MANIAPOTO MĀORI TRUST BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 Ā muri kia mau ki tēnā, kia mau ki te kawau mārō, whanake ake, whanake ake
CONTENTS Strategic Direction
Chairman’s Report
Organisation Overview
Rohe Map
Organisation Structure
Regional Management Committees
Board of Trustees
Advisory Groups
Operational Teams
2014 -15 Highlights and Milestones
Iwi Strategies and Special Projects
Whanake Taiao
He Anga Whakamua
Nga Pūkeikura o Maniapoto
Tertiary Scholarships
APPENDICES Schedule of Trustee Hui Attendance
Schedule of Trustee Sub-committee Hui Attendance
Schedule of Representation
Advisory Committee Appointments
2014 -15 Charitable Grants
2014 -15 Audited Group Financial Statements
Mahere Rautaki Strategic Direction
Strategic Aspiration
Maniapoto Iwi
Cultural & Environmental
2022 Strategic
Whト]au & Social Development
Economic Development
For a unified Maniapoto Iwi achieving cultural and social wellbeing, environmental sustainability and economic growth
To engage Maniapoto Iwi to achieve the vision
Our Purpose To be accountable to Iwi
Our Values Maniapototanga Te ihi, te wehi me te pono; Integrity, respect and honesty
To represent Maniapoto Iwi To advocate for and on behalf of Maniapoto To facilitate development and change To monitor progress towards achieving aspirations
Whakapono, TĹŤmanako me te Aroha; Commitment, Vision and Compassion
To grow capacity & knowledge
Te Kotahitanga; Unity
To inspire the maximisation of potential To protect & advance Maniapoto interests
Mana MÄ ori Motuhake; Self Determination
To create opportunities
Pūrongo Tiamana Chairman’s Report Me wehi ki te Atua ko ia te tīmatanga, ko ia te whakamutunga o ngā mea katoa. Me whakahōnore tō tātou Kīngi Tuheitia, ko te whare Kāhui Ariki, me te wharenui o Potatau. Paimārire ki a rātou. Ki ngā tini Aitua, kua wehi ki te pō, haere, haere. No reira e ngā mate huhua, moe mai rā, ko rātou te hunga mate ki a rātou, tātou te hunga ora ki a tātou. Condolences and deepest sympathies to the many whānau who have lost loved ones over the past years. Moe mai rā i roto i ngā ringaringa o te Atua. Haere rātou ki a rātou, tātou ki a tātou. Paimārire.
Nā Rereahu rāua ko Rangianewa Ko Te Ihingārangi te tuakana Nā Rereahu rāua ko Hineaupounamu Ko Maniapoto te mana Te ihi o te iwi. Ngā uri o Rereahu Ko Rereahu te matua Ko Te Ihingārangi te tuakana Ko Maniapoto te mana Te ihi o te iwi Tihei Mauri Ora! 3
2014 - 15 saw the 150th year commemoration since the NZ Maori land wars, when between 1845 and 1872, armed conflicts raged between colonial forces and Maori as the NZ government of the time sought to acquire more land for new settlers. Many lives from both sides were lost during these battles and iwi have called upon the government to officially recognise this national event in a significant manner by way of an annual public holiday. A special acknowledgement goes to Waimarama Anderson, Leah Bell, Rhiannon McGhee and Tai Jones from Otorohanga College that progressed the petition for a national day of remembrance. We must remember them. Homai te Ra!
Pūrongo Tiamana
The past eight months have seen several changes within the Board, in particular the addition of new trustees emerging through the board elections held in June. Thank you to all of you who participated in the election process.
three years. Again, a strong focus has been put towards building on our strategic partnerships and leveraging relationships with local kura, kohanga, schools, education and social sector providers, local and central government as well as iwi radio station Maniapoto FM. Ngā mihi nui kia koutou. The key points raised have informed our new strategic plan for the next three years. The Board is committed to working collaboratively and supporting other organisations within our rohe who are serving the needs of our people. As a Board we are also focused on the solutions that improve the health, wellbeing and prosperity of our people.
