person who does all related work with documentation, coordination within campus and outside in supervision of Director - RMR. She also does Editing of Recorded programs of RMR. She loves to work in musical environment. Namita Bhatla Office Coordinator

be thrust but inculcated. This is Sufism,” love your lord and his beings”. A gathering of soulful heart touching sufi songs and preachings of sufi saints comes wrapped in an entirely different flavour by RJ Mohd. Faheem Masco who brings this live Sufi Mehfil for the listeners of RMR 107.8 every Monday to Friday 8 to 9 pm. A weekly programme “NANHE FARISHTEY” is hosted by RJ - Mohd. Faheem Masco every Saturday 7 to 7.30 pm. This programme comprises of an opening conversation by RJ Faheem followed by live / recorded inputs from children at different schools /events within Faridabad.

SOCIAL INITIATIVES Community service has been the prime goal of this Radio Station. We have under taken and successfully accomplished various Community related tasks like rallies conducted for Anti Tobacco awareness with Metro Hospital & Manav Rachna Dental College on No tobacco day, on Fuel conservation with Petroleum Conservation & Research Association. RMR 107.8 has also broadcast various promos for Agriculture department, Bharat Nirmaan, Water conservation Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Total Sanitation, Swachh Bharat Swasth Bhara, Consumar Affairs, Fuel Conservation etc sponsored by Govt. of India. Celebration of Important Days Various Days are celebrated with lot of zest on RMR 107.8 FM like World T.B. Day, World Heart Day, World AIDS Day,World Diabetes Day,World Hypertension Day, Kargil Diwas, International Youth Day, International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, No Tabbocco Day, World Heart Day, World Thalassemia day, International Labors Day, Armed Forces Day, Daughter’s Day, National Doctor’s Day and many more to remind one and all about the importance of various things in one’s life. Coverage of Local Events on RMR Radio Manav Rachna also covers im-


portant events in Faridabad mainly on Health issues, Social Issues and Developmental matters for connectivity with Faridabad residents, industrialists, community members. Recording extracts of these activities are broadcast in our “Ek Nazar” programme for enhanced awareness of our esteemed listerners. Project – Science for Women’s Health & Nutrition This Project “Science for Women’s Health & Nutrition” supported by Department of Science and Nutrition (DST), Govt. of India was a project allotted to RMR 107.8 FM within which RMR was to impart information to one and all creatively through Radio Programs.This program was an

To Enhance the local talent of the city RMR has been conducting a Singing Competition like ‘Sur Aapke Geet Raf i Ke’, ‘Sunehri Yaadein- Manna Dey’ ‘Suron ka Utsav’, for past f ive consecutive years where lots of people get an opportunity to showcase their talent. A large number of participants from Faridabad, Delhi-NCR take part in these competitions ever y year.

eye opener for all the women who were unaware and ignorant about their health. Some major health problems, very prominent in India were targeted through this program. All these health concerns were effectively taken up and various questions, myths, information related to these health problems were addressed through the radio program called “ Nayi Zindagi Nayi Dishayein” in which the listeners got new hope, understanding and energy to take care of themselves and live a healthy life. The women group realized that they took care of the whole family but ignored themselves. Anemia is a very common disease but never taken seriously by most of the women. Through this series of 182 programs broadcast for 8 months daily, women were made aware as to how they should keep in mind the nutritious aspect of the food when they cook it for growing kids, young children, pregnant ladies, aged people and lactating mothers. All these things gave them high level of awareness of being healthy themselves and keeping their families healthy. This project had a huge scope as it benefitted one and all. Like it is said “educating a woman can educate a family” and hence a nation. When women were given this information through this vital programme, they passed it to the whole family. Project of T.B. Awareness Under the initiatives to shoulder projects for public awareness Radio Manav Rachna 107.8 has taken up project with “NGO - REACH” on T.B. awareness. This project was carried out for 6 months and it covered various details about this disease. We created awareness about Medication, precaution and timely detection. Various doctors from different hospitals gave their talks on tuberculosis disease on RMR and we also visited slums, semi – urban areas to be with specialist doctors of T.B. for counseling of people to spread awareness about T.B. and how DOTS can help them to cope up from this disease.

For more details and advertisements please contact: 0129-4198384, 9810157838

RJ Shadab Khan “Manav Rachna Vidyantariksha” is the theme of this exclusive program supported by Manav Rachna Educational institutions group. This programme highlights our different courses, faculties & facilitation centers under the ambit of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions group. There is regular participation from concerned Deans / Directors / HODs / Senior Faculty Members from different institutions / departments in this programme. In short a glance at MREI everyday in this live program with RJ Shadab Khan every Monday to Saturday 1to 2 pm. After a hard/exhausting work day, get recharged with All Time Mast RJ Shadab Monday to Friday 5to 7.30 pm who recharges your evenings with peppy music, bollywood updates, city updates, info beat consisting of crispy information either national or international and to add the flavour to the evening one retro song each hour is played in this live drive time show “Evening Flavor”. Yet another weekly program of RMR 107.8 FM bazm-e-shayri which is unique in its own style and show is hosted by RJ Shadab on Saturday 8 to 9 pm. And through this show he enters into the world of Emotions. He plays soft soothing old & new songs to bring solace to the emotional lows of the listeners. Relationships have many dimensions and various such aspects of relationships are highlighted week after week in this show. RJ Puneet Arora The start of your morning’s first meal is with your breakfast and before that a strong “Masala Chai” that gives you the kick to start your day and similarly at RMR 107.8 FM, the start of the day is with light humour, sports updates, weather updates, latest gossip in bollywood in “Masala Chai” with RJ Puneet Monday to Friday 8 to 10 am and with all the Live “Masala” of 2 hours the “Chai” is entertaining with latest film songs.



