Surviving The AdWords Email of Death

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Well what is the AdWords email of death then - well it's the one that goes something like "you have multiple violations on your account and therefore you have been suspended". Yes that's right just kicked off their program with no real explanation. Let me tell you about my fried Colin joined AdWords around 3 years ago and promoted a number of products using a single ad page at Godaddy and some ClickBank affiliate pages. These ads were accepted by the program and he ran out a couple of hundred dollars of advertising with no real results so he suspended all of his ads. Roll on two years later and an email pops into his inbox from Google saying that he has multiple violations on his account. OK he made mistakes when first used AdWords and pointing to a ClickBank site is not allowed but c'mon its two years later they can't be claiming that is the problem - can they? He deleted all ads from his account and apologised for the transgression. It took AdWords over 2 months to respond upon which time as he had deleted all ads then they say that his account was in order and should not get banned (note the word should!). He put some money into his account in case he needed it and then two months later when he had worked out his campaigns he came back to find out he had been banned. In a panic he made another mistake he went onto one of his other Google accounts and activated AdWords on there instead as he really wanted to try an ad campaign using banners. It took just 3 hours for AdWords to ban this account as well and although there was a reason there has been no reply from support for over 3 weeks. So what to do and really that is the purpose of this article. Well first up if you have money in your account then the way to get this back is to cancel your AdWords account. Your outstanding balance should then be paid back to the card or account that was used to pay the money in the first place. Before we look at the alternative advertising options we must consider what your site must have on it. That is that your site should have a terms and conditions page that must explain that the site is an affiliate site and that money may be made by the site owner. There should also be a privacy policy and a link to a site map. If either of the first two is missing then once again you can run into trouble with ad networks so make sure that these pages are there before posting any ads.

So what options are there for advertising if not with Google AdWords? MSN/Yahoo - recently MSN and Yahoo merged their ad offerings and you can buy ads on their networks via the Microsoft adCenter. Colin set up a simple campaign on the adCenter and was pleased to see his ads coming through on Yahoo Answers and other places. The great thing here is that you can set the ad up so that the header is defaulted to use the keyword that is searched for. So if you are looking for say "best puppy training system" and an ad shows with a headline of the same wording then it is going to grab your attention more than a headline which you have written to be generic. The downside is that these ads are text only. DirectCPV is a cost per view ad network. Basically you enter the keywords or URLs you are targeting and when anyone searches for those keywords then they will your page pop up and they will see you page with the search results shown underneath. If you choose your keywords effectively then this should mean that your website or affiliate site is displayed to buying hungry users only. To receive the ad a user must have previously downloaded the software which displays the ads. Adbrite offers a service which is similar to Google AdWords in that you can set text and banner ads which you can tailor to specific demographics and even to specific websites that are publishing Adbrite ads. They also offer CPV ads on their network which can be bought from $0.001 per view which is excellent value. The CPV ads on this network work with the code input onto the website code so can be shown to all users as opposed to the DirectCPV option. Nevertheless both are good options.

There are many more ways to promote your site if AdWords is not open to you but sadly we do not have the time to go through them all here. You can find additional methods for finding targeted traffic at the Internet Marketing Workshop so visit us now. Go on visist Internet Marketing Workshop now.

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