HP Brand Innovation Lab introduction

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HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand matter

The key to winning customers is winning their hearts. We want HP to be the brand people love to love. To inspire a new way of thinking about our brand and brand experience, we’ve created the HP Brand Innovation Lab. The Lab will help us create and deliver brand experiences that are deeply relevant, differentiated and highly valued—because great brand experiences mean business success.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Kick-starting brand experience The mission of the Lab is to create and deliver more compelling brand experiences. To inspire new thinking about our business and our brand, we focus on three key areas: Deep customer insight We’re engaged in all kinds of research: trend reporting, cultural scanning and ethnographic studies. We’re identifying and studying best practices to understand what makes great experiences at all levels, and building relationships with people who inspire great thinking.

Brands that inspire us We work hard for customer satisfaction and loyalty but we want more love. We want the kind of love that thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts have for Harley-Davidson. The kind millions of coffee drinkers have for Starbucks. The kind 25,000 Virgin employees have for the 200-plus Virgin companies worldwide. Starbucks America’s new front porch, Starbucks has become “the third place” between home and work for many.

Innovation programs We bring together teams in highly collaborative programs to create actionable plans to deliver deeply satisfying, relevant and valuable total brand experiences. We help teams shift their thinking to take a more multi-disciplinary approach to projects— one that places people at the center of our thinking, our process, our metrics and our delivery systems. Sharing knowledge We’ll keep you posted on Lab projects and research, and we’ll share what we learn in the field regularly. Look for webcasts, workshops, research briefs and other useful information on our site.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Harley-Davidson This company does more than sell motorcycles; it fulfills dreams.

Virgin A naughty name, a maverick founder, and a world-class brand built on a shoestring.

We need to think big. We need to think differently. We need to expand the way we think about “experience”. Life experiences The “real stuff” of peoples’ lives—building a business, raising a family, going to college, succeeding at work while enjoying life, meeting a deadline, turning 60, taking the trip of a lifetime—any context within which a brand, customer and user experiences exist.

Brand experiences The sum of all the experiences a person has with a brand, including personal user and customer experiences as well as other interactions—whether it is hearing about a company through friends, noticing an ad, seeing it associated with interesting people, or meeting an employee.

Customer experiences All the elements of the experience a customer has once they begin to engage with a company’s products or offerings—getting product or service information; shopping, choosing, installing and learning about it; and disposing of the old one.

Product and user experiences The physical or everyday interactions an owner or user has with a specific product or offering, from the feel of the digital camera in your hand to the way the PC monitor looks on your desk, to the speed at which your printer delivers a full-color photograph.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

In love with Harley-Davidson It’s easy to see how Harley-Davidson is connected to the “real stuff” of people’s lives. The company isn’t just in the business of selling motorcycles, it’s also in the business of “fulfilling dreams.” John Russell, vice president and managing director of Harley-Davidson Europe, says that the brand creates a “sense of engagement with the customer through the basic attitudes of freedom, individualism, enjoyment, self-expression, self-confidence; a whole range of words… to describe this rugged individualist, this independent thinker, this person that chooses his or her own course in life.” “When you move to an experience where people feel they own it, it’s part of their life… something that’s so ingrained… it occupies the same space as other things that people really value,” says Russell. Harley-Davidson’s brand lovers are intensely loyal: more than 45 percent are repeat owners. They stop in at dealerships for coffee, spend weekends and vacations riding with other Harley owners, dress their kids in Harley clothes, and enthusiastically participate in HOG (Harley Owners Group), scheduling life activities around Harley events. Harley customers have their own ideas about what makes a Harley great, and so everyone in the company actively engages with them: employees are encouraged to spend time with customers, ride with them and do whatever it takes to connect. Harley-Davidson marketing director Roy Pinto says, “The HarleyDavidson brand is 100 percent experience. There’s no rational reason for buying a Harley-Davidson so the experience becomes 100 percent. The bike, the clothes, the accessories, the rallies and everything else that we operate is in support of that ownership experience.” “It takes more than just building and selling motorcycles to fulfill the dreams of our customer,” a company brochure explains. “It takes unforgettable experiences.”