PUNJABI TADKA Come the start of evening and what better way could it be than peppy, old or new rocking punjabi songs with our Community Member, Kamini Singh who adds spicy tadka to these songs with her Punjabi recipies of delicious cuisines or details about any Punjabi folk singer, or a ride to some punjabi destination and lots more Every Monday to Saturday from 4 to 5 pm. Bollywood Actor, Director, Producer, Tigmanshu Dhulia with RJ Bhavna

CAFE CLASSICS An era of wonderful lyrics and heart touching music which whenever heard is refreshing to the mind. This is the impact of old bollywood classic songs which are packaged with its trivia.This program is conducted by our Community Member Mrs. Chandna Kapoor and she is also supported by Dr. M.M. Kathuria whose valuable inputs and his first hand experiences of bollywood industry makes this program quite interesting. This program is broadcast on Every Saturday 3 to 4pm.



Music is food for soul and Sunday morning is the time for some music for the soul. Raag Rang brings knowledge of various raags and some classical songs based on them conducted by our community member Dr Anju Munjal, Every Sunday 8 am - 8.30 am.


Bollywood Director Sanjay Khanduriu with RJ Bhavna and Nasir Abdullah mesmerizing the audience with his performance

Punjabi Tashan is a program broadcast on Every Saturday 8 am to 10 am because weekend is a time to unwind, relax and chill out. At RMR 107.8 this time is for fast Punjabi songs and chit chat with RJ Puneet & our community member Ravinder Sharma (Lucky).

Morning should be light and refreshing if it’s a Sunday Morning and Sunday mornings are even more special at RMR 107.8Fm with Morning da Tashan, a program hosted by a Manav Rachna student Abhishek, Every Sunday 8:30 – 10 am. He plays songs of listener’s choice with city updates, Sunday special chit chat and latest sports updates.

This program is conducted by our community member, Nitin every Sunday 3pm – 4pm who plays fresh bollywood songs and takes you on a ride of needful updates.



Dr Anil Jain, State Prabhari , Haryana (BJP) with Dr Prashant Bhalla

Among our many programmes, throughout the day, we have a weekly programme “CAMPUS STAR” hosted by Ayushi Singh Chaudhary, Coordinator Students Welfare every Saturday 12 to 1 pm. This programme provides a platform to the students with unique talent & skills to share their experiences and achievements with the listeners and their journey in Manav Rachna Educational Institutions.

Radio is a huge medium of imparting information and awareness to masses and such information is packed with old popular bollywood songs in the show Salaam Zindagi where our Community Member Mrs. Bhavna Sawnani picks useful topics for imparting information relevant to day to day life and is broadcast Every Saturday from 2pm to 3pm.

Just as the title depicts this program is all about those bollywood songs which have become old but are as precious and as soothing as pearls. They are still bright and spread their glow around. This program comes Every Saturday 9-10 pm in coordination with our senior members of community like Jai Bhagwan Gupta, Ramesh Chandna, Pradeep Garg Parag and they choose the songs from a huge ocean of music and come out with rarest pearls in the form of these songs.

ZINDAGI KI KALAM SE: Among many programmes, RMR 107.8 FM brings for its listeners a beautiful weekly programme “Zindagi Ki Kalam Se”, where our listeners can hear about the distinguished writers, artists, scientists, entrepreneurs and other achievers.The objective is to have a peep into their lives and bring out meaningful inputs for the listeners.This program is conducted by our community member, Mrs. Indra Kilam every Sunday 2 to 3 pm.

Singer Aryans at RMR And Actor Manoj Joshi in an exclusive interview


Foreign Delegates at RMR and Cricketer Madan Lal with RJ Diksha

Team Of Punjabi Movie, Yaaran Ka Katchup and Ms Anita Singhvi, famous Ghazal singer with RJ Diksha

India is a secular country and here we follow many religions be it Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity or Muslims and many more. Gurbani vichaar program is for one and all because it narrates the preachings of the Sikh gurus with melodious shabads to referesh the life of human being. This program is conducted by community members Gyani Khajan Singh Khalsa and Mrs. Jatinder Kaur Ruby and is broadcast Every Sunday 7-8 am.

HUM HAIN RAHI PYAAR KE DIL APNA PUNJABI Punjab lives in every heart of North Indians and its not enough to play Punjabi music throughout the week only. This added weekly program accompanied with Punjabi songs is conducted by our community member, Mrs. Sandeep Kaur Deep on Every Sunday from 12noon – 1pm who plays music of listener’s choice.

For more details and advertisements please contact: 0129-4198384, 9810157838

Animals are our pets, our friends, and at times a part of our family also. Many animals are homeless and stray. This weekly program tries to bring to light problems of such animals and change our attitude towards them. Our Community Member, Mrs. Vandana Kalsi brings this program Every Saturday 5-6 pm



he Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the MRIUorganised an FDP onData Analysis Using MS-Excel on May 30, 2015 (Saturday). The programme was designed to catapult the participants in the fascinating world of spreadsheet software and pave the way for drilling deeper into the important areas of operations research, optimization and data analysis. The FDP started with opening address by MsKavitaArora who introduced the resource persons for this programme. Prof. Suresh Bedi, Dean FCA, highlight the importance of the MS Excel in research, teaching, administration and other areas of professional life. He motivated the participants to gain expertise in this popular area and encouraged them to satisfy their queries from the learned speakers. Morning Session was addressed by Dr V K Mahna, Pro Vice-chancellor,MRIU. In his three-hour session, heh demonstrated how MS Excel is not only a data processing package but also has wonderful capabilities and applications. Participants were informed in advance to carry their laptops for hands-on practice.He emphasized on important features of MS Excel like index, percentile, rank, randbetweenwhich can be applied in research, survey and administration work. He worked on a case study of seat allocation of IIMs using MS Excel for all the

