Domaining - The Easy Way to Make Money Fast

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If you think that you know all about domain buy and sell structure for making fast and easy money, then do read this. Domain name business is one of the least known way of making easy money, and that too very quick. You want to be a millionaire, and you can't wait, that's the reason you are here. Let me help you out. First and foremost, forget everything you know about domain names business, and start from scratch. The term given to this business is Domaining. It is business of buying and selling domain names for making money. The reselling of this type is actually comparable to real estate. You invest in the property, seek a potential buyer, and then sell it to him at a large price tag. Thereby making profit. The only difference is that "domain reselling" is much easier and much cheaper as it requires very less investment and normally gives great returns, if used accordingly. Many people even make there living by this. Beleive me, it means lots of money and that too easy. The domaining often occupies building up of the domain name portfolios, or else accumulation of the domain names, in accordance to various criterias. This domain name portfolios frequently consist of profitable generic dictionary word domain names, or domains whose registrations have lapse but they still retain practical traffic. The more traffic, the more money you earn. I will move step by step in helping you through the complete process. 1. Domain name This is the first step in the process, you need to finalize on the domain name you want to invest in. Buying a domain name depends on various factors like:- What is your budget, Which market you are targetting, who is the potential customer. You should answer these questions before buying a domain name. Also some other points to keep in mind are:- The domain name should be short, as it is easier to remember and creates a greater possibility of the traffic to return again. The domain name must be easier to memorize, good for your business. The domain must be brandable, and must cater to the needs of some particular niche. Try and avoid domains which contain hyphens and numbers. Go for a .com extension for your registration. 2. Buy a Domain name Before buying a domain name, check out the traffic the niche receives, more traffic implies that your revenue generation will be more. So make sure you check out the quality of the name and the traffic the domain gets, before making an investment. The keyword here is "research", and you need to do some of it before making an investment.

Try and look for a cheap domain, as they are the best buys. The cheap domain don't cost you much, moreover if properly aimed at a niche then they produce good results. Make sure you go for a cheap domain, else you have a hefty bank balance. Now here is point that you buy a domain name for reselling or you register a new domain name for reselling. If you don't want to buy an existing domain, then you may try creating a new domain name, it norrmally comes free along with some web hosting packages. Web Hosting implies that you rent some space on a server to host your web site, and they provide you the domain name registration for free, though it may change from vendor to vendor. 3. Domain registration If you plan to create a new domain, then you need to register it, for registration of domain you need to find a registrar, that provides you the name. The second option is that you go for a web hosting domain package, where they provide you the space at some cost, but provides the domain name registration for free. Make sure that you register your domain with a "com" extension as it is higly valued in the market. If you really want to make money then this point counts much. 4. Sell the Domain name Now that you have got a good domain name targeted at a particular niche, you may seek the help of various sites for finding a potential buyer for you. Sites like is a great source for this. Just prove to your customer that he is getting the best buy and you are the winner. Make cash from your resell and go ahead for a next buy. The stuff till now was for getting you started, now regarding the strategy part of the business, most domainers try and make a long term investment. They buy and own names, they park on web sites... Oh I forgot to tell you about Website Parking. Website Parking is the way of making money when your domain is sitting idle. I will clarify this, Now that you looked for a cheap domain, if unable to find then you register domain preferably with a "com" extension. Then you buy domain using a seller or via web hosting domain packages. Now that you have got all but not a profitable client, in that case you can park your website. Website Parking implies that the site on which your domain is parked, will use your domain for putting up ads, some people type the name of the thing they required, without knowing that it exists or not. Like if a person needs a plumber, then he may type without knowing that the site exists or not. Website Parking makes use of this benefit and earns from the normal domain name traffic that may occur. And if a person clicks on an add then you earn. Isn't that great, you earn money without doing anything. Some more points to consider while buying a domin name includes, if you think that some technology is going to take off, then get a domain name that pertains to it. The more relevant the name, the more money you will make. I will close this article with an example, Schwartz sold for $1.3 million in 2003, and he had bought the domain at $15,000 in 1997. Mind Blowing isn't it.

So Domain names reselling provide a great oppurtunity for making large amount of money, and that too very fast. So guys for more info on this and this type of articles keep buzzing Keep buzzing.


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