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Black Death

$1000 Friday, May 30, 2014

Black Death

Black Death By: Cesar Ramirez History ­ ​ In the early 1330s an outbreak of deadly bubonic plague ​ occurred in China. The bubonic plague mainly affects rodents, but fleas can transmit the disease to people. Once people are infected, they infect others very rapidly​ .

western Asia and Europe. In October of 1347, several Italian merchant ships returned from a trip to the Black Sea, one of the key links in trade with China. When the ships docked in Sicily, many of those on board were already dying of plague. Within days the disease spread to the city and the surrounding countryside. An eyewitness tells what happened. Death Cesar Ramirez Death​ ­ It kill ​ 25 million people died in just under five years between 1347 and 1352. Estimated population of Europe from 1000 to 1352.1000 38 million 1100 48 million 1200 59 million 1300 70 million 1347 75 million 1352 50 million even so some people survive it almost kill half of the Caption about the picture above. people which was a

Facts Your name Facts­ ​ They believe that the disease came from rats and they killed every rat.​ Even before the “death ships” pulled into port at Messina, many Europeans had heard rumors about a “Great Pestilence” that was carving a deadly path across the trade routes of the Near and Far East. Today, scientists understand that the Black Death, now known as the plague, is spread by a bacillus called Yersinia pestis​ .

Since China was one of the busiest of the world's trading nations, it was only a matter of time before the outbreak of plague in China spread to

problem because of families and work who was going to feed their families if they don’t have money.

Frank Ramirez Whip Mr. Rose & Mr. H

Black Death Near the Black sea War breaks out in 1347, In the city of caffa many warriors die, They use the corpse to launch them across the sky and send their souls to heaven, A group of Italians found survivors But it's too late to scrape­by, A sickness spreads from China to the Med­sea, It can be passed through wool, coughing, even contaminated hay,

Death death everywhere as far as the eye can see, A deadly disease so deadly killing hundreds by the day, Many catch the virus and do nothing but decay waiting to be free, Families get together as many pray and mourn but many say it's cliche, The now named Black Death and non treatable, A plague that many feared hoping for it to disappear, Now we see Black Death and think nothing of it but take antibiotics, Black Death a once deadly plague now so simple to cure no longer being chaotic.

Black Death Black death was going left and right Killing everyone that got in it's way Everyone lost hope of being Alright Hundreds of people dying everyday The black plague made history Traveled through the silk road That is not a mystery Later on in Europe it showed In about a week you were dead In about another week your family as well Even if your family fled Its like you went through hell Now in our current day there are no dead No deaths like the black death lead

The True Story of Muhammad

About the Islamic Religion

The Islamic Empire A man named muhammad has came to the public telling them that he has talked to Allan. The king is currently angered with him for trying to disrespect our god Allan.

Who is Muhammad? Muhammad was born in 570 CE and was orphaned when he was 6 years old. He worked as a shepherd as a young boy. When muhammad turned 25 he later then married 40 year old khadija in 595 that caused him to became a wealthy meccan merchant.Abu Bakr became Muhammad’s Father in law.

After muhammad was kicked out of mecca he went out and conquered territory. The land that muhammad took over is now known as “The Islamic Empire”. The Islamic Empire became very famous and successful. Muhammad also is the founder of a new religion called the Islamic Religion will he was out of Mecca. Muhammad gained thousands of people that followed him and his religion. Later when Muhammad got older he went back into Mecca for one last time. The followers that he had gained, followed him back to mecca as well. Muhammad later then died in 632 AC.