aspiring candidates. This complex job of seat allocation when done manually may take many hours. However, he demonstrated that such complex task can be done within minutes using the vast computation power provided by the MS Excel. Afternoon Session was addressed by Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman, Department of Business Studies, DeenBandhuChhotuRam University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Sonepat.The session was highly interactive. DrKhurana had given a prior assignment for the participants to work on and to provide background to the session. He demonstrated the application of cell referencing, whatif analysis and pivot tables. He gave practical exposure on flexibility of fee to be charged from the participants in conferences / seminars which can be organized by a department. He emphasized the importance of MS Excel for doing research work. It can be used as a substitute for SPSS which is a costly software. FDP was a great success in which 48 participants across MRIU and other Manav Rachna institutions participated with enthusiasm. Feedback from the participants was obtained and they were distributed certificates of participation on the spot. —Dr Suresh Bedi Director, IQAC and Dean, FCA, MRIU



o commemorate the International Women’s Day Faculty of Media Studies, MRIU was celebrated on 18 March at the University campus Ms. Komal Anand, who belongs to 1968 batch of IAS from Haryana Cadre, was the Chief Guest and the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. N.C. Wadhwa, was the Guest of Honour on this occasion. The objective of this kind of event is to spread the message in the society about the women eccentric issues like education, safety, security etc. Mrs. Anand, spoke at length on the girls’ education and the legislation towards other issues. Dr. Wadhwa shared his views with the audience on the steps that should be taken for the women for faster economic growth. During the event many documentaries on the issues focusing women, made by the students of FMeS, were screened and also a documentary on the award winning film “MAA” was also shown to the audience. A photo feature on Mohna Village that is adopted by Dr. O.P. Bhalla Foundation was also shared with them.

July, 2015


THOUGHTS THAT MATTER By Dr. M.M.Kathuria As long as human beings live disintegrated each one self centered and seeking his private ends, regardless of others, there cannot M M Kathuria be any harmony in society. The scientific , economical and political schemes have not efficiently blessed the society, because individuals in society lack character. To complete the work of the politician and the economist to fulfill the promises of science, we must establish a cultured society based upon an exhaustive intelligent, rational and humanistic philosophy of life. Value based education and specially the spiritual knowledge can make man live a life of harmony and peace in the world, and dedicate his actions for the service of humanity. Students It is the youth that has the dynamism and energy to plan, execute and convert noble and creative ideas into realities. Hence the future of any nation society or culture depends on how the youth are educated and trained to harness and channelize their own potentialities and resources. It is well known, that mere stepping up of proficiency through imparting large qualities of scientific information, does not step up individual efficiency. This can be achieved only when the individual is educated and learns about how to apply the accumulated and cultivated proficiency into creative channels of activity, by using the energy and dynamism harnessed from within oneself. That means a disciplined self is

the need for all activities and achievements’. (i) Time is valuable use it in a disciplinary way to achieve your goals (ii) Taking Healthy and proper diet at proper intervals is also a discipline to keep fit. (iii) Regular physical exercise is necessary for the body to remain healthy (iv) Learn to keep your mind stress free though meditation, ‘Sadhna’ or through any other means such as Music of choice, game etc. Teacher Knowledge is power, it can bless or curse humanity depending upon the channels into which it is applied. Hence imparting knowledge without paying attention to the healthy development of the personality and character of the student, can easily lure him/her to self dissipating and self destructive channels of activity. Education becomes purposeful only when the secular and scientific knowledge imparted helps the student to develop a healthy philosophy and noble outlook in life. It becomes necessary that teacher has an integrated understanding of the roles played by the scientific and spiritual knowledge to effectively bring into expression the full creative potential of the students. Teachers have to become role models of knowledge, discipline, speech, behavior to command full respect of the students and thereby successfully creating rightful enlightened and progressive future generation (creating Better Human Being) i.e Manav Rachna.

STUDENT STAFF AND ALUMNI WELFARE FUND (SSAWF) T he young and the budding talent in MREI should not go abegging for want of resources in the field of technical education, research in physical science, social science and any other topic of topical interest emerging in the environment. To fulfill the ibid vision the Manav Rachna Vidyantariksha Foundation (MRVF)s has taken a conscious decision to muster financial resources in the name and style of STUDENT STAFF AND ALUMNI WELFARE FUND (SSAWF). This will be in the benefit of students, alumni and staff (upto monthly emoluments of Rs. 35000/-) in the event of some acute contingency or some unfortunate mishap as well as honouring, promoting research in science and technology, innovation and other allied activities. The SSAWF resources would be utilized for accomplishing the under mentioned objectives. Rendering financial assistance to students, staff and alumni for research and higher studies for improving the overall well being of the under privileged and have nots of the society. To provide financial assis-

tance /scholarships to needy student for continuation of their higher studies. To render assistance including ex-gratia payment to alumni for higher studies, distress and other contingency. To honour MREI students, staff and alumni for their outstanding achievements in studies, profession, sports and entrepreneurship. To provide financial and other resources for families of MREI owing to any natural calamity such as earthquakes, floods etc. To supplement this fund the staff beneficiaries entitled for the benefits shall make an annual subscription as given below. The staff members drawing monthly emoluments below `12000/per month shall be exempted from making any subscription.

S.No Salary Deduction (`) Per Year 1 Upto 12,000 Nil 2 From 12001-15000 200/3 From 15001-20,000 250/4 From 20,001-25,000 300/5 From 25001-30000 350/6 From 30001-35000 400/The contribution from the

employees, would be in the range of `1.25 lac to `1.50 lac per year. It is proposed that matching grant every year will be made by the management. Institution of Merit Scholarship MRIU has scholarship (fee waivers) for meritorious students at the time of admission. Students based on their performance in the qualifying exam i.e., plus 2 Level/graduation get scholarship varying from 25 percent to 100 percent. To motivate the students who do not qualify for fee scholarship fee waiver at the time of admission/miss the qualifying percentage by a few percentage points, import of semester wise position (I, II and III) scholarship would serve as a motivator and for better academic performance. (a) Scholarship Fee Waiver (i) First Position 25% of Tuition Fee or `25000 which ever is less (ii) Second Position 15% of Tuition Fee or `15000 which ever is less (iii) Third Position 10% of Tuition Fee or `10000 which ever is less


