SEEHN Newsletter A periodical publication of the SEE Health Network
Issue 1 – JULY 2014
Note from the Chair of SEEHN Executive Committee
An exciting period for the SEE Health Network page 2 → The first half of 2014 was full of new developments and opportunities for SEE Health Network. It brought to adoption the SEE Growth Strategy 2020, the initiation of the process of developing the communication and visibility strategy of the Network and branding of its work and products, and expansion in wideness and depth of the collaboration with the existing and new partners. All of these represent a huge opportunity for the SEEHN but far and foremost for the region and its citizens.
The cooperation between the SEEHN and the EC TAIEX Instrument took new positive dimension in 2014. Based on a well prepared analysis of the situation in 20122013, the needs and challenges of the SEEHN regional priorities and the concepts, the SEEHN called the Directors of the RHDC to put forward their proposals for multi-country regional events in 2014 for consideration and approval by the SEEHN Ex Com and for corporate application to EC TAIEX.
Upcoming Presidency
Dr. Goran Cerkez Deputy Minister, Federal Ministry of Health, Bosnia and Herzegovina Chair of the Executive Committee of SEEHN
Departing Presidency
Continuing the Collaborative Efforts in Public Health in the SEE
Health for Growth and Prosperity at the forefront of the SEEHN
page 5 →
page 4 →
Nikola Todorov Miniser of Health Macedonia
According to the signed SEEHN MoU of 2008, the Presidency of the SEEHN in the second half of 2014 should have been with the Minister of Health of the Republic of Serbia. However, due to unfortunate events in the region striking several SEEHN member states and causing extraordinary damages, loss of human life and negative health impacts, the Republic of Macedonia has accepted to hold the SEEHN Presidency in the period July-December 2014.
Nicolae Banicioiu Minister of Health Romania
During the Romanian presidency of the SEE Health Network many meetings took place: the 3rd SEE 2020 Coordination Meeting at the RCC Liaison Office in Brussels, the Extraordinary Meeting of the SEEHN Executive Committee held in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia as well as a technical meeting in Sarajevo which discussed the process of further development of the SEE 2020 health targets, indicators, flagship initiatives and the Health Action Plan 2014-2019 for implementing the health objectives and measures of the Inclusive Growth pillar of SEE 2020.
Table of Contents
An Exciting period for the SEEHN (Pg. 2) Presidency Highlights (Pg. 4-5) SEEHN and TAIEX collaboration (Pg. 2) RHDC Highlights (Pg. 6-7) SEE 2020 Strategy meeting (Pg. 3) Upcoming SEEHN Events (Pg. 8)
TAIEX approved 10 proposals in 2014 SEE 2020 Monitoring Indicators outcomes and targets discussed
South-eastern Europe Health Network Newsletter - Month 2014 Issue
An exciting period for SEE Health Network Dr. Goran Cerkez Deputy Minister, Federal Ministry of Health, Bosnia and Herzegovina Chairperson of the Executive Committee of SEEHN
As a result of this well coordinated action and the precise selection, made by the Executive Committee based on well selected criteria in advance, EC TAIEX approved all 10 proposals for 2014. This is an unprecedented breakthrough, as a result of the excellent work in 2013 with concrete outcomes and follow up on one side, as well as the improved planning on the other. The meeting between delegations of the SEEHN and the EC TAIEX and EC DG SANCO held on 28 April 2014 at the EC DG SANCO offices in Brussels, has brought a new light on the cooperation that means better collaboration for public health in the region of South Eastern Europe.
