Google And Facebook Ads – Which One Is The Best?
Image Source: AgencyAnalytics Many advertisers see Google and Facebook from the advertising way. These two major companies are a competitor, often being historical by various technology media outlets. Many businesses have faced a form long-standing idable challenge to make decisions as to which one to choose for their requirements. Even though the two platforms are mostly positioned as competitors, these two platforms see millions of users per day. Most of the businesses advertise on both Google and Facebook to get maximum visibility, get new customers, get more leads, and to increase sales. These businesses adopt various strategies that align with the functionality of each platform. Businesses also check with the advertising cost and its returns. Many times, businesses think about choosing Google ads Vs Facebook ads. Also, there are many best ppc company in Delhi . Marketers also analyse with the Google ads Vs Facebook as costs while they plan to advertise on these platforms. Through this article, let us discuss the Google ads Vs Facebook ads and the ways these two platforms work and should be considered for your digital marketing strategy.
1) From The Buyer Intent Angle – Here, we see the two platforms from the buyer intent side. Before executing the Google or Facebook Ads, you should consider the marketing funnel that you target. a. Facebook Ads Are Ideal For Brand Awareness – As all of us are aware that Facebook is ideal for building brand awareness because Facebook sees a million users per day. Facebook collects detailed data about users. Facebook ads can be used when you require to build a vast network for your business, either to increase brand awareness or event promotion. Facebook is the best for brand awareness and promotion. On placing ads on the Facebook platform, you can get your message before a wide range of audience who prefers to watch your promotion. In case you work with custom audiences, Facebook is ideal for the middle and bottom of the funnel campaigns. For example, you can retarget those people who visited your website’s pricing page or features page to maintain the brand at the top-of-mind so that they would continue to search for an ideal solution.
Image Source: Hive b. Google Ads Are Ideal For Purchase Intent – Google Ads are ideal for working out with the bottom of the funnel. Google attracts traffic from those users who are vigorously searching the web for making a purchase. Google
maintains a high-level of intent so that your business can be reachable for people who mainly look for your product or services and are ready for a buying journey with you.
Image Source: Kamers 2) Audience Target – Placing an effective advertising for your brand targets the right prospects. You can also target the audience based on their placement in the marketing funnel. a. Facebook Provides More Granular Targeting Options – Facebook target options are well-defined, and advertisers have more control over who views your ads. Facebook deals with a lot of data and is aware of its users like interests, life events, and many more. These things help Facebook to create a detailed demographic user profile. Those companies who understand their target market take advantage of the user profiles. The customers themselves have given Facebook’s massive database of information.
Image Source: Instapage b. Google Ads Are Ideal For Unknown Audiences – The target audience should be known for Facebook’s targeting capabilities. You can initiate a journey with Facebook ads and find out who your ideal customer is. You need to be aware of who is more likely to purchase your product. Google ads mainly target the keywords that people type on Google’s search engine. So, Google need not know the audience exactly to see your ads. Google ads are ideal if your main aim is lead generation. But to execute Google ads, you need to be careful about spending too much budget on targeting the branded keywords. 3) Cost – One primary check that the marketers see for placing ads on various platforms is the cost. So, while choosing between Google ads and Facebook ads, cost plays an important role. The various clarifications would be the amount that you need to pay every time someone views your ads or clicks on it. Also, the amount that you would be paying to get new customers. The platform that you choose would have a significant impact on the cost. a. Facebook Is More Cost-Efficient - The average customer acquisition costs on a Facebook platform would be about $10 or less. So, $10 would get you a lot of engagement, impressions, video views, or website traffic on the Facebook platform. But with Google ads, for the same amount, you would get about
one to two clicks to your website based on the keywords that you are building. Most of the marketers are convinced with the fact that Facebook is better from the cost part than Google.
Image Source: Froggy Ads b. Google Ads Are Better To Generate Conversions – Google ads might get about five to ten clicks for $10. Google Ads are more purchase intent so that you would convert more of those visitors. Those companies which have a smaller ad budget would often find Google Ad better as when there is higher intent, it leads to higher conversion rates. 4) Audience Size – There is a massive audience for both Google and Facebook. As of the year 2019, Facebook had about 1.56 billion users per day and about 2.41 billion users per month. However, we cannot measure Google’s users in the same way that users don’t have to own a Google account to use Google’s search engine. But, Google processes about 3.5 billion searches per day. Also, we are aware that Facebook is the most popular social media channel in the world and Google as well. Google owns more than 90% of the US market share. It has various shares across all the parameters of Google like: a. Google Search, that takes about 69.03% b. Google Images that takes about 21.03%
c. YouTube that takes about 2.90% d. Google Maps that takes about 0.80% So, from the audience size, users can go to any of the platforms. But Facebook sees more young users. There is an increase in the drop of Facebook’s reach among the younger audiences because some businesses and brands would find Facebook not offering their audiences what they want like the Google platform. The other Google’s platform like YouTube provides a better reach when you look into younger customers.
Image Source: Marketing Land 5) Audience Engagement – When you execute ads, you need to make sure that you execute them in places where the audiences are engaged. Facebook sees more engagement. Majority of the marketers feel that their audience engages well with Facebook ads than Google ads. When it comes with audience engagement, both the platforms are ideal for ads.
Image Source: Marketing Land 6) Unique Ad Placement​ – In general, Google ads are text-based that appears in Google Maps and Search results. Facebook ads include various media kinds like images and videos and are seen on the user’s timelines and sidebars. a. Facebook Messenger ads have high open rates. b. Google shopping ads get more purchases. When it comes for purchases, there is nothing that can beat Google. The shopping result of Google is a massive boon to the companies who look for their product sale to the searchers. Conclusion It would help if you found out which platform is ideal for your ads. Many marketers suggest testing the ads on both the Facebook and Google platform to find which one is worth for your business. But placing the ads on these platforms would get a lot of visibility. Original Source: Technians