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better


Building brand love Starbucks chairman Howard Schultz says, “We aren’t in the coffee business, serving people. We are in the people business, serving coffee.” To create brand love, HP must get in the people business.

deep insight



We do that first by developing a profound understanding of peoples’ needs and desires. Customer and market insight is the starting point for innovating highly integrated brand experiences. Next, we bring together teams of people from every part of our business to focus on the whole experience. Together, they invent and manage the execution of a total brand experience that is highly satisfying, highly relevant and highly valued.

deep insight


brand love


Ultimately, we must create a culture infused with the passion and capabilities to create innovative brand experiences that resonate with customers in a deeply meaningful way. The outcome of these efforts will be a brand that people love to love because it delivers exactly on what they need and want.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

deep insight


brand love

In the Lab, multidisciplinary teams will create new business opportunities that have exceptional brand experiences at their core. Every program will be designed to meet the specific needs of the team: the descriptions here suggest only some of the possibilities.

The assignment is innovation Two-day seminar

Five-day workshop

Six-week lab

Twelve-week lab

Exposure to new concepts

Shift your thinking

Innovate a new experience

Participants are introduced to what it takes to create “brand love,� starting with customer needs and understanding the value of brand experiences. They’ll identify best practices and learn what it takes to create relevant, differentiated and highly valued brand experiences.

This forum helps participants tackles an urgent business challenge by applying highlevel brand experience innovation. Participants use customer insight to develop an experience opportunity map as they understand the value and elements of highly integrated brand experiences. They will emerge with plans for developing and executing the defined experience.

A multidisciplinary team engages in an immersive program with this goal: emerge with a breakthrough brand experience for a new or existing HP offering. Team building, great-experience field trips and expert speakers prepare participants to dig deep into the needs and challenges of the target customer through traditional and nontraditional market research. The team will identify HP opportunities, prototype and test ideas and complete business and execution plans.

Open new markets with innovative brand experiences


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Multidisciplinary teams enter the Lab to open a new market space for HP, resulting in a fully developed prototype and implementation plan. With a curriculum similar to the six-week course, this in-depth program has more opportunities for building deep customer insight and broader exposure to strategic partners and capabilities. The team will hone skills in ideation and experience prototyping, testing, and developing business cases and plans.

Our brand is not a logo. It’s more than an advertising campaign, typeface and color palette. Our brand comprises the total set of perceptions that people—and not just customers—have of HP. Our brand isn’t what we say it is, it’s what real people say it is.

“If I have one lesson, it’s use your product— experience what your customers experience” Gordon McKenzie, Virgin’s brand quality director


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

We need to get to know those real people better than ever before; the strength of our brand depends upon all of their experiences with HP. Not just products and services, but every connection they make with HP, whether intentional or unintentional.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Developing deep insight Here’s a look at our initial projects, designed to build an unprecedented level of customer understanding.

The entertainment landscape HP’s current offerings focus primarily on music and video in the home—enjoyment, storage and recording. These offerings are a natural extension of digital imaging, where we enjoy strength with consumers, yet they cross the sensitive boundary between PC and consumer electronics—a new market for HP This will help us better understand the entertainment environment from historic, human, cultural and brand perspectives so we can see trends and forecast future opportunities. We’re looking at entertainment broadly by stepping back from where it intersects with technology. What constitutes entertainment? How do different entertainment experiences fulfill emotional and social needs? How are people using entertainment to explore their own identities and to connect with others? The intention is to enrich our understanding of entertainment and what makes entertainment experiences compelling, then build on that knowledge to create meaningful experiences for our customers.

Young in the wired world Today’s kids are savvier than ever. The key decision makers and influencers in the technology market today are people ages 14–25, and this group will be even more influential in the future. Today they advise their parents on technology. Tomorrow, with more money to spend than their folks have today, they will head businesses and be leaders in the IT world. Our research will help HP connect with these people now, to create loyalty that will carry over as they go through life. As we look at youth around the world, we’ll build our knowledge of their needs and desires—what they care about as individual consumers and as decision makers/buyers of technology. We’ll make an enduring connection and respond with fresh, sophisticated and indispensable brand experiences.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Boomers at a crossroad The largest U.S. demographic group—76 million strong—is approaching the age of retirement. Charged with a sense of possibility and personal empowerment, Baby Boomers will redefine aging. They will insist that their living, learning, health, technology and other needs be as personally satisfying as possible. As always, they will focus more on lifestyle than age. This generation represents the largest percentage of HP’s current customers across all three segments. Their needs and desires for technology drove the first wave of the Silicon Valley phenomenon. As consumers, they will continue to shape how we do business. While they make up 35 percent of the population, they hold 77 percent of the financial assets and 57 percent of the discretionary income. To meet their continuing demands, we need to know how HP can tailor products, touch points and transaction experiences to Boomers as they age. We will explore emerging behaviors among the first of the aging Boomer generation and will uncover trends and forces that are shaping the changing face of retirement and aging worldwide, with a particular focus on the U.S. and Europe.