TAIEX funding for 10 proposals in 2014 - Evaluation of cross sector public health policies on migration and health, and the role of IHR implementation in SEE countries (Albania) - Intervention and policies on antibiotics use (Albania in collaboration with the SEE RHDC on Antimicrobial Resistance in Sofia, Bulgaria). - Donor detection and optimal donor management (DM) (Croatia) - Waiting list management - Pre-transplant assessment and development of criteria for organ allocation process (Croatia) - Coping with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by strengthening and upgrading the capacity of nursing and midwifery workforce in the SEEHN countries (srael) - Woking time and nurses threats to health and safety (Moldova) - Development/upgrading of Monitoring Systems for NCDs and Health Inequalities at Country Level in line with Cross-sectoral Planning and Data Analysis with the reflection on Current Countries’ Situation (Montenegro) - Programme development for the reduction of excessive salt intake in the diet of the countries of the SEEHN (South-East Europe Health Network): Development, Review, Implementation, Good Practices and Possible Obstacles (Montenegro) - The Highest Patient Safety in Transfusion Therapy in Emergency and Special Circumstances (Serbia in collaboration with the SEE RHDC on Blood Products and Safety in Oradea, Romania) - Mental Health and Human Rights: Implementing the Council Conclusions on ”The European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being: results and future action” (Serbia in collaboration with the SEE RHDC on Mental Health in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
n 28 April 2014, SEEHN Executive Board members met with representatives of EC DG SANCO D1 and EC TAIEX in Brussels to discuss the potentials for and more strategic approach to their collaboration. SEEHN was represented by Dr. Goran Cerkez, Chairperson of the SEEHN Executive Committee and two members of the SEEHN Executive Committee, Dr. Alexandre Berlin, Honorary Director, European Commission and Dr. Maria Ruseva. The meeting
was held in a positive and very open environment, yielding intensive discussions that have led to reaching some very important conclusions and mutually agreed recommendations for future steps. The mutually expressed interest in exchanging expertise through the SEEHN regional events, in wide range of healthrelated topics, including International Health Regulations (IHR), antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and safety of blood, organs and tissues, while the topic of patients’ safety and quality of services are also considered as important ones. In relation to the organization of the 10 approved SEEHN proposed Regional Workshops, the meeting parties have agreed that SEEHN will provide prompt feedback of outcomes, followed by evaluation on the progress and impact of the event in all SEEHN member states by the respective RHDCs.
Photo from TAIEX-supported SEEHN Workshop in Moldova, June 2013
TAIEX on the other hand expressed its further commitment in providing professional support in a form of expert missions to individual countries on respective topic related to the event to be organized.
ollowing the Brussels Coordina- SEEHN THIRD MEETING ON THE SEE 2020 tion Meeting (January, 2014), the Regional Cooperation STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION IN 2014-2019 Council (RCC) organized a SEE 2020 Coordination Meeting in Jahorina, B&H. The meeting was attended by the SEEHN March 12-13, 2014, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency, Executive Committee members and the SEEHN permanent Working Given the importance of monitoring of the 2014. A revision and further development implementation of the SEE 2020 Strategy, of the flagship initiatives will also follow in Group on SEE 2020 Strategy. the meeting paid special attention to dis- the coming months. The purpose of the meeting was to discussing and revising an OECD proposed cuss and agree on the SEEHN obligaset of measurable quantitative indicators tions and actions for SEE 2020 Strategy for the health dimension. Having in mind implementation, including on the: the “health in all policies concept”, the Monitoring of SEE 2020 health targets and indicators were re Implementing SEE 2020 through flag- structured in order to fully align health ship initiatives prevention and promotion with it, while also having in mind the social determi Governing the implementation nants of health and inequalities. Agreeing Work plan (2014 – 2019) of the health on a revised set of quantitative indicators dimension objectives and measures under the Inclusive Growth pillar of the was one of the major outcomes of this SEE 2020 Strategy meeting, and a first and very important step towards devising the full monitoring Immediate needs in 2014 (Revisions of SEEHN basic legal documents; framework. The next step for completing Concepts for the Fourth SEE Ministeri- this framework is to devise a set of qualial Forum; Next steps and timetable in tative indicators, which will follow later in 2014 and 2015) Table 1: Proposed outcome and policy quantitative health indicators of the SEE2020 Strategy (Jahorina) OUTCOME MEASURES
& Data Sources
& Data Sources
& Data Sources