I would like to acknowledge the outgoing trustees for their contributions during their terms on the board. I thank Rawiri Bidois, Piki Knap, Gannin Ormsby, Glen Katu, Tracey Tangihaere and Clarrie Tapara for the significant work and skill you have provided for our people. Special thanks also goes to John Kaati who held the position of deputy chair for the past six years. It has been a privilege to work alongside you all and I thank you in advance for your on-going support as we continue to progress forward as an Iwi.
I would like to thank my fellow trustees, our CEO, Janise Eketone and Trust Board staff for their dedicated commitment carried out over the last 12 months. A summary of highlights and milestones are included in this report.
Maniapoto are blessed with great depth in the quality of governors and talented iwi members who can add value to the many positive things we do for our people. While we have farewelled a talented range of trustees we have also welcomed a range of skilled members including some familiar faces. I look forward to all of our trustees working constructively together as a board to continue the momentum we have made in recent years guided by our vision -
My grateful appreciation goes out to our Kaumātua Kaunihera and the Regional Management Committees for the hard work they carry out across the rohe. Ngā mihi nui also goes out to all those that hosted us during the Maniapoto 2050 hui from November to December 2015. As we all move forward together, kotahitanga continues to be of upmost importance:
For a unified Maniapoto Iwi achieving cultural and social wellbeing, environmental sustainability and economic growth. In recent months the Board has been holding strategic planning sessions, providing the opportunity to set out how we would support Maniapoto iwi aspirations over the next
"Ā muri kia mau ki tēnā, kia mau ki te kawau mārō, whanake ake, whanake ake - In Unity there is strength” Paimārire 4
Organsation Overview Rohe Map
The rohe boundaries are Raukumara in the north to Waipingao Stream and Taumarunui in the south and the Wharepuhunga and Hauhungaroa ranges in the east.
This map is indicative rather than definitive, and is the map that the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board uses as a reference for its mahi.
The rohe covers approximately 800,000 hectares which is 3% of Aotearoa.
Within the rohe there are 1531 Māori land blocks that collectively cover an area of approximately 80,000 hectares - 10% of the rohe. 5
Organisation Overview
Organisation Structure Ngā Marae
Regional Management Committees: Nehenehenui, Hauauru ki Uta, Ngā Tai ō Kawhia, Te Tokanganui-a-noho, Rereahu, Mokau ki Runga, Tuhua Hikurangi
Board of Trustees
Chief Executive Officer
Iwi Strategies & Special Projects
Whanake Taiao
He Anga Whakamua
Advisory Groups
Ngā Pūkeikura o Maniapoto
Corporate Services
Organisation Overview
Regional Management Committees NEHENEHENUI
Mokai Kainga
Te Kopua
Te Mahoe
Te Keeti
Te Kauae
Te Korapatu
Te Kotahitanga Ko te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui Te Whakaaro Kotahi TE TOKANGANUI-A-NOHO Te Kumi
REREAHU Te Miringa te Kakara
Waipatoto Te Tokanganui-a-noho
MOKAU KI RUNGA Maniaroa Mokau Kohunui
Te Hape
Te Paemate
Tomotuki / Parekaitini
Te Ihingaarangi
Te Kawau Papakainga
Mangarama Te Ahoroa Te Piruru Papakainga Tane Hopuwae TUHUA HIKURANGI Nga Hapu Papakainga
There are 7 regional management committees
Hia Kaitupeka
Each RMC is made up of 2 representatives from each of the marae in their RMC
The main purpose of a RMC is to appoint one representative to the MMTB Board of Trustees
Te Koura Mana Ariki Te Rongoroa / Ko Uehaeroa
Organisation Overview
Board of Trustees R. Tiwha Bell (Chairman)
Chairman - Kaumātua Kaunihera representative
Keith Ikin (from July 2015)
Deputy Chairman - Generally elected
John Kaati (until July 2015)
Deputy Chairman - Ngā Tai ō Kawhia RMC representative
Muiora Barry
Mokau Ki Runga RMC representative
Rawiri Bidois (until July 2015)
Generally elected
Huia Davis (from July 2015)
Hauauru ki Uta RMC representative
Glen Katu (until July 2015)
Generally elected
Piki Knap (until July 2015)