The Holy book of the islamic Religion is called Qur’an. It was written by Muhammad who wrote it in 613. The heart and soul of the Islamic religion is founded in Mecca. Mecca is the place where everything had originated. It is located in in Saudi Arabia. Every year there are thousands of Muslims that go to mecca in order to complete one of the five pillars. In the Islamic religion there are five pillars that they have to follow them because they are the rules that the Muhammad (founder) have came up with for them to have a good live and become a better person.The five pillars of the Islamic religion are Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawn, Hajj. Muslims follow all of these Pillars in order to Follow Muhammad's rules and to have a better life. In the Islamic religion there are two types of Muslims, the Sunni and the Shiites Muslims. The main difference between the two are that the Sunni think that they chose Abu Bakr as their prophet's adviser, Shiites favor

In 613 he claimed that he had spoken to Allah our god. But then he later went to the public claiming that he spoke to Allah The king of Mecca didn’t believe him that he did and demanded that be kicked out. Muhammad later then Conquered some land to start of his new empire.

Muhammad’s cousin and son in law. There are a lot conflicts between that one difference between the two types of muslims in our current and and most likely, in the future.

The Story of Muhammad

About the Islamic Religion

The Islamic Empire

After muhammad was kicked out of mecca he went out and conquered territory. The land that muhammad took over is now known as “The Islamic Empire”. The

The Holy book of the islamic Religion is called Qur’an. It was written by Muhammad who wrote it in 613. The heart and soul of the Islamic religion is founded in Mecca. Mecca is the place where everything had originated. It is located in in Saudi Arabia. Every year there are thousands of Muslims that go to mecca in order to complete one of the five pillars. In the Islamic religion there are five pillars that they have to follow them because they are the rules that the

A man named muhammad has came to the public telling them that he has talked to Allan. The king is currently angered with him for trying to disrespect our god Allan. Who is Muhammad?

Islamic Empire became very famous and successful. Muhammad also is the founder of a new religion called the Islamic Religion will he was out of Mecca. Muhammad gained thousands of people that followed him and his religion. Later when Muhammad got older he went back into Mecca for one last time. The followers that he had gained, followed him back to mecca as well. Muhammad later then died in 632 AC.

Muhammad was born in 570 CE and was orphaned when he was 6 years old. He worked as a shepherd as a young boy. When muhammad turned 25 he later then married 40 year old khadija in 595 that caused him to became a wealthy meccan merchant.Abu Bakr became Muhammad’s Father in law. In 613 he claimed that he had spoken to Allah our god. But then he later went to the public claiming that he spoke to Allah The king of Mecca didn’t believe him that he did and demanded that be kicked out. Muhammad later then Conquered some land to start of his new empire.

Muhammad (founder) have came up with for them to have a good live and become a better person.The five pillars of the Islamic religion are Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawn, Hajj. Muslims follow all of these Pillars in order to Follow Muhammad's rules and to have a better life. In the Islamic religion there are two types of Muslims, the Sunni and the Shiites Muslims. The main difference between the two are that the Sunni think that they chose Abu Bakr as their prophet's adviser, Shiites favor Muhammad’s cousin and son in law. There are a lot conflicts between that one difference between the two types of muslims in our current and and most likely, in the future.

Islam Artifac t

$7.50 Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Found er of Islam

most Arabs that time By: Stephen were Nesbitt pagans Muh and ammad believe in ­ Muham many gods. mad was the There founder were howeve of r, in Islam. He was mecca a small a persona number of jews l influen and christia ce person ns it was who

Islam Steph en Nesbitt Today ­ Today islam is named isis this people

have been teasin g us with threats and now they are a cruel and violent people . They will do anythi ng to get in are way Islam they will Stephe even n Nesbitt kill Islam​ ­ people . Islam Islam had is a monoth years had eistic religiou chang ed s 0. traditio now it ns that turned to develo harsh ped in He was people the far Middle away East in from the 7th the trading century system C.E. Islam, and which learnin literall g. He was an y was suprem ely success ful in both religiou s and secular levels. He was born In Souther n Arabia in the city of Mecca in the year 57

from them most probabl y that Muham mad first learned of a single omnipo tent god who ruled the entire univers e.

orphan at age six. His econom ic position proved at age twenty­ five. He married a wealthy widow. Neverth eless, as he approac hed forty, there was little outwar d indicati on that he was a remark able person.

means "surre nder" or "subm ission, " was found ed on the teachi ngs of the Proph et Muha mmad as an expres sion of surren der to the will of Allah, the creato r and sustai ner of the world. The Quran , the sacred text of Islam, contai ns the teachi ngs of the Proph et that were

reveal ed to him from Allah.

