Does Your Strategy Have SEO Staying Power | Google Panda SEO Ranking System

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==== ==== Get easy #1 Google Rankings FAST with this easy new SEO method! See real proof and testimonials that this system really works: ==== ====

Are you looking to get to the top of the search engines? What'll you do when you get there (besides bask in the glory)? Does your website have staying power to hold those top spots indefinitely? If you're getting great search engine rankings today, are you confident you'll have those same rankings tomorrow? You've probably heard it before but it's worth repeating - SEO isn't evergreen. You can spend thousands of dollars or hundreds of hours to get to the level you're interested in achieving but in a heartbeat, it could all change. What would you do if it did? Are you being proactive now so that it doesn't happen? What'll happen to your site if SEO autumn hits and the leaves begin to change? Will your site survive or will it slip off into SEO no-man's land? If all your SEO eggs are in one basket, your world could come crashing down at any minute. Google Panda is proof of the fact that website owners need to stay on the edge of their seats. No comfy recliner for you! Before the Panda Update there were other algorithm changes that threw companies off their thrones in the search engines as well. How do you stay on the first page of the most coveted terms in your industry? Don't treat SEO like a quick fix to get traffic. Develop a multi-pronged approach. Some websites seem to continually dominate their niches. That's not because of luck. That's because there's a multifaceted marketing strategy in place. The site owners have either learnt some very hard lessons or they've been wise enough to partner with the right SEO Company. Is your SEO firm positioning you in a proactive way? You need:

To constantly follow SEO news so you'll know what might be in the water ahead; To rank well for more than one keyword phrase. If you're ranking as #1 for dozens, there's a lower chance of a catastrophe when algorithm changes happen (and they happen several times a year!); To watch more than just Google. Other search engines account for traffic, too; To watch your industry so you can be aware of changes to what your customer wants; To watch your competition so make sure they're not hot on your heels and ready to knock you out

of the running; To build relationships with your customers through multiple mediums, such as through social media, through email marketing or newsletter lists, and through enough mediums that a stumble on Google doesn't have to mean a fall overall; To make your SEO company accountable. Make sure you're working with the right company - a company who will make sure that your website marketing and SEO strategy is diversified enough to weather any potential storm; To realise that it's about more than SEO. Yes, you want a constant stream of traffic but you also want traffic that buys from you and then tells their friends how great you are.

Oracle Digital are dedicated to helping others learn about SEO. You can visit our website and learn all about Search Engine Optimisation.

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==== ==== Get easy #1 Google Rankings FAST with this easy new SEO method! See real proof and testimonials that this system really works: ==== ====

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