Tip Write a demo lesson plan. Write yourself a demo lesson plan, even if the interviewer is not requiring it. No one else needs to see it, but it will give you a chance to organize everything you want to achieve in the allotted time and work out any kinks before you actually have to teach it.. Web de jun. de Here are topic ideas for elementary demo lessons Determining main idea Comparing fractions Citing evidence Rounding numbers . WebSimple piano lessons online. Darryl - your online teacher in Sydney, Australia. Subscribe and get a free lesson! Subscribe. June demo . Click above for a sample . minutes of . Web de dic. de Try to find various activities such as games and communicative activities for the target structure of your demo lesson, . Web de feb. de The purpose of a demo lesson is to show how well prepared you are to teach a lesson, how you present yourself, and how you engage students. Principals will . WebA demo lesson is a mock lesson that you teach to another teachers class or to a group of