Byzantine the fall of the Byzantine Empire, Though big on land weak in strength, overtaken by the ottoman Turks, the only thing left is the darkness that lurks, Justinian's the man with the riches and the smarts, the savior of Rome a once­great nation, the greatly needed for salvation, justinian's the creator of Law & Order on the border of entering chaos,

Justinian writes and writes a great law, only to be then known as Justinian's code, The one story ought to be told, We enter a time of the holy wars thought to be a show, It is a fact of time but something for me to know

Byzantine Empire Sonnet The Byzantine Empire never was Strong Justinian tried to make it home, His Empire did last for a long time He was the king and did rebuild Rome To begin he had to set his own laws They lasted 400 years They still don’t have a permanent pause He tried not to give people some fears His empire was split in two sides The catholic and christianity churches He just let them both slide But they also had land searches They had some disagreement that started war Now in present day they fight no more

Byzantine Empire Cesar S. Ramirez



Justinian took over

By:cesar Ramirez

by: Cesar Ramirez

The Byzantine Empire or Eastern Roman Empire was a group but end up splitting up eastern empire and western empire. He revive the empire’s greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the historical Roman Empire. Justinian's rule constitutes a distinct epoch in the history of the Later Roman Empire. The impact of his administration extended far beyond the boundaries of his time and domain.Justinian’s reign is marked by the ambitious but only partly realized restoration of the empire. Because of his restoration activities Justinian has sometimes been called the last roman in modern times. This ambition was expressed by the partial recovery of the territories of the defunct western roman empire. His general belisarius swiftly conquered the vandal kingdom in north africa re extending roman control to the atlantic ocean.

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Byzantine Empire by: Cesar Ramirez

In the west, Justinian considered it his duty to regain provinces lost to the empire “through indolence” and he could not ignore the trials of catholics living under the rules of Arians in Italy and in North Africa. In the Vandal kingdom of North africa, catholics had been subject to frequent persecution. There was also a disputed succession to the throne after the aged vandals king Hilderich, who had been in alliance with Constantinople and had ceased persecution of the catholics was deposed in favour of gelimer in 530. At the same time the vandals were threatened by by the moorish tribes of Mauretania and southern numidia.

The Byzantine Empire was the predominantly greek speaking continuation of the eastern part of the roman empire during the late antiquity and the middle ages. Their capital city was Constantinople originally founded as Byzantium. It In Italy, the mother province survive the fragmentation. of the roman empire in and fall of the western which the older capital roman empire in the 5th city(rome) was situated, century AD and continued Justinian found a situation to exist for an additional similar to the north africa thousand years until it fell to and particularly. the Ottoman turks in 1453 under the reign of mehmed the conqueror. During the most of it’s existence the empire was the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe. Both Byzantine and Eastern Empire are historiographical terms

Byzantine Empire map

created after the end of the realm, its citizens continued to refer to their empire as the roman empire. Several events from the 4th to the 6th centuries mark the transitional period during which the roman empire’s Greek east and latin West divided in 285. Between 324 and 330 Constantine the great transferred the main capital from Rome to Byzantium, later known as Finally Constantinople. under the reign of Heraclius the Empire’s military and administration were restrustructured. Justinian Image Subtitle and further became the new king. When description justinian became the thrones, his troops were fighting on the Euphrates river against the armies of the persian king Kavadh. After he’s campaigns in which the Byzantine generals, among the whom Belisarius was the most distinguished, obtained considerable successes a truce was made on the death of Kavadh in september 531.

Article Headline by: Name

Byzantine empire was a day were two two cultures splitted apart they were Eastern Empire and Western Empire they both fought nut one person tried to combine them back but failed. He’s name was Justinian he tried to put them back together but failed soon they had a war for i think 5 years. They tried to protect themselves by building a wall like the wall of china but fell they broke the wall and hell was loose now they are two parts Eastern and Western empire.

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