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Information Text about Baptism in Christianity: Baptism in Christianity means that someone wants to give there life to Jesus Christ. In church, baptism is one of two things that Jesus needs. Some of the stuff they do in the process of baptism is with a confession of your faith for Jesus Christ. You will stand, sit, or kneel in some water. Then the priest puts you completely under the water while saying that you are being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. And then you are brought back up out of the water. Baptism Started over 1,000,000 years ago. The Jewish and Christian people both did Baptism but other religions didn’t like this. Back then Baptism wasn’t done a lot because other religions wanted to stop it. The earliest Christian baptisms were normally by the third and fourth centuries baptism involved instruction as well as exorcisms. Sikhism Clothing: The clothing that Sikhs back in different centuries whore, was a dress called a Bana, a Bana is the word for the traditional spiritual attire of a Sikh. Many Sikhs wear ceremonial Bana when attending worship programs, and ritual ceremonies or during holidays and festivals. Sikhs may wear traditional Bana daily. Even today people still wear the traditional Bana. Children wear the traditional Bana doesn’t matter how young. The Women have to wear their hair in a special way, like in a ponytail or a bun. The other traditional dress for women in Sikhism is a loose fitting top and bottoms with large rectangular piece of cloth to cover the head and cover around the shoulders. This traditional dress is also worn by others from the Indian subcontinent. Comic Strip On Islam:

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