July, 2015


WELCOME TO INNOVATION: MANAV RACHNA INNOVATION & INCUBATION CENTRE COMPETITIONS AND WORKSHOPS TI Analog Maker Competition Manav Rachna Innovation & Incubation Centre organized Texas Instruments Analog Maker Competition for the students of ECE on 20th February 2014. During this one day event, 145 students were required to solve a problem of analog domain using Texas Instruments ICs. The top 7 teams of the event were awarded with free one month internship opportunity at MRIIC. The top 5 performers were awarded with 16 GB pen drive and each member of the winning team was awarded with Texas Chronos watch from Texas Instruments. The event was organized under the MoU which was signed b/w Manav Rachna International University and EdGate Technologies Bangalore official partners of the Texas Instruments India University Program. Dr. M.K Soni (ED & Dean FET), Dr. B.S Gill (Director MRIIC), Dr. Naresh Grover (Director FET), Dr. Dipali Bansal (HOD ECE) were present during this event LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT WORKSHOPS A workshop on Line Follower Robot was conducted where students were given a robotic kit which has all the hardware and robot accessories that is needed to design their line follower robot. Students along with their mentors designed their robot in a time span of 2 hours and a line follower challenge was organized in which all the teams tested their robot in the arena. DAINIK JAGRAN EDUVISION EXPO Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI), participated in the “Edu-Vision Expo 2015” organized by Dainik Jagran at HUDA convention centre in Sector 12 Faridabad on May 29 & 30. The Edu-Vision expo was inaugurated today by Sh. P C Meena (IAS), Administrator- HUDA and Dr. Prashant Bhalla, President, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions in the presence of eminent dignitaries and senior officials from the Dainik Jagran group. The projects on display by MRIIC were : Extension Board, Real Time Device Control, Smart Skull, Smart Bin, Gaming Gun, Infinity Mirror, Quadcopter, Play Robot, Universal TV Remote, Android App controlled mouse and keyboard and Electric Wheel Chair. Commenting on the projects Sh. P C Meena, Administrator- HUDA said: “It was pleasure to see works of young engineers; they have invented many new things like a switch board which can be used in public street lights for proper switch on & off automa-

tion. The helmet will surely provide timely health care to needy injured people”. STARTUP JALSA ‘Startup Jalsa’, a unique startup event was organized at Chandigarh Tricity area (Panchkula) from 31st May -2nd June, 2015. Team MRIIC displayed their unique projects like Gaming Gun, Real Time Device Control, Gesture Control Robot, Universal TV Remote, Smart Skull, and Spotkid at the event so as to convince investors of their startup venture. UNIVERSAL TV REMOTE This project aims at controlling various TV features using Android Mobile Phone. An app is designed which can be used to control TV features like volume controls, on/ off control, brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, menu browsing etc. Mobile phone application interacts with the hardware using Bluetooth and the hardware kit which is placed in the line of sight of the television gives the appropriate control signal to the TV. The advantage of this product is that it eliminates the need of maintaining different remote controller for different devices. One mobile phone app can give the access to all the remote controlled devices which are used at home or in any industry. Using TV remote requires that the user must be present in the line of sight of the television but in this case user is interacting with the h/w kit which is placed in the line of sight of the television so it is not necessary that user must be present in line of sight of the TV. User can be anywhere within the distance of 10m and can give the control signals to the h/w kit for controlling any feature of the television.

HAPTIC GAMING GUN FOR MISSION GAMES The electronic device developed is a hap tic gaming gun controller for playing PC games. This device provides a realistic, immersive experience which gamers’ worldwide dream for. It provides a real experience for the user to play the game. It replicates the look and feel of a semi-automatic rifle. It is build in with powerful dual vibrator, with recoil to create perfect vibration and recoil. It is a simple plug and play controller which is compatible with all arcade PC games. The response time of the gun is extremely fast and accurate. The gun is engineered LATEST COLLABORATIONS OF MRIIC: 1. Texas Instruments India University Program This collaboration aims at: • Access to fresh ideas, innovation and talented student base • Partner in knowledge creation, technology development and human resource development • Access to new technologies • Access to high end equipment and other resources • Multidisciplinary research pool Lab Facilities through this Collaboration: Texas Instruments Lab: Texas Instruments has sponsored a specialised Embedded Lab at Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre. The lists of components include: 1. 16 bit Microcontroller: MSP 430 research facility in designing embedded system applications on 16 bit ultra low power microcontroller. 2. TIVA Launch Pad: TM 4C123 ARM, COTEX M-4 architecture based Microcontroller. 3. SENSHUB: Equipped with different sensors ON Board, capable of being interfaced with TIVA. (5 different sensors on chip are available)

ACHIEVEMENTS: It is a matter of great pleasure and pride for MRIIC that Roopam Sharma has won the World Championship of Microsoft YouthSpark Challenge 2015. Success at Microsoft Imagine cup 2015.

START UP/INCUBATED COMPANIES Start Up/Incubated CompaniesStart ups are the result of great imagination and belief to convert an idea into a solution that can bring a revolutionary change in the society. Start ups are a great opportunity for young genius minds to showcase their talent to the world. Every big corporate today was a start up organization of past and at Manav Rachna we make sure that our students get all the necessary support to convert their ideas into reality. MRIIC’s role in these start ups is very crucial and it starts right from idea formulation stage. Critical analysis of the ideas and smart market research are extremely important for any start up to succeed and MRIIC ensures that we support the start up in any form that can help it grow. MRIIC has given a platform to the following start upsTechnoplanet Labs Parallax Games International Engineers Federation

to fit comfortably in the palm of the users hand and stay cool for hours of gaming due to the revolutionary mesh design in the handle.The buttons are strategically placed so that one can use one or two hands and have access to all of the gun’s functions.With this controller the user is able to get into the action and feel like that he is in the arcade playing his favorite classic shooter game. The hap tic gun provides a realistic experience to the user. The trigger is designed to have the perfect pull resistance so that you get the overall best accuracy when pulling the trigger. It is detected as a HID mouse and joystick.