Generally elected
Weo Maag
Te Tokanganui-a-noho RMC representative
Gabrielle Morgan Logan
Nehenehenui RMC representative
Gannin Ormsby (until July 2015)
Generally elected
Haylee Putaranui (from July 2015)
Generally elected
Bella Takiari-Brame (from July 2015)
Generally elected
Tracey Tangihaere (until July 2015)
Generally elected
Clarrie Tapara (until July 2015)
Hauauru ki Uta RMC representative
Miria Tauariki
Te Arikinui representative
Riria (Missy) Te Kanawa (from July 2015)
Generally elected
Daniel Te Kanawa
Generally elected
Glenn Tootill (from July 2015)
Ngā Tai ō Kawhia RMC representative
Tame Tuwhangai
Tuhua Hikurangi RMC representative
Rongo H Wetere (from July 2015)
Generally elected
Ray Wi
Rereahu RMC representative
The Board is made up of 15 Trustees:
Seven trustees are appointed by the seven MMTB regional management committees (RMCs) One appointment per RMC
One trustee is appointed by the Kaumātua Kaunihera
One trustee is appointed by Kiingi Tuheitia and six trustees are elected by those eligible to vote on the electoral roll i.e. the tribal register
MMTB Trustees until July 2015 Back row from left: Gabrielle Morgan-Logan, Clarrie Tapara, Weo Maag, Rawiri Bidois, John Kaati, Raymond Wi Front row from left: Dan Te Kanawa, Muiora Barry, Miria Tauariki, Tracey Tangihaere, R. Tiwha Bell, Tame Tuwhangai
MMTB Trustees as of July 2015 Back row from left: Bella Takiari-Brame, Keith Ikin, Huia Davis, Gabrielle Morgan-Logan, Weo Maag, Raymond Wi, Haylee Putaranui, Glenn Tootill Front row from left: Dan Te Kanawa, Muiora Barry, Miria Tauariki, Riria (Missy) Te Kanawa, R. Tiwha Bell, Tame Tuwhangai 9
Organisation Overview
Advisory Groups From time to time there is a need to bring together a group to provide advice regarding a specific kaupapa. During the reporting year there were four advisory groups.
Barney Anderson Moepatu Borell Wayne Houpapa Wayne Jensen Manaia Kimura (Deceased) Bob Koroheke Weo Maag Gabrielle Morgan
Te Mana Taiao Advisory Group Faye Onehi Peter Pou Kathy Te Kanawa Glenn Tootill Donna Tuwhangai Tame Tuwhangai (replaced Clarrie Tapara July 2015) Ray Wi
Environment Management Plan Advisory Group Robert Chase
Fish Plan Advisory Group Dr. Karen Fisher Dr Dan Hikuroa Gabrielle Morgan Eddie Neha Kylie Neha Tongaporutu Neha George Serancke
Miria Davis Tony Green Ra Hepi Moera Hughes Vicky Smith Rore Stafford Peter Stockman
Mト》auranga Advisory Group
Derek Wooster
Robert Koroheke Hinekahukura Aranui Te Ingo Ngaia Nathan Roa Jaimee Tamaki Annabel Waugh Pianika Waugh Noel Reid Jordan Bright Haley James Oti Poa Tasha Willison-Reardon Piki Knap 10
Organisation Overview
MMTB Operational Teams There are five operational teams within the organisation. Each team was tasked with achieving specific annual goals as outlined in our 2014-15 Annual Plan. Iwi Strategies & Special Projects is responsible for the development and implementation of our iwi strategies (eg. Te Reo, Education, Economic Development, Rangatahi, Health, Housing), the Board’s distribution policy and the tribal register Whanake Taiao is the Board’s Environmental Team and was established May 2013. The team supports mana whenua in their kaitiaki roles and responsibilities. Whanake Taiao focuses on all environmental matters and the implementation of the co-governance and co-management arrangements over the Upper Waipa River established in the Ngā Wai o Maniapoto (Waipā River) Act 2012 and the 2012 CoManagement Deed He Anga Whakamua’s role is to scope, develop and implement Board approved strategies to ensure that: · the rights and interests of Maniapoto are advanced, maintained and protected at all times; · the risk of Maniapoto interests being marginalised is minimised Ngā Pūkeikura o Maniapoto focused on the delivery of early childhood education services including Te Pukeiti Early Childhood Centre, a licensed ECE service that caters for a maximum of 50 tamariki aged 0 - 5 years Corporate Services provides Secretariat, IT, HR, Communications, Financial Management & Reporting, Regulatory and Compliance, Fixed Asset & Property Management services across the organisation and on occasion to other organisations.