Continued increase in life expectancy at current rate as (2006-2010) % increase in healthy life years at age 65 % reduction in low birth weight % relative annual reduction in age-standardized overall premature mortality rate (from 30 to under 65 years) for four major NCDs (HFA-MDB) Cardiovascular diseases Cancer Diabetes mellitus Chronic respiratory diseases % Increase universal coverage % reduction in infant mortality per 1000 live births (HFA-DB)
% reduction in age-standardized prevalence of tobacco use among children and persons aged 15+; HBSC & ESPAD % reduction in age-standardized per capita alcohol consumption among use among children and persons aged 15+; HBSC + ESSPAD % reduction in age-standardized per capita salt intake among persons aged 18+; Desirable New % reduction in age-standardized prevalence of overweight and obesity in adolescents & persons aged 18+ HBSC +ESPAD % Self – perceived limitations in daily activities EU SILC Number of Community Health Workers per 1000 population Desirable New % of Babies breast fed to 6 months WHO/UNFPA
Private household out of pocket payments as % of health expenditure WHO / HFA Health insurance coverage (% of population) WHO /HFA % of children vaccinated against measles (1 dose by 2nd birthday), polio (3 doses by 1st birthday), rubella (1 dose by 2nd birthday) Sickness Absence Rates Health SMEs Desirable New Equity of access to health services as a measure of unmet needs EU-SILC annual – MVA; ALB; BiH Total expenditure on health as % of GDP (WHO-HFA) Public Sector Health Expenditure as % of all Gov’t expenditure Total expenditure on health as absolute amount (WHO-HFA) Doctors registration recipient Country; Nurses registration recipient country; Intention to Leave; Intention to Leave in Host country
South-eastern Europe Health Network Newsletter - Month 2014 Issue
Scale up Implementation of Universal Primary Care Develop a Regional Model for Improved delivery of Prevention & Health Promotion Programs & Services Strengthen intersectoral governance for health E-Health/ M-Health Adopt a regional information exchange for capacity building on improving Health & Fair Development Harmonise cross boarder public health standards legislation and services Foster cross border cooperation and free trade area from PH perspective Strengthen Human Resources for Health & Monitor Human Resource Migration/Mobility Harmonise professional standards & Qualifications 3
Romanian Presidency of SEEHN: January - June 2014
Health for growth and prosperity at the SEEHN forefront Nicolae Banicioiu Minister of Health Romania
nother meeting on SEE 2020 strategy implementation was held in Venice on the part of the WHO Europe Venice Office on Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities. At the request of the SEE Health Network, the RCC kindly organized and hosted a meeting of the SEE Health Network in Jahorina, B&H which discussed and agreed on the SEEHN obligations and actions for SEE 2020 Strategy implementation, including the Monitoring of SEE 2020 through revised health targets and indicators and implementation through flagship initiatives. Considered as platforms for collective actions for widening and deepening regional cooperation, these flagship initiatives aim at operationalizing the SEE 2020 targets and are integrated in a baseline report; In June 2014 the SEE 2020 Baseline Report was approved by the SEE 2020 Governance Board and under the Romanian Presidency of SEE Regional Cooperation Process. In the first half of 2014, the SEEHN Presidency also continued implementing its firm policy and strategy by developing, maintaining and sustaining the partnerships with its already formal partners and by seeking for new ones. More precisely, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the UN/European Center for Peace and Development, Belgrade, Serbia and the first joint meeting with UNFPA was organized in Bucharest aiming to concretize the effective cooperation between SEEHN and UNFPA in line with Health 2020 objectives and with UNFPA mandate. Under the Romanian presidency, the EHFG and the SEEHN were actively and jointly preparing in partnership with WHO Regional office for Europe, EuroHealthNet and Studiorum a parallel session on “Health and Inclusive Growth in SEE” to be held in the second half of 2014. Moreover, the SEEHN intensified the cooperation with its partner CRPRC Studiourum who has been supporting the Network in developing and realizing its Communication strategy towards 2020. In that context, Studiorum has held a Regional workshop of all 10 SEEHN Members States so as to discuss and agree the outline and main highlights of the Communication Strategy and the SEEHN official Website. In the period January-June 2014, the SEEHN is also in the process of finalizing the establishment of its Secretariat and mechanisms so to be able to operate fully independently by the end of 2014. 4