COURSES OFFERED BY MRIIC Courses related to Computer Science:1. Programming with Python 2. Programming with C# 3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails 4. Programming with C,C++ 5. Objective C/Swift 6. Advanced Operating Systems 7.Relational Database:-Prerequisite Python 8. App Development:- Windows, Android, iOS 9. XAMARIN 10. Using Git & Github for programming 11. Artificial Intelligence for Beginners V0.1 12. Artificial Intelligence V0.2 13. Introduction to Machine Learning 14. Parallel Programming 15. Introduction to Cognitive Sciences 16. Algorithm Development 17. Data Analysis 18. Introduction to Computability, Complexity & Algorithms 19. Software Testing 20. BCI 21.Website Designing Courses related to Electronics and Communication Engineering: 1. Embedded System Design 2.VLSI Designing

3.VLSI EDA Tools 4. MatLab 5. Lab View 6. Microwave Integrated Circuit Design 7. Antenna Design 8. Digital Signal Processing using TMS320C6713 DSP kits 9. FPGA based Digital System Design 10. Raspberry Pi 11.TI MSP430 12.TI Analog Design Lab 13.Texas Instruments TIVA C Series 14. Intel Edison Embedded Platform 15. STM32 and Nucleo boards 16. Embedded Linux 17. Real Time Operating Systems 18. Linux Device Driver 19. PCB Designing and Fabrication 20. Circuit Designing and Processing 21.VLSI Testing Mechanical Domain Training Courses 1. Auto CAD 2. Catia 3. ProE 4.Workshop Technologies 5. Machine Designing 6. Engine overhauling 7. Car Designing 8. Sold Works

EXTENSION BOARD In this project a GSM controlled extension board is designed in which switching of the individual sockets can be done from any distance using SMS. An Android App is designed in which different buttons are provided to switch on/off individual sockets of the extension board. Pressing a button will send a predefined coded message to a stored mobile phone number, the SIM of which is installed in the GSM modem present in the electrical extension board. The modem receives the coded message and sends it to the microcontroller unit for further processing.The microcontroller decodes the message and compares its contents with the stored data base. If the content matches with the data base then the corresponding relay will be switched to switch on/off the socket. This extension board can also be operated in normal way by manually pressing the on/off switch which is present on the extension board.


July, 2015



AN EXHILARATING EXPERIENCE A Fest organized at the Manav Rachna International University had everything to brand it vivacious and infectious. Organized and implemented by the students with full support and guidance from the Management, will remain in the memory of 15,000 youth from around the capital and NCR for a long time


hile the EDM (Electronic Dance Music) night was the high point of the Fest Resurrection 2K 15, held at the Manav Rachna International University , there were a host of events which made the youth spoilt for choice. The Fest had cultural events, technical events, literary events and health care events which made the youth from the Delhi and NCR participate in huge numbers. Whether it was students from college or students went back happy and elevated to have been with their colleagues from across the city where they could show off their talents and mingle under a stress free platform. The fervor reached its climax on April 16th , 2015 when the youth were mesmerized with the power packed performance by the band which plays at the world famous festival called Tommorowland which featured artists from Mega Man of Belgium origin. A packed audience of more than 15,000 students danced non-stop to the exhilarating music of today. “There was nothing which was missed out,” said the youth in unison. “Whether it was the graphics or the deafening sounds of music – we loved it all,” said Rupanshu from NGF college. The VJ Nikhil Chinapa, added to the ‘madness’ of the evening of the EDM night. The youth danced, “as though there was to be no tomorrow,” said one of the students from the NCR region who had come with his group of friends. Nikhil wrote on his Facebook page “Cant go wrong with 10,000 students dancing their hearts out all the way up the hill! Thank you Manav Rachna Educational Institutes.” And truly the Management of Manav Rachna must be thanked for all the support they lent to see that the event was a grand grand success. Dr Prashant Bhalla commenting on the fest said, “ This mega event put together by our youth is all about their energy verve and enthusiasm. It is thanks to their great team work and organizational skills that we have among us stalwarts like MegaMen and Nikhil Chinapa performing live on stage. The fest is a brilliant culmination of youth power and talent. I feel immensely proud of our generation next.” The three day event saw the campus buzzing with enthusiasm and creativity. Whether it was serious web designing competition and AutoCAD or the light hearted Hindi and English solo songs sung by students the youth enjoyed every minute of the 3 day event and wished it would never end. The Vaad Vivaad

or the Dharohar (India Quiz) or the Go Creative Dentist or the Aerobics Workshop, the huge campus could host a variety of events at different venues thanks to the efforts of the students who worked as a team. . Three cheers students! You did a

marvelous job! The students organizing team had 380 members in addition to the 47 Students Core Team members from various faculties and institutions which played a major role in making this FEST a grand success.

INTERNATIONALBUZZ REAL TIME DEVICE CONTROL This project is a revolution in the field of home automation. It allows user to set the on time of the device using Android application.The time set is the real time value and the device can remain in the on state for the defined period of time. The Device communicates with the mobile phone using Bluetooth and the interface of app is very user friendly.Voice acknowledgement messages are also generated for better interaction experience. WHEEL CHAIR This wheel chair is controlled with a head mounted gadget which looks very similar to the audio head phone of a computer. The head mounted gadget is equipped with an accelerometer sensor which detects the orientation of the head and user can control the movement of wheel chair by the movement of head. The wheel chair is also connected to an android application which can send the sms message to the concerned person in case of any emergency. QUADCOPTER Quadcopter is widely used in military applications for surveillance purpose.This aerial vehicle can be controlled through a remote device. It has 4 arms and motors at each end of the arm. It uses flight controller board and a separate electronic speed controllers for each motor. It has a camera mounted on the frame which can be used to transmit live feed as well as save the footage on a SD card. Control of vehicle motion is achieved by altering the rotation rate of one or more motors, thereby changing its torque load and thrust/lift characteristics.