2014 - 15 Highlights & Milestones
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Iwi Strategies & Special Projects Milestones
Completion of 2015 grants and scholarship rounds and full implementation of the organisation’s distribution policy With the support of Maniapoto FM, completed all reporting requirements as broadcasting license holder Ngā Aho Rangahau o Maniapoto project milestone complete and successfully implemented Threads of Research symposium Kawa Whanaungatanga between MMTB and Ministry of Education signed in May 2015 Maniapoto Iwi Demographic Profile updated(Refer to MFT Annual Report for profile information) Completion of the design of Kura Reo pilot and submission of application to Te Taura Whiri with Maniapoto FM.
Maniapoto Education Strategy Waikahika annual work programme complete, implemented and ongoing. Marae Development toolkit updated and workshops held Held 2 Maara Kai projects at Napinapi Marae and Te Kuiti Pā. Initiated rangatahi trip to Kīngitanga Day at Waikato University Supported the Maniapoto Youth Biodiversity Forum Completed scoping for housing strategy Working with Raukawa Maniapoto Whanau Ora Alliance Supported the social sector trials in Taumarunui and Te Kuiti Provided input into the Waikato District Health Board regional strategy on suicide prevention, Māori health, rural health and child health
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Ngā Aho Rangahau o Maniapoto Symposium More than 100 attendees took part in the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board ‘Ngā Aho Rangahau o Maniapoto – Threads of Research’ symposium held at the Waitomo Cultural and Arts Centre on Monday July 20th. Nineteen leading science and horticultural industry experts presented at the symposium on a range of topics including;
Rangahau – Research: Crown Research Institutes on land and water assets within Maniapoto; Maara Kai – Horticulture: ZESPRI, Horticulture NZ, Foundation for Arable Research, Avocado NZ; Tauwhirotia te Taiao – Environmental Sustainability: The Seaweed Business and Sustaina bility; Mātauranga Māori: Tikanga Māori for collective assets; and Innovation on Māori Land Blocks: Manuka Honey, Ginseng, Te Tumu Paeroa
The symposium brought a range of progressive thinkers together to discuss opportunities to increase productivity and the range of produce in the field of Horticulture. It was an exciting event and provided some compelling ideas for all those who took part. This event was the first of three symposiums aimed at supporting the development of an intergenerational commercial vision that optimises water, horticultural, pastoral, forestry, energy, mineral and aquaculture potential within our rohe. The focus is on assisting Māori land owners when they are selecting and implementing new or additional land uses.
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Whanake Taiao Milestones Completed the Maniapoto Upper Waipa River Fish Plan. To be launched March 2016 Completed the Maniapoto Waipā River Clean-Up Priorities report Three Hui-ā-Taiao held throughout the year Seven Accord Implementation Plans were signed with Government Agencies. These were for the: - Māori Affairs Accord and the Waiwaia Accords - Environment Accord - Local Government Accord - Energy and Resources Accord - Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and the Commissioner of Crown Lands - Taonga Tūturu Accord - Primary Industries Accord Repatriated one taonga as a registered collector of taonga tūturu. This taonga was a Patu Aruhe and is currently in the Archives Collection at the Waitomo Discovery Centre. Establishment of Te Mana Taiao Advisory Group Highlights
Held First Maniapoto Youth Biodiversity Forum in Waitomo. Attended by Year 11 Students from Te Kuiti High School, Ōtorohanga and Piopio Colleges. Submitting on environmental matters of iwi wide importance to Maniapoto. Assisted whānau with marae environmental projects, NZQA education program and developed a river enhancement sustainable business model. Community planting days on the Mangapū River, Te Awakōura, Wairere and Mohoanui Streams. Additional planting and releasing sessions for rangatahi from Pukenui School, Te Kuiti High School and youth organisation Number Twelve. Supported two Maniapoto students for the ‘Summer Student Placement’ at Waikato Regional Council.