The main focus of the SEEHN during the Presidency of Romania was the implementation of the SEE 2020 Strategy to be launched in 2014. SEEHN has been actively working on many documents including the draft text of amendments to the MoU of 2008, developed by the SEEHN Ex Com; the revised draft protocol for the Operations of the SEEHN RHDCs, the SEEHN Communication Strategy; the Off-line SEEHN Website; the SEEHN Logo; the SEEHN Branding materials and videos, all of which are subject to final approval during the 33rd plenary meeting of the SEEHN. The SEEHN Ex Com and the Romanian Presidency have also developed the first draft Concept for the preparation and organization of both the 4th SEE Health Ministers Forum in 2015 or in 2016 at the latest and the 1st SEE Forum of the medical Universities and Health Educational Institutions in 2015 in Varna, Bulgaria; the draft Concepts are to be tabled to all participants of the 33rd plenary for discussion. With regard to the RHDCs, based on the available reports it was concluded that an intensive work is ongoing in the areas of communicable diseases surveillance, organ donation and transplantation and mental health on regional, national and sub-national levels but that the work in the nine technical areas largely depends on the availability of funding as well as on the fundraising and managerial capacities of the RHDC themselves. It is thus of highest importance that the SEEHN Presidency and Executive Committee organize capacity building workshops and trainings for the RHDCs staff related to improving their leadership, management and resource mobilization capacities and skills. Furthermore, the SEEHN Ex Com was approached by the Health Aging Centre of Novo Sarajevo community in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a formal application to be designated as a SEE RHDC on Health Aging, another decision to be endorsed on the 33rd plenary meeting of the Network. The cooperation between the SEEHN and the EC TAIEX Instrument took new positive dimensions in 2014 with the EC TAIEX approval of all 10 proposals for 2014. Finally, the Presidency of the SEEHN in the second half of 2014 should have been with the Minister of Health of the Republic of Serbia. Due to the major natural disaster that not only Serbia but also Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and now Bulgaria are suffering, as well as to the health consequences that the Ministry of Serbia is still facing, it was decided - in accordance with the SEEHN MoU and practices – that the Republic of Macedonia and its Ministry of Health headed by Mr. Nikola Todorov, Minister of Health of the Republic of Macedonia will preside with the SEEHN in the period 01 July – 31 December 2014.
Macedonian Presidency of SEEHN: July - December 2014
Continuing the collaborative efforts and processes for the growth of the region The main focus of the SEEHN during the Presidency of Macedonia will be to continue, support and nurture the collaborative efforts and processes in public health for the growth of the SEE region
ith the collaboration at the core of the SEEHN and member states commitments, during the SEEHN Presidency of Macedonia the Ministry of Health will continue to address and make all efforts to gather the Ministries of Health of the SEEHN member states around this issue to consider, review and discuss the emerged natural disaster from the perspective of SEEHN and its collaborative value and strength that can come it is full light exactly and especially through events of such nature and magnitude, that are beyond the capacities of any particular country to deal with the health consequences that lead to hinders and drawbacks in its overall economic growth and prosperity.
The Macedonian presidency will also continue with the Executive Committee further into the development of both the 4th SEE Health Ministers Forum, that will be held in 2015-2016 and the 1st SEE Forum of the Medical Universities and Health Educational Institutions in 2015 in Varna, Bulgaria.
Nikola Todorov Miniser of Health Macedonia
welcomes the new partners that have signed Memorandum of Understanding with the SEEHN during the Romanian presidency and is looking forward to their effective and fruitful cooperation with and within SEEHN. Following up on the new and stronger strategic approach to collaboration between SEEHN and EC TAIEX, during the Presidency, Ministry of Health of Macedonia will continue with the full support to the Executive Committee in furthering this collaboration successfully into the 2015 and the years beyond. The support for the development of capacities of the SEEHN Secretariat through the technical support of WHO Regional Office for Europe and the financial support of the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency has so far yielded very positive results for completing the process of establishment of the SEEHN Secretariat that can in its full capacity serve to the SEEHN; the support is invaluable for establishment of position and hiring permanent Secretariat staff, creating the visibility and relevance of the SEHN through the Communication and Visibility Strategy and building up the capacities in the region for relevant and effective health diplomacy. During the presidency, intensified efforts will be made to complete the processes undertaken, so to enable smooth and successful completion of the project activities and thus to enable them to grow into future sustainable initiatives and opportunities for the Network. One such example is the communication strategy that beyond its preparation represents an enormous opportunity for addressing the joint public health and other challenges posed to the Network.
