A Totally Healthy Chicken Recipe

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Sometimes the best chicken recipe is not only totally healthy, but it is also fast, easy to make and will have your family coming back for a second helping! The following chicken recipe is for those people who are health conscientious and watching how much fat they take into their routine diet. If using frozen chicken breasts: this chicken recipe is best when a frozen skinned chicken breast has been thawed slowly in cold water or even in the refrigerator. The meat seems to stay more firm and keeps in its moisture much better than if you defrost the chicken in a microwave or even at room temperature. Fresh chicken breasts can also be used. Now onto the rest of the chicken recipe. Choose as many chicken breasts as you wish to serve. Slice a fresh lemon in half. Rub the lemon all over the breasts. (note: one lemon will be sufficient for about 4 medium-sized breasts) Wrap the breasts in tin foil and place them on a baking sheet. Bake in a moderate oven until done - depending upon the size of your breasts - it should not be more than 35 to 40 minutes. Remove from oven, and put the chicken breasts into a baking dish or platter that you would like to serve them on. Making the sauce for this chicken recipe is fast, easy and flavorful. All you will need is a couple of medium-sized onions, four or five tomatoes, some cilantro and/or oregano, three our four garlic cloves, olive oil, mushrooms if you like, and black olives - also optional. Just dice it all up, add the oregano or cilantro and garlic to your specific tastes and you are done. Cover the chicken breasts with your freshly made sauce and serve with a freshly steamed vegetable of your choice. That is all there is to this chicken recipe if you want completely healthy and no fat or carbs to speak of. If you would like to add a few carbs, then prepare some angel hair pasta and place the baked chicken breasts and sauce over the angel hair and sprinkle with a bit of parmesan cheese.

As a note, you can alter this chicken recipe in a multitude of ways. The main thing to keep in mind when you do alter it is to focus on keeping the chicken recipe fat free and completely healthy. Try to avoid making sauces out of dairy products. If you should choose to make a sauce that has dairy products as a part of its ingredients, then to minimize your fat intake, try to avoid butter and sour cream, or minimally go with a light sour cream. The idea behind this chicken recipe is to help you eat a delicious dinner while still eating healthy. As a note, there are some excellent chicken soup and fried chicken recipes on the web as well, so if this one doesn't hit your taste buds tonight, then consider a good chicken soup or fried chicken meal for your family.

Chicken on a Bun provides useful information on chicken recipe, fried chicken and chicken soup.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacqui_S_Q

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