The motto of the Manav Rachna Educational Institutions is to make our students global leaders by equipping them with challenges of all kinds. One such challenge is the knowledge of international languages which is truly the need of the hour. With the launch of The Manav Rachna Centre of Foreign Languages (MRCFL) our students can avail of the opportunity of learning different international languages to make them future ready for the job market. Under the leadership of Ms Gauri, MREI has ushered in a linguistic culture to erase international boundaries . She thanked the Management and especially Dr Prashant Bhalla and Dr Sanjay Srivastava for giving her the guidance and continuous support towards the new venture which would become a huge step forward to quality education. As Ms Gauri aptly put it while introducing the Manav Rachna Centre for Foreign Lanugauges, “It aims at making the small world even smaller,” she said while addressing an august gathering of Mrs Satya Bhalla, Dr Prashanat Bhalla, Dr M.M.Kathuri, Dr N.C.Wadhwa, Dr Sanjay Srivastava and the Deans and Directors of the Manav Rachna Group. This new feather in the cap of MREI will offer to enhance the learning of English language but also introduce languages like Arabic, French, German and Mandarin which are becoming requisite when youngsters are trotting the world over to take new jobs. Ms Satya Bhalla wished the team luck and Dr Prashant Bhalla reiterated , “that equipping students with learning new languages is the need of the hour and it would be a very integral component of the curriculum at MRU” he said while launching the website and docket of MRCFL. All the courses of MRCFL aim to develop all four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). What makes MRCFL an interesting addition to MREI’s vibrant group of educational institutions is the fact that it does not confine itself to the teaching and learning process of languages alone. On offer, are courses in TOEFL/IELTS /TEP Preparation Program where beginner students will start in General English classes and progress to the English for Academic Purposes courses. After completing Level 5 of English for Academic Purposes program, students can begin the TOEFL /IELTS/ TEP preparation course as the core class. Each term of TOEFL/IELTS/TEP Preparation would be of 8 weeks duration.

July, 2015


JAPAN EXTENDS A HAND TO MRIU Four students of Physiotherapy & Nutrition from Manav Rachna International University have been offered scholarships by the Government of Japan as part of Indo-Japanese collaboration in research and training •

Manav Rachna International University (MRIU) is the only University from India invited by Tsukuba University, Japan, to participate at their Summer Institute program where Research Scholars from 14 countries are expected to participate. • Four students from MRIU have been offered Japan Government Scholarships to participate in the 2015 Tsukuba Summer Institute program to enrich their knowledge and participate in Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics and Therapeutic Biochemistry Program being taken up in the University. Manav Rachna International University (MRIU) has always been at the forefront of academic collaborations and partnerships as part of its initiative to create global citizens of the future. MRIU’s tie-up with the University of Tsukuba to pursue exchange of education and research between Japan and India has opened the doors to a wealth of opportunities for its student community. The University of Tsukuba aims to establish free exchange and close relationships in both basic and applied sciences with educational and research organizations and academic communities in Japan and overseas. While developing these relationships, Tsukuba University collaborated with Manav Rachna International University to pursue exchange of education and research. This Exchange provided ample opportunities for the students of both the Universities to gain international experience by completing part of their education in the foreign host University, thereby fostering goodwill and mutual understanding between Japan and India. Students from MRIU have been visiting the University of Tsukuba for their Summer Institute program year after year. This year, faculty and four students have been invited to attend the 2015 Tsukuba Summer Institute from July 14-21, 2015, at Tsukuba University, Japan. During their stay at the University, the MRIUTeam will get an opportunity to enrich their knowledge and actively participate in Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics and Therapeutic Biochemistry Program being taken up at the University. In effect, they would be strengthening co-operation between the two Universities for further research collaborations and academic programs. This is the fourth consecutive

Four students from MRIU have been offered Japan Government Scholarships to participate in the 2015 Tsukuba Summer Institute program to enrich their knowledge and participate in Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics and Therapeutic Biochemistry Program being taken up in the University.

time that MRIU students have earned this Scholarship. Dr. G. L. Khanna, Dean, Faculty of Applied Science,MRIU informed: Manav Rachna has signed an MOU with Tsukuba University for collaborative research projects. The invitation and scholarship for MRIU’s students in 2015 will further pave the way for Indo Japanese collaboration and cement the bonds of mutual understanding for research and training between MRIU and Tsukuba University

International Conference on Physical Education and Sports Science 2015 Indonesia (ICPESS 2015) ICPESS 2015 was organized in Indonesia from 19-22nd May 2015. It was a great conference in which experts from 21 countries participated and shared their views. 20 Experts were invited, I participated as one of the Invited Speakers. The ICPESS 2015 had a strong international perspective. The world, especially children and adolescents, are suffering from obesity and inactivity-related problems. It was a unique opportunity to exchange information and discuss new approaches towards implementing physical activity, physical education,sports and health programmes in different parts of the world. Scientific research in the promotion of Sports was also shared. It was rightly pointed out by Giyasettin from Turkey that in recent times, research is being focused by Sports and Exercise scientists from Asian region in multiple aspects of health, sports and Physical activity and he emphasized that Quality is a process specially in Japan, China, Korea and India. Asian countries are markedly elevated in all areas he clearly observed the need to develop relationships with European countries. He mentioned that few Asian countries are not very advanced in sports science but want to excel and have strong desire to excel by developing a strong network and sharing the information. Main theme of the conference was Health Promotion through Physical activity. I shared my work on health promotion at worksite. How mental and physical wellbeing of the workers can be promoted at workplace. 40% of the Country population of 1.2 billion are employed in India. Studies have indicated about the growing trends of sneaking health conditions like obesity, Diabetes, Spondilytis, Hypertension, Coronary heart Problem, Stroke and Paralysis in India, Health promotion activities at work is gaining importance as working people spend more than half of their waking hours at work. Workplace is an ideal place for employees to share and receive various health information and for employer’s to create healthy working environment. There is a need to promote physical activity at workplace. Health promotion programs at worksite can reduce these problems and improve the productivity. However, Indian industries at organized and unorganized sectors need to incorporate health promotion programs. It was a good experience of learning in a global environment about new approaches towards implementing physical activity, sports sciences programmes in different parts of the world. G L Khanna Dean Faculty of Applied Sciences