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Held a ‘Practical Funding workshop’ and ‘Meet the funders workshop’ in collaboration with the Waikato Biodiversity Forum
Assisted whānau and RMCs with resource consents and submissions (as requested)
Working with whānau to develop our tribal taonga register (Geographical Information System (GIS) Mapping Technology). Have mapped 75 sites and developed the “Mana whenua sites/ areas of interest and importance” information sharing protocol
Active engagement and participation in co-governance and co-management arrangements for the Healthy Rivers Plan for Change project
Hosted several hui with Iwi Leaders Group for Freshwater and Te Ture Whenua Māori Reforms
In Progress
Drafted second generation Maniapoto Environmental Management Plan for consultation. Due for launch in March 2016 Riparian restoration of the Mangapū River Restoration projects for Te Awakōura, Waipā River and Mohoanui Stream Research project regarding Maniapoto interests in Natural Resources
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Maniapoto Youth Biodiversity Forum The Ruakuri Bush Reserve became an outdoor classroom for 90 year 10 students from Ōtorohanga College, Te Kuiti High School, Piopio College and Te Wharekura o Maniapoto. MMTB had the privilege of organising the very first Maniapoto Youth Biodiversity Forum at Waitomo in May 2015. This event was put together through a collaborative effort with Waikato Biodiversity Forum, Department of Conservation, The University of Waikato, Waitomo District Council, Waikato Regional Council and Number Twelve. Tauira (students) from participating schools also contributed to the planning of the day and workstations. Tauira, teachers, workstation facilitators, tuākana (university student mentors/assistants) and Kaiāwhina were welcomed by mana whenua with a pōwhiri. Uncle Barney Anderson spoke on behalf of manuwhiri acknowledging all present. During the kōrero a kererū called from a large tree beside the reserve which was a fitting contribution to the welcome. The purpose of the forum was to: Inspire students learning and understanding of biodiversity and conservation Provide an experiential link from the classroom learning to biodiversity in the bush Provide a fun learning experience for students to increase their knowledge of biodiversity. The forum was a great success and perfect opportunity for the mana whenua of Te Kuiti and Waitomo to join with conservationists from the Waikato region to provide students with an experience to enhance their understanding of biodiversity in their rohe.
He Anga Whakamua
Marine, Area & Coastal (Takutai Moana) :
Te Awa Tupua:
Eleven information sharing hui-a-iwi carried out throughout the rohe to develop a Takutai Moana Strategy for Maniapoto that would; - Give effect to whānau, hapū , iwi with ma na moana, mana whenua interests along the Maniapoto coastline for protection of customary rights and activities (PCR) - Manage overlapping interests and pose the least risk to achieving a Maniapoto Customary Marine Title (CMT) to Takutai Moana - Ensure that all Maniapoto rights and in erests with respect to the Takutai Moana are recognised and protected.
Te Rohe Potae District Waitangi Tribunal Inquiry:
Two applications successfully lodged for all gazetted surplus Crown-owned properties within the Maniapoto Rohe. 18
Supported efforts to ensure that Maniapoto interests and rights affected by the Whanganui River Settlement (Te Awa Tupua) are actively protected and advanced Six hui held in the southern region of the Maniapoto Rohe to facilitate the establishment of a Maniapoto body to effectively engage with the Te Awa Tupua Framework Engagement with whānau/ hapū in development of strategy to ensure mana awa and mana whenua interests along Maniapoto awa affected by Te Awa Tupua legislation are recognised and maintained
Maniapoto Large Natural Grouping (LNG) Mandate Strategy: Participated in governance group Full administration and project management support provided to develop a Crown endorsed Mandate strategy.