As a pillar to the health and wellbeing of the people, communities and societies, the economic development and prosperity will be one of the focuses of the Macedonian Presidency through the support of the processes of initiation and commencement of the implementation of the SEE 2020 Growth Strategy, which already recognizes the significant role of the health and health sectors in thriving societies. Such is the example of organization of a joint workshop of SEEHN and its partners European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), WHO Regional office for Europe, EuroHealthNet and Studiorum, in a form of parallel session named “Health and Inclusive Growth in SEE� to be held as part of the European Health Forum Gastein in October 2014. The loss and the grieving for the damages of material nature and During the second half of 2014, the SEEHN Presidency will also in human lives was and is immense, among the SEEHN member continue to implement its firm policies and strategy by develop- states, that have shown exemplary solidarity and mutual support ing, maintaining and sustaining the partnerships with its existing which is to be commended and to be made widely visible through formal partners and by viewing the possibilities for the establish- all possible means. In this solidarity, the Ministry of Health of the ment of new ones, always and foremost bearing in mind the Republic of Macedonia has accepted to hold the Presidency, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches towards wishing and hoping that all affected countries and their people achieving better health and prosperity, and in line with the Health will have a faster recovery, and that the Ministry of Health of Ser2020 objectives to which all of the SEEHN member states have bia will be successfully holding the SEEHN Presidency in the first committed to. The Macedonian presidency congratulates to and half of 2015. South-eastern Europe Health Network Newsletter - Month 2014 Issue
osted within t h e Department of Infectious Diseases Control and Surveillance, Institute of Public Health of Albania since 2010, the Regional Health Development Centre on Communicable Diseases Control and Surveillance and IHR implementation in South-Eastern Europe (RHDC CDC) has been established as an administrative partner of IPH under the name of Southeast European Centre for the Surveillance and Control of Infectious Diseases" (SECID). The center aims to improve and build regional and cross-border capacities, build and promote the regional "One Health" initiative and to create sustainable collaboration with networks and other agencies. However, the topic of greatest priority for the Albanian health system is the surveillance systems and health monitoring particularly in relation to influenza viruses. In this context, RHDC CDC has coordinated the organization and has participated in the Country Workshops to discuss Influenza Surveillance, within the framework of the Project “Surveillance and Response to Avian and pandemic Influenza by National Health Authorities of Countries of South East Europe” which were held in Kosovo, Montenegro,
Regional Health Development Centre on Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Control in SEE – Tirana, Albania Macedonia, B&H, Bulgaria and Croatia. The objective of these workshops was to evaluate the influenza surveillance systems and laboratory capacity for the detection of influenza viruses in each country, to underline
SECID launched a new website! Find out more at: the importance of reporting in time of the infectious diseases cases and to update the knowledge on influenza cases management, complications prevention, hospitalization, strengthening diagnostic capacities, as well as on data collection/forms. Study visits on influenza surveillance were carried out in Romania, Serbia and Slovenia so as to overview and increase the knowledge on the organization and implementation of Influenza Surveillance. Also held in Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina were ILI/SARI Training Workshops aiming to evaluate the epidemiological situation in the country and present the methods of reporting, data gathering and sample collection.
In order to strengthen its own capacities and knowledge, SECID has participated in a Data Management Training Course for influenza surveillance data managers/epidemiologists in the European Region as well as in the SEE Influenza Laboratory Management Course. Also organized during this period was the Annual Meeting of SEE Countries involved in the “Surveillance and Response to Avian and Pandemic Influenza” Project as well as numerous visits to sentinel sites in Albania. Aiming to acquire knowledge and experience to strengthen the existing surveillance system and health monitoring, SECID has coorganized both the international conference "Monitoring and Surveillance Systems in Public Health" and the Annual Meeting of IANPHI, has organized the Technical Meeting on Building an Integrated Web-based Influenza Information System as well as the International Conference of Public Health. The Centre has participated in the WHO Europe and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Joint Annual European Influenza Surveillance Meeting and in the Back-to-back meeting with SEE countries representative to discuss the Flu WEB based platform mock-up.