July, 2015



Dr. T.C.A Anant, Secretary, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India and Chief Statistician of India won the hearts of the audience with his enormous knowledge on Statistics. He was the chief guest of honour at the workshop on “ Role of Statistics in Research” organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Manav Rachna International University


ddressing the gathering, Dr T.C.A Anant, whose down-to-earth and engaging manner of speaking and great sense of humour instantly won over the audience, said that it was a great pleasure to be back among academicians given his own years of experience in teaching. He stated, “We live in a world where statistics has become ubiquitous and many Research scholars use it readily without being aware of its impact and results. Much as we don’t realize it, the world is increasingly using vast amounts of data, more so, with the advent of advanced technology. Research scholars should exercise caution and use data and statistics consciously or else they would end up with confusing answers. Statistics, at its most basic level, has a descriptive role in research though it can be used to go beyond that. The researcher has to be clear about his analytical objective and define the nature of data that is required.” Dr Anant also talked about the prognostic role of Statistics in predicting the future and said that data when used arbitrarily will lead to absurd conclusions. It was therefore imperative for scholars to understand the data generating

MRASC organized a Faculty Development programme process to be able to use it as an effective research tool. Dr Anant also fielded questions from the participants on the use of statistical data for their research work and analysis. The young researchers and Faculty were greatly benefitted by the session and resolved to evaluate the credibility and usefulness of information so as to make appropriate decisions in their research process. The programme was attended by several senior dignitaries such as Dr N.C.Wadhwa, Vice Chancellor, Manav Rachna International University; Dr M.K. Soni, Executive Director and Dean, FET, MRIU; Dr R.K. Malhotra, Chair Professor, Dr O.P. Bhalla Chair; Dr Naresh Grover, Dean-Academics and Director Admissions, MRIU; Col. (R) V.K. Gaur, Advisor, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI); Professor Umesh Kalra, Dean, FCH & FMeS,

Manav Rachna Academic Staff College organized a 3 day Faculty Development Programme on Verbal Communications skills. The programme was conducted and presided by International trainer Mr Subhash Jagota. The programme focused on the importance of good communication skills which were essential for Faculty members. Good communication skills was a medium of communication between the Faculty and their students as well. Director for Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Dr Suresh Bedi welcomed the international proclaimed trainer. MRIU; Professor Jatinder Saigal, Dean, FCA, MRIU; Professor Dr G.L. Khanna, Dean, FAS, MRIU; Wing Comdr P.K. Sinha, Director, CRC, MREI; Professor Sarita Sachdeva, HOD, Biotechnology, MRIU; Professor Dr S.S. Handa, Senior Professor, FET, MRIU; among other


dignitaries. Participants at the workshop included mostly Research Scholars and Faculty members of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions who were there to gain fresh insights about statistics as a field and its application in the research process. Speaking on the occasion, Dr N.C.Wadhwa said, “India is an emerging economy and a country looking for an economic breakthrough will need skillful human resource. We need advisory inputs from the intelligentsia so as to convert challenges into opportunities. In a country like India, there is an urgent need to execute plans and in that the guidance from intellectuals such as Dr T.C. A Anant who has played a significant

role in the development of the nation, can take the country to great heights.” Dr M.K. Soni, Executive Director and Dean, FET, MRIU, in his welcome address, expressed deep admiration for Dr T.C.A Anant’s impeccable credentials as “a renowned scientist” and his vast experience in the statistical field. He pointed out, “Statistics is used in multiple disciples, be it Engineering, Market Prediction, Data Management, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing and the like.” Dr Soni hoped that the informative session with Dr T.C.A Anant will guide Research scholars in implementing Statistics to come up with the desired and accurate results



olar radiation – Green Options for Energy is the need of the modern times. To familiarize the faculty and students of the latest developments in this field, a 15 day programme was held at the University Campus. like Dr G.N.Tiwari (Professor, Centre for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi), Ainhitze Bizkarralegorra Bravo (Country Representative, Euraxess), were some of the dignitaries who shared their views. The FDP was a mix of classroom lecture sessions, onsite visits to NISC and Solar Park, IIT Delhi, experimental studies on solar energy operated equipments. More than 25 speakers form Delhi/NCR visitied the campus to deliver lectures on solar radiations, greenhouse effect, global warming, and energy conservation to name a few. Highlighiting the pros and cons of solar radiations, Dr GN Tiwari said “Energy conservation begins at home;We all should take small steps to bring the change in the society. It is our responsibility to preserve the Three E’s – Energy, Ecology and Environment which are also the non – renewable sources of energy. The occasion was made special by the presence of Ainhitze Bizkarralegorra Bravo (Country Representative , Euraxess) who has over ten years of experience in management of European Commission funded projects .Before joining the European Commission, she worked for the European Human Rights Foundation. She has also served as Vice-President for EU affairs and Bureau member for human rights and equality of the European Youth Forum. Meenakshi Khurana (Dean – Academics, MRU), Dr R P Sambhi (HOD, Deptt of Mechanical Engineering- MRU), Dr Sujata Nayak (Course – Coordinator) along with the faculty members and students by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Manav Rachna University participated in the programme.