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Fisheries: Actively protected and advanced Maniapoto interests and rights in relation to Maniapoto Iwi fisheries settlements:
Southern Inshore Fisheries Boundary, Iwi Regional Agreement (Kāwhia Harbour) 20% pre-commencement space for aquaculture Fresh short and long finned eel quota share transfer from Te Ohu Kaimoana
Other Iwi Settlements: Actively protected and advanced Maniapoto interests and rights in engaging neighbouring Iwi settlements:
Tongariro National Park Settlement Negotiations with the Crown Tūwharetoa Settlement Negotiations with the Crown Central North Island (CNI) Settlement; Maniapoto Deeds of Settlement signed with Crown, CNI Holdings Ltd and CNI collective Iwi.
In progess
Iwi ratification of CNI Settlement of $1.5 million, currently held in trust Confirmation of applicant/s for Takutai Moana application on behalf of Maniapoto by April 2017 Southern Inshore fisheries boundary coastline agreement for area of coastline from Mokau river mouth to Waipingao stream Researching Maniapoto interests in Orakau and Waikeria
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Ngā Pūkeikura o Maniapoto Milestones
Completed professional development and ngā puna (supported playgroups) contracts and milestones
Completed Ngā Tamariki o Rereahu pukapuka with the Matauranga Advisory Group (still to be published, pictured right)
Completed the review and restructure of NPoM services which has resulted in the retention of only one (rather than two) licensed service - Te Pukeiti Early Childhood Centre (TPECC)
Incremental implementation of TPECC whanau agreed fees structure
Increased number of tamariki places at TPECC to 50
Completed ERO review of both Te Pito Homebased Service and TPECC
Introduction of Healthy Heart menu for tamariki
End of year whānau celebration and continued active engagement with the TPECC whanau group
Maintained criteria for quality funding of TPECC
2014-15 Highlights & Milestones
Tertiary Scholarships Sister Grace Scholarship ($5000) recipient, Kendall Iti (Maniapoto, Ngāti Uekaha) has just begun her journey to complete a Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Primary Teaching at the University of Auckland. Having the opportunity to become more involved within the Maniapoto community was a strong motivation for Kendall to begin studying within this field. “By obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Education with a primary specialisation, it will give me the opportunity to make a difference to the younger generation. I believe that primary level teaching can have huge positive impacts on a students education” Kendall says. Sister Grace scholarship has distributed $20,000 to date. Kalleisha Kawerau-Wade, McDonald Lime Scholarship ($1000) recipient, is currently in her second year towards a Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSc) majoring in Environmental Planning at the University of Waikato. Kalleisha has an interest in the well-being of the environment and people. “I am passionate about maintaining and enhancing the connection between the two, with our people as kaitiaki for the environment that will nurture us in return” says Kalleisha. The McDonald Lime Scholarship has distributed a total of $6000 so far. Going forward this scholarship will be renamed the Graymont (NZ) Limited scholarship. 21
Appendix A: Schedule of Trustee Hui Attendance Trustee Name (Total No of hui held)
Full Board (14)
Hui-Ä -Iwi (3)
Hui-Ä -Tau (1)
Total No of Hui Attended
Roderick Tiwha Bell (Chairman)
Keith Ikin (Deputy Chairman from July 2015) John Kaati (Deputy Chairman until July 2015) Muiora Barry
Rawiri Bidois (until July 2015)
Huia Davis
Glen Katu (until July 2015)
Piki Knap (until July 2015)
Weo Maag
Gabrielle Morgan
Gannin Ormsby (until July 2015)
