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DESIGN for LOVE IN VERONA logo Nel pensare al progetto grafico del logo LOVE IN VERONA è immediato pensare ad un’immagine riconducibile all’amore e al simbolo per antonomasia che lo rappresenta: il CUORE.

La mia ricerca iconografica però è andata oltre quello che banalmente è da sempre il segno convenzionale che esprime «LOVE». Ho pensato alla città e ai suoi simboli, alla storia d’amore tra le più famose al mondo: quella di Giulietta e Romeo ai tempi degli Scaligeri e ad un simbolo grafico semplice, riconoscibile e riconducibile alle logiche più accreditate dei moderni visual trend.

Il simbolo grafico che ho rielaborato e semplificato come logo in NERO con fondo BIANCO del brand LOVE IN VERONA è quello del cancello delle ARCHE SCALIGERE, elaborandone successivamente,dalla moltiplicazione dello stesso, un pattern grafico elegante e semplice, con svariati campi di applicazione dello stesso e FONT combinato. RIFERIMENTI CROMATICI: C:86% M:85% Y:79% K:100% R:0;G:0;B:0


DETTAGLIO CANCELLO delle ARCHE SCALIGERE #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

LOGO per LOVE IN VERONA | BIANCO e NERO #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

LOGO per LOVE IN VERONA | NEGATIVO #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

LOGO per LOVE IN VERONA + FONT | LAKE WOBEGON NF #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

BANNER per LOVE IN VERONA + FONT #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

DETTAGLIO CANCELLO delle ARCHE SCALIGERE #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

PATTERN dal LOGO LOVE IN VERONA #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING FOOD & DESIGN for LOVE IN VERONA La linea di e anch’essa in NERO con e in alcune che possono

MERCHANDISING in ambito FOOD & DESIGN per LOVE IN VERONA semplice e si basa sull’ applicazione dello stesso fondo trasparente varianti di colori essere stabiliti successivamente.

Dalla moltiplicazione del logo in serie , si ottiene un PATTERN anch’esso utilizzabile sulla linea MERCHANDISING. L’essenzialità e la riconoscibilità immediata del logo è stata studiata in maniera opportuna proprio per poter consentire la facilità di applicazione su qualsiasi supporto ed essere declinato su più differenti prodotti di MERCHANDISING DESIGN, FOOD & BEVERAGE che il brand LOVE IN VERONA deciderà di produrre, con un’estetica altrettanto di tendenza. Per lo stesso motivo, sono state ipotizzate diverse applicazioni, proprio a dimostrare la versatilità del Graphic DESIGN che in riferimento alle più accreditate teorie di NEUROMARKETING deve essere semplice, non troppo colorato, scalabile ma sempre riconoscibile sì da fissarsi bene nella memoria RIFERIMENTI CROMATICI per il LOGO in NERO: C:86% M:85% Y:79% K:100% R:0;G:0;B:0 DESIGNER : Costanza DELLERBA

LOGO per LOVE IN VERONA | BIANCO e NERO #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

LOGO per LOVE IN VERONA + FONT | LAKE WOBEGON NF #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

BANNER per LOVE IN VERONA + FONT #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

PATTERN dal LOGO LOVE IN VERONA #graphic #design #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | CERAMICS #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES for KITCHEN #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES for KITCHEN #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES for KITCHEN #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES for KITCHEN #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Trencher #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Trencher #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Trencher #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Trencher #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Trencher #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Furniture #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Furniture #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Furniture #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WOOD_Furniture #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Canvas #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Carpet #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | FABRICS_Carpet #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | TILES #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WALLPAPER #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA DESIGN | WALLPAPER #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA FOOD & BEVERAGE | PACKAGING #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA | SHOPPING BAG #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA | SHOPPING BAG #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

MERCHANDISING LOVE IN VERONA | SHOPPING BAG #graphic #design #merchandising #loveinverona #archescaligere

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