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Current & Future Projects
MDC received a $67,500 grant from Pennsylvania’s Local Share Account to install new lighting along the stone wall that divides Main Street from Ridge Avenue at 3705 Main Street. The goal of this project is to not only improve the safety of this area, but to create an iconic gateway to Manayunk’s business district.
LowerMainStreetFlood MitigationPlanning
InconjunctionwiththeEastFallsDevelopment Corporation(EFDC)andtheCityofPhiladelphia’s FloodTaskForceandwithfundingfromDCED, MDCisworkingona$25,000floodmitigationstudy ofbothcommercialcorridors.Throughcommunity engagement,coordinationwithcitypartners,and dataanalysis,itisthehopeofEFDCandMDCthat ourorganizationswillbeabletoimplement strategiesforeffectiveandsustainabledevelopment withintheseflood-proneareas.AsofMay2023,this projectiscurrentlyouttobidwithanestimated kickoffbyJuly2023.
WissahickonGateway Improvement/LowerMainStreet Improvements
With a groundbreaking in May 2023, SEPTA has begun work on a $28 Million project to redevelop this transfer center located at Manayunk’s southern gateway. This project will improve SEPTA operations, safety, and accessibility for an estimated 7,000 commuters who utilize this station every day. This project will also serve as a catalyst to improve the Schuylkill River Trail’s connection between Kelly Drive and the Manayunk Towpath.
FlatRockDam Project
With an estimated completion of Fall 2024, this $18 Million restoration project just north of Main Street will improve local water quality, stabilize and preserve historic structures, and create a new intake system that will create constant water flow in the Manayunk canal for this first time in decades.