PROPERTY RIGHTS International Students at Rajpath, New Delhi on International Yoga Day

Manav Rachna International University participated in the International Yoga Day celebrations at Rajpath on June 21, 2015, where our international student community took part in the nation wide celebrations. At the University campus the celebrations continued for four days beginning 18 June 2015. Besides yoga session and meditation inputs an essay competition was organized to mark the celebrations


t was a matter of great pride for Manav Rachna International University to be a part of the global congregation at Rajpath on 21 June as 11 international students from countries like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, Bangladesh,Yemen led by Nikhil Raina, Foreign Students’ Coordinator, MRIU, participated in the Yoga International Day celebrations. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s speech mesmerized the students and they felt it was a great honour to be a part of the practice session. At the University celebrations, Ms. Rajlakshmi Ghosh from CCC was judged the winner for the online essay competition on ‘Yogic Way of Life’ . Dr Ram Prasad, from Guntur Medical College took part in the competition while Bharti Nagpal, an avid yoga practitioner from the US, who had heard about the Competition from her brother, a Manav Rachna Staff, also participated in the Essay Competition only to win the Second Prize. Priyanka Malhotra, an MRIU staff, won the third position followed closely by Ishika Singh, Daughter of Sanjay Singh, an MRIU staff, in the fourth position. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Shobha Srivastava, Dy. Registrar, FET. A series of programmes were conducted to begin a healthy start which included a Yoga Session by Dr. Savita Singh (Clinical PsychologistSarvodaya Hospital) and Meditation inputs by Dr. Shobha Srivastava . Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. N.C Wadhwa and other dignitaries graced the occasion with their presence. An Exhibition on Yoga had been held at the event venue expounding on the benefits of yoga as a life giving force.


he Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Manav Rachna International University, organized a one-day workshop on ‘Intellectual Property Rights: Awareness and Government Initiatives’. Sponsored by the Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India, the workshop was held on June 18, 2015. Dr. A.K. Mittal - Retd. MHRD IPR Chair Professor; Dr. Yashwant Dev Panwar - Scientist ‘E’ TIFAC; Mr R. Saha - Senior Adviser CII; Dr. A K Garg - Addnl. Director DeitY and Dr Sunita Singh, Chief Conservator of Forest, Dhule Circle, Maharashtra and other senior dignitaries of Manav Rachna were present on the occasion. Dr. Ashok K. Mittal delivered a lecture on ‘Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights: A brief introduction & Government Initiatives in IPR’. Dr A.K. Garg said that it was important to be sensitive about protecting one’s own ideas and not infringing upon other’s ideas. While Mr R. Saha - Senior Adviser CII, stated that complex technologies saw faster technological growth than discrete ones, Dr.Yashwant Dev Panwar Scientist ‘E’ TIFAC delivered his views on ‘Protection of ICT related to innovations through different IP rights and determining Novelty & Inventiveness’. Dr. Sunita Singh emphasized on patents related to biological sources.


July, 2015


ELECTRON(IC)S AROUND SOFT COMPUTING NUCLEUS: POSITIVELY UNCERTAIN ABOUT THE CONFERENCE -Soft computing techniques are tolerant for imprecision, approximation, uncertainty and offer tractable, robust and low cost solution and so are preferable for tackling complex problems. Soft computing is the collection of various techniques namely Artificial Intelligence models, probabilistic computing, Immunological computing, Evolutionary Computing etc that offer better solutions to problems in image processing, process & system control, Decision support system etc. It is therefore considered imperative to choose this important area of soft computing for the conference.


ALL FOR PAPERS: Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate the recent advances in the following areas of interest, but are not limited to: TRACK 1: ADVANCED COMPUTING Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Computer Architecture and VLSI; Computer Graphics- Simulation and Modeling; Data Managment-Exploration and Mining; Digital System and Logic Design; Pattern Recognition and Analysis; Robotics and Machine Vision; Systems and Software Engineering; Computational Intelligence; Signal and Image Processing; Reconfigurable Computing; Biomedical Computing, Bioinformatics; Green Computing; Mobile Computing; Ubiquitous Computing; Cryptography and Applied Mathematics

TRACK 2: COMMUNICATIONS Cognitive Radios and White Space Networking; Control Systems and Applications; Communications Software; Human Computer Interaction and Interface; Information Theory and Coding; MEMS Technologies for Communications; QoS and Resource Management; RFID Networks and Protocols; Satellite and Space Communications; Optical Networks and Systems; Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems; Smart Spaces and Personal Area Networks; Space Surveillance Techniques; Wireless Communication; Future Internet and Next-Generation Networking Architectures; High Performance Networks and Protocols;Virtual and Overlay Networks; Network Simulation and Emulation

SPECIAL TRACK ON HYBRID INTELLIGENT MODELS AND APPLICATIONS Ant Colony for Neural Network Optimization; Chaos Theory in Genetic Algorithms; Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy System Optimization; Genetic Algorithms for Hybrid Intelligent Systems Design; Genetic Algorithms for Neural Network Optimization; Genetic Neural Systems; Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms; Hybrid Modular Neural Networks; Hybrid optimization techniques; Neuro-Fuzzy-Genetic Approaches; Nature-inspired Smart Hybrid Systems; Neuro-Fuzzy Models and Applications; Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Pattern Recognition & Data Mining; Statistics & Soft computing.

TUTORIAL SESSIONS: Three tutorial sessions related to soft computing techniques & implementations will be offered during the conference. Separate registration fee of Rs 1000/- would be charged from those who are only attending the conference & are not contributing papers. • Artificial Intelligence: Dr L.M. Saini, Professor Deptt of EE, NIT, KKR • Emerging trends in Soft Computing: Dr. Abdul Q Ansari, JMI, Delhi • Man Machine Interface: Mr Karun Jain, Senior Technical Consultant National Instruments

PANEL DISCUSSIONS: ICSCTI 2015 is pleased to announce two panel talks to review the ways in which soft computing is being used, its present evolution, current status & future and its usage in Statistics. Panel Chair (I): Dr. Sankar Pal Panellists: Invited Talk by Prof. Ashish Ghosh, Prof. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyaya; Prof. CA Murthy; Prof. Nabanita Das (ISI Kolkata) Panel Chair (II): Senior Advisor, National Instruments, South Asia Panellists: Invited Talk by representatives of National Instruments

Manav Rachna College of Engineering (now MRU) has been ranked among the Top 30 Engineering institutes across the country (closely behind the IITs, and NITs) by the Times Engineering Survey (June 16, 2015). This ranks MRCE on No. 9 among Engineering Institutes in North India. The survey (enclosed) has also ranked MRCE as No. 10 among the Private Engineering Colleges across the country!

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