Future marketing The changing nature of work The 20th century witnessed unprecedented changes in work—from the rise of unions and the increase in women in the workforce to global business, computing and air travel. The 21st century promises even more dramatic changes. The first generation to grow up in a connected world will take over the workplace. As people live longer, they are less likely to “retire” from work and more likely to change the nature of work to adapt to their lives. Although the hows and whats are speculative, it is certain that new technology will continue to play a tremendous role in changing the workplace, as it has over the past century. How can HP help shape change and assure that people reap the benefits? We will map major trends and forces that influence how and where work is done, then will probe the underlying motivations, frustrations and aspirations of the individual worker and the team. Out of the information will spring ideas ripe for innovation.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Traditional forms of marketing are losing their power. Consumers are bombarded with messages and overwhelmed with choices. Aided by advances in technology, they are finding it easier to turn the messages off. How can HP reach and attract these over-stimulated, disenchanted consumers? Our investigation into branding and marketing trends will help HP break through to consumers in ways that create emotional connections. This may include delving into such areas as globalization versus localization and understanding how interchanges among societies are reshaping people’s perceptions; investigating why word of mouth remains the most powerful form of marketing, and how to tap into it; identifying brand significance in developing countries; and learning how to deliver experiences that intersect rather than interrupt customers’ lives.

HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand real It’s everyone’s responsibility to help create a truly meaningful brand experience. That’s why a significant part of the Brand Experience Innovation Project includes sharing programs and services with employees throughout the company. Speaker series

Research insights

Online community

Hot off the press

We will host a variety of speakers whose expertise will enlighten and engage us, challenge our thinking and inspire us to act on new insights. Scheduled to start in spring 2004, this series will be offered via the web to make it available across HP.

Good field work will be followed up by good reporting, and all employees can expect to benefit from our investments in research to gain new insights with engaging, quick-read reports and indepth looks at what’s going on with our customers.

In early spring 2004, we will launch a website to foster a culture of brand experience innovation throughout the company. It will be home to insight libraries, updates on lab-inspired projects and a place where “lab grads” can share results.

Our project team will keep employees up-to-date about news, books and internet activity that will foster industryleading brand experience innovation. Additionally, we’ll publish an e-newsletter to keep all interested people informed.


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Team bios Shirley Bunger An utpatum auguerostrud minibh ex eu feugiam consectet lut velis adignis eugueratie magnim vel eugait exerostrud dolorti smolortie diatueros aute consequat alit veliquat, consecte duis et iuscilisi blam, sum dunt alissi ea conum veriusc iliqui blandreet ex eum nos nonsed te magna feugiam coreet nis do con veraessed mincipi smolorero dunt lam zzrilis modionsent alis diat incil dunt alis dipsuscilla feuismo dolore diam zzrit nis euismod te dolobore essent et, vulluptat. Duis nismolo boreros nim nim.

communications.corp. hp.com/URLtocome Contact us for more information or to learn how the HP Brand Innovation Lab can help your team build brand love. Shirley Bunger shirley.bunger@hp.com 650.236.4206 or T 1240.2364206


HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand better

Aura Oslapas Ut accum dolor sequis nullan velis aliquamcore tio conse core feuguer sim eum diam zzrit, quis ero odolore vel incin velis do conse velesectem aliquatio dit nim eriurercilla adio el el il iure dolumsan ullandiam, quat velit nonsenit lorperit utpat luptatue vel ulputat ipis ad doluptat ut am, conum iurem ipis nulla aut praestrud dolor sustrud te velenis nos dunt dolorper sim vel et aut eugue ming er alis alit aci tis nulla adionsectem quipsum veliquipis eu feugait at alit il utpat lor ad magna consequat, conse faccum iriliquis aut loborpe riliqui bla facidunt augait wismolo borper se consed enis

“At the end of the day, whatever the experience, we have a product that really excites people and makes them feel good about owning it. Beyond that it’s all about exploring the potential for developing the experience. The things that are seen as leading edge and totally innovative become the bread and butter of our brand experience” John Russell, VP and Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe

HP Brand Innovation Lab: making brand matter

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