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Papa’s Top Tips for Winter Training
There is nothing worse than waking up and looking outside at the puddles on the pavement, grey gloomy clouds above and a chill in the air thinking I have to get active today. Before you know it you are turning the lights on, putting the heating on full belt and it is dark outside. If you live in warmer climates then the adjustment is to the season finishing, beach cafes, restaurants, bars and clubs closing until April 2023. It all affects our motivation but an easy excuse not to continue with all the hard work you have put into staying active during the summer. I do not like mentioning the word but Christmas is the easiest excuse not to exercise and lasts until 2023, before you know it you feel sluggish and your clothes tighten.
So to help you keep focused here are Papa’s Top Tips:
As a minimum make sure you can stay active at least 3 times a week
• If you go to the gym change your workout routine, more reps less weights, look into various types of training techniques, mix up your cardio with strength conditioning training, but just do short burst of cardio 1-2 minutes, do shorter but more intense sessions, challenge yourself to use every single bit of gym kit in one session for 1 set of 15 reps, try exercise
machines that you wouldn’t normal go on; go to an exercise class. • If you workout at home, try a pre-recorded on line session, shorten your sessions, try exercises that you have never done before
• Running, cycling, walking and swimming change it up. Leave your house and explore a different route, put in some intervals like getting up those inclines on your route quicker and then have a slow walk to recover; sprint between lampposts and slow it down between the next.
Run, walk, cycle your usual route in the opposite direction. • Speak to a friend and see if they want to team up and do something together, take part in each other’s exercise routine • If you really cannot be bothered just put your scarf and gloves and go for a walk • Look ahead into 2023 and see if you want to book onto a challenge as this will focus your kind and keep you motivated. Better still look at attending one of my Bootcamps in Cyprus!
PAPA IN YOUR POCKET – Your personal trainer who can go where you go
I have a new Personal Training service so I can be with you virtually at the gym. All you need is your mobile phone, some headphones and a selfstick stand. I will then guide you around the gym and be your new gym buddy. If you are nervous about the gym, then take me with you as your new gym buddy. I have tried and tested the concept with Amandamosspr training at a gym in Larnaca, Cyprus…..it was perfect.
What is next for Papa in 2023
I am the only personal trainer in the UK who does Sports Specific Training for Speedway, Grasstrack and Flat Track riders. My pre-season training will run for 3 months from January – March 2023 where we will progress from general strength and cardio conditioning to Sports Specific exercise, finishing in March with Race Specific sessions in your kit helmet and all. The only way to improve your performance is not by going faster but by getting fitter for the demands of racing. For more details on all my fitness bootcamps and retreats go to: www.papaluckmanfitness.com Follow me on Instagram and Facebook: @papaluckmanfitnessgroup