Regional Health Development Centre on Mental Health - Bosnia and Herzegovina The Regional Health Development Centre on Mental Health (RHDCMNH) was established in 2010 within the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim to further strengthen the cooperation among the SEE countries in the field of mental health as well as to build capacities of the mental health workforce, the general objective being to improve mental health policy and practice through promotion, prevention, advocacy, publications, research, policy development, and collaboration and networking among SEE countries. More precisely, the role of RHDCMNH is to gather information about the level of implementation of the leading principles of the WHO European Mental Health Action Plan (WHO EMHAP) as well as of the proposed actions in each of the participating countries, and to coordinate and disseminate best mental health policies and practices. The majority of the Center’s activities in the period January-June 2014 are implemented in accordance with the planned activities through the Project “Strengthening the Capacities of Mental Health Professionals and Users’ Associations”, financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Resulting from the constant efforts of the health authorities in B&H and the Ministers of Health in the SEEHN to continue with the mental health reform process in the region, this project aims to improve mental health of the population in the SEE countries and to increase respect of the human rights and dignity of persons with mental disorders. 6
Thus, RHDCMNH has organized the Second Regional Mental Health Network Steering Committee Meeting in Sarajevo. Bringing together the Steering Committee Members from ten SEEHN Member States, the meeting reviewed the achievements of the Project “Strengthening the Capacities of Mental Health Professionals and Users’ Associations” and discussed both the future activities of the Regional Mental Health Network and the 2014 Action plan of the Center. The focus was also put on the RHDC on Mental Health Regional Program 2014-2024 (Regional Program 2014-2024), subject to approval during 33rd SEEHN Meeting. The Steering Committee also focused on reviewing the Draft of the Mental Health Situation Analysis in the SEEHN Member States based on a completed Questionnaire by the National Mental Health Commissions that should serve as a starting point for the development of the First draft of project proposal by recruited external expert. In 2013, the Centre has implemented three workshops, one on “Developing project proposals to fight against stigmatization” and two on “Change management and Performance and outcome evaluation” whose outcomes are being achieved in 2014: capacity building, raising awareness, changes in perception of self-stigma and stigma, sharing knowledge, good practice and information as well as strengthened cooperation among mental health professionals in the SEE countries.
Regional Health Development Centre on Organ Donation and Transplantation Medicine - Zagreb, Croatia Appointed as the Regional Health Development Center on Organ Donation and Transplantation Medicine within the SEEHN, Croatia has been actively working in the field.
Namely, in 2014 the RHDC on Organ Donation and Transplantation Medicine has organized a Regional Workshop on Deceased donation program at the University Hospital Center Sisters of Mercy in Zagreb for representatives/professionals from SEE countries. Aiming to support the development of the transplantation medicine in the SEE Region, the workshop has presented an organizational model with special emphasis on multidisciplinary approach to organ donor, preparation and maintenance of a donor at the Intensive Care Unit, within current trends in therapeutic support, and practical cases at Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Centre.
In the period January-June 2014, SEEHN RHDC Croatia has organized Expert Missions in Romania, Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia with the aim to evaluate the current situation and provide recommendations as well as intensify the efforts for further improvement of donor and transplant program where needed. During this year, RHDC Croatia has provided and will continue to provide educational and expert exchange to strengthen the cooperation among the SEE countries developing donor and transplantation programs. Namely, educational activities on liver transplantation were provided for 6 medical doctors (pediatric surgery specialist, clinical doctor, anesthesiologists, and pediatricians) from the University Children's Hospital, Belgrade, at the University Hospital “Merkur” in Zagreb. The Center’s bilateral cooperation with Macedonia and Montenegro has given excellent results. The first systematic and organized transplantation from deceased donor was implemented in Macedonia for the first time after 25 years and thus, marks the revitalization of the program. Under the twinning cooperation with the University Clinical Center Rijeka, the Macedonian Ministry of Health has organized a meeting whose priority objective was the establishment of a strong deceased
donation program in the public health sector in Macedonia that could more safely address the needed priority care for the patients. In 2014, three living kidney transplantations were performed in the Clinical Centre of Montenegro under the twinning cooperation with the University Hospital Centre Zagreb which technically supports the development of the deceased donor program in the country. This twinning cooperation also provided for a successful liver transplantation at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb. The follow-up visit to Israel in December 2013 gave birth to a new initiative i.e. development of a Paired kidney donation system through the SEEHN which was later presented to the European Committee on Organ Transplantation. Based on specific needs defined by the SEEHN countries, the initiative was also presented at the 4th ERA-EDTA CME Course “An update in kidney transplantation for improvement of the program in developing countries”, organized by the Bosnian Society of Nephrology. Given the positive feedback in particular from Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Moldova, it was concluded that the Paired Living Kidney Donation (PLKD) program should be considered as an added value to the SEE Region and complementary to the DDP program for all interested SEEHN countries which were invited to engage so to eventually provide legislative framework and ensure funding model in support for this program.
RHDC for Strengthening of Public Health Services - Skopje, Macedonia
RHDC on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement - Belgrade, Serbia
RHDC for Strengthening Public Health Services (RHDC on PHS), based in Skopje, Macedonia, has been undertaking activities related to the implementation of the SEE 2020 Strategy i.e. Measure 3 of Inclusive growth pillar. As a continuation of developing the Joint multi-country Project "Harmonize the cross-border public health and public health services legislation, standards, procedures and develop mutual recognition and trust to enable the creation of a Free Trade Area from a public health perspective", a Regional Working Group (RWG) of Public health experts and wider community will be created. The overall goal is to establish a unique harmonized cross-border standards and procedures that will enable improvement of the health and public health in the region. In 2014, RHDC on PHS participated in the meeting organized by the SEEHN partner, UNFPA, in Bucharest so as to present the scope of the work achievements and its future activities. The meeting provided the Center with a better understanding of the organizational setup, mandate and priorities of UNFPA and SEEHN as well as with a possibility to identify the joint areas of interest for further cooperation and the appropriate modalities and specific activities in that regard. During her visit to Skopje, D-r Doina Bologa, UNFPA Country Director met with representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Public Health to discuss modalities of support of UNFPA to the Institute of Public Health and the National Center for Reproductive Health, within the context of SEEHN. RHDC on PHS has also been active in other meetings organized by SEEHN: RCC organized workshop on SEE 2020 Strategy, the Intercountry workshop for development of communication strategy in Skopje, to which RHDC on PHS has actively contributed to the fruitful discussions.
In 2014, during the Executive Committee held in Belgrade, the RHDC on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement (RHDC ACQI) has developed the First Draft Protocol for Operation of the SEEHN RHDC Participation. This Protocol stemmed from the necessity to clearly define the position of RHDC within the SEEHN as well as to provide clear guidelines for RHDC operation in accordance to the legislation of their respective countries. The final draft of the Protocol is ready to be adopted at the next 33rd SEEHN Plenary Meeting in Bucharest. In 2014, RHDC ACQI participated in the meeting organized by the SEEHN partner UNFPA in Bucharest so as to present the scope of the work achievements and its future activities; RHDC ACQI has also partook in the meeting held in Sarajevo/Jahorina whose main objective was to discuss the SEEHN obligations and actions for SEE 2020 Strategy implementation, including the monitoring of SEE 2020 and the presentation of the proposed monitoring indicators in general and for the health dimension, the health targets and indicators, implementation of the SEE 2020 through flagship initiatives and governing the implementation. RHDC ACQI has also been actively working towards the implementation
of the SEE 2020 Strategy i.e. Measure 1 of Inclusive growth pillar. In order to further develop the Joint multi-country Project "Gaining Health in SEE through Improved Delivery of Individual, Community and Population-based Health Promoting Health Services", the Center has prepared, with the support of Dr. Maria Ruseva and the SEEHN partner Studiorum from Macedonia, a Methodology to be implemented on national level in the 10 SEEHN member states.
South-eastern Europe Health Network Newsletter - Month 2014 Issue
Upcoming SEEHN events
33rd SEEHN Plenary Meeting [Bucharest, July 10-11, 2014]
34th SEEHN Plenary Meeting [Skopje, November, 2014]
Inauguration of the SEEHN Secretariat, Skopje, March 7, 2013
SEEHN Partners
The SEEHN is an intergovernmental public health network of ten member states (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Israel, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Macedonia) and their partners (countries and international governmental and nongovernmental organizations). The SEEHN Partner/Donor countries are: Belgium, France, Greece Hungary, Italy, Norway, Slovenia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
SEEHN Contacts SEEHN Secretariat Address: ul. 50ta Divizija br. 6 1000 Skopje, Macedonia Phone/fax: + 389 2 3125 310 E-mail: Web: South-eastern Europe Health Network Newsletter - Month 2014 Issue