Haylee Putaranui (from July 2015)
Bella Takiari-Brame (from July 2015)
Tracey Tangihaere (until July 2015)
Clarrie Tapara (until July 2015)
Miria Tauariki
Riria Te Kanawa (from July 2015)
Daniel Te Kanawa
Glenn Tootill (from July 2015)
Tame Tuwhangai
Rongo H Wetere (from July 2015)
Ray Wi
Please note that the following table presents attendances at normal monthly meetings by appointed trustees. There are further attendances not included above. E.g. special board meetings or sub-committee meetings attended by trustees that were not subcommittee members. 23
Appendix B: Schedule of Trustee Sub-Committee Hui Attendance Trustee Name (Total No of hui held) Roderick Tiwha Bell (Chairman) Keith Ikin (Deputy Chairman from July 2015) John Kaati (Deputy Chairman until July 2015) Muiora Barry
Whanake Taiao
He Anga Whakamua
Distribution s
Finance, Audit & Risk
Rawiri Bidois (until July 2015) Huia Davis Glen Katu (until July 2015) Piki Knap (until July 2015) Weo Maag Gabrielle Morgan Gannin Ormsby (until July 2015) Haylee Putaranui (from July 2015) Bella Takiari-Brame (from July 2015) Tracey Tangihaere (until July 2015) Clarrie Tapara (until July 2015) Miria Tauariki Riria Te Kanawa (from July 2015) Daniel Te Kanawa Glenn Tootill (from July 2015) Tame Tuwhangai Rongo H Wetere (from July 2015) Ray Wi
Appendix C: Schedule of Representation As well as representing you on the Board of Trustees your appointed representatives represent MMTB on local, regional and national fora. External Organisations
MMTB Representative MMTB Chairperson
National Iwi Chairs Forum
MMTB Deputy Chairperson
North King Country Development Trust
Chief Executive To be appointed MMTB Chairperson
Tainui Waka Alliance Te Roopu Manukura – University of Waikato WDHB - Iwi Māori Council Waikato Regional Council -Waipa River Catchment Zone Liaison Committee Maniapoto FM Whanganui River Settlement Negotiations
Maniapoto Mandate Steering Group / Te Kawau Mārō
Ngā Wai o Waipā Committee (under the Joint Management Agreement)
MMTB Deputy Chairperson Haylee Putaranui (MMTB Deputy ChairpersonAlternate) MMTB Chairperson Chief Executive Te Tokanganui-a-noho RMC Hauauru ki Uta RMC Miria Tauariki MMTB Chairperson Tuhua Hikurangi RMC Rereahu RMC
Reports To MMTB
Mokau ki Runga RMC MMTB Chairperson Dan Te Kanawa
(Alternate Ray Wi) MMTB Deputy Chairperson Hauauru ki Uta RMC Nehenehenui RMC
Te Tokanganui-a-noho RMC
Waikato Regional Council
Rereahu RMC Te Tokanganui-a-noho RMC
– West Coast Zone Liaison Sub-Committee Waikato River Authority
Rereahu RMC Te Tokanganui-a-noho RMC
Waipa District Council Iwi Consultative Committee
Nehenehenui RMC
WRC Regional Plan 1 (RPC1) Co-Governance
Rereahu RMC
Appendix D: Advisory Committee Appointments
Advisory Committee Appointments
Trustees Weo Maag
Te Mana Taiao (from March 2015)
Tame Tuwhangai
Appendix E: 2014-15 Charitable Grants
Sister Grace Scholarship First name
Last Name
McDonald Lime Scholarship
Amount $5,000.00
First Name
Last Name
Amount $1,000.00
Kaumātua Kaunihera Grant Te Kaumātua Kaunihera ō Maniapoto
RMC Capacity Building Grants Hauauru Ki Uta RMC Mokau ki Runga RMC* Nehenehenui RMC* Ngā Tai ō Kawhia RMC Rereahu RMC* Te Tokanganui-a-Noho RMC Tuhua Hikurangi RMC*
$5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00
RMC Grants Hauauru ki Uta Regional Management Committee Mōkau Ki Runga Regional Management Committee* Nehenehenui Regional Management Committee Ngā Tai o Kawhia Regional Management Committee Rereahu Regional Management Committee* Te Tokanganui-a-Noho Regional Management Committee Tuhua Hikurangi Regional Management Committee
$8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00
* These grants have been accrued for the 2014 - 15 financial year and are
awaiting collection by the relevant RMC. 27
Appendix F: 2014-15 Audited